10 research outputs found

    A Mobile Multimedia Data Collection Scheme for Secured Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) produce enormous amounts of big multimedia data. Due to large size, Multimedia Sensor Nodes (MSNs) cannot store generated multimedia data for a long time. In this scenario, mobile sinks can be utilized for data collection. However, due to vulnerable nature of wireless networks, there is a need for an efficient security scheme to authenticate both MSNs and mobile sinks. In this paper, we propose a scheme to protect an underlying WMSN during mobile multimedia data collection. The proposed scheme is a two-layer scheme. At the first layer, all MSNs are distributed into small clusters, where each cluster is represented by a single Cluster Head (CH). At the second layer, all CHs verify identities of mobile sinks before sharing multimedia data. Authentication at both layers ensures a secure data exchange. We evaluate the performance of proposed scheme through extensive simulation results. The simulation results prove that the proposed scheme performs better as compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of resilience and handshake duration. The proposed scheme is also analyzed in terms of authentication rate, data freshness, and packet delivery ratio, and has shown a better performance

    Dynamic hashing technique for bandwidth reduction in image transmission

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    Hash functions are widely used in secure communication systems by generating the message digests for detection of unauthorized changes in the files. Encrypted hashed message or digital signature is used in many applications like authentication to ensure data integrity. It is almost impossible to ensure authentic messages when sending over large bandwidth in highly accessible network especially on insecure channels. Two issues that required to be addressed are the large size of hashed message and high bandwidth. A collaborative approach between encoded hash message and steganography provides a highly secure hidden data. The aim of the research is to propose a new method for producing a dynamic and smaller encoded hash message with reduced bandwidth. The encoded hash message is embedded into an image as a stego-image to avoid additional file and consequently the bandwidth is reduced. The receiver extracts the encoded hash and dynamic hashed message from the received file at the same time. If decoding encrypted hash by public key and hashed message from the original file matches the received file, it is considered as authentic. In enhancing the robustness of the hashed message, we compressed or encoded it or performed both operations before embedding the hashed data into the image. The proposed algorithm had achieved the lowest dynamic size (1 KB) with no fix length of the original file compared to MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 hash algorithms. The robustness of hashed message was tested against the substitution, replacement and collision attacks to check whether or not there is any detection of the same message in the output. The results show that the probability of the existence of the same hashed message in the output is closed to 0% compared to the MD5 and SHA algorithms. Amongst the benefits of this proposed algorithm is computational efficiency, and for messages with the sizes less than 1600 bytes, the hashed file reduced the original file up to 8.51%


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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks, security and key management

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    Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) have emerged and shifted the focus from the typical scalar wireless sensor networks to networks with multimedia devices that are capable to retrieve video, audio, images, as well as scalar sensor data. WMSNs are able to deliver multimedia content due to the availability of inexpensive CMOS cameras and microphones coupled with the significant progress in distributed signal processing and multimedia source coding techniques. These mentioned characteristics, challenges, and requirements of designing WMSNs open many research issues and future research directions to develop protocols, algorithms, architectures, devices, and testbeds to maximize the network lifetime while satisfying the quality of service requirements of the various applications. In this thesis dissertation, we outline the design challenges of WMSNs and we give a comprehensive discussion of the proposed architectures and protocols for the different layers of the communication protocol stack for WMSNs along with their open research issues. Also, we conduct a comparison among the existing WMSN hardware and testbeds based on their specifications and features along with complete classification based on their functionalities and capabilities. In addition, we introduce our complete classification for content security and contextual privacy in WSNs. Our focus in this field, after conducting a complete survey in WMSNs and event privacy in sensor networks, and earning the necessary knowledge of programming sensor motes such as Micaz and Stargate and running simulation using NS2, is to design suitable protocols meet the challenging requirements of WMSNs targeting especially the routing and MAC layers, secure the wirelessly exchange of data against external attacks using proper security algorithms: key management and secure routing, defend the network from internal attacks by using a light-weight intrusion detection technique, protect the contextual information from being leaked to unauthorized parties by adapting an event unobservability scheme, and evaluate the performance efficiency and energy consumption of employing the security algorithms over WMSNs

    Smart Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The recent development of communication and sensor technology results in the growth of a new attractive and challenging area - wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A wireless sensor network which consists of a large number of sensor nodes is deployed in environmental fields to serve various applications. Facilitated with the ability of wireless communication and intelligent computation, these nodes become smart sensors which do not only perceive ambient physical parameters but also be able to process information, cooperate with each other and self-organize into the network. These new features assist the sensor nodes as well as the network to operate more efficiently in terms of both data acquisition and energy consumption. Special purposes of the applications require design and operation of WSNs different from conventional networks such as the internet. The network design must take into account of the objectives of specific applications. The nature of deployed environment must be considered. The limited of sensor nodesďż˝ resources such as memory, computational ability, communication bandwidth and energy source are the challenges in network design. A smart wireless sensor network must be able to deal with these constraints as well as to guarantee the connectivity, coverage, reliability and security of network's operation for a maximized lifetime. This book discusses various aspects of designing such smart wireless sensor networks. Main topics includes: design methodologies, network protocols and algorithms, quality of service management, coverage optimization, time synchronization and security techniques for sensor networks

    A full privacy-preserving distributed batch-based certificate-less aggregate signature authentication scheme for healthcare wearable wireless medical sensor networks (HWMSNs)

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    The dynamic connectivity and functionality of sensors has revolutionized remote monitoring applications thanks to the combination of IoT and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Wearable wireless medical sensor nodes allow continuous monitoring by amassing physiological data, which is very useful in healthcare applications. These text data are then sent to doctors via IoT devices so they can make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible. However, the transmission of medical text data is extremely vulnerable to security and privacy assaults due to the open nature of the underlying communication medium. Therefore, a certificate-less aggregation-based signature system has been proposed as a solution to the issue by using elliptic curve public key cryptography (ECC) which allows for a highly effective technique. The cost of computing has been reduced by 93% due to the incorporation of aggregation technology. The communication cost is 400 bits which is a significant reduction when compared with its counterparts. The results of the security analysis show that the scheme is robust against forging, tampering, and man-in-the-middle attacks. The primary innovation is that the time required for signature verification can be reduced by using point addition and aggregation. In addition, it does away with the reliance on a centralized medical server in order to do verification. By taking a distributed approach, it is able to fully preserve user privacy, proving its superiority

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks

    Contributions to Wireless multi-hop networks : Quality of Services and Security concerns

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    Ce document résume mes travaux de recherche conduits au cours de ces 6 dernières années. Le principal sujet de recherche de mes contributions est la conception et l’évaluation des solutions pour les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts en particulier les réseaux mobiles adhoc (MANETs), les réseaux véhiculaires ad hoc (VANETs), et les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSNs). La question clé de mes travaux de recherche est la suivante : « comment assurer un transport des données e cace en termes de qualité de services (QoS), de ressources énergétiques, et de sécurité dans les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts? » Pour répondre à cette question, j’ai travaillé en particulier sur les couches MAC et réseau et utilisé une approche inter-couches.Les réseaux sans fil multi-sauts présentent plusieurs problèmes liés à la gestion des ressources et au transport des données capable de supporter un grand nombre de nœuds, et d’assurer un haut niveau de qualité de service et de sécurité.Dans les réseaux MANETs, l’absence d’infrastructure ne permet pas d’utiliser l’approche centralisée pour gérer le partage des ressources, comme l’accès au canal.Contrairement au WLAN (réseau sans fil avec infrastructure), dans les réseaux Ad hoc les nœuds voisins deviennent concurrents et il est di cile d’assurer l’équité et l’optimisation du débit. La norme IEEE802.11 ne prend pas en compte l’équité entre les nœuds dans le contexte des MANETs. Bien que cette norme propose di érents niveaux de transmission, elle ne précise pas comment allouer ces débits de manière e cace. En outre, les MANETs sont basés sur le concept de la coopération entre les nœuds pour former et gérer un réseau. Le manque de coopération entre les nœuds signifie l’absence de tout le réseau. C’est pourquoi, il est primordial de trouver des solutions pour les nœuds non-coopératifs ou égoïstes. Enfin, la communication sans fil multi-sauts peut participer à l’augmentation de la couverture radio. Les nœuds de bordure doivent coopérer pour transmettre les paquets des nœuds voisins qui se trouvent en dehors de la zone de couverture de la station de base.Dans les réseaux VANETs, la dissémination des données pour les applications de sureté est un vrai défi. Pour assurer une distribution rapide et globale des informations, la méthode de transmission utilisée est la di usion. Cette méthode présente plusieurs inconvénients : perte massive des données due aux collisions, absence de confirmation de réception des paquets, non maîtrise du délai de transmission, et redondance de l’information. De plus, les applications de sureté transmettent des informations critiques, dont la fiabilité et l’authenticité doivent être assurées.Dans les réseaux WSNs, la limitation des ressources (bande passante, mémoire, énergie, et capacité de calcul), ainsi que le lien sans fil et la mobilité rendent la conception d’un protocole de communication e cace di cile. Certaines applications nécessitent un taux important de ressources (débit, énergie, etc) ainsi que des services de sécurité, comme la confidentialité et l’intégrité des données et l’authentification mutuelle. Ces paramètres sont opposés et leur conciliation est un véritable défi. De plus, pour transmettre de l’information, certaines applications ont besoin de connaître la position des nœuds dans le réseau. Les techniques de localisation sou rent d’un manque de précision en particulier dans un environnement fermé (indoor), et ne permettent pas de localiser les nœuds dans un intervalle de temps limité. Enfin, la localisation des nœuds est nécessaire pour assurer le suivi d’objet communicant ou non. Le suivi d’objet est un processus gourmand en énergie, et requiert de la précision.Pour répondre à ces défis, nous avons proposé et évalué des solutions, présentées de la manière suivante : l’ensemble des contributions dédiées aux réseaux MANETs est présenté dans le deuxième chapitre. Le troisième chapitre décrit les solutions apportées dans le cadre des réseaux VANETs. Enfin, les contributions liées aux réseaux WSNs sont présentées dans le quatrième chapitre

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts