128 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Information Technology Governance at Mikroskil University Using COBIT 2019 Framework with BAI11 Domain

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    IT governance evaluation can help organizations to improve the quality of IT services, reduce risks, maximize IT performance and achieve their goals effectively. Mikroskil University is one of the universities that utilize the use of IT in supporting its business processes. Mikroskil University has an IT unit/department that is responsible for IT management and IT governance as well as dealing with IT/IS-related issues, namely the Information System and Digital Transformation (SITD). Based on the initial study conducted, several problems arise in higher education IT governance, so it is necessary to carry out an evaluation. This evaluation uses the COBIT 2019 framework because it is more flexible and there are design factors that can make it easier to get process objectives that will be evaluated as the main focus of the organization. This framework makes it easier for researchers to evaluate processes in universities. The domain that becomes the objective of IT governance in this research is BAI11 (Managed projects). The results of this study indicate that the capability level of Mikroskil University is at level 1 (performed). Meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). Based on the results of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for making recommendations for improvement. The results of this study provide recommendations for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education. Mikroskil University's capability level is at level 1 (performed). Meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). Based on the results of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for making recommendations for improvement. The results of this study provide recommendations for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education. Mikroskil University's capability level is at level 1 (performed). Meanwhile, the maturity level is at level 2 (managed). Based on the results of the capability and maturity level values, a gap value will be sought to be used as a basis for making recommendations for improvement. The results of this study provide recommendations for improvement to achieve the expected targets of higher education

    Multi-objective IT Project Selection Model for Improving SME Strategy Deployment

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    Due to the limited financial resources of small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the proven approaches for selecting IT project portfolio for large enterprises may fail to perform in SMEs; SME top management want to make sure that the corporate strategy is carried out effectively by IT project portfolio before investing in such projects. In order to provide automated support to the selection of IT projects, it seems inevitable that a multi-objective approach is required in order to balance possible competing and conflicting objectives. Under such an approach, individual projects would be evaluated not just on their own performance but on the basis of their contribution to balance the overall portfolio. In this paper, we extend and explore the concept of IT project selection to improve SME strategy deployment. In particular, we present a model that assesses an individual project in terms of its contribution to the overall strategic objectives of the portfolio. A simulation using the model illustrates how SME can rapidly achieve maximal business goals by deploying the multi-objective algorithm when selecting IT projects

    Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 pada Domain DSS dan MEA (Studi Kasus : Bappeda Kabupaten Tulungagung)

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    Tata kelola Teknologi Informasi adalah hal yang harus dikuatkan untuk pelaksanaan e-government demi tercapainya good governance. Dalam pelaksanaan e-government, Bappeda Kabupaten Tulungagung tidak optimal dalam menerapkan tata kelola TI, mengingat bahwa TI dapat membantu tercapainya tujuan bisnis dari setiap perusahaan/instansi dengan efektif dan efisien. Untuk membantu Bappeda menyelaraskan TI dengan tujuan bisnisnya, tata kelola TI harus diperhatikan. COBIT 5 merupakan kerangka kerja yang memiliki mekanisme COBIT 5 Goals Cascade untuk membantu menyelaraskan TI dengan tujuan bisnis perusahaan/instansi, dan juga menyediakan assessment model (penilaian) pada current capability level (kemampuan saat ini) sehingga dapat dilakukan evaluasi agar TI yang ada pada Bappeda selaras dengan tujuan bisnisnya, dimana target capability level Bappeda adalah level 2 (Managed Process). Penelitian ini juga dibantu dengan pairwise comparison matrix dari metodologi AHP untuk penentuan prioritas domain process Assessment dilakukan pada domain yang terseleksi yaitu DSS03 dengan hasil capability level 1, DSS04 dengan hasil capability level 1, MEA01 dengan hasil capability level 1, dan MEA02 dengan capability level 2. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa DSS03, DSS04, dan MEA01 belum dapat mencapai capability level yang di harapkan sehingga harus menerapkan rekomendasi yang telah diberikan oleh penelitian ini untuk mencapai capability level 2

    IT/IS governance in hospital context: Differences between public and private sector and their position regarding IT/IS governance frameworks

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    Tecnologias de Informação (TI) são essenciais para o bom funcionamento de um hospital. Agilizam processos de partilha de informação, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde, bem como torna mais eficiente os variados processos dentro destas organizações. Esta crescente importância das TI reforça a necessidade de garantir que o uso destas tecnologias está bem alinhado com a estratégia e objetivos da organização. Surge, assim o conceito de governação das TI. Esta governação permite maximizar o retorno de investimentos feitos em TI, bem como aumentar a flexibilidade de adaptação à mudança, mitigar riscos externos e melhorar a sua performance. Existem diversas frameworks que abordam este tema, nomeadamente o COBIT. A implementação de uma estrutura de governação de TI varia consoante a organização, o setor e o regime estatutário. Por isso, estruturou-se uma entrevista para realizar aos Diretores de TI de hospitais públicos e privados e averiguar que diferenças existem na abordagem ao tema da governação das tecnologias de informação, bem como a perspetiva dos mesmos face à utilização de frameworks para este propósito. Verificou-se que nas organizações privadas existe um maior envolvimento dos gestores intermédios nas tomadas de decisão, bem como maior investimento em inovação e planeamento estratégico de longo prazo. Ao contrário do esperado no início do estudo, as organizações públicas foram as que mais demonstraram interesse em utilizar as frameworks, apesar da sua complexidade. Conclui-se que apesar de o regime estatutário influenciar o modelo de governação das TI, o fator determinante é quem está na liderança.Information Technology (IT) is increasingly essential for the proper functioning of a hospital. It streamlines data sharing, contributing to the improvement of the quality of healthcare, as well as making the several processes in these organizations more efficient. The growing importance of IT reinforces the need to ensure that these technologies are aligned with the strategy and objectives of the organization. This has led to the rises of the IT/IS governance. Such governance allows the maximization of the return on IT investments, as well as increasing the organization flexibility to adapt to changes, mitigate risks and improve its performance. There are several frameworks that address this topic, namely COBIT. The implementation of an IT/IS governance structure depends on the organization, on the sector and on the statutory regime. Therefore, it was structured an interview to be carried out to the IT/IS Director s of public and private hospitals and find out what differences exist in the approach to this issue, as well as their thoughts about the use of frameworks for this purpose. The results show that private organizations there is greater involvement of middle managers in IT-related decision-making, as well as greater investment in innovation and long-term strategic planning. Contrary to what was expected at the beginning of the study, public organizations were the ones that showed that want to follow those frameworks, despite of their complexity. To conclude, although the statutory regime influences the IT/IS governance model, the determining factor is who is in the leadership

    An E-Government Implementation Model for Peruvian State Companies Based on COBIT 5.0: Definition and Goals of the Model

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    As part of the regulatory compliance process and the streamlining of public administration, the Peruvian government has implemented the National E-Government Plan in all state institutions with the aim of providing citizens with solid services based on the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). As part of the regulations, the requisites to be met by public institutions have been submitted. However, the lack of an implementation model was detected, one that can serve as a guide to such institutions in order to materialize the organizational and technological structures needed, which allow them to provide the required digital services. This paper develops an implementation model of electronic government (e-government) for Peru’s state institutions, in compliance with current regulations based on a COBIT 5.0 framework. Furthermore, the paper introduces phase 1 of this model: business and IT goals, the goals cascade and the future model of processes

    The impact of blockchain technology on information technology governance

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    Abstract : This dissertation forms a hypothesis that Blockchain technology is giving rise to a new form of enterprise IT governance. Blockchain is a computational design that first emerged as the technology underpinning the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Despite its use in cryptocurrency, it has an array of different use cases that may significantly impact the global economy. Some areas that Blockchain will affect were never truly re-engineered by the internet era, namely Economics and Governance. This dissertation is a qualitative exploration and analysis of blockchain’s impact on Information Technology Governance. The research unpacks these implications by comparing governance in hierarchical organisations and decentralised autonomous organisations. The primary data is attained through a questionnaire and the secondary data from a case study. The research contains two literature reviews on Blockchain and IT governance. The primary finding of this research reveals that although conventional IT Governance will still be used in the future, fifty percent of the sentiments shared by subject matter experts indicate that unconventional governance will take precedence with decentralised autonomous organisations. This implies that changes in traditional governance frameworks may be required in the future.M.Com. (Information Technology Management

    Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5 pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kalideres

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    Teknologi Informasi (TI) merupakan bagian yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan dan juga merupakan suatu nilai investasi untuk perusahaan menjadi lebih baik. Untuk mendukung penerapan TI yang baik perlu dilakukan analisis dan evaluasi terkait tata kelola TI yang baik agar sesuai dengan rencana strategis perusahaan. Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kalideres merupakan fasilitas di bidang kesehatan untuk menangani masalah kesehatan pada masyarakat. Menurut peraturan menteri kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 82 tahun 2013 bahwa setiap rumah sakit wajib menyelenggarakan Sistem Manajemen Informasi Rumah Sakit (SIMRS). Dalam kasus ini RSUD Kalideres perlu menyelenggarakan SIMRS dengan menerapkan TI yang baik untuk menjadikan operasional yang efisien dan efektif. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis dan evaluasi terkait tata kelola yang baik agar penerapan TI bisa tepat sasaran sehingga kegiatan operasional bisa dikelola dengan baik sesuai standar yang sudah ditentukan. Solusi yang tepat untuk menganalisis tata kelola TI adalah melakukan audit menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 5. Audit dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi dan rencana strategis agar dapat dilakukan penelitian yang sesuai dengan domain process yang sudah ditentukan yaitu domain DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support) pada sub-domain DSS01 Manage Operations, DSS03 Manage Problems, DSS 04 Manage Continuity. Hasil audit dapat menyimpulkan tingkat kematangan terkait standar domain process yang dipilih dan menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk tata kelola TI RSUD Kalideres

    It governance evaluation: Adapting and adopting the COBIT framework for public sector organisations

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    This thesis examined the potential to develop an IT governance evaluation framework for an Australian state public sector and identified factors that would positively influence the adoption of the adapted framework. Using four linked studies the research revealed that an adapted framework for the evaluation of IT governance could be derived from best-practice models to fit the specific needs of individual organisations or sectors. The findings contribute to improving the ease of use, enhance usefulness, and increase the intent to adopt IT governance frameworks within a public sector context

    IT governance enablers for an efficient IoT implementation

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    IoT is considered to be one of the focal points for the 4.0 industry revolution because of the way it is changing the business models of each organization. IT governance is now an increasingly important tool for organizations to align their IT infrastructure with the organization's business objectives. IT governance has been used to help implement new technologies using the best practices such as COBIT, which defines a number of enablers that facilitate the implementation, identification and management of IT. This research aims to explore and define the most suitable enablers for an IoT implementation. These objectives will be achieved through the Design Science Research methodology, which incorporates two literature reviews, a Delphi method and, finally, a semi-structured interview. With a first systematic review of the literature, it was possible to identify the main enablers to implement IoT. Next, the list was improved using the Delphi method, gathering expert opinion. In the Delphi method, the level of agreement was verified to create exclusion criteria and a level of efficiency in each recommendation. Finally, a specialist was interviewed to demonstrate the applicability and validation of the proposed artifact in the various IoT projects implemented by his organization. At the end, a final list of enablers for IoT implementation is provided. The results indicate that data privacy, data protection, and data analysis are currently the best recommendations to be considered in an IoT implementation because they increase the efficiency of the solution and increase the credibility of the data obtained. Future work and limitations are detailed in the end.A IoT é considerada como um dos pontos fulcrais para a revolução da indústria 4.0, devido à maneira como está a alterar os modelos de negócio das organizações. A governação das TI é atualmente uma ferramenta cada vez mais importante para as organizações alinharem a sua infraestrutura tecnológica com os objetivos de negócio da organização. A governação de TI tem sido utilizada para ajudar na implementação de novas tecnologias recorrendo à utilização de boas práticas como por exemplo o COBIT, que define vários enablers que facilitam a implementação, identificação e gestão das TI. Esta investigação visa explorar e definir os enablers mais adequados para uma implementação de IoT. Estes objetivos vão ser alcançados através da metodologia Design Science Research, que incorpora duas revisões de literatura, um método Delphi e por fim uma entrevista semiestruturada. Com uma primeira revisão sistemática da literatura, foi possível identificar os principais enablers para implementar IoT. De seguida, a lista foi melhorada utilizando o método Delphi, recolhendo a opinião de especialistas. No método Delphi, verificou-se o nível de concordância para criar critérios de exclusão e um nível de eficiência em cada recomendação. Finalmente, um especialista foi entrevistado para demonstrar a aplicabilidade e validar o artefacto proposto nos diversos projetos de IoT implementados pela sua organização. No final a lista de enablers para implementar IoT é fornecida. Os resultados indicam que atualmente, a privacidade de dados, a proteção de dados e a análise de dados são as melhores recomendações a serem consideradas numa implementação de IoT, porque aumentam a eficiência da solução e aumentam a credibilidade dos dados obtidos. Trabalho futuro e limitações são detalhadas no final

    O valor dos processos de gestão de projectos da framework COBIT 5 na governança das TI

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    Mestrado em Gestão de ProjetosA governança das TI tem sido reconhecida como um fator crítico de sucesso. Esta permite que a gestão e investimento em TI sejam efetuados de forma racional, de modo a obter um nível de performance e excelência organizacional, alinhando a sua estratégia com o negócio, gerindo os riscos, minimizando a probabilidade de falha e, assim, criar um efetivo valor acrescentado para as partes interessadas da organização. Alinhados com a visão corporativa e estratégica do negócio da organização devem também estar os projetos e programas. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se entender a mais valia da governança das TI e a sua importância para colocar as TI alinhadas com a estratégia do negócio e com a visão corporativa. Pretendeu-se também, analisar as frameworks e standards que ajudam na implementação e realização de uma melhor governança e gestão das TI dentro de uma organização, com destaque para a framework COBIT 5. Realizou-se também, uma análise sobre o COBIT 5 e respetivos processos associados à gestão de projetos, assim como, a elaboração do mapeamento entre o COBIT 5 e PMBOK 5ª Edição.The IT governance has been recognized as a critical success factor. This allows management and IT investment is made in a rational manner, in order to achieve a level of performance and organizational excellence by aligning its strategy with the business, managing risks, minimizing the probability of failure and thus creates an effective added value to the stakeholders of the organization. Aligned with the corporate vision and the organization's business strategy should also be projects and programs. This study is intended to understand the added value of the IT governance and its importance to put IT aligned with the business strategy and corporate vision. It also sought to analyze the frameworks and standards that help in the implementation and achievement of better governance and management of IT within an organization, especially the COBIT 5 framework. It held also an analysis of the COBIT 5 and related processes associated with project management as well as the development of mapping between the COBIT 5 and PMBOK 5th Edition