28 research outputs found

    A Support Environment for Project-Based Learning Using a Digital Portfolio

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    In computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), a bulletin board system (BBS) is ordinarily used as a collaboration media, but if WWW pages are used as presentation media, the discussion site and the presentation site become isolated, so the correspondence between these two resources becomes ambiguous. This paper will describe the environment in which learners can comment and discuss the presentation pages easily. We received positive results from using this system in a course on information literacy at our university.ArticleProceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE’04). 1601-1606 (2004)conference pape

    Using partial least squares approach to predict factors that contribute to the impact of e-folios on pre-service teachers\u27 learning

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    Teacher-education programs have the responsibility to prepare their future teachers by instilling in them the desire, confidence, and ability to be reflective practitioners, lifelong learners who continues to grow and develop professionally after graduation (Klenowski, 2000). In an effort to fulfill this responsibility, Teacher-education programs are beginning to make reforms to adhere to national standards, which prompt them to create alternative means for assessing pre-service teacher\u27s performance and the success of the teacher-education program. One such alternative is the electronic portfolio. This study investigated the use of Louisiana colleges and universities\u27 electronic portfolio system known as PASS-PORT. The purpose of this study was to predict the factors that contribute to the impact PASS-PORT\u27s working portfolios have on pre-service teachers\u27 learning of constructivist practices, confidence using technology, and technology skills. To analyze survey data, the researcher used the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), which is a method for estimating the likelihood of the success of PASS-PORT given information about other factors that influence the use of PASS-PORT. (Falk & Miller, 1992). Of the most important findings, the research suggests that pre-service teachers\u27 success of learning outcomes, as mentioned above, can be predicted by their infused use of PASS-PORT. In order to achieve infusion they must follow through the levels of use-frequency, routinization, and infusion. As pre-service teachers use PASS-PORT more often it will become a part of their routine and eventually lead to their use of the program to its maximum potential. Other contributing factors are explored

    La carpeta de aprendizaje y la reflexión sobre la práctica. Análisis de un modelo para la construcción de profesionales reflexivos en el ámbito de las artes

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    La carpeta de aprendizaje parece haber entrado en crisis en los últimos años, posiblemente como resultado del impulso dado a los escenarios didácticos colaborativos. Sin embargo, lo esencial de una carpeta es esa dimensión metacognitiva que prepara al estudiante para la reflexión contextualizada de una práctica profesional competente. En esta comunicación se analiza un modelo de carpeta metacognitiva que se desarrolló en grupo en la Facultad de Bellas Artes

    The Effect of ePortfolio Satisfaction on Students’ Learning Motivation and Internet Self-efficacy

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of e-Portfolio satisfaction on students’ learn­ing motivation and Internet self-efficacy toward the use of e-Portfolio. The data collected for this study occurred over 3 months. Participants were 450 students taking the course of common at an university. The counting of 443 questionnaires was received. The findings revealed that there were positive correlations between learning motivation, Internet self-efficacy, and e-Portfolio satisfac­tion. For gender, the result showed that there were no significant Internet self-efficacy differences between gender. Besides, there were the significant differences in learning motivations and in Internet self-efficacy between the two groups. Furthermore, the multistep regression analysis in­dicated that the learning motivation was the significant predictor of Internet self-efficacy, and In­ternet self-efficacy was the significant predictor of e-Portfolio satisfaction. Based on the findings, educators and researchers needed to pay attention to these influences and take these factors into consideration in e-Portfolio. The study concludes by assessing the overall gains and shortcomings of the reform effort toward using the e-Portfolio to help student self-learning

    An Evaluation in the Use of Internet-Based Instructional Resources and MLE in Support of the Teaching and Learning of CAD/CAM

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    This work provides an account and evaluation of the development and integration of internetbased instructional resources and a Managed Learning Environment. They were used to enhance the teaching and learning of computeraided engineering applications in support of engineering undergraduate courses. They provide detailed instruction in the design of 3- Dimensional engineering part-models. The user is guided through creation, analysis of the structural integrity and subsequent planning of the process operations required to manufacture such part-models. Additional internet-based learning resources, in the form of selfassessment tutorials and quizzes, were developed to enable the students to gauge student understanding at staged points throughout the tutorial and laboratory sessions. Moreover, this work describes strategies used to encourage the use of the Managed Learning Environment along with the internet-based tutorials. It outlines an evaluation of the Managed Learning Environment by the students with a view toward setting this cohort’s skills in context via an evaluation over a two year period since its implementation.Key Words: Managed Learning Environment, Evaluation, Computer-Aided Engineering

    Electronic Portfolio in Primary School: A Tool for Self-Reflection and Learning

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    An electronic portfolio provides an environment where students can collect their work in a digital archive; select specific pieces of work to highlight specific achievements; reflect on the learning demonstrated in the portfolio, in either text or multimedia form; set goals for future learning or direction to improve; and celebrate achievement through sharing this work with an audience, whether online or face-toface. Digital portfolios can be powerful tools for facilitating relective practice when based on developmental principles and adequately supported by mentoring, peer review, and other effective practices. E-Portfolio is an improvement of traditional portfolio. It is an opportunity to show skills and abilities which are not easily certiied with traditional instruments. Students have the possibility to represent work in multiple modalities and the opportunity to self-relect and represent how they construct meaning from their academic learning and personal experiences. The digital portfolio, introduced in primary schools, would be an effective knowledge instrument for children and families, beyond being a valuable tool for teachers. Through a description of him/herself, the child would be able to recognize their emotions, to check their own capabilities and to develop self-guidance. This could be a way to help him/her to modify their behavior in relation to the objectives that he/ she wants to achieve. In this way each child would be participatory and responsible for his/her own learning. While the notion of using electronic portfolios for students` assessment is not new, in Romania teachers are just beginning to explore the advantages of digital formats for these assessment tools. This article explores the use of the digital portfolio to promote reflection by practitioners and suggests strategies that can be employed by teacher educators to maximize the benefits of these constructivist tools for learning, reflection, and assessment

    Temporal issues in e-learning research: A literature review

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    Time is a critical factor in learning, but time is also a very complicated factor that has many facets. Time can be as follows: time needed to prepare a course or lesson (ie, for the instructor to gather materials and design/develop a course or lesson), time needed to follow a course or lesson (ie, the planned, nominal study time that the institution allots for the learner in minutes and/or hours per day or the number of weeks per semester/year that the course encompasses), lifetime of a course (ie, how long a course can be used before it needs to be revised and/or is out of date), time that a student needs for study (ie, both in and out of class), time that an instructor needs and/or uses to teach a course (ie, the number of hours per day both during and beyond the “school” day for preparation, correction, feedback and marking of products and exams), “transaction” time costs (eg, the amount of travel time needed to attend a course or to log into an online course) and even time that a learner can make effective use of the knowledge gained (ie, half-life of the information in a course). Time can also be seen as an effectiveness factor (ie, the amount learned in a specific time period; learning more in the same time period is more effective learning) and/or efficiency factor (ie, the amount of time needed to learn something; learning the same amount in less time is more efficient learning). Time can, finally, be seen as a solitary factor or as part of a temporal pattern inwhich other factors play a role such aswork time, family time, down time, etc

    La carpeta de aprendizaje y la reflexión sobre la práctica. Análisis de un modelo para la construcción de profesionales reflexivos en el ámbito de las artes

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    La carpeta de aprendizaje parece haber entrado en crisis en los últimos años, posiblemente como resultado del impulso dado a los escenarios didácticos colaborativos. Sin embargo, lo esencial de una carpeta es esa dimensión metacognitiva que prepara alestudiante para la reflexión contextualizada de una práctica profesional competente. En esta comunicación se analiza un modelode carpeta metacognitiva que se desarrolló en grupo en la Facultad de Bellas Artes