21 research outputs found

    Turbulence observations on soundings balloons: geophysical Interpretations based on instrumental revisions

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    Turbulence is of fundamental importance for energy transport in the atmosphere. In this work, several severe instrumental effects on turbulence measurements from sounding balloons are investigated. They are circumvented with the new LITOS version that has been developed and tested against another instrument in the course of this thesis. Furthermore, LITOS is used for two geophysical case studies: First, we investigate turbulence generation by wave breaking. Second, we interpret a measurement where small-scale turbulence influences large-scale weather patterns around the jet stream.Turbulenz ist von fundamentaler Bedeutung für den Energietransport in der Atmosphäre. In dieser Arbeit werden wichtige instrumentelle Effekte von ballongestützten Turbulenzmessungen untersucht. Die neue, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte und vergleichend getestete Version des LITOS-Instruments umgeht diese Beeinflussungen. Des Weiteren wird LITOS für zwei geophysikalische Fallstudien genutzt: Erstens untersuchen wir Turbulenzentstehung durch Wellenbrechen. Zweitens interpretieren wir eine Messung, bei der kleinskalige Turbulenzen großskalige Wettergeschehen am Jet-Stream beeinflussen

    Proceedings of the NASA Symposium on Global Wind Measurements

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    This Proceedings contains a collection of the papers which were presented at the Symposium and Workshop on Global Wind Measurements. The objectives and agenda for the Symposium and Workshop were decided during a planning meeting held in Washington, DC, on 5 February 1985. Invited papers were presented at the Symposium by meteorologists and leading experts in wind sensing technology from the United States and Europe on: (1) the meteorological uses and requirements for wind measurements; (2) the latest developments in wind sensing technology; and (3) the status of our understanding of the atmospheric aerosol distribution. A special session was also held on the latest development in wind sensing technology by the United States Air Force


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    PSA 2016

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    These preprints were automatically compiled into a PDF from the collection of papers deposited in PhilSci-Archive in conjunction with the PSA 2016

    Review of Particle Physics (2010)

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    A booklet is available containing the Summary Tables and abbreviated versions of some of the other sections of this full Review. All tables, listings, and reviews (and errata) are also available on the Particle Data Group website: pdg.lbl.gov.This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions, plus 2158 new measurements from 551 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as the Standard Model, particle detectors, probability, and statistics. Among the 108 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised including those on neutrino mass, mixing, and oscillations, QCD, top quark, CKM quark-mixing matrix, Vud & Vus, Vcb & Vub, fragmentation functions, particle detectors for accelerator and non-accelerator physics, magnetic monopoles, cosmological parameters, and big bang cosmology.MICINN, Spain (FPA2009-07264-E). The publication of the Review of Particle Physics is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, the Division of High Energy Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE–AC02–05CH11231; by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Agreement No. PHY-0652989; by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN); by an implementing arrangement between the governments of Japan (MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) and the United States (DOE) on cooperative research and development; and by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)