1,082 research outputs found

    Visual Aesthetics of the Digital Media

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    The article presents the results of study stylistics and visual imagery of new communications – digital media. The relevance of the topic lies in the growing use of computer technologies in visual communications: media design, web design and advertising. Multimedia as a fundamentally new type of communication has acquired its own senses, meanings and images. Therefore, the value of the study lies in the theoretical generalization of web graphics development outlook from visual aesthetics perspectives. A number of scientific methods, such as system-structural, sociocultural, axiological and comparative were used to achieve this goal. The authors emphasize that advertising information must have metaphorical language, attractiveness, concise and clear declarations of product or service characteristics, authentic composition, nonstandard perspective, contrast and a harmonious colour scheme to ensure the functionality of each message promoting a particular idea. It is emphasized that any electronic product (website, animation project, commercial, Internet banner, presentation) is the result of the implementation of creative, technological and organizational components of design activities to meet public information needs. The obtained scientific results deepen the idea of graphics, generalize its communicative and artistic-aesthetic aspects and enable defining new ways of visual art at the conceptual and prognostic levels

    Effects of Animation on Attentional Resources of Online Consumers

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    Websites commonly use animation to capture the attentional resources of online consumers. While prior research has focused on the effects of animation on animated banner ads, limited research has examined the effects of animation on other items on the same webpage. Drawing from psychological theories that the amount of an individual’s attentional resources may vary under different conditions, this study focuses on the effects of animation on how individuals allocate attentional resources to both the animated item and the remaining non-animated items. We conducted an eye-tracking experiment to follow online consumers’ visual attention while they performed two types of online shopping tasks: browsing and searching tasks. The results showed that a product item that used animation led to increased visual attention to all items on a webpage, which suggests that the amount of attentional resources increases when a webpage includes animation. Meanwhile, animation influenced how individuals allocate their attentional resources such that it increased visual attention on the animated item at the expense of attention on nonanimated items on the same webpage. In addition, the type of shopping task moderated animation’s effect on how individuals allocate their attentional resources. Specifically, animation’s effect on attracting attentional resources to the animated item was stronger when online consumers browsed than when they searched for a specific target item. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings

    Building consumer-brand relationship through mobile marketing

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    In an extremely competitive Era, in which the need of value creation for the clients emerge, brands appear to be a fundamental asset for companies and the emotional relationships that are built with consumers are their fundamental source of differentiation. The new interactive media that born of technology and allow new ways for customers and brands to communicate seem to promote that relationship. A research in Generation Y (people aged between 18 and 35 years old) in Portugal was made using an online survey being obtained 238 valid answers. The objective of this research was the analysis of the impact of mobile marketing (use of mobile phones as marketing communication media) in the strength of consumer-brand relationship. The interaction with brands through mobile devices do not originate in the respondents perspective positive consumer-brand relationships, however it was obtained for a specific group of consumers. The brand experience that is felt along the interaction is a factor that influences the strength of consumer-brand relationship, as also the value of communication – it was proved that emotional communications are associated with stronger consumer-brand relationships. The tool of interaction is also an influencer factor, pull-based mobile marketing actions empowered the consumer-brand relationship more than push-based mobile marketing actions. The research also allowed to conclude that the strength of consumer-brand relationship has influence in future interactions intentions with the brand, namely in services that imply the providing of personal data.Numa Era de competitividade em que a necessidade de criação de valor para o cliente urge, as marcas afiguram-se como os principais activos de uma empresa e as relações emocionais que criam com os consumidores são a sua principal fonte de diferenciação. As novas formas de interação entre marcas e consumidores derivadas das novas tecnologias dão indícios de fomentar e fortalecer essa relação. Foi realizada uma investigação junto da Geração Y (jovens entre os 18 e 35 anos) em Portugal através de um inquérito online de onde foram obtidas 238 respostas válidas. O objetivo desta investigação era a análise do impacto do mobile marketing (uso de telemóveis enquanto meio de comunicação em marketing) na relação consumidor-marca. A interação com as marcas através dos dispositivos móveis não deu origem a relações consumidor-marca extremamente positivas em termos absolutos, no entanto, para um nicho de consumidores foi possível verificar o contrário. A experiência de marca sentida aquando da interação revelou-se um factor com influência na força da relação, assim como o valor da comunicação – comunicações emocionais originam relações consumidor-marca mais fortes. A forma de interação é também factor influenciador, sendo que as ações de comunicação pull parecem aumentar a força da relação em comparação com as ações push. A investigação permitiu também concluir que força da relação influencia as intenções de interação futuras com a marca, nomeadamente através de serviços que implicam o fornecimento de dados pessoais do cliente

    Recruiting, advertising and marketing strategies in all-volunteer force nations case studies of Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States

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