6,926 research outputs found

    Purposeful empiricism: how stochastic modeling informs industrial marketing research

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    It is increasingly recognized that progress can be made in the development of integrated theory for understanding, explaining and better predicting key aspects of buyer–seller relationships and industrial networks by drawing upon non-traditional research perspectives and domains. One such non-traditional research perspective is stochastic modeling which has shown that large scale regularities emerge from the individual interactions between idiosyncratic actors. When these macroscopic patterns repeat across a wide range of firms, industries and business types this commonality suggests directions for further research which we pursue through a differentiated replication of the Dirichlet stochastic model. We demonstrate predictable behavioral patterns of purchase and loyalty in two distinct industrial markets for components used in critical surgical procedures. This differentiated replication supports the argument for the use of stochastic modeling techniques in industrial marketing management, not only as a management tool but also as a lens to inform and focus research towards integrated theories of the evolution of market structure and network relationships

    Multi crteria decision making and its applications : a literature review

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    This paper presents current techniques used in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and their applications. Two basic approaches for MCDM, namely Artificial Intelligence MCDM (AIMCDM) and Classical MCDM (CMCDM) are discussed and investigated. Recent articles from international journals related to MCDM are collected and analyzed to find which approach is more common than the other in MCDM. Also, which area these techniques are applied to. Those articles are appearing in journals for the year 2008 only. This paper provides evidence that currently, both AIMCDM and CMCDM are equally common in MCDM

    Selection of Wood Supply Contracts to Reduce Cost in the Presence of Risks in Procurement Planning

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    Les activités d'achat dans l'industrie des pâtes et papiers représentent une part importante du coût global de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Les décideurs prévoient l'approvisionnement en bois requis jusqu'à un an à l'avance afin de garantir le volume d'approvisionnement pour le processus de production en continu dans leur usine. Des contrats réguliers, flexibles et d'options avec des fournisseurs de différents groupes sont disponibles. Les fournisseurs sont regroupés en fonction de caractéristiques communes, telles que la propriété des terres forestières. Cependant, lors de l'exécution du plan, des risques affectent les opérations d'approvisionnement. Si les risques ne sont pas intégrés dans le processus de planification des achats, l'atténuation de leur impact sera generalement coûteuse et compliquée. Des contrats ad hoc coûteux supplémentaires pourraient être nécessaires pour compenser le manque de livraisons. Pour aborder ce problème dans cette thèse, dans un premier projet, un modèle mathématique déterministe des opérations d'approvisionnement est développé. L'objectif du modèle est de proposer un plan d'approvisionnement annuel pour minimiser le coût total des opérations relatives. Les opérations sont soumises à des contraintes telles qu’une proportion minimale de l'offre par chaque groupe de fournisseurs, des niveaux cibles des stocks, de la satisfaction de la demande, la capacité par la cour à bois et la capacité du procédé de mise en copeaux. Les décisions sont liées à la sélection des contrats d'approvisionnement, à l'ouverture de cour à bois et aux flux du bois. Dans un deuxième projet, une évaluation du plan d'approvisionnement à partir du modèle déterministe du premier projet est effectuée en utilisant une approche de simulation Monte Carlo. Trois stratégies contractuelles différentes sont comparées : fixes, flexibles et une combinaison des deux types des contrats. L'approche de simulation de ce projet évalue la performance du plan par la valeur attendue et la variabilité du coût total, lorsque le plan est exécuté pendant l'horizon de planification. Dans un troisième projet, une approche de programmation stochastique en deux étapes est utilisée pour fournir un plan d'approvisionnement fiable. L'objectif du modèle est de minimiser le coût prévu du plan d'approvisionnement en présence de différents scénarios générés en fonction des risques. Les décisions lors de la première étape sont la sélection des contrats dans la première période et l'ouverture des cours à bois. Les décisions de la deuxième étape concernent la sélection des contrats commençant après la première période, les flux, l'inventaire et la production du procédé de la mise en copeaux. iii L'étude de cas utilisée dans cette thèse est inspirée par Domtar, une entreprise des pâtes et papiers située au Québec, Canada. Les résultats des trois projets de cette thèse aident les décideurs à réduire les contraintes humaines liées à la planification complexe des achats. Les modèles mathématiques développés fournissent une base pour l'évaluation de la stratégie d'approvisionnement sélectionnée. Cette tâche est presque impossible avec les approches actuelles de l'entreprise, car les évaluations nécessitent la formulation de risques d'approvisionnement. L'approche de programmation stochastique montre de meilleurs résultats financiers par rapport à la planification déterministe, avec une faible variabilité dans l'atténuation de l'impact des risques.Procurement activities in the pulp and paper industry account for an important part of the overall supply chain cost. Procurement decision-makers plan for the required wood supply up to one year in advance to guarantee the supply volume for the continuous production process at their mill. Regular, flexible and option contracts with suppliers in different groups are available. Suppliers are grouped based on common characteristics such as forestland ownership. However, during the execution of the plan, sourcing risks affect procurement operations. If risks are not integrated into the procurement planning process, mitigating their impact is likely to be expensive and complicated. Additional expensive ad hoc contracts might be required to compensate for the lack of deliveries. To tackle this problem, the first project of this thesis demonstrates the development of a deterministic mathematical model of procurement operations. The objective of the model is to propose an annual procurement plan to minimize the total cost of procurement operations. The operations are subject to constraints such as the minimum share of supply for each group of suppliers, inventory target levels, demand, woodyard capacity, and chipping process capacity. The decisions are related to the selection of sourcing contracts, woodyards opening, and wood supply flow. In the second project, an evaluation of the procurement plan from the deterministic model from project one is performed by using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. Three different strategies are compared as fixed, flexible, and a mix of both contracts. The simulation approach in this project evaluates the performance of the plan by the expected value and variability of the total cost when the plan is executed during the planning horizon. In the third project, a two-stage stochastic programming approach is used to provide a reliable procurement plan. The objective of the model is to minimize the expected cost of the procurement plan in the presence of different scenarios generated based on sourcing risks. First-stage decisions are the selection of contracts in the first period and the opening of woodyards. Second-stage decisions concern the selection of contracts starting after the first period, flow, inventory, and chipping process production. The case study used in this thesis was inspired by Domtar, which is a pulp and paper company located in Quebec, Canada. The results of three projects in this doctoral dissertation support decision-makers to reduce the human limitation in performing complicated procurement planning. The developed mathematical models provide a basis to evaluate the selected procurement strategy. This task is nearly impossible with current approaches in the company, as the evaluations require the formulation of v sourcing risks. The stochastic programming approach shows better financial results comparing to deterministic planning, with low variability in mitigating the impact of risks

    Persistence of and interrelation between horizontal and vertical technology alliances

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    We examine how and to what extent the propensity to be engaged in alliances with different partner types (suppliers, customers and competitors) depends on prior alliance engagement with partner firms of the same type (persistence) and prior engagement in alliances with the other partner types (interrelation). We derive hypotheses from a combined competence and governance view of collaboration, and test these on an extensive panel dataset of innovation-active Dutch firms during 1996-2004. We find persistence in alliance engagement of all three types of partners, but customer alliances are more persistent than supplier alliances. Most persistent are joint supplier and customer alliances, which we attribute to the advantages of value chain integration in innovation processes. Positive interrelation also exists in vertical alliances, as immediate past customer alliances increase the propensity to engage in supplier alliances and vice versa. On the other hand, while prior engagement in horizontal (competitor) alliances increases the propensity to engage in vertical alliances, this effect only occurs with a longer lag. Overall, our findings are highly supportive of the idea that alliance engagement with different partner types is heterogeneous but interrelated. Our analysis suggests that the inter-temporal relationship between different types of alliances may be as important as their simultaneous relationship in alliance portfolios.R&D collaboration, technological partnerships, innovation, path dependency

    Advanced resource planning as decision support module to ERP.

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    In this paper, we show that the planning and decision-support capabilities of the MPC (Manufacturing Planning and Control) system, which forms the core of any ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) package, may be substantively enhanced by including a Decision Support Module (DSM) as an add-on at the midterm planning level. This DSM, called Advanced Resource Planning (ARP), serves as parameter setting process as well as tool for improving the structure of the ERP system itself. The ultimate goal of the DSM is to yield realistic information both for scheduling, sales and marketing, strategic and operational decision making and suppliers and customers.

    E-Fulfillment and Multi-Channel Distribution – A Review

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    This review addresses the specific supply chain management issues of Internet fulfillment in a multi-channel environment. It provides a systematic overview of managerial planning tasks and reviews corresponding quantitative models. In this way, we aim to enhance the understanding of multi-channel e-fulfillment and to identify gaps between relevant managerial issues and academic literature, thereby indicating directions for future research. One of the recurrent patterns in today’s e-commerce operations is the combination of ‘bricks-and-clicks’, the integration of e-fulfillment into a portfolio of multiple alternative distribution channels. From a supply chain management perspective, multi-channel distribution provides opportunities for serving different customer segments, creating synergies, and exploiting economies of scale. However, in order to successfully exploit these opportunities companies need to master novel challenges. In particular, the design of a multi-channel distribution system requires a constant trade-off between process integration and separation across multiple channels. In addition, sales and operations decisions are ever more tightly intertwined as delivery and after-sales services are becoming key components of the product offering.Distribution;E-fulfillment;Literature Review;Online Retailing

    A decision support system for supplier selection and order allocation in stochastic, multi-stakeholder and multi-criteria environments

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    Integrated supplier selection and order allocation is an important decision for both designing and operating supply chains. This decision is often influenced by the concerned stakeholders, suppliers, plant operators and customers in different tiers. As firms continue to seek competitive advantage through supply chain design and operations they aim to create optimized supply chains. This calls for on one hand consideration of multiple conflicting criteria and on the other hand consideration of uncertainties of demand and supply. Although there are studies on supplier selection using advanced mathematical models to cover a stochastic approach, multiple criteria decision making techniques and multiple stakeholder requirements separately, according to authors' knowledge there is no work that integrates these three aspects in a common framework. This paper proposes an integrated method for dealing with such problems using a combined Analytic Hierarchy Process-Quality Function Deployment (AHP-QFD) and chance constrained optimization algorithm approach that selects appropriate suppliers and allocates orders optimally between them. The effectiveness of the proposed decision support system has been demonstrated through application and validation in the bioenergy industry

    Environmental Games and Queue Models

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    This paper considers a pollution and control game which uses a queuing framework. This framework allows an accounting of pollution events, environmental pollution quality and the application of controls to maintain a desirable quality of the environment. A number of examples are used to highlight the approach and demonstrates both its theoretical and practical usefulness.Environment; Control; Quality; Queuing

    Portfolio Selection: Assessment of a Framework

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    Decision-making often involves selecting a portfolio of alternatives, rather than a single option. For example, in assembling an IS project team, rather than picking one best” employee, multiple employees are selected based on various skills to fill different positions. The value of the employees depending not only on their individual competency skills, but also on how well they work as a team. The team synergy is important, and the value of the portfolio (i.e. IS project team in this case) is different from the sum of the values of the individual team members. Though many studies have been published on portfolio selection in diverse contexts, most of these studies tend to focus on specific problem environments and cannot easily be generalized. This paper assesses and enhances a previously published, general framework for portfolio decisions with respect to its usefulness in classifying and understanding decision problems