317 research outputs found

    Enhancing strategic management using a quantified VRIO: Adding value with the MCDA approach

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    The field of strategic management has been popularized since the 1960s, as an aid for the search of success factors amongst the internal and external surroundings of an organization. Strategic management has observed and created strategies that are considered as pillars in the present way of applying contemporary management operations. Even though strategic management relies on managers’ capability to comprehend the current economic trends, this area has left a variety of questions unanswered, especially regarding the analyses of the combination of quantitative and qualitative decision criteria. This dissertation aims to enhance strategic management by developing a quantified valuable, rare, inimitable and organized (VRIO) framework, with the aid of the multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach. To accomplish this objective, the VRIO framework is combined with the Choquet integral (CI) and a real-life application is carried out to support strategic management. The dual methodology used in this dissertation offers an innovative process for business improvement. The benefits and limitations are also presented and discussed

    Developing a green city assessment system using cognitive maps and the Choquet integral

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    Equitable human well-being and environmental concerns in urban areas have, over the years, become increasingly challenging issues. This trend is related to both the complexity inherent in the multiple factors to be considered when evaluating eco-friendly cities (i.e., green cities) and the way this type of city’s sustainability depends on many evaluation criteria, which hampers all decision-making processes. Using a multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach, this study sought to develop a multiple-criteria model that facilitates the evaluation of green cities’ sustainability, based on cognitive mapping techniques and the Choquet integral (CI). Taking a constructivist and process-oriented stance, the research included identifying evaluation criteria and their respective interactions using a panel of experts with specialized knowledge in the subject under analysis. The resulting framework and its application were validated both by the panel members and a parliamentary representative of the Portuguese ecology party “Os Verdes” (The Greens), who confirmed that the evaluation system created distinguishes between cities according to how strongly they adhere to “green” principles. The advantages and limitations of the proposed framework are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    The potential created by ongoing developments in data and analytics permeates a multitude of research areas, such as the field of Service Innovation. In this paper, we conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to investigate the integration of data and analytics as an analytical unit into the field of Service Innovation – referred to as Data-Driven Service Innovation (DDSI). Overall, the SLR reveals three main research perspectives that span the research field of Data-Driven Service Innovation: Explorative DDSI, validative DDSI, and generative DDSI. This integrated theoretical framework describes the distinct operant roles of data analytics for Service Innovation, and thus contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of DDSI by providing three unified lenses, which researchers can use to describe and locate their existing and future research endeavors in this ample field. Building up on the insights from the SLR, a research agenda is proposed in order to trigger and guide further discussions and future research surrounding DDSI. Ultimately, this paper aims at contributing to the body of knowledge of Service Innovation in general and Data-Driven Service Innovation in particular by presenting a three-dimensional research space model structuring DDSI towards its advancement

    Hydrothermal processing of biogenic residues in Germany: A technology assessment considering development paths by 2030

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    The mining, processing, and use of finite natural resources is associated with significant interventions in the natural environment. Thus, these and other negative consequences make it necessary to reduce resource consumption. An important field of action is the more efficient use of biogenic residues as secondary raw materials. However, high water containing biomasses are still a problem since they need an energy- and cost-intensive pre-treatment for many conversion processes, which can make their use uneconomical. Hydrothermal processes (HTP) seem to be promising, since they require an aqueous environment for optimal processing anyway. Although technological progress within the industry is recognisable, however, to date HTP have not been established in industrial continuous operation in Germany. The core of this work is identifying reasons for this sluggish development and deriving appropriate recommendations for action. Based on the hypothesis that HTP can contribute to the efficient utilisation of biogenic residues in the future, potentials and obstacles for the development of HTP in Germany are identified using a literature review, expert survey, expert workshop, and SWOT analysis. To estimate the future potential of HTP in a systematic and structured way, a multi-criteria technology assessment approach is developed based on the results. To this end, assessment criteria for HTP are derived, weighted by expert judgment, and integrated into a transparent and structured procedure. In addition, mainly based on a Delphi-survey key factors of HTP development by 2030 in Germany are identified and three development alternatives for HTP in Germany by 2030 are derived. Using a system analysis and a comparative multi-criteria analysis at plant level, these scenarios are analysed for their possible future impact. Based on this methodology, the work shows that the production costs for the end products, the energy efficiency of the process, and the proportion of recycled phosphorus are of high relevance to the techno-economic success of HTP compared to reference systems, and they are therefore of high importance for its future development on the plant level. In addition, further key factors for the future development of HTP in Germany on the system level are found to be mainly in the political-legal (e.g. legal waste status of products from HTP) and techno-economic (e.g. cost-effective process water treatment) areas. According to this, important fields of action are the identification and use of cost reduction potentials (e.g. heat waste use), the development of system integrated decentralised plant concepts with integrated nutrient recycling (e.g. phosphorus), and the development of cost-effective ways to treat process water. System integration, cost-effective process water treatment, and nutrient recycling are all closely linked to production costs, investment costs, and potential revenues, and can contribute to improved process economics. For these areas, there is promising future potential to achieve higher competitiveness with reference technologies that are currently more economical.:Bibliographic description Curriculum Vitae Selbstständigkeitserklärung Danksagung List of Publications Contribution to the Publications Contents List of Acronyms List of Tables List of Figures Part I Introductory Chapters 1 Introduction and Background Hydrothermal processes: Introduction and status quo State of the art in the research field and knowledge gaps Objective and research framework Expected value added of this work 2 Materials and methods Derivation of HTP evaluation metrics and technology assessment tool Derivation of key HTP development factors and scenarios Performing the system-level scenario analysis Plant-level scenario analysis and test application of the assessment tool Derivation of core recommendations 3 Results and discussion Key development factors for HTP in Germany and scenarios System-level scenario analysis Test application of the assessment tool on plant level scenarios Recommendations Discussion 4 Conclusion and outlook Future research Further fields for the application of the developed methods 5 References Part II Appended Articles Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Paper VIDer Abbau, die Verarbeitung und die Nutzung endlicher natürlicher Ressourcen sind mit erheblichen Eingriffen in die natürliche Umwelt verbunden. Diese und andere negative Folgen machen es daher erforderlich, den Ressourcenverbrauch zu senken. Ein wichtiges Handlungsfeld ist die effizientere Nutzung biogener Reststoffe als Sekundärrohstoffe. Stark wasserhaltige Biomassen sind jedoch ein Problem, da sie für viele Umwandlungsprozesse eine energie- und kostenintensive Vorbehandlung benötigen, was ihre Verwendung unwirtschaftlich machen kann. Hydrothermale Prozesse (HTP) scheinen für diese Reststoffe allerdings vielversprechend zu sein, da sie ohnehin eine wässrige Umgebung für eine optimale Verarbeitung benötigen. Obwohl der technologische Fortschritt innerhalb der Branche erkennbar ist, wurde HTP in Deutschland bisher nicht im industriellen Dauerbetrieb etabliert. Der Kern dieser Arbeit besteht darin, Gründe für diese schleppende Entwicklung zu ermitteln und geeignete Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten. Basierend auf der Hypothese, dass HTP in Zukunft zur effizienten Nutzung biogener Reststoffe beitragen können, werden Potenziale und Hindernisse für deren Entwicklung in Deutschland anhand einer Literaturrecherche, einer Expertenumfrage, eines Expertenworkshops und einer SWOT-Analyse ermittelt. Um das zukünftige Potenzial von HTP systematisch und strukturiert abzuschätzen, wird basierend auf den Ergebnissen ein multi-kriterieller Technologiebewertungsansatz entwickelt. Zu diesem Zweck werden Bewertungskriterien für HTP abgeleitet, nach Expertenmeinung gewichtet und in ein transparentes und strukturiertes Verfahren integriert. Darüber hinaus werden hauptsächlich auf der Grundlage einer Delphi-Umfrage Schlüsselfaktoren für die HTP-Entwicklung bis 2030 in Deutschland identifiziert und drei Entwicklungsalternativen für HTP in Deutschland bis 2030 abgeleitet. Mithilfe einer Systemanalyse und einer vergleichenden multi-kriteriellen Analyse auf Anlagenebene werden diese Szenarien auf ihre möglichen zukünftigen Auswirkungen hin analysiert. Basierend auf dieser Methodik zeigen sich als Ergebnisse, dass die Produktionskosten für die Endprodukte, die Energieeffizienz der Prozesse und der Anteil an recyceltem Phosphor für den techno-ökonomischen Erfolg von HTP im Vergleich zu Referenzsystemen von hoher Relevanz und daher auch von hoher Bedeutung für die zukünftige Entwicklung auf Anlagenebene sind. Darüber hinaus liegen weitere Schlüsselfaktoren für die künftige Entwicklung von HTP in Deutschland auf Systemebene hauptsächlich im politisch-rechtlichen (z. B. legalen Abfallstatus von Produkten aus HTP) und techno-ökonomischen (z. B. kostengünstige Prozesswasseraufbereitung)) Bereichen. Wichtige Handlungsfelder sind demnach die Ermittlung und Nutzung von Kostensenkungspotentialen (zB Abwärmenutzung), die Entwicklung systemintegrierter dezentraler Anlagenkonzepte mit integriertem Nährstoffrecycling (z.B. Phosphor) und die Entwicklung kostengünstiger Wege zur Prozesswasserbehandlung. Systemintegration, kostengünstige Prozesswasseraufbereitung und Nährstoffrecycling hängen eng mit Produktionskosten, Investitionskosten und potenziellen Einnahmen zusammen und können zu einer verbesserten Wirtschaftlichkeit der Prozesse beitragen. Für diese Bereiche besteht ein vielversprechendes Zukunftspotenzial für eine höhere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu Referenztechnologien, die derzeit noch wirtschaftlicher sind.:Bibliographic description Curriculum Vitae Selbstständigkeitserklärung Danksagung List of Publications Contribution to the Publications Contents List of Acronyms List of Tables List of Figures Part I Introductory Chapters 1 Introduction and Background Hydrothermal processes: Introduction and status quo State of the art in the research field and knowledge gaps Objective and research framework Expected value added of this work 2 Materials and methods Derivation of HTP evaluation metrics and technology assessment tool Derivation of key HTP development factors and scenarios Performing the system-level scenario analysis Plant-level scenario analysis and test application of the assessment tool Derivation of core recommendations 3 Results and discussion Key development factors for HTP in Germany and scenarios System-level scenario analysis Test application of the assessment tool on plant level scenarios Recommendations Discussion 4 Conclusion and outlook Future research Further fields for the application of the developed methods 5 References Part II Appended Articles Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Paper V Paper V

    Rethinking the risk matrix

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    So far risk has been mostly defined as the expected value of a loss, mathematically PL (being P the probability of an adverse event and L the loss incurred as a consequence of the adverse event). The so called risk matrix follows from such definition. This definition of risk is justified in a long term “managerial” perspective, in which it is conceivable to distribute the effects of an adverse event on a large number of subjects or a large number of recurrences. In other words, this definition is mostly justified on frequentist terms. Moreover, according to this definition, in two extreme situations (high-probability/low-consequence and low-probability/high-consequence), the estimated risk is low. This logic is against the principles of sustainability and continuous improvement, which should impose instead both a continuous search for lower probabilities of adverse events (higher and higher reliability) and a continuous search for lower impact of adverse events (in accordance with the fail-safe principle). In this work a different definition of risk is proposed, which stems from the idea of safeguard: (1Risk)=(1P)(1L). According to this definition, the risk levels can be considered low only when both the probability of the adverse event and the loss are small. Such perspective, in which the calculation of safeguard is privileged to the calculation of risk, would possibly avoid exposing the Society to catastrophic consequences, sometimes due to wrong or oversimplified use of probabilistic models. Therefore, it can be seen as the citizen’s perspective to the definition of risk

    Assessment of the societal impact of research and innovation in the agri-food sector

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    Research value, research relevance, research quality, and research impact have been widely tackled by various disciplines, such as health, engineering, management, and sustainability. How research and innovation are being produced, evaluated, communicated, and disseminated is an interchangeable question among scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. Focusing on the agri-food sector, this doctoral thesis attempts to examine the societal impact of research and innovation, providing a methodological framework and a set of indicators to measure sustainability performance and knowledge transfer. It compromises mixed method techniques both qualitative and quantitative research designs to identify sustainability impact and to discuss its implication to various stakeholders. This thesis fulfills two main research gaps in the literature: first, to shift from “evaluating academic impact” to “evaluating sustainability impact” generated by research and innovation programs; and second, to propose quantifiable proxies of the societal impact of research, while taking into account stakeholders´ perspectives. The structure of this doctoral thesis consists of the following chapters: Chapters 1 and 5 constitute the Introduction and Conclusion of the dissertation; Chapters 2, 3, and 4 represent the three research studies conducted during the doctoral program. Chapter 2 combines two methodological approaches, ASIRPA framework and Impact Oriented Monitoring (IOM) model. The outcome of Chapter 2 is an evaluative tool of research and innovation analyzing its impacts to the society and to the ecosystem. Based on multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) system, Chapter 3 relies on an empirical design, following outranking methodology (ELECTRE III). It provides comprehensive ranking matrices of four research cases studies. The main contribution of this chapter is to triangulate stakeholders´ evaluation in the Spanish agri-food sector based on six standardized pillars of sustainability: economic, socio-territorial, health, environmental, political impacts and capacity building. Last but not least, Chapter 4 investigates the association between knowledge and innovation transfer and examines its effect on sustainability impacts. Following knowledge-based theory, the outcome of this chapter articulates how science can have a dual output as both scientific and societal. Finally, to elaborate on the overall implication of this doctoral thesis, it provides insights for decision making and monitoring research uptake and policy design in the agri-food sector. Its practical inference indicates that research and innovation can reveal a significant influence on sustainability performance.El valor, la rellevància, la qualitat i l'impacte de la investigació han estat objecte d'investigació en diverses disciplines com ara la salut, l'enginyeria, la gestió i la sostenibilitat. Com es genera, avalua, comunica i difon la recerca i la innovació és una qüestió que ha estat objectes de nombrosos intercanvis entre acadèmics, professionals i decisors polítics. Centrant-se en el sector agroalimentari, aquesta tesi doctoral intenta examinar l'impacte social que genera la recerca i la innovació, proporcionant un marc metodològic així com un conjunt d'indicadors que permeten traduir els resultats de la recerca en impacte en termes de sostenibilitat i transferència de coneixement . L'enfocament proposat adopta un enfocament mixt combinant eines tant qualitatives com quantitatives, per identificar l'impacte de la investigació, Desenvolupament i innovació (R + D + I) en la societat; en definitiva, fins a quin punt contribueix a una societat més sostenible. Aquesta tesi cobreix dues buits en la literatura existent fins a la data en aquesta temàtica: en primer lloc, ofereix un marc que permet convertir els resultats de la R + D + I en impacte; en segon lloc, proporciona un sistema d'indicadors quantitatius que permet monitoritzar aquest impacte des del punt de vista dels agents de la cadena implicats. L'estructura d'aquesta tesi doctoral consta dels següents capítols. La Tesi s'inicia amb una introducció que justifica la importància del tema i l'emmarca en la literatura existent. S'esmenten els buits trobats en la literatura i es fixen els objectius, cada un dels quals ha donat lloc a un treball independent. Els capítols 2, 3 i 4 representen el nucli central de la mateixa i responen a cada un dels tres objectius esmentats. El Capítol 2 proposa una metodologia d'avaluació de l'impacte que combina dos enfocaments metodològics, el marc ASIRPA i el model de Monitorització Orientat a l'Impacte (IOM). El resultat de el Capítol 2 és una eina d'avaluació dels impactes de la recerca i la innovació en la societat i l'ecosistema a partir d'una sèrie d'indicadors de sostenibilitat. Basat en un sistema de presa de decisions multicriteri (MCDM), el Capítol 3 és un estudi empíric en el qual a partir de quatre casos d'estudi i seguint una metodologia d'optimització multicriteri (ELECTRE III), es calculen unes matrius de classificació integrals en relació amb les pràctiques de sostenibilitat. La principal contribució d'aquest capítol és triangular l'avaluació dels actors de el sector agroalimentari, generant sis pilars estandarditzats: econòmic, socioterritorial, sanitari, mediambiental, impactes polítics i desenvolupament de capacitats. Finalment, però no menys important, el Capítol 4 investiga l'associació entre transferència de coneixement i innovació i el seu efecte sobre els impactes de la sostenibilitat. Seguint la teoria basada en el coneixement, el resultat d'aquest capítol s'articula com la ciència pot generar un resultat dual des combinant aspectes acadèmics i d'impacte pràctic en la cadena de valor. La Tesi finalitza amb un apartat de consideracions finals en què es recullen les limitacions de la mateixa i es suggereixen línies d'actuació futura. En definitiva, aquesta tesi tracta de contribuir a el coneixement existent per analitzar com es pot mesurar l'impacte de la R + D + I en la societat, el que pot facilitar la presa de decisions per part dels responsables de centres de recerca així com de els responsables de les polítiques públiques de recerca. Així mateix, aquesta Tesi ha demostrat la importància de la recerca i la innovació en el desenvolupament sostenibleEl valor, la relevancia, la calidad y el impacto de la investigación han sido objeto de investigación en diversas disciplinas como por ejemplo la salud, la ingeniería, la gestión y la sostenibilidad. Cómo se genera, evalúa, comunica y difunde la investigación y la innovación es una cuestión que ha sido objetos de numerosos intercambios entre académicos, profesionales y decisores políticos. Centrándose en el sector agroalimentario, esta tesis doctoral intenta examinar el impacto social que genera la investigación y la innovación, proporcionando un marco metodológico, así como un conjunto de indicadores que permiten traducir los resultados de la investigación en impacto en términos de sostenibilidad y transferencia de conocimiento. El enfoque propuesto adopta un enfoque mixto combinando herramientas tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas, para identificar el impacto de la investigación, Desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i) en la sociedad; en definitiva, hasta qué punto contribuye a una sociedad más sostenible. Esta tesis cubre dos vacíos en la literatura existente hasta la fecha en esta temática: en primer lugar, ofrece un marco que permite convertir los resultados de la I+D+i en impacto; en segundo lugar, proporciona un sistema de indicadores cuantitativos que permite monitorizar este impacto dese el punto de vista de los agentes de la cadena implicados. La estructura de esta tesis doctoral consta de los siguientes capítulos. La Tesis se inicia con una introducción que justifica la importancia del tema y la enmarca en la literatura existente. Se mencionan los vacíos encontrados en la literatura y se fijan los objetivos, cada uno de los cuales ha dado lugar a un trabajo independiente. Los capítulos 2, 3 y 4 representan el núcleo central de la misma y responden a cada uno de los tres objetivos mencionados. El Capítulo 2 propone una metodología de evaluación del impacto que combina dos enfoques metodológicos, el marco ASIRPA y el modelo de Monitoreo Orientado al Impacto (IOM). El resultado del Capítulo 2 es una herramienta de evaluación de los impactos de la investigación y la innovación en la sociedad y el ecosistema a partir de una serie de indicadores de sostenibilidad. Basado en un sistema de toma de decisiones multicriterio (MCDM), el Capítulo 3 es un estudio empírico en el que a partir de cuatro casos de estudio y siguiendo una metodología de optimización multicriterio (ELECTRE III), se calculan unas matrices de clasificación integrales en relación con las prácticas de sostenibilidad. La principal contribución de este capítulo es triangular la evaluación de los actores del sector agroalimentario, generando seis pilares estandarizados: económico, socio-territorial, sanitario, medioambiental, impactos políticos y desarrollo de capacidades. Por último, pero no menos importante, el Capítulo 4 investiga la asociación entre transferencia de conocimiento e innovación y su efecto sobre los impactos de la sostenibilidad. Siguiendo la teoría basada en el conocimiento, el resultado de este capítulo articula cómo la ciencia puede generar un resultado dual desde combinando aspectos académicos y de impacto práctico en la cadena de valor. La Tesis finaliza con un apartado de consideraciones finales en el que se recogen las limitaciones de la misma y se sugieren líneas de actuación futura. En definitiva, esta tesis trata de contribuir al conocimiento existente para analizar cómo se puede medir el impacto de la I+D+i en la sociedad, lo que puede facilitar la toma de decisiones por parte de los responsables de centros de investigación, así como de los responsables de las políticas públicas de investigación. Asimismo, esta Tesis ha demostrado la importancia de la investigación y la innovación en el desarrollo sostenible.Postprint (published version

    Sustainable Business Models

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    The dynamically changing world economy, in an era of intensive development and globalization, creates new needs in both the theoretical models of management and in the practical discussion related to the perception of business. Because of new economic phenomena related to the crisis, there is a need for the design and operationalization of innovative business models for companies. Due to the fact that in times of crisis, the principles of strategic balance are particularly important; these business models can be sustainable business models. Moreover, it is essential to skillfully use different methods and concepts of management to ensure the continuity of business. It seems that sustainable business models, in their essence, can support companies' effectiveness and contribute to their stable, sustainable functioning in the difficult, ever-changing market. This Special Issue aims to discuss the key mechanisms concerning the design and operationalization of sustainable business models, from a strategic perspective. We invite you to contribute to this Issue by submitting comprehensive reviews, case studies, or research articles. Papers selected for this Special Issue are subject to a rigorous peer review procedure, with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications

    A tool to measure engineering students' design strategies and abilities

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    Malaysia is moving from service-based industries to knowledge-based industries to achieve Vision 2020. This is also in line with innovation-led economy and globalization. Hence, there is a pressing need to transform the current engineering education system to meet the ever-growing roles and responsibilities of contemporary engineers. Design is central to engineering activity because students can apply the theoretical knowledge into practice. Students' engineering design knowledge and abilities are unknown when they enroll into the engineering programs. These engineering programs are either too low or too advanced for the students' design abilities. Hence, dropout rates in the engineering programs escalate each year. The invention is an online questionnaire which will assist in determining students' engineering design knowledge and abilities. It will guide engineering faculties in identifying suitable candidates for their engineering program through the scores obtained by the students. The scores will determine the students' level of engineering design knowledge. This will function as a mechanism for the faculties to filter the candidates' knowledge of engineering design and reduce the number of dropouts from the engineering program

    Sustainability as a Multi-criteria Concept

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    Sustainability is a fairly old concept, born in the 18th century in the field of forestry, within a mono-functionality perspective. The concept has considerably evolved in the last few years towards a multi-functionality context, with applications reported in practically all areas of economic interest. On the other hand, modern sustainability is a complex problem, for two reasons: a) The multiplicity of functions of a very different nature involved in the process and b) The manner in which different segments of the society or stakeholders perceive the relative importance of these functions. For the above reasons, a realistic approach for dealing with the sustainability issue requires taking into consideration multiple criteria of different nature (economic, environmental and social), and in many cases within a participatory decision making framework. This book presents a collection of papers, dealing with different theoretical and applied issues of sustainability, with the help of a modern multi-criteria decision-making theory, with a single as well as several stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. Hopefully, this material will encourage academics and practitioners to alter their research in this hot and vital topic. After all, the sustainable management of the environment and its embedded resources is one of the most important, if not the major challenge of the 21st century

    DIGITAL CO-CREATION Digitalization within Service Design : Transformation from analog thinking towards digital doing

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    The German automotive industry has accelerated its digital transformation as OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) moving from car manufacturers towards becoming mobility providers, striving for new mobility solutions like offering Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Self-Driving-System (SDS). OEMs focus on expanding their core product-driven businesses to access service-orientated business models, the transformation from ownership towards shared mobility. Considering internal and external factors, this requires a new set of expertise, capabilities and an underlying approach to fulfill the demands in the complexity of human-centered development and front- and backstage alignment within the organization. At the same time, Service Design as a practice has risen in attraction by industry, being recognized and increasingly requested for its integration in the functions and divisions of the organization. The scale of Service Design in influence and impact has reached professional practice, making its way from a trendy buzzword to professional practice of turning complex problems collaboratively into tangible solutions. It is seen as a powerful opportunity for combining Business, Human-Centered Design and Engineering. Service Design establishes new ways of exploring business opportunities towards agile problem-solving but focuses on the ‘doing’ side towards further implementation. The contribution of this industrial-based doctoral thesis shall define how Service Design can be deployed and implemented in the field of organizational transformation and mobility development in the era of digital transformation (Digitalization). This research approach seeks to acquire new knowledge on how the Service Design practice can be applied and executed to be perceived as a practical approach to improve the enterprise’s processes and operating procedures and also provide a strategy to grow Service Design within the organization. This research has followed developing a pilot in a lean start-up approach of build, measure, learn with various business units and brands within the Volkswagen Group, this also implies that this research case study consisted of analyzing the Volkswagen Group needs for Service Design. The ‘10X-Service Design Lab’ (10X-SDL) has been designed as the framework of a combination of modular lab space, facilitation enhanced process, methodological driven tool box, operational model in alignment with a digital workflow and workspace striving for accelerated decision making. It is based on the hypothesis that the proposed framework enhances Service Design practice and, at the same time, it increases its attractiveness for business purposes. The 10X-SDL is designed to accelerate project development in a human-centered and holistic way by an open workspace platform lead by facilitators on which project developers, participants, and stakeholders can digitally co-create products, services, systems, and strategies. This research has been conducted as a case study within the Volkswagen Group from 2015 to 2019 in cooperation with the main partners of Service Innovation Corner (SINCO) of the University of Lapland and visual collaboration software company DEON