57 research outputs found

    A Survey on Automatic Parameter Tuning for Big Data Processing Systems

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    Big data processing systems (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Storm) contain a vast number of configuration parameters controlling parallelism, I/O behavior, memory settings, and compression. Improper parameter settings can cause significant performance degradation and stability issues. However, regular users and even expert administrators grapple with understanding and tuning them to achieve good performance. We investigate existing approaches on parameter tuning for both batch and stream data processing systems and classify them into six categories: rule-based, cost modeling, simulation-based, experiment-driven, machine learning, and adaptive tuning. We summarize the pros and cons of each approach and raise some open research problems for automatic parameter tuning.Peer reviewe

    Automatic Building of a Powerful IDS for The Cloud Based on Deep Neural Network by Using a Novel Combination of Simulated Annealing Algorithm and Improved Self- Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

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    Cloud computing (CC) is the fastest-growing data hosting and computational technology that stands today as a satisfactory answer to the problem of data storage and computing. Thereby, most organizations are now migratingtheir services into the cloud due to its appealing features and its tangible advantages. Nevertheless, providing privacy and security to protect cloud assets and resources still a very challenging issue. To address the aboveissues, we propose a smart approach to construct automatically an efficient and effective anomaly network IDS based on Deep Neural Network, by using a novel hybrid optimization framework “ISAGASAA”. ISAGASAA framework combines our new self-adaptive heuristic search algorithm called “Improved Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm” (ISAGA) and Simulated Annealing Algorithm (SAA). Our approach consists of using ISAGASAA with the aim of seeking the optimal or near optimal combination of most pertinent values of the parametersincluded in building of DNN based IDS or impacting its performance, which guarantee high detection rate, high accuracy and low false alarm rate. The experimental results turn out the capability of our IDS to uncover intrusionswith high detection accuracy and low false alarm rate, and demonstrate its superiority in comparison with stateof-the-art methods

    Entropy-Based Resource Management in Complex Cloud Environment

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    Resource Management is an NP-complete problem, the complexity of which increases substantially in the Cloud environment. The complexity of cloud resource management can originate from many factors: the scale of the resources; the heterogeneity of the resource types and the interdependencies of these; as well as the variability, dynamicity, and unpredictability of resource run-time performance. Complexity has many negative effects in relation to satisfying the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of cloud applications, such as cost, performance, availability, and reliability. If an application cannot guarantee its QoS, it will be hard to populate. However, the vast majority of research efforts into cloud resource management implicitly assume the Cloud to be a simplifying technology and that the cloud resource's performance is determined and predictable. These incorrect assumptions may significantly affect the QoS of any cloud application developed under it, causing its resource management strategy to be less than robust. In spite of there being extensive research into complexity issues in many diverse fields ranging from computational biology to decision making in economics, the study of complexity in cloud resource management systems is limited. In this thesis, I address the complexity problems of Cloud Resource Management Systems by introducing the use of Entropy Theory in relation to them. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1. A cloud simulation tool-kit, ComplexCloudSim, is implemented in order to help tackle the research question: what is the role of complexity in QoS-aware cloud resource management? The uncovering of Chaotic Behaviour in Cloud Resource Management Systems by using the Damage Spreading Analysis method. 2. The comprehensive definition of complexity in the Cloud Resource Management Systems; such can be primarily classified into two categories: Global System Complexity and Local Resource Complexity. 3. An Entropy Theory based resource management model is proposed for the purposes of identifying, measuring, analyzing and controlling (i.e., reducing and avoiding) complexity. 4. A Cellular Automata Entropy based methodology is proposed as a solution to the Cloud resource allocation problem; this methodology is capable of managing Global System Complexity. 6. Once the root cause of the complexity has been identified using the Local Activity Principle, a Resource Entropy Based Local Activity Ranking system can be proposed which solves the job scheduling problem by managing Local Resource Complexity. Finally, on this latter basis, I implement a system which I have termed an Entropy Scheduler within a popular real-world cloud analysis engine, Apache Spark. Experiments demonstrate that the new Entropy Scheduler significantly reduces the average query response time by 15% - 20% and standard deviation by 30% - 45% compare with the native Fair Scheduler for running CPU intensive applications in Apache Spark, when the Spark server is not overloaded

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015

    Facilitating High Performance Code Parallelization

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    With the surge of social media on one hand and the ease of obtaining information due to cheap sensing devices and open source APIs on the other hand, the amount of data that can be processed is as well vastly increasing. In addition, the world of computing has recently been witnessing a growing shift towards massively parallel distributed systems due to the increasing importance of transforming data into knowledge in today’s data-driven world. At the core of data analysis for all sorts of applications lies pattern matching. Therefore, parallelizing pattern matching algorithms should be made efficient in order to cater to this ever-increasing abundance of data. We propose a method that automatically detects a user’s single threaded function call to search for a pattern using Java’s standard regular expression library, and replaces it with our own data parallel implementation using Java bytecode injection. Our approach facilitates parallel processing on different platforms consisting of shared memory systems (using multithreading and NVIDIA GPUs) and distributed systems (using MPI and Hadoop). The major contributions of our implementation consist of reducing the execution time while at the same time being transparent to the user. In addition to that, and in the same spirit of facilitating high performance code parallelization, we present a tool that automatically generates Spark Java code from minimal user-supplied inputs. Spark has emerged as the tool of choice for efficient big data analysis. However, users still have to learn the complicated Spark API in order to write even a simple application. Our tool is easy to use, interactive and offers Spark’s native Java API performance. To the best of our knowledge and until the time of this writing, such a tool has not been yet implemented

    Automatic physical layer tuning of mapreduce-based query processing engines

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    Orientador: Eduardo Cunha de AlmeidaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/06/2020Inclui referências: p. 98-109Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: A crescente necessidade de processar grandes quantidades de dados semi-estruturados e nãoestruturados levou ao desenvolvimento de mecanismos de processamento especializados como o MapReduce. O MapReduce é um modelo de programação projetado para processar grandes quantidades de dados semiestruturados de maneira distribuída e paralela. Os sistemas SQLon-Hadoop são interfaces SQL construídas sobre os mecanismos de processamento baseados em MapReduce para consultar grandes quantidades de dados semi-estruturados. No entanto, o número de máquinas, o número de sistemas na pilha de software e os mecanismos de controle fornecidos pelos mecanismos do MapReduce aumentam a complexidade e os custos operacionais de um cluster SQL-on-Hadoop. O aumento do desempenho dos motores de processamento MapReduce é um fator chave que pode ser alcançado delegando a quantidade certa de recursos físicos para suas tarefas. No entanto, usuários e até administradores especializados lutam para entender e ajustar as tarefas MapReduce para obter um desempenho melhor. A falta de conhecimento para ajustar as tarefas MapReduce deu origem a uma linha de pesquisa bem-sucedida sobre o ajuste automático dos parâmetros do MapReduce, originando vários Orientadores de Ajuste. No entanto, o problema de ajustar automaticamente as consultas SQL-no-Hadoop permanece amplamente inexplorado, pois a abordagem atual da aplicação dos Orientadores de Ajuste projetados para MapReduce em consultas SQL-on-Hadoop acarreta em vários problemas. Por exemplo, o processador de consultas do Hive, um sistema SQL-on-Hadoop popular, traduz consultas HiveQL em grafos de tarefas MapReduce, e seria fácil supor que, ajustando as configurações do motor de processamento MapReduce, as consultas HiveQL também se beneficiariam. Entretanto, essa suposição não se aplica quando os Orientadores de Ajuste existentes são aplicados ingenuamente às consultas HiveQL devido a arquitetura do Hive, Hadoop e dos Orientadores de Ajuste. Nesta tese tratamos da questão de como ajustar corretamente as consultas SQL-no-Hadoop. Por "corretamente", entendemos que, ao ajustar as configurações das consultas SQL-no-Hadoop, a geração das configurações deve considerar várias características que estão presentes apenas em tarefas geradas pelos sistemas SQL-no-Hadoop. Essas características incluem: (i) no caso de consultas individuais, todas as tarefas MapReduce que constituem o plano de consulta desta consulta são executadas com configurações idênticas. (ii) apesar da busca e geração das configurações de ajuste serem realizadas para cada tarefa MapReduce, apenas uma configuração de ajuste é selecionada e aplicada à consulta e as demais configurações de ajuste são simplesmente descartadas. (iii) Os Orientadores de Ajuste do Hadoop tratam as funções do MapReduce como caixas-pretas e fazem suposições de modelagem simplificadoras que podem valer para tarefas clássicas do MapReduce (Sort, Grep), mas não são verdadeiras para consultas do tipo SQL como o HiveQL, onde as tarefas contêm vários operadores de álgebra relacional como junções e agregadores. Estendemos o processador de consultas do Hive para ajustar as consultas SQL-no-Hadoop. Esta extensão compreende uma abordagem chamada de ajuste não-uniforme que permite que os sistemas SQL-on-Hadoop tenham um controle mais refinado da configuração das consultas, onde cada tarefa MapReduce recebe uma configuração especializada. Apresentamos um modelo conceitual, chamado assinatura de código, que usa informações estáticas disponíveis antes da execução de cada tafera para mapear tarefas que tenham padrões de consumo de recursos similares. Também apresentamos um cache que armazena configurações de ajuste, geradas por algum Orientadore de Ajuste, e as recicla entre tarefas que possuem consumo de recursos semelhantes. Nossa extensão funciona em conjunto como uma solução única para o ajuste automático de consultas SQL-no-Hadoop. Para validar nossa solução, realizamos um estudo experimental focado no Hive executando sobre o Hadoop porque (i) O Hive é um bom representante dos sistemas SQL-on-Hadoop nativos (como o System-R fez para os sistemas de bancos de dados relacionais); (ii) o Hive e o Hadoop são altamente populares para processamento analítico; e (iii) O ajuste de parâmetros do Hadoop foi estudado extensivamente nos últimos anos. Para preencher o cache de ajuste, empregamos o Starfish, o primeiro Orientador de Ajuste baseado em custo que encontra configurações (quase) ótimas e é o único Orientador de Ajuste disponível ao público para fins de pesquisa acadêmica. Em nossos experimentos, apresentamos que as consultas otimizadas com nossa abordagem de ajuste apresentaram acelerações de até 25%, contrastando com a abordagem atual que degradou o desempenho em várias ocasiões. Especificamente, a abordagem atual de ajuste pode causar variações no tempo de execução entre -171% e 27% em relação à configuração padrão. Mais importante ainda, nosso método de ajuste leva a uma melhor utilização de recursos, diminuindo o uso da CPU e a paginação de memória em até 40%. Nossa abordagem também reduziu a quantidade total de dados gravados em discos em 5×. Nossa abordagem de ajuste tem um cache usado para evitar a recriação de perfis de tarefas MapReduce semelhantes. Nosso cache reduziu a geração de perfils em 50% para a carga de trabalho TPC-H, permitindo até o ajuste parcial de consultas ad-hoc antes de sua execução. Palavras-chave: Sintonia da camada física. Processamento de consulta em MapReduce. SQL-On-Hadoop.Abstract: The increasing need to process large amounts of semi- and non-structured data has led to the development of specialized processing engines like MapReduce. MapReduce is a programming model designed to process large-scale semi-structured data in a distributed and parallel fashion. SQL-on-Hadoop systems are SQL-like interfaces build on top of MapReduce processing engines to query semi-structured data in large-scale. However, the number of computing nodes, the number of systems in the software stack, and the controlling mechanisms provided by MapReduce engines increase the complexity and the operational costs of maintaining a large SQL-on-Hadoop cluster. Increasing performance of such engines is a key factor that can be achieved by delegating the right amount of physical resources. Yet, regular users and even expert administrators struggle to understand and tune MapReduce jobs to achieve good performance. This skill gap has given rise to a successful line of research on automatically tuning MapReduce parameters, originating several tuning advisors. Yet, the problem of automatically tuning SQL-on-Hadoop queries remains largely unexplored today as the current approach of applying MapReduce tuning advisors direct to SQL-on-Hadoop queries entail a number of problems. For instance, the Hive SQL-on-Hadoop engine compiles HiveQL queries into a workflow of MapReduce jobs, and it would be straightforward to assume that by tuning the underlying Hadoop processing engine, HiveQL queries would benefit as well. However, this assumption does not hold when existing tuning advisors are naively applied to HiveQL queries due to the design choices of Hive, Hadoop, and the tuning advisors. This thesis addresses the question of how to properly tune SQL-on-Hadoop queries? By "properly" we mean, when tuning SQL-on-Hadoop queries, the generation of the tuning setups has to consider several characteristics that are only present in jobs generated by SQL-on-Hadoop systems. These characteristics include: (i) at the level of individual queries, all MapReduce jobs that constitute a query plan are executed with identical configuration settings. (ii) despite profiling and search heuristics being performed in a job-basis to generate tuning setups, only one tuning setup is applied to the query and the remaining tuning setups are simply discarded. (iii) Hadoop tuning advisors treat the MapReduce functions as black boxes and make simplifying modeling assumptions that may hold for classical MapReduce jobs (Sort, Grep), but they are not true for SQL-like queries like HiveQL where jobs contain multiple relational algebra operators like joins and aggregators. We extended the Hive query processor for tune SQL-on-Hadoop queries. This extension comprises an approach called non-uniform tuning that enables SQL-on-Hadoop systems to have a fine-grained control for tuning queries, where jobs receive specialized tuning setups. We present a conceptual model, called code-signature, that uses static information available upfront execution to match jobs with similar resource consumption patterns. We also present a tuning cache that stores tuning setups, generated by third part tuning advisors, and recycle them between jobs that have the similar resource consumption. The extension works together as a single solution for automatic tuning of SQL-on-Hadoop queries. In order to validate our solution, we conduct an experimental study focused on Hive over Hadoop because (i) Hive is a good representative of native SQL-on-Hadoop systems (like System-R did for relational database systems); (ii) both Hive and Hadoop are highly popular for analytical processing; and (iii) Hadoop parameter tuning has been studied extensively in recent years. For populate the Tuning Cache, we employ Starfish, the first cost-based optimizer for finding (near-) optimal configuration parameter settings and the only publicly available tuning advisor for academic research purposes. In our experiments, we present that queries optimized with our tuning approach always presented positive speed ups up to 25%, contrasting the current approach that degraded performance in several occasions. Specifically, the current tuning approach can cause variations in the execution run time between -171% and 27% over default configuration. Most importantly, our tuning method leads to considerable better resource utilization, decreasing CPU usage and Memory paging over 40%. Also reducing the total amount of data written to disks in 5×. Our tuning approach has a Tuning Cache used to avoid reprofiling similar jobs. Our Tuning Cache reduced the profilings in 50% for TPC-H queries, enabling upfront tuning of ad-hoc queries. Keywords: Physical-layer tuning. MapReduce query processing. SQL-On-Hadoop

    Intelligent Load Balancing in Cloud Computer Systems

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    Cloud computing is an established technology allowing users to share resources on a large scale, never before seen in IT history. A cloud system connects multiple individual servers in order to process related tasks in several environments at the same time. Clouds are typically more cost-effective than single computers of comparable computing performance. The sheer physical size of the system itself means that thousands of machines may be involved. The focus of this research was to design a strategy to dynamically allocate tasks without overloading Cloud nodes which would result in system stability being maintained at minimum cost. This research has added the following new contributions to the state of knowledge: (i) a novel taxonomy and categorisation of three classes of schedulers, namely OS-level, Cluster and Big Data, which highlight their unique evolution and underline their different objectives; (ii) an abstract model of cloud resources utilisation is specified, including multiple types of resources and consideration of task migration costs; (iii) a virtual machine live migration was experimented with in order to create a formula which estimates the network traffic generated by this process; (iv) a high-fidelity Cloud workload simulator, based on a month-long workload traces from Google's computing cells, was created; (v) two possible approaches to resource management were proposed and examined in the practical part of the manuscript: the centralised metaheuristic load balancer and the decentralised agent-based system. The project involved extensive experiments run on the University of Westminster HPC cluster, and the promising results are presented together with detailed discussions and a conclusion

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    Recurring Query Processing on Big Data

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    The advances in hardware, software, and networks have enabled applications from business enterprises, scientific and engineering disciplines, to social networks, to generate data at unprecedented volume, variety, velocity, and varsity not possible before. Innovation in these domains is thus now hindered by their ability to analyze and discover knowledge from the collected data in a timely and scalable fashion. To facilitate such large-scale big data analytics, the MapReduce computing paradigm and its open-source implementation Hadoop is one of the most popular and widely used technologies. Hadoop\u27s success as a competitor to traditional parallel database systems lies in its simplicity, ease-of-use, flexibility, automatic fault tolerance, superior scalability, and cost effectiveness due to its use of inexpensive commodity hardware that can scale petabytes of data over thousands of machines. Recurring queries, repeatedly being executed for long periods of time on rapidly evolving high-volume data, have become a bedrock component in most of these analytic applications. Efficient execution and optimization techniques must be designed to assure the responsiveness and scalability of these recurring queries. In this dissertation, we thoroughly investigate topics in the area of recurring query processing on big data. In this dissertation, we first propose a novel scalable infrastructure called Redoop that treats recurring query over big evolving data as first class citizens during query processing. This is in contrast to state-of-the-art MapReduce/Hadoop system experiencing significant challenges when faced with recurring queries including redundant computations, significant latencies, and huge application development efforts. Redoop offers innovative window-aware optimization techniques for recurring query execution including adaptive window-aware data partitioning, window-aware task scheduling, and inter-window caching mechanisms. Redoop retains the fault-tolerance of MapReduce via automatic cache recovery and task re-execution support as well. Second, we address the crucial need to accommodate hundreds or even thousands of recurring analytics queries that periodically execute over frequently updated data sets, e.g., latest stock transactions, new log files, or recent news feeds. For many applications, such recurring queries come with user-specified service-level agreements (SLAs), commonly expressed as the maximum allowed latency for producing results before their merits decay. On top of Redoop, we built a scalable multi-query sharing engine tailored for recurring workloads in the MapReduce infrastructure, called Helix. Helix deploys new sliced window-alignment techniques to create sharing opportunities among recurring queries without introducing additional I/O overheads or unnecessary data scans. Furthermore, Helix introduces a cost/benefit model for creating a sharing plan among the recurring queries, and a scheduling strategy for executing them to maximize the SLA satisfaction. Third, recurring analytics queries tend to be expensive, especially when query processing consumes data sets in the hundreds of terabytes or more. Time sensitive recurring queries, such as fraud detection, often come with tight response time constraints as query deadlines. Data sampling is a popular technique for computing approximate results with an acceptable error bound while reducing high-demand resource consumption and thus improving query turnaround times. In this dissertation, we propose the first fast approximate query engine for recurring workloads in the MapReduce infrastructure, called Faro. Faro introduces two key innovations: (1) a deadline-aware sampling strategy that builds samples from the original data with reduced sample sizes compared to uniform sampling, and (2) adaptive resource allocation strategies that maximally improve the approximate results while assuring to still meet the response time requirements specified in recurring queries. In our comprehensive experimental study of each part of this dissertation, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed strategies over state-of-the-art techniques in scalability, effectiveness, as well as robustness

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications