3,253 research outputs found

    Software Measurement Activities in Small and Medium Enterprises: an Empirical Assessment

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    An empirical study for evaluating the proper implementation of measurement/metric programs in software companies in one area of Turkey is presented. The research questions are discussed and validated with the help of senior software managers (more than 15 years’ experience) and then used for interviewing a variety of medium and small scale software companies in Ankara. Observations show that there is a common reluctance/lack of interest in utilizing measurements/metrics despite the fact that they are well known in the industry. A side product of this research is that internationally recognized standards such as ISO and CMMI are pursued if they are a part of project/job requirements; without these requirements, introducing those standards to the companies remains as a long-term target to increase quality

    Estimating Complexity of Programs in Python Language

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    In this paper, a complexity metric for Python language is formulated. Since Python is an object oriented language, the present metric is capable to evaluate any object-oriented language.We validate our metric with case study, comparative study and empirical validation. The case study is in Python, Java andC++ and the results prove that Python is better than other object-oriented languages. Later, we validate the metric empirically with a real project, which is developed in Python

    Cohesion Metrics for Improving Software Quality

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    Abstract Software product metrics aim at measuring the quality of software. Modu- larity is an essential factor in software quality. In this work, metrics related to modularity and especially cohesion of the modules, are considered. The existing metrics are evaluated, and several new alternatives are proposed. The idea of cohesion of modules is that a module or a class should consist of related parts. The closely related principle of coupling says that the relationships between modules should be minimized. First, internal cohesion metrics are considered. The relations that are internal to classes are shown to be useless for quality measurement. Second, we consider external relationships for cohesion. A detailed analysis using design patterns and refactorings confirms that external cohesion is a better quality indicator than internal. Third, motivated by the successes (and problems) of external cohesion metrics, another kind of metric is proposed that represents the quality of modularity of software. This metric can be applied to refactorings related to classes, resulting in a refactoring suggestion system. To describe the metrics formally, a notation for programs is developed. Because of the recursive nature of programming languages, the properties of programs are most compactly represented using grammars and formal lan- guages. Also the tools that were used for metrics calculation are described.Siirretty Doriast

    An empirical study on code comprehension: DCI compared to OO

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    Comprehension of source code affects software development, especially its maintenance where reading code is the most time consuming performed activity. A programming paradigm imposes a style of arranging the source code that is aligned with a way of thinking toward a computable solution. Then, a programming paradigm with a programming language represents an important factor for source code comprehension. Object-Oriented (OO) is the dominant paradigm today. Although, it was criticized from its beginning and recently an alternative has been proposed. In an OO source code, system functions cannot escape outside the definition of classes and their descriptions live inside multiple class declarations. This results in an obfuscated code, a lost sense the run-time, and in a lack of global knowledge that weaken the understandability of the source code at system level. A new paradigm is emerging to address these and other OO issues, this is the Data Context Interaction (DCI) paradigm. We conducted the first human subject related controlled experiment to evaluate the effects of DCI on code comprehension compared to OO. We looked for correctness, time consumption, and focus of attention during comprehension tasks. We also present a novel approach using metrics from Social Network Analysis to analyze what we call the Cognitive Network of Language Elements (CNLE) that is built by programmers while comprehending a system. We consider this approach useful to understand source code properties uncovered from code reading cognitive tasks. The results obtained are preliminary in nature but indicate that DCI-trygve approach produces more comprehensible source code and promotes a stronger focus the attention in important files when programmers are reading code during program comprehension. Regarding reading time spent on files, we were not able to indicate with statistical significance which approach allows programmers to consume less time

    Quantitative assessment of modularity of caesarJ components

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    Dissertação apresentada no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaOs defensores do paradigma de programação orientada a aspectos afirmam que este paradigma oferece melhor modularidade que a programação orientada a objectos, assim como um melhor suporte para separação de facetas transversais. Embora o AspectJ seja a linguagem de AOP mais conhecida, e alvo de mais estudos, surgiram novas linguagens de programação que propõem diferentes formas de instanciar este paradigma. O CaesarJ é uma destas linguagens. Possui abstracções e mecanismos que o diferenciam do AspectJ, tais como classes virtuais, polimorfismo de família e uma maneira diferente de representar um aspecto. Qualquer alegação de uma linguagem ser melhor, à luz de um critério bem definido (neste caso, a modularidade), tem que ser apoiada por avaliações rigorosas de implementações feitas nessa linguagem. Este trabalho pretende fazer isso com um estudo comparativo entre as duas linguagens em termos da modularidade que se obtém em software por elas implementado. Em particular, vai-se estudar uma faceta da modularidade: a coesão. Este estudo utiliza da estrutura padrão de relatórios experimentais em Engenharia de Software, assim como todos os testes estatísticos apropriados. Para este fim, foi desenvolvida uma métrica de coesão que foi usada, juntamente com várias métricas de tamanho para avaliar 51 exemplos de implementações de padrões de concepção. No contexto desta dissertação a ferramenta de recolha automática de métricas MuLATo foi adaptada para suportar esta nova métrica de coesão. Os resultados do estudo efectuado sugerem que o CaesarJ é mais verboso que Java mas contem componentes menos complexos e mais coesos

    Software Metrics for Package Remodularisation

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    There is a plethora of software metrics \cite{Lore94a, Fent96a, Hend96a, Han00a, Lanz06a} and a large amount of research articles. Still there is a lack for a serious and practically-oriented evaluation of metrics. Often metrics lack the property that the software reengineer or quality expert can easily understand the situation summarized by the metrics. In particular, since the exact notion of coupling and cohesion is complex, a particular focus on such point is important. In the first chapter of the present document, we present a list of software metrics, that are commonly used to measure object-oriented programs. In the second chapter we present our proposition for package metrics that capture package aspects such as information hiding and change impact limits