13,250 research outputs found

    The potential of additive manufacturing in the smart factory industrial 4.0: A review

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) or three-dimensional (3D) printing has introduced a novel production method in design, manufacturing, and distribution to end-users. This technology has provided great freedom in design for creating complex components, highly customizable products, and efficient waste minimization. The last industrial revolution, namely industry 4.0, employs the integration of smart manufacturing systems and developed information technologies. Accordingly, AM plays a principal role in industry 4.0 thanks to numerous benefits, such as time and material saving, rapid prototyping, high efficiency, and decentralized production methods. This review paper is to organize a comprehensive study on AM technology and present the latest achievements and industrial applications. Besides that, this paper investigates the sustainability dimensions of the AM process and the added values in economic, social, and environment sections. Finally, the paper concludes by pointing out the future trend of AM in technology, applications, and materials aspects that have the potential to come up with new ideas for the future of AM explorations

    Emerging technologies and future trends in substation automation systems for the protection, monitoring and control of electrical substations

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Automação). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Using Acoustic Holography for Vibration Analysis

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    Disertační práce se zabývá bezkontaktní analýzou vibrací pomocí metod akustické holografie v blízkém poli. Akustická holografie v blízkém poli je experimentální metoda, která rekonstruuje akustické pole v těsné blízkosti povrchu vibrujícího předmětu na základě měření akustického tlaku nebo akustické rychlosti v určité vzdálenosti od zkoumaného předmětu. Konkrétní realizace této metody závisí na použitém výpočetním algoritmu. Vlastní práce je zaměřena zejména na rozbor algoritmů, které využívají k rekonstrukci zvukového pole v blízkosti vibrujícího objektu transformaci do domény vlnových čísel (prostorová transformace), kde probíhá vlastní výpočet. V úvodu práce je vysvětlena základní teorie metody akustické holografie v blízkém poli s popisem základních vlastností a dále rozborem konkrétních nejčastěji používaných algoritmům pro lokalizaci a charakterizaci zdroje zvuku a pro následnou vibrační analýzu. Stěžejní část práce se věnuje pokročilým metodám zpracování, které se snaží určitým způsobem optimalizovat přesnost predice zvukového pole v blízkosti vibrujícího předmětu v reálných podmínkách. Jde zejména o problematiku použitého měřicího systému s akustickými snímači, které nejsou ideální, a dále o možnost měření v prostorách s difúzním charakterem zvukového pole. Pro tento případ byla na základě literárního průzkumu optimalizována a ověřena metoda využívající dvouvrstvé mikrofonní pole, které umožňuje oddělení zvukových polí přicházejících z různých stran a tedy úspěšné měření v uzavřených prostorách např. kabin automobilů a letadel. Součástí práce byla také optimalizace, rozšíření a následné ověření algoritmů publikovaných v posledních letech pro měření v reálných podmínkách za použití běžně dostupných akustických snímačů.The main aim of the thesis is application of near-field acoustic holography for non-contact vibration analysis. Near-field acoustic holography is an experimental technique for reconstruction of sound field close to the surface of the vibrating object based on measurement of sound pressure or acoustic particle velocity in certain distance from the examined object. Practical realization of this method depends on used calculation procedure. The thesis is focused on analysis of acoustic holography algorithms with transformation into wavenumber domain (spatial transformation) where the reconstruction of the sound field near vibrating object is calculated. The introductory part of the thesis describes the theory of near-field acoustic holography with general characteristics and with analysis of most common algorithms used for localization and characterization of sound source and consequent vibration analysis. Principal part of the thesis deals with advanced processing methods where these methods try to optimize the accuracy of prediction of sound field near vibrating object in real environment. In this study, real measurement conditions represent the measurement system with non-ideal acoustic sensors and also areas with reverberant sound field. Based on literature study, there has been optimized and verified the new method which uses double layer microphone array to separate incoming and outgoing sound field, thus allows successful measurement in confined space e.g. cabins of cars and airplanes. Part of the thesis has been also focused on optimization, extension and successive experimental validation of selected classical algorithms published in last decade for possible measurement in real conditions and with common acoustic sensors.

    Phase modulating interferometry with stroboscopic illumination for characterization of MEMS

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    This Thesis proposes phase modulating interferometry as an alternative to phase stepping and phase-shifting interferometry for use in the shape and displacement characterization of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [Creath, 1988; de Groot, 1995a; Furlong and Pryputniewicz, 2003]. A phase modulating interferometer is developed theoretically with the use of a stroboscopic illumination source and implemented on a Linnik configured interferometer using a software control package developed in the LabVIEWâ„¢ programming environment. Optimization of the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal modulation source is accomplished through the investigation and minimization of errors created by additive noise effects on the recovered optical phase. A spatial resolution of 2.762 µm over a 2.97x2.37 mm field of view has been demonstrated with 4x magnification objectives within the developed interferometer. The measurement resolution lays within the design tolerance of a 500Ã… ±2.5% thick NIST traceable gold film and within 0.2 nm of data acquired under low modulation frequency phase stepping interferometry on the same physical system. The environmental stability of the phase modulating interferometer is contrasted to the phase stepping interferometer, exhibiting a mean wrapped phase drift of 40.1 mrad versus 91 mrad under similar modulation frequencies. Shape and displacement characterization of failed µHexFlex devices from MIT\u27s Precision Compliant Systems Laboratory is presented under phase modulating and phase stepping interferometry. Shape characterization indicates a central stage displacement of up to 7.6 µm. With a linear displacement rate of 0.75 Ã…/mV under time variant load conditions as compared to a nominal rate of 1.0 Ã…/mV in an undamaged structure [Chen and Culpepper, 2006]

    Implementation of Low-Cost and Open-Source Instrumentation in 2D Material Research

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    This dissertation examines the importance of open-sourced scientific instrumentation in two-dimensional (2D) material research. 2D materials are gaining attention due to their extraordinary electrical, mechanical, optical, and thermal properties and their potential to transform various fields. However, studying these materials often requires complex and expensive scientific instrumentation, which can limit the accessibility and progress of research. The study explores the potential of open-source software and hardware in scientific instrumentation, and its role in democratizing access, fostering collaboration, and accelerating innovation. The study presents two instruments implemented for 2D material research, using only open-source software and hardware, and demonstrates experiments conducted with these instruments. Additionally, the study explores broader implications of open-sourced scientific instrumentation by demonstrating a motorized variable filter stage and retractable leadless pacemaker. The dissertation concludes by emphasizing the critical role of open-source instruments in the advancement of material science and the broader scientific community and the need for ongoing support and engagement to fully realize their potential

    Foresighted digital twin for situational agent selection in production control

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    As intelligent Data Acquisition and Analysis in Manufacturing nears its apex, a new era of Digital Twins is dawning. Foresighted Digital Twins enable short- to medium-term system behavior predictions to infer optimal production operation strategies. Creating up-to-the-minute Digital Twins requires both the availability of real-time data and its incorporation and serve as a stepping-stone into developing unprecedented forms of production control. Consequently, we regard a new concept of Digital Twins that includes foresight, thereby enabling situational selection of production control agents. One critical element for adequate system predictions is human behavior as it is neither rule-based nor deterministic, which we therefore model applying Reinforcement Learning. Owing to these ever-changing circumstances, rigid operation strategies crucially restrain reactions, as opposed to circumstantial control strategies that hence can outperform traditional approaches. Building on enhanced foresights we show the superiority of this approach and present strategies for improved situational agent selection