219,907 research outputs found

    The Hydro-Modeling Platform (HydroMP) - Enabling Cloud-Based Environmental Modeling Using Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) Cloud Computing

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    Hydro-model has become important tool for water resources management, with higher demand in simulation precision and speed of decision support, models designed for sectoral application becoming outmoded, and original mode that massive schemes are run sequentially cannot meet the real-time requirements, especially with the computation increase by finer discretization granularity and broader research range. Water management organizations are increasingly looking for new generation tools that allow integration across domains, and can provide extensible computing resources to assist their decision making processes. In response to this need, a hydro-modeling platform(HydroMP) based on cloud computing is designed and implemented, which can deployed in distributed HPC Cluster and center HPC Cluster use a resources balancer to manage load balancing. This platform integrates multi models and computing resources (i.e. blade computer) dynamically to assure models integrated in platform get extensible computing capacity. A server, hosting HydroMP Web Service and interfaces, is connected to the HPC Cluster and Internet constituting the gateway for registered users. Any terminal (i.e. decision making system) can reference library and Web service of HydroMP in their systems. Massive modeling schemes can be submitted by different users simultaneously, and terminal can get simulation results from HydroMP real-time. Some key approaches and techniques are utilized including: i) a standard model component wrapper communicating with platform by named pipe have developed. OpenMI-compliant model-components can be integrated to this wrapper; ii) API and Event-Handler interface provided by HPC Server, task scheduler and calculation management table is employed to dispatch computing resource, while controlling multiple concurrent scheme submitting; iii) Interface array(i.e. SchemesSubmit, StatusInquiry, GetResult) in the Web Service is supplied to make terminal communicate with platform; iv) Oracle database is used to manage massive model data, results and model-components. This paper describes the details of design and implementation, and gives a case presentation platform application

    Internet enabled modelling of extended manufacturing enterprises using the process based techniques

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    The paper presents the preliminary results of an ongoing research project on Internet enabled process-based modelling of extended manufacturing enterprises. It is proposed to apply the Open System Architecture for CIM (CIMOSA) modelling framework alongside with object-oriented Petri Net models of enterprise processes and object-oriented techniques for extended enterprises modelling. The main features of the proposed approach are described and some components discussed. Elementary examples of object-oriented Petri Net implementation and real-time visualisation are presented

    The EnTrak system : supporting energy action planning via the Internet

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    Recent energy policy is designed to foster better energy efficiency and assist with the deployment of clean energy systems, especially those derived from renewable energy sources. To attain the envisaged targets will require action at all levels and effective collaboration between disparate groups (e.g. policy makers, developers, local authorities, energy managers, building designers, consumers etc) impacting on energy and environment. To support such actions and collaborations, an Internet-enabled energy information system called 'EnTrak' was developed. The aim was to provide decision-makers with information on energy demands, supplies and impacts by sector, time, fuel type and so on, in support of energy action plan formulation and enactment. This paper describes the system structure and capabilities of the EnTrak system

    Big Data Model Simulation on a Graph Database for Surveillance in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    Sensors are present in various forms all around the world such as mobile phones, surveillance cameras, smart televisions, intelligent refrigerators and blood pressure monitors. Usually, most of the sensors are a part of some other system with similar sensors that compose a network. One of such networks is composed of millions of sensors connect to the Internet which is called Internet of things (IoT). With the advances in wireless communication technologies, multimedia sensors and their networks are expected to be major components in IoT. Many studies have already been done on wireless multimedia sensor networks in diverse domains like fire detection, city surveillance, early warning systems, etc. All those applications position sensor nodes and collect their data for a long time period with real-time data flow, which is considered as big data. Big data may be structured or unstructured and needs to be stored for further processing and analyzing. Analyzing multimedia big data is a challenging task requiring a high-level modeling to efficiently extract valuable information/knowledge from data. In this study, we propose a big database model based on graph database model for handling data generated by wireless multimedia sensor networks. We introduce a simulator to generate synthetic data and store and query big data using graph model as a big database. For this purpose, we evaluate the well-known graph-based NoSQL databases, Neo4j and OrientDB, and a relational database, MySQL.We have run a number of query experiments on our implemented simulator to show that which database system(s) for surveillance in wireless multimedia sensor networks is efficient and scalable

    Data Acquisition and Control System of Hydroelectric Power Plant Using Internet Techniques

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    Vodní energie se nyní stala nejlepším zdrojem elektrické energie na zemi. Vyrábí se pomocí energie poskytované pohybem nebo pádem vody. Historie dokazuje, že náklady na tuto elektrickou energii zůstávají konstantní v průběhu celého roku. Vzhledem k mnoha výhodám, většina zemí nyní využívá vodní energie jako hlavní zdroj pro výrobu elektrické energie.Nejdůležitější výhodou je, že vodní energie je zelená energie, což znamená, že žádné vzdušné nebo vodní znečišťující látky nejsou vyráběny, také žádné skleníkové plyny jako oxid uhličitý nejsou vyráběny, což činí tento zdroj energie šetrný k životnímu prostředí. A tak brání nebezpečí globálního oteplování. Použití internetové techniky k ovladání několika vodních elektráren má velmi významné výhody, jako snížení provozních nákladů a flexibilitu uspokojení změny poptávky po energii na straně spotřeby. Také velmi efektivně čelí velkým narušením elektrické sítě, jako je například přidání nebo odebrání velké zátěže, a poruch. Na druhou stranu, systém získávání dat poskytuje velmi užitečné informace pro typické i vědecké analýzy, jako jsou ekonomické náklady, predikce poruchy systémů, predikce poptávky, plány údržby, systémů pro podporu rozhodování a mnoho dalších výhod. Tato práce popisuje všeobecný model, který může být použit k simulaci pro sběr dat a kontrolní systémy pro vodní elektrárny v prostředí Matlab / Simulink a TrueTime Simulink knihovnu. Uvažovaná elektrárna sestává z vodní turbíny připojené k synchronnímu generátoru s budicí soustavou, generátor je připojen k veřejné elektrické síti. Simulací vodní turbíny a synchronního generátoru lze provést pomocí různých simulačních nástrojů. V této práci je upřednostňován SIMULINK / MATLAB před jinými nástroji k modelování dynamik vodní turbíny a synchronního stroje. Program s prostředím MATLAB SIMULINK využívá k řešení schematický model vodní elektrárny sestavený ze základních funkčních bloků. Tento přístup je pedagogicky lepší než komplikované kódy jiných softwarových programů. Knihovna programu Simulink obsahuje funkční bloky, které mohou být spojovány, upravovány a modelovány. K vytvoření a simulování internetových a Real Time systémů je možné použít bud‘ knihovnu simulinku Real-Time nebo TRUETIME, v práci byla použita knihovna TRUETIME.Hydropower has now become the best source of electricity on earth. It is produced due to the energy provided by moving or falling water. History proves that the cost of this electricity remains constant over the year. Because of the many advantages, most of the countries now have hydropower as the source of major electricity producer. The most important advantage of hydropower is that it is green energy, which mean that no air or water pollutants are produced, also no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are produced which makes this source of energy environment-friendly. It prevents us from the danger of global warming. Using internet techniques to control several hydroelectric plants has very important advantages, as reducing operating costs and the flexibility of meeting changes of energy demand occurred in consumption side. Also it is very effective to confront large disturbances of electrical grid, such as adding or removing large loads, and faults. In the other hand, data acquisition systems provides very useful information for both typical and scientific analysis, such as economical costs reducing, fault prediction systems, demand prediction, maintenance schedules, decision support systems and many other benefits. This thesis describes a generalized model which can be used to simulate a data acquisition and control system of hydroelectric power plant using MATLAB/SIMULINK and TrueTime simulink library. The plant considered consists of hydro turbine connected to synchronous generator with excitation system, and the generator is connected to public grid. Simulation of hydro turbine and synchronous generator can be done using various simulation tools, In this work, SIMULINK/MATLAB is favored over other tools in modeling the dynamics of a hydro turbine and synchronous machine. The SIMULINK program in MATLAB is used to obtain a schematic model of the hydro plant by means of basic function blocks. This approach is pedagogically better than using a compilation of program code as in other software programs .The library of SIMULINK software programs includes function blocks which can be linked and edited to model. Either Simulink Real-Time library or TrueTime library can be used to build and simulate internet and real time systems, in this thesis the TrueTime library was used.

    CERN Storage Systems for Large-Scale Wireless

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    The project aims at evaluating the use of CERN computing infrastructure for next generation sensor networks data analysis. The proposed system allows the simulation of a large-scale sensor array for traffic analysis, streaming data to CERN storage systems in an efficient way. The data are made available for offline and quasi-online analysis, enabling both long term planning and fast reaction on the environment