509 research outputs found

    Streaming Verification of Graph Properties

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    Streaming interactive proofs (SIPs) are a framework for outsourced computation. A computationally limited streaming client (the verifier) hands over a large data set to an untrusted server (the prover) in the cloud and the two parties run a protocol to confirm the correctness of result with high probability. SIPs are particularly interesting for problems that are hard to solve (or even approximate) well in a streaming setting. The most notable of these problems is finding maximum matchings, which has received intense interest in recent years but has strong lower bounds even for constant factor approximations. In this paper, we present efficient streaming interactive proofs that can verify maximum matchings exactly. Our results cover all flavors of matchings (bipartite/non-bipartite and weighted). In addition, we also present streaming verifiers for approximate metric TSP. In particular, these are the first efficient results for weighted matchings and for metric TSP in any streaming verification model.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure, 1 tabl

    Sublinear Time Estimation of Degree Distribution Moments: The Degeneracy Connection

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    We revisit the classic problem of estimating the degree distribution moments of an undirected graph. Consider an undirected graph G=(V,E) with n (non-isolated) vertices, and define (for s > 0) mu_s = 1n * sum_{v in V} d^s_v. Our aim is to estimate mu_s within a multiplicative error of (1+epsilon) (for a given approximation parameter epsilon>0) in sublinear time. We consider the sparse graph model that allows access to: uniform random vertices, queries for the degree of any vertex, and queries for a neighbor of any vertex. For the case of s=1 (the average degree), widetilde{O}(sqrt{n}) queries suffice for any constant epsilon (Feige, SICOMP 06 and Goldreich-Ron, RSA 08). Gonen-Ron-Shavitt (SIDMA 11) extended this result to all integral s > 0, by designing an algorithms that performs widetilde{O}(n^{1-1/(s+1)}) queries. (Strictly speaking, their algorithm approximates the number of star-subgraphs of a given size, but a slight modification gives an algorithm for moments.) We design a new, significantly simpler algorithm for this problem. In the worst-case, it exactly matches the bounds of Gonen-Ron-Shavitt, and has a much simpler proof. More importantly, the running time of this algorithm is connected to the degeneracy of G. This is (essentially) the maximum density of an induced subgraph. For the family of graphs with degeneracy at most alpha, it has a query complexity of widetilde{O}left(frac{n^{1-1/s}}{mu^{1/s}_s} Big(alpha^{1/s} + min{alpha,mu^{1/s}_s}Big)right) = widetilde{O}(n^{1-1/s}alpha/mu^{1/s}_s). Thus, for the class of bounded degeneracy graphs (which includes all minor closed families and preferential attachment graphs), we can estimate the average degree in widetilde{O}(1) queries, and can estimate the variance of the degree distribution in widetilde{O}(sqrt{n}) queries. This is a major improvement over the previous worst-case bounds. Our key insight is in designing an estimator for mu_s that has low variance when G does not have large dense subgraphs

    Non-Adaptive Edge Counting and Sampling via Bipartite Independent Set Queries

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    An Optimal Algorithm for Triangle Counting in the Stream

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    We present a new algorithm for approximating the number of triangles in a graph G whose edges arrive as an arbitrary order stream. If m is the number of edges in G, T the number of triangles, ?_E the maximum number of triangles which share a single edge, and ?_V the maximum number of triangles which share a single vertex, then our algorithm requires space: O?(m/T?(?_E + ?{?_V})) Taken with the ?((m ?_E)/T) lower bound of Braverman, Ostrovsky, and Vilenchik (ICALP 2013), and the ?((m ?{?_V})/T) lower bound of Kallaugher and Price (SODA 2017), our algorithm is optimal up to log factors, resolving the complexity of a classic problem in graph streaming

    Improved Algorithms for Time Decay Streams

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    In the time-decay model for data streams, elements of an underlying data set arrive sequentially with the recently arrived elements being more important. A common approach for handling large data sets is to maintain a coreset, a succinct summary of the processed data that allows approximate recovery of a predetermined query. We provide a general framework that takes any offline-coreset and gives a time-decay coreset for polynomial time decay functions. We also consider the exponential time decay model for k-median clustering, where we provide a constant factor approximation algorithm that utilizes the online facility location algorithm. Our algorithm stores O(k log(h Delta)+h) points where h is the half-life of the decay function and Delta is the aspect ratio of the dataset. Our techniques extend to k-means clustering and M-estimators as well

    On Solving Linear Systems in Sublinear Time

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    We study sublinear algorithms that solve linear systems locally. In the classical version of this problem the input is a matrix S in R^{n x n} and a vector b in R^n in the range of S, and the goal is to output x in R^n satisfying Sx=b. For the case when the matrix S is symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD), the breakthrough algorithm of Spielman and Teng [STOC 2004] approximately solves this problem in near-linear time (in the input size which is the number of non-zeros in S), and subsequent papers have further simplified, improved, and generalized the algorithms for this setting. Here we focus on computing one (or a few) coordinates of x, which potentially allows for sublinear algorithms. Formally, given an index u in [n] together with S and b as above, the goal is to output an approximation x^_u for x^*_u, where x^* is a fixed solution to Sx=b. Our results show that there is a qualitative gap between SDD matrices and the more general class of positive semidefinite (PSD) matrices. For SDD matrices, we develop an algorithm that approximates a single coordinate x_{u} in time that is polylogarithmic in n, provided that S is sparse and has a small condition number (e.g., Laplacian of an expander graph). The approximation guarantee is additive | x^_u-x^*_u | 0. We further prove that the condition-number assumption is necessary and tight. In contrast to the SDD matrices, we prove that for certain PSD matrices S, the running time must be at least polynomial in n (for the same additive approximation), even if S has bounded sparsity and condition number

    Vector-Matrix-Vector Queries for Solving Linear Algebra, Statistics, and Graph Problems

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    We consider the general problem of learning about a matrix through vector-matrix-vector queries. These queries provide the value of u^{T}Mv over a fixed field ? for a specified pair of vectors u,v ? ??. To motivate these queries, we observe that they generalize many previously studied models, such as independent set queries, cut queries, and standard graph queries. They also specialize the recently studied matrix-vector query model. Our work is exploratory and broad, and we provide new upper and lower bounds for a wide variety of problems, spanning linear algebra, statistics, and graphs. Many of our results are nearly tight, and we use diverse techniques from linear algebra, randomized algorithms, and communication complexity
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