165 research outputs found

    Direction finding for an extended target with possibly non-symmetric spatial spectrum

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    We consider the problem of estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of an extended target in radar array processing. Two algorithms are proposed that do not assume that the power azimuthal distribution of the scatterers is symmetric with respect to the mass center of the target. The first one is based on spectral moments which are easily related to the target’s DOA. The second method stems from a previous paper by the present authors and consists of a least-squares fit on the elements of the covariance matrix. Both methods are simple and are shown to provide accurate estimates. Furthermore, they extend the range of unambiguous DOAs that can be estimated, compared with the same previous paper

    5G Positioning and Mapping with Diffuse Multipath

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    5G mmWave communication is useful for positioning due to the geometric connection between the propagation channel and the propagation environment. Channel estimation methods can exploit the resulting sparsity to estimate parameters(delay and angles) of each propagation path, which in turn can be exploited for positioning and mapping. When paths exhibit significant spread in either angle or delay, these methods breakdown or lead to significant biases. We present a novel tensor-based method for channel estimation that allows estimation of mmWave channel parameters in a non-parametric form. The method is able to accurately estimate the channel, even in the absence of a specular component. This in turn enables positioning and mapping using only diffuse multipath. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach

    Localisation de sources aéroacoustiques et imagerie à haute résolution

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    Localization of Coherently Distributed (CD) source presents a challenge in the array signal processing. Our work motivates the localization of aero-acoustic source based on its spatial extension. This challenge is practically ignored in the literature of acoustic imaging field where many applications consist in mapping noisy source to reduce its contribution. The thesis presents the three following contributions. First, we propose a Joint Angle, Distance, Spread and Shape Estimator called JADSSE. The estimation of the so-called spread shape distribution parameter proposed by JADSSE avoids the modeling error due to the required a priori knowledge on the source shape when using classical estimators. Second, we expand the Decoupled DSPE to the near field. This method decouples the Direction of Arrival (DoA) and the range estimation from the spread estimation. Meanwhile, this method prevents the spread estimation for unknown shape distribution. Therefore, we propose the DADSSE to successively estimate the DOA, the range and then the spread and the shape distribution of the source. Third, we generalize the CD model and the JADSSE to consider the bi-dimensional spread of the source. Next, we propose two source power estimation approaches accounting the spatial spread of the source. The proposed methods are tested using a set of experimental data of the Renault wind tunnel application. Results show the presence of new aero-acoustic sources especially the overlapped ones with weak powers. We provide a tool to better map and characterize the aero-acoustic source by estimating the position, spread, power and shape.La localisation de source Distribuée Cohérente (DC) présente un défi du traitement d'antenne. Les contributions de cette thèse s’articulent principalement autour de trois aspects. Premièrement, un estimateur conjoint de l'angle, la distance, la dispersion et la forme de la source appelée JADSSE est proposé pour le cas champ proche. L’estimation d’un paramètre de forme de distribution de la dispersion permet d’éviter des erreurs de modèles sur l’a priori de la forme de la distribution. Deuxièmement, on généralise l'estimateur Decoupled DSPE en champ proche. Cette approche permet de découpler l'estimation de la Direction D’Arrivée (DDA) et de la distance de l'estimation de la dispersion. Afin de permettre l’estimation de la dispersion sans connaître a priori les formes de distribution, on propose le DADSSE qui consiste à estimer successivement la DDA, la distance et ensuite la dispersion et la forme de la distribution de la source. Troisièmement, on généralise le modèle DC avec une dispersion spatiale bidimensionnelle de la source ainsi que l’estimateur JADSSE. Deux approches sont proposées pour l’estimation de la puissance prenant en compte le modèle d’étalement des sources. Les méthodes proposées sont testées sur les données expérimentales de la soufflerie de Renault. Les résultats mettent en évidence des sources aéro-acoustiques proches et de faibles puissances. L’ensemble de ces travaux permet de fournir un outil pour une meilleure cartographie et caractérisation des sources aéro-acoustiques grâce à l’estimation de la position, l'étalement, la puissance et la forme

    Cyclic Prefix-Free MC-CDMA Arrayed MIMO Communication Systems

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    The objective of this thesis is to investigate MC-CDMA MIMO systems where the antenna array geometry is taken into consideration. In most MC-CDMA systems, cyclic pre xes, which reduce the spectral e¢ ciency, are used. In order to improve the spectral efficiency, this research study is focused on cyclic pre x- free MC-CDMA MIMO architectures. Initially, space-time wireless channel models are developed by considering the spatio-temporal mechanisms of the radio channel, such as multipath propaga- tion. The spatio-temporal channel models are based on the concept of the array manifold vector, which enables the parametric modelling of the channel. The array manifold vector is extended to the multi-carrier space-time array (MC-STAR) manifold matrix which enables the use of spatio-temporal signal processing techniques. Based on the modelling, a new cyclic pre x-free MC- CDMA arrayed MIMO communication system is proposed and its performance is compared with a representative existing system. Furthermore, a MUSIC-type algorithm is then developed for the estimation of the channel parameters of the received signal. This proposed cyclic pre x-free MC-CDMA arrayed MIMO system is then extended to consider the effects of spatial diffusion in the wireless channel. Spatial diffusion is an important channel impairment which is often ignored and the failure to consider such effects leads to less than satisfactory performance. A subspace-based approach is proposed for the estimation of the channel parameters and spatial spread and reception of the desired signal. Finally, the problem of joint optimization of the transmit and receive beam- forming weights in the downlink of a cyclic pre x-free MC-CDMA arrayed MIMO communication system is investigated. A subcarrier-cooperative approach is used for the transmit beamforming so that there is greater flexibility in the allocation of channel symbols. The resulting optimization problem, with a per-antenna transmit power constraint, is solved by the Lagrange multiplier method and an iterative algorithm is proposed

    Comments on 'A high resolution quadratic time-frequency distribution for multicomponent signals analysis'

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    For original paper see Barkat and Boashash (IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.49, p.2232-9, 2001). It is shown that the time-frequency distribution (TFD) proposed in the above paper is not well defined in the ordinary sense for power signals, including the single-tone sinusoid, and it needs the introduction of generalized functions and transforms. It is also shown that the proposed TFD does not satisfy the conditions cited by the authors of the paper to justify the claim that it has the instantaneous frequency property

    Borne de Cramér-Rao pour la conception de réseaux de capteurs en présence des sources dispersées

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    National audienceIn array signal processing the signals impinging on the array are often assumed to come from point sources. However, in some applications, for example, in aero-acoustic imaging [1], the angular dispersion is no longer negligible and a model for distributed sources could be more appropriate. In this paper, focusing on the distributed source model, we derive an approximated expression of the Cramér-Rao bound in the case of one distributed source. In addition, we find that the component of the inter-correlation of the direction of arrival and the angular dispersion parameter of the source can be canceled by some particular geometries of the antenna array. The simulation results validate the theoretical results.Le modèle de source ponctuelle est couramment utilisé pour le traitement d'antenne, néanmoins, certaines applications physiques comme, par exemple, l'imagerie aéro-acoustique [1], n'obéissent pas à cette hypothèse, car la dispersion angulaire de la source n'est pas négligeable. Dans cet article, nous proposons une expression approchée de la borne de Cramér-Rao (BCR) dans le cas d'une source dispersée. En outre, nous montrons que la composante d'inter-corrélation de la direction d'arrivée (DDA) et du paramètre de dispersion angulaire de la source peut être réduite, voire annulée par des géométries particulières du réseau de capteurs. Les résultats de simulations numériques sont en adéquation avec les résultats théoriques
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