197,802 research outputs found


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    Geographical Information System (GIS) are methods to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data. GIS application software such as Arc View or Maplnfo allows the integration of such GIS maps with programming language software such as Visual Basic. As we all know, internet has been a major information distribution channel. If we could integrate both GIS map and serves it in a web browser medium, we could provide GIS applications online, the users could manipulate and handle each map with their own choice. In order to create the Internet map that allows GIS map, Arc IMS will be use. ArcIMS runs in a distributed environment and consists of both client and server components. The ArcIMS HTML Viewer and ArcIMS Java Viewers are client-side components. The ArcIMS Spatial Server, ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Application Server Connectors, and ArcIMS Manager are server-side components. As a conclusion, Internet mapping benefits the user by clearly indication GIS data to them

    5G network end-to-end delay measurements for live video streaming

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    Abstract. Focus of this thesis is in the data transmission delay comparison between Edge server and Cloud server when utilizing either 4G or 5G connectivity. In previous mobile phone network generations for example a multimedia server had to be installed on a Cloud server in the internet. 5G mobile phone network introduces a new concept called Edge server. Edge server is located close to the base station and therefore it is assumed to shorten the data transmission delay between the 5G mobile/client and a server application. Edge server can be used both in 4G and 5G networks. In this thesis first the 5G network and the essential new 5G architecture main design principles are gone through. Next the 5G Test Network that is used as a test environment is described and 5G main modules like Multi-access Edge Computing are introduced. 5G performance is clarified and compared against 4G. Delay testing is done in the 5G Test Network using Hospital Use Case demo. There operating room personnel like doctors and nurses is wearing Augmented Reality glasses and they are streaming their view together with patient status related information to multimedia server residing in 5G Test Network Edge server or in internet cloud. From the multimedia server the video is streamed by for example students, medical experts or consultants in a remote location. As part of the thesis the test system is defined and built based on the Hospital Use Case demo. Test specification is created, and tests are executed according to it. Results are recorded and analysed. Data transmission delays between the video stream originator and multimedia server are measured using Qosium measurement system. Also delay between the multimedia server and the streaming client is measured. Measurements are done for configurations where multimedia server is located at the Edge server and the internet cloud server. Both 4G and 5G connectivity is used for both server locations. When delay measurement results were compared it became clear that Edge server has much shorter data transmission delays compared to the internet cloud server. With 5G connectivity the delay was measured to be around 10 milliseconds for both uplink and downlink. With internet cloud the delays varied between 31 and 45 milliseconds with 5G connection. It can be concluded that from today’s mobile phone networks, 5G network does offer the fastest connection to a server environment by utilizing Edge server.5G verkon viiveen mittaaminen videostriimille. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö keskittyy vertaamaan datatiedonsiirron eroja reunapalvelimen ja internetin pilvipalvelimen välillä 4G ja 5G matkapuhelinverkossa. Aiempien sukupolvien matkapuhelinverkoissa esimerkiksi multimediapalvelin oli asennettava internetin pilvipalvelimelle. Viidennen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkossa otetaan käyttöön reunapalvelin. Reunapalvelin sijaitsee tukiaseman läheisyydessä ja täten sen oletetaan lyhentävän 5G-päätelaitteen ja palvelimen sovelluksen välistä tiedonsiirtoviivettä. Reunapalvelinta voidaan käyttää sekä neljännen että viidennen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkoissa. Tässä diplomityössä käydään ensin läpi 5G-matkapuhelinverkko ja sen arkkitehtuurin pääsuunnittelukriteerit. Seuraavaksi kuvataan testaamisessa käytettävä 5G-testiverkko ja 5G-verkon tärkeimmät moduulit kuten Multi-access Edge Computing. 5G-verkon suorituskyky selitetään ja sitä verrataan edelliseen 4. sukupolven verkkoon. Viivemittaukset tehdään 5G testiverkossa käyttäen 5G lääketieteen käyttötapauksen demoympäristöä. Siinä operointihuoneen henkilöstöllä, kuten lääkäreillä ja hoitajilla, on yllään lisätyn todellisuuden lasit. Lasit lähettävät henkilön näkymän ja potilaaseen liittyvää tietoa 5G-testiverkon reunapalvelimella tai internetin pilvipalvelimella sijaitsevalle multimediapalvelimelle. Multimediapalvelimelta video striimataan esimerkiksi lääketieteen opiskelijoille, asiantuntijoille tai konsulteille, jotka ovat etäällä lähetyspaikasta. Osana diplomityötä määritellään ja rakennetaan lääketieteen käyttötapauksen demon perustuva testausjärjestelmä. Testispesifikaatio luodaan, testit suoritetaan sen perusteella. Testitulokset tallennetaan ja analysoidaan. Tiedonsiirtoviiveet videolähteen ja multimediapalvelimen välillä mitataan käyttäen Qosium mittausjärjestelmää. Myös multimediapalvelimen ja videostriimin vastaanottajan väliset viiveet mitataan. Mittaukset tehdään konfiguraatiolle, jossa multimediapalvelin on sijoitettu reunapalvelimelle ja konfiguraatiolle, jossa se on sijoitettu internetin pilvipalvelimelle. Sekä 4G että 5G-yhteyttä käytetään molemmille konfiguraatiolle. Kun mittaustuloksia verrataan, käy selväksi, että reunapalvelimella on huomattavasti lyhyempi tiedonsiirtoviive kuin internetin pilvipalvelimella. 5G-yhteydellä mitattu viive oli noin 10 ms sekä ylössyöttö- että alassyöttösuuntaan. Internetin pilvipalvelimella viiveet vaihtelivat 31 ja 45 millisekunnin välillä 5G-yhteydellä. Voidaankin todeta, että nykyisistä matkapuhelinverkoista 5G-verkko tarjoaa nopeimman yhteyden palvelinympäristöön reunapalvelimen avulla


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    Geographical Information System (GIS) are methods to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data. GIS application software such as Arc View or Maplnfo allows the integration of such GIS maps with programming language software such as Visual Basic. As we all know, internet has been a major information distribution channel. If we could integrate both GIS map and serves it in a web browser medium, we could provide GIS applications online, the users could manipulate and handle each map with their own choice. In order to create the Internet map that allows GIS map, Arc IMS will be use. ArcIMS runs in a distributed environment and consists of both client and server components. The ArcIMS HTML Viewer and ArcIMS Java Viewers are client-side components. The ArcIMS Spatial Server, ArcIMS Application Server, ArcIMS Application Server Connectors, and ArcIMS Manager are server-side components. As a conclusion, Internet mapping benefits the user by clearly indication GIS data to them

    Network monitoring system to detect unauthorized connection

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    The Network Monitoring System to Detect Unauthorized Connection is a network analytic tool that use to review local area network usage. The main purpose of the application is monitoring the internet protocol traffic between local area network and Internet. In addition, this system aimed to detect unauthorized Internet Protocol addresses that are inside the network range. It also can prevent network intruders from Local Area Network connection (LAN). It is a computerized system that complete with element of confidentiality, integrity and availability. The system was built using waterfall methodology that begins with system analysis, design, implementation, testing, installation and maintenance. The system is using Visual Studio 2013 with SQL Server as server operations. There are ten modules in this system which are user main page, register admin module, register staff module, login admin module, login staff module, admin menu module, staff menu module, scan view module, status view module and report module. There are about 30 respondents who agreed and satisfied with the system. As a result, this system was successfully built to detect and block the unauthorized access in the network

    Establishment of the Linux internet gateway using advanced filtering

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    Práce Realizace internetové brány na Linuxu s pokročilým filtrováním se soustřeďuje na~instalaci operačního systému Linux na~starší počítače, který plní funkci jako brána pro připojení klientů ve~vnitřní síti do internetu. V práci je uveden popis vytvoření pokročilého filtrování s~pomocí iptables. Ukazuje některé typy bezpečnosti proti útokům z Internetu. V~dalších kapitolách jsou probrány pokročilé mechanismy řízení provozu (jako tc a qdisc). Tento systém front se ukazuje jako velice přínosný všude tam, kde je potřeba hierarchicky dělit provoz mezi uživatele. Jsou popsány typy front a~sestavena konfigurace pro klienty ve vnitřní síti. Dále je uvedeno použití dns serveru typu caching-only a také aplikace denyhosts, která zvyšuje celkovou bezpecnost systému. Mít vlastní DNS server se osvědčuje, zejména pokud chceme snížit datový provoz. Poslední kapitola se zabývá radius serverem a jeho implementací s použitím apache a databáze mysql. Popsány jsou možnosti některých konfiguračních voleb jednotlivých služeb a také uvedeny příklady konfigurací. Nakonec je předveden systém pro autentizaci uživatelů skrze RADIUS server. Celá práce se snaží poskytnout komplexní pohled na problematiku bezpečnosti a~filtrování.The thesis Establishment of the Linux internet gateway using advanced filtering focuses on~the installation of~the Linux operating system on~the older computers, that functions as a gateway to connect clients in the internal network to the Internet. The thesis describes creation an advanced filter with using iptables. Shows some types of security against attacks from the Internet. The other chapters are discussed, advanced traffic control mechanism (such as a TC and a qdisc). The system queue, it is highly beneficial where it is necessary to hierarchically divide traffic between users. It describes types of queue and assembled configurations for clients in the internal network. Next chapter describes the DNS server caching-only type and application denyhosts, which increases the overall security system. Have your own DNS server is certified, especially if we want to reduce the data traffic. Last chapter describes the RADIUS server and its implementation using Apache and MySQL database. Furthermore, the configuration options are described and the examples of the particular configurations are provided. Finally, it presented a system for authentication through the RADIUS server. The thesis seeks to provide a~complex view of security and filtering.

    Water Volume Detection System in Galon using Arduino

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    Internet of things has a concept that aims to expand the benefits connected in a continuous internet connection on an ongoing basis. The method used by Internet of Things is automatic control without distance. Implementation currently gallon control of water is still done by looking at the state of gallons and then gallons turn when the water in the gallon is already empty. With the internet of things can be implemented a water volume detector that can monitor the state of the gallon from a distance through a smartphone. To make the manufacture of water volume detection required tools such as water flow sensors, microcontroller or other tools that are then connected to the internet. For interaction relationship of water flow sensor, microcontroller, or other tool of help through internet used Android application. This Android application is used to facilitate users to access the internet anywhere. This Android application is made by using Android studio and microcontroller made with Arduino programming using C language. Microcontroller used is WeMos D1 R2 which has been contained ESP8266 in it. The result of this water volume detection development is the microcontroller can transmit sensor data to the Ubidots server so that the application can retrieve sensor data on the Ubidots server. Users can view the gallon state in real time and are also given a notification when the gallon water volume is below alert level. Users can also view reports of gallons per month

    Basis Token Consistency: A Practical Mechanism for Strong Web Cache Consistency

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    With web caching and cache-related services like CDNs and edge services playing an increasingly significant role in the modern internet, the problem of the weak consistency and coherence provisions in current web protocols is becoming increasingly significant and drawing the attention of the standards community [LCD01]. Toward this end, we present definitions of consistency and coherence for web-like environments, that is, distributed client-server information systems where the semantics of interactions with resource are more general than the read/write operations found in memory hierarchies and distributed file systems. We then present a brief review of proposed mechanisms which strengthen the consistency of caches in the web, focusing upon their conceptual contributions and their weaknesses in real-world practice. These insights motivate a new mechanism, which we call "Basis Token Consistency" or BTC; when implemented at the server, this mechanism allows any client (independent of the presence and conformity of any intermediaries) to maintain a self-consistent view of the server's state. This is accomplished by annotating responses with additional per-resource application information which allows client caches to recognize the obsolescence of currently cached entities and identify responses from other caches which are already stale in light of what has already been seen. The mechanism requires no deviation from the existing client-server communication model, and does not require servers to maintain any additional per-client state. We discuss how our mechanism could be integrated into a fragment-assembling Content Management System (CMS), and present a simulation-driven performance comparison between the BTC algorithm and the use of the Time-To-Live (TTL) heuristic.National Science Foundation (ANI-9986397, ANI-0095988
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