508 research outputs found

    Robust optimization methods for chance constrained, simulation-based, and bilevel problems

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    The objective of robust optimization is to find solutions that are immune to the uncertainty of the parameters in a mathematical optimization problem. It requires that the constraints of a given problem should be satisfied for all realizations of the uncertain parameters in a so-called uncertainty set. The robust version of a mathematical optimization problem is generally referred to as the robust counterpart problem. Robust optimization is popular because of the computational tractability of the robust counterpart for many classes of uncertainty sets, and its applicability in wide range of topics in practice. In this thesis, we propose robust optimization methodologies for different classes of optimization problems. In Chapter 2, we give a practical guide on robust optimization. In Chapter 3, we propose a new way to construct uncertainty sets for robust optimization using the available historical data information. Chapter 4 proposes a robust optimization approach for simulation-based optimization problems. Finally, Chapter 5 proposes approximations of a specific class of robust and stochastic bilevel optimization problems by using modern robust optimization techniques
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