64 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of regional scientific environment on the performance of scientific organizations: the example of Russia

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    The goal of the study is to determine the impact of the regional scientific environment on the performance of scientific organizations. The indicators of a regional scientific environment, which were used as predictors in a regression model built to assess the dependence of the effectiveness of scientific organizations has been identified during the study. In the model, the category of scientific organizations was assigned as a dependent variable, according to the results of the federal monitoring conducted in 2016 for 541 scientific organizations located in 65 Russian regions. The study showed that there were no significant differences between regions when comparing factors determining the regional scientific environment and the performance of scientific organizations

    Evaluating the research productivity of a state university in Central Luzon, Philippines: Basis for policy recommendations

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    This descriptive study evaluated the research productivity of a state university in Central Luzon, Philippines, for the past five years (2016-2020) as basis for policy formulation. The study used document analysis to ascertain the research productivity in terms of: i) Number of papers published in refereed international journals such as Scopus and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) accredited journals; ii) Number of faculty researchers with publication to these journals; and iii) Total number of citations. The data were obtained primarily from online publications found in the Google Scholar and Scopus databases. Results revealed that the state university's research productivity is relatively high in terms of published papers in refereed international journals for the past five years. However, the published papers in Scopus-indexed journals and CHED accredited journals are relatively low. An average number of faculty researchers publish their works in reputable journals, but very few faculties publish in the journals recommended by the CHED. Likewise, the university had a remarkable research citation record for the past five years. The findings of this research have important implications for policy to improve research productivity and enhance the research culture in higher education institutions (HEIs). Such policies include the need to have strong support to faculty researchers, forge research collaborations, source external research funding, and establish a sound incentive mechanism

    Ranking of Indian Institution of Technology (IITs) in Global and Indian Ranking system: A Comparative Study

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    Rankings at both the international and national scales are becoming more significant in higher education in every corner of the world. Higher education institutions are ranked in a variety of national as well as global lists. The current study evaluates the academic achievements of Indian Institutes of Technology in national as well as global rankings, including those produced by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Times Higher Education (THE), Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), The Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR), UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), and Atal Ranking of Institutions

    Sustainable development practices in public higher education: A new conceptual framework for nurturing student satisfaction and reinforcing attractiveness to international students

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    Using a multi-layer review based on stakeholder, institutional and legitimacy theories, the current study presents and empirically analyses a novel conceptual framework addressing the relationship between sustainable development practices, internationalization and students' satisfaction in public higher education institutions. Based on participants' self-perception, a questionnaire was distributed to 738 students at seven Portuguese public higher education institutions. Structural equation modeling was utilized to estimate the multivariate causal relationships. The evidence shows that SDP are positively, directly, and significantly related to internationalization and students' satisfaction. Students' satisfaction is directly and significantly associated with internationalization, also revealing a moderating effect on the relationship between sustainable development practices and internationalization. To achieve legitimacy among their stakeholders, public higher education institutions must build an institutional commitment to sustainability by adopting and disseminating sustainable development practices with actions on a livable campus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Scholarly publication key performance indicator diagnostic model using viable system and social cognitive theory

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    Scholarly Publications (SP) are almost certainly the most significant resources by which researchers at universities are appraised. It is part of the requirements for obtaining a Research University (RU) status. In the aspiration of these, to strategically improve and maintain their status, a series of performance measurement interventions were initiated, such as the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) delivery. The aim of this study is to propose a diagnostic model for SP productivity involving various stakeholders in monitoring a complex KPI delivery ecosystem for Malaysian university. This study employs Viable System Model (VSM) and Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) factors to develop a research model based on a comprehensive literature review. Following an interpretive paradigm this research applies qualitative method triangulated with quantitative method. VSM was applied as a diagnostic tool to diagnose process of KPI delivery for monitoring four recursion levels involving Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation (DVCRI), Research Alliances (RAs), Research Groups (RGs) and lastly the academic staffs of the chosen institution which is, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Three strategies which are strategic, tactical and operational in achieving the SP KPI to maintain RU status for the institution were recommended to assist all pertinent stakeholders in monitoring the KPI delivery. Besides, to complement the results, a survey was designed and the data from the institutional repository involving UTM faculty members were analyzed to investigate the SCT factors involving human factor which is lacking in VSM tool. The findings show that the most influential factors for the SP of UTM are age, gender, experience, rank, teaching load, collaboration, funding, resource, discipline and skill. The model was evaluated for the SP KPI monitoring process, which further can be used by public and private universities to improve the performance of their institution's publication

    Assessing quality and productivity of Journal Publications using bibliometric approach: A platform towards world class education

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    Quality and productivity have become increasingly pertinent in the wake of rapid changes that are happening in the marketplace (Nik Mustapha, 1995). Nowadays, these two are still widely accepted as key competitive enablers for organizations in both public and private sectors including the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). HEIs bear a profound moral responsibility to increase the awareness, knowledge, skills and values needed to create a just and sustainable future (Libunao and Peter, 2013). These institutions are mandated to develop intellectual and conceptual frameworks to achieve these goals. Previous studies, seminars and relevant research has also highlighted the importance of understanding quality and productivity of publications in HEIs. Not withstanding, quality is an elusive concept. In most dictionaries, quality have been defined as a high degree of goodness, a distinguishing characteristic or attribute, a high degree of a high standard of excellence, a high social status, an authorized level of superiority, a regularized, accepted, predetermined and correct level of competence and performance. According to Foster and Ganguly (2013), quality is related with productivity, profitability and sustainability. Summer (2010) in his book wrote that Deming define quality as ‘non-faulty system’, to Juran quality is a concept that needs to be found in all aspects of business and Crosby defined quality as conformance to requirements. In practical wise, some definitions listed by Goetsch and Davis (2014) are (i) quality as performance to the standard expected by the customer, (ii) meeting the customer’s needs the first time and every time, and (iii) doing the right thing right the first time, and always striving for improvement, and always satisfying the customer. Thus, quality can be difficult to comprehend. If we ask 10 people, we may end up with ten different definitions. In Malaysia, quality has been a theme adapted in general by educational providers (Sohail, Rajadurai and Rahman, 2003). In higher educations, quality is the matter about teaching and research (Green, 1994)

    Collaboration - changing the global landscape of science: proceedings of 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting 2014, September 3 - 5, 2014, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

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    The 10th WIS encourages continued investigation into the field of applied scientometrics. The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology, science policy, quantitative aspects of science and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices witch in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making

    Engaging with Open Access Locally and Internationally : A holistic and longitudinal study of the United Arab Emirates academic publishing landscape

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    Tieteellinen viestintä on kohdannut monia merkittäviä muutoksia historian kuluessa. Internetin synty mahdollisti täysin uudenlaisten kommunikaatioverkostojen synnyn eri osapuolten välillä. Laajentuneiden teknisten mahdollisuuksien lisäksi muutosta on ruokkinut ylevä periaate tutkimustulosten avoimesta jakamisesta. Tässä kontekstissa aivan erityisen merkittävä seikka on ollut open access -julkaiseminen (OA). Tällainen tiedejulkaisujen avoimuus tapahtuu joko rinnakkaistallentamisen kautta (vihreä OA) tai niin että materiaali julkaistaan suoraan avoimesti verkkoon alkuperäisen julkaisijan kautta (kulta OA). OA:n yleisenä tavoitteena on ollut vapauttaa tutkimusjulkaisut maksumuureista. OA on edistynyt merkittäväsi monenlaisten hankkeiden kautta, ja myös tutkimuksen puolella on ahkerasti seurattu avoimuuden kasvua ja sen erilaisia vaikutuksia. Vaikka tutkimusedellytykset avoimen julkaisemisen suhteen ovat kehittyneet, ilmiön kokonaisvaltaisen tutkimisen tiellä on vielä monia keskeisiä haasteita. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on ollut analysoida Yhdistyneiden arabiemiirikuntien tutkimusmaaperää ja hankkia empiiristä dataa niiden kansallisesta OA-tilanteesta. Arabiemiirikunnat ovat hyvä tapaustutkimuksen kohde, johtuen niiden taloudellisista, tilastollisista ja tutkimuksellisista piirteistä. Emiraatit ovat hyvin nuori valtio joka iästään huolimatta lukeutuu korkean tulotason maihin. Sen tutkimushenkilöstöä leimaa korkea vaihtuvuus, mikä voi negatiivisesi vaikuttaa julkaisemistehokkuuteen sekä haluun panostaa avoimen julkaisemisen suosimiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että Emiraateista puuttuu avoimen julkaisemisen käyttöönottoa edistäviä linjauksia, käytäntöjä, sekä OA:n vaatimaa infrastruktuuria ja rahoitusta. Tästä huolimatta Emiraatit ovat väitöskirjan tulosten mukaan muun maailman tasolla OA-lehtien määrässä, yliopistojen tutkimustuen henkilöstön tietoisuudessa ja tuessa OA julkaisemiselle, sekä OA-tiedeartikkelien määrässä. Tutkimus osoittaa myös kansainvälisen yhteiskirjoittamisen ja OA saatavuuden välistä yhteyttä, mikä näyttäytyy vastakohtana kansallisten linjausten ja OA:n priorisoinnin puutteelle. Väitöskirja myös korostaa sitä, miten olemassa olevat bibliografiset lähteet voivat antaa vääristyneen kuvan OA:n tilasta. Tämä pätee erityisesti sellaisten maiden kuten Emiraattien kohdalla, koska lähteet itsessään sisältävät vinoumia kattavuuden suhteen, sen lisäksi että OA:han liittyvässä metadatassa on puutteita. Tästä johtuen jopa integroivilla menetelmillä toteutettu OA:han liittyvä tutkimus kärsii rajoitteista. Emiraatit voisivat hyötyä suuresti kansallisista tiedepoliittisista linjauksista, jotka eivät ainoastaan korostaisi julkaisujen tuottamista vaan myös tekisivät niistä näkyvämpiä ja saavutettavampia OA:n kautta. Tätä kautta olisi mahdollista edistää avoimesti saatavilla olevien julkaisujen määrien kasvua, auttaen vakiinnuttamaan Emiraattien aseman eteenpäin katsovana valtiona, joka sijaitsee kansainvälisten lahjakkuuksien risteymäkohdassa.Scholarly communication has witnessed many transformative changes throughout history. These changes ere accelerated by the advent of the Internet that enabled complex communication networks between its different stakeholders. These networks are kindled by the noble principle of exchanging research findings. Within this context, no change has been as disruptive as open access (OA). Whether through self-archiving (green) or directly from the publishers (gold), OA’s aim is to free the exchange of research findings from paywalls. Many initiatives in support of OA flourished and scientometric studies started measuring its uptake and impact. However, OA research still faces many challenges. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the UAE research landscape for empirical data on the national state of OA. The UAE makes for a good study case because of its economic, demographic and research characteristics. The UAE is a very young country that is, nonetheless, being classified among high income countries. Its researcher population is characterised by high transiency, an attribute that may negatively affect research output and OA prioritization. The findings show that UAE lacks incentives to adopt OA, OA related mandates and policies, OA infrastructure, and OA funding. However, the UAE is on par with the rest of the world in terms of number of OA journals; practitioners’ awareness and support of OA practices; and OA articles output. This study also supports the evident correlation between international coauthorship levels and OA uptake. This is in stark contrast to policy lacunae and no evident prioritization of OA. This thesis also highlights how existing bibliographic sources of data can draw a distorted picture of the state of OA especially in countries such as the UAE since these sources are largely biased. This is in addition to gaps in OA-related metadata. Even with integrative methods, OA-related research is largely restrained. The UAE could benefit greatly from a nationwide science policy that would not only promote research output but also make it more visible and accessible through OA supportive measures. OA uptake numbers would improve and consolidate the position of the UAE as a forward looking country and a crossroad of global talents

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute