137 research outputs found

    Live Television in a Digital Library

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    Nowadays nearly everyone has access to digital television with a growing number of channels available for free. However due to the nature of broadcasting, this huge mass of information that reaches us is not, for the main part, organised—it is principally a succession of images and sound transmitted in a flow of data. Compare this with digital libraries which are powerful at organising a large but fixed set of documents. This project brings together these two concepts by concurrently capturing all the available live television channels, and segments them into files which are then imported into a digital video library. The system leverages off the information contained in the electronic program guide and the video recordings to generate metadata suitable for the digital library. By combining these two concepts together this way, the aim of this work is to look beyond what is currently available in the digital TV set top boxes on the market today and explore the full potential—unencumbered by commercial market constraints—to what the raw technology can provide

    Scalable switched slab coupler based optical phased array on silicon nitride

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    A two-dimensional optical-phased array is demonstrated by using a multiple-input star coupler, compatible with FMCW LiDAR. Previous approach using a single-input design achieves two-dimensional beam-steering by relying on a tunable laser source, taking advantage of grating coupler radiation angle wavelength dependance and variation of the waveguide refractive index. While implementing a convenient way to distribute power in a single step, star coupler architecture is inefficient in terms of employed waveguide length and thus, optical loss and footprint. Multi-input approach partially alleviates this by condensing several single-input devices into one, permitting to reduce the footprint proportionally to the employed number of inputs. We fabricated in silicon nitride technology a proof of concept steerer with beam waist 0.36 deg x 0.175 deg addressing a field of view of 15 deg x 2.8 deg. A new design iteration is also reported with and 0.24 deg x 0.16 deg beam waist and 15 deg x 11.2 deg field of view. Implications of this optical-phased array chips from a LiDAR system perspective are also presented.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Copyright 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other use

    Improved Spectrum Usage with Multi-RF Channel Aggregation Technologies for the Next-Generation Terrestrial Broadcasting

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    [EN] Next-generation terrestrial broadcasting targets at enhancing spectral efficiency to overcome the challenges derived from the spectrum shortage as a result of the progressive allocation of frequencies - the so-called Digital Dividend - to satisfy the growing demands for wireless broadband capacity. Advances in both transmission standards and video coding are paramount to enable the progressive roll-out of high video quality services such as HDTV (High Definition Televison) or Ultra HDTV. The transition to the second generation European terrestrial standard DVB-T2 and the introduction of MPEG-4/AVC video coding already enables the transmission of 4-5 HDTV services per RF (Radio Frequency) channel. However, the impossibility to allocate higher bit-rate within the remaining spectrum could jeopardize the evolution of the DTT platforms in favour of other high-capacity systems such as the satellite or cable distribution platforms. Next steps are focused on the deployment of the recently released High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, which provides more than 50% coding gain with respect to AVC, with the next-generation terrestrial standards. This could ensure the competitiveness of the DTT. This dissertation addresses the use of multi-RF channel aggregation technologies to increase the spectral efficiency of future DTT networks. The core of the Thesis are two technologies: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) and Channel Bonding (CB). TFS and CB consist in the transmission of the data of a TV service across multiple RF channels instead of using a single channel. CB spreads data of a service over multiple classical RF channels (RF-Mux). TFS spreads the data by time-slicing (slot-by-slot) across multiple RF channels which are sequentially recovered at the receiver by frequency hopping. Transmissions using these features can benefit from capacity and coverage gains. The first one comes from a more efficient statistical multiplexing (StatMux) for Variable Bit Rate (VBR) services due to a StatMux pool over a higher number of services. Furthermore, CB allows increasing service data rate with the number of bonded RF channels and also advantages when combined with SVC (Scalable Video Coding). The coverage gain comes from the increased RF performance due to the reception of the data of a service from different RF channels rather that a single one that could be, eventually, degraded. Robustness against interferences is also improved since the received signal does not depend on a unique potentially interfered RF channel. TFS was firstly introduced as an informative annex in DVB-T2 (not normative) and adopted in DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS and CB are proposed for inclusion in ATSC 3.0. However, they have never been implemented. The investigations carried out in this dissertation employ an information-theoretical approach to obtain their upper bounds, physical layer simulations to evaluate the performance in real systems and the analysis of field measurements that approach realistic conditions of the network deployments. The analysis report coverage gains about 4-5 dB with 4 RF channels and high capacity gains already with 2 RF channels. This dissertation also focuses on implementation aspects. Channel bonding receivers require one tuner per bonded RF channel. The implementation of TFS with a single tuner demands the fulfilment of several timing requirements. However, the use of just two tuners would still allow for a good performance with a cost-effective implementation by the reuse of existing chipsets or the sharing of existing architectures with dual tuner operation such as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).[ES] La televisión digital terrestre (TDT) de última generación está orientada a una necesaria mejora de la eficiencia espectral con el fin de abordar los desafíos derivados de la escasez de espectro como resultado de la progresiva asignación de frecuencias - el llamado Dividendo Digital - para satisfacer la creciente demanda de capacidad para la banda ancha inalámbrica. Los avances tanto en los estándares de transmisión como de codificación de vídeo son de suma importancia para la progresiva puesta en marcha de servicios de alta calidad como la televisión de Ultra AD (Alta Definición). La transición al estándar europeo de segunda generación DVB-T2 y la introducción de la codificación de vídeo MPEG-4 / AVC ya permite la transmisión de 4-5 servicios de televisión de AD por canal RF (Radiofrecuencia). Sin embargo, la imposibilidad de asignar una mayor tasa de bit sobre el espectro restante podría poner en peligro la evolución de las plataformas de TDT en favor de otros sistemas de alta capacidad tales como el satélite o las distribuidoras de cable. El siguiente paso se centra en el despliegue del reciente estándar HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), que ofrece un 50% de ganancia de codificación con respecto a AVC, junto con los estándares terrestres de próxima generación, lo que podría garantizar la competitividad de la TDT en un futuro cercano. Esta tesis aborda el uso de tecnologías de agregación de canales RF que permitan incrementar la eficiencia espectral de las futuras redes. La tesis se centra en torno a dos tecnologías: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) y Channel Bonding (CB). TFS y CB consisten en la transmisión de los datos de un servicio de televisión a través de múltiples canales RF en lugar de utilizar un solo canal. CB difunde los datos de un servicio a través de varios canales RF convencionales formando un RF-Mux. TFS difunde los datos a través de ranuras temporales en diferentes canales RF. Los datos son recuperados de forma secuencial en el receptor mediante saltos en frecuencia. La implementación de estas técnicas permite obtener ganancias en capacidad y cobertura. La primera de ellas proviene de una multiplexación estadística (StatMux) de servicios de tasa variable (VBR) más eficiente. Además, CB permite aumentar la tasa de pico de un servicio de forma proporcional al número de canales así como ventajas al combinarla con codificación de vídeo escalable. La ganancia en cobertura proviene de un mejor rendimiento RF debido a la recepción de los datos de un servicio desde diferentes canales en lugar uno sólo que podría estar degradado. Del mismo modo, es posible obtener una mayor robustez frente a interferencias ya que la recepción o no de un servicio no depende de si el canal que lo alberga está o no interferido. TFS fue introducido en primer lugar como un anexo informativo en DVB-T2 (no normativo) y posteriormente fue adoptado en DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS y CB han sido propuestos para su inclusión en ATSC 3.0. Aún así, nunca han sido implementados. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en esta Tesis emplean diversos enfoques basados en teoría de la información para obtener los límites de ganancia, en simulaciones de capa física para evaluar el rendimiento en sistemas reales y en el análisis de medidas de campo. Estos estudios reportan ganancias en cobertura en torno a 4-5 dB con 4 canales e importantes ganancias en capacidad aún con sólo 2 canales RF. Esta tesis también se centra en los aspectos de implementación. Los receptores para CB requieren un sintonizador por canal RF agregado. La implementación de TFS con un solo sintonizador exige el cumplimiento de varios requisito temporales. Sin embargo, el uso de dos sintonizadores permitiría un buen rendimiento con una implementación más rentable con la reutilización de los actuales chips o su introducción junto con las arquitecturas existentes que operan con un doble sintonizador tales como[CA] La televisió digital terrestre (TDT) d'última generació està orientada a una necessària millora de l'eficiència espectral a fi d'abordar els desafiaments derivats de l'escassetat d'espectre com a resultat de la progressiva assignació de freqüències - l'anomenat Dividend Digital - per a satisfer la creixent demanda de capacitat per a la banda ampla sense fil. Els avanços tant en els estàndards de transmissió com de codificació de vídeo són de la màxima importància per a la progressiva posada en marxa de serveis d'alta qualitat com la televisió d'Ultra AD (Alta Definició). La transició a l'estàndard europeu de segona generació DVB-T2 i la introducció de la codificació de vídeo MPEG-4/AVC ja permet la transmissió de 4-5 serveis de televisió d'AD per canal RF (Radiofreqüència). No obstant això, la impossibilitat d'assignar una major taxa de bit sobre l'espectre restant podria posar en perill l'evolució de les plataformes de TDT en favor d'altres sistemes d'alta capacitat com ara el satèl·lit o les distribuïdores de cable. El següent pas se centra en el desplegament del recent estàndard HEVC (High Efficiency Vídeo Coding), que oferix un 50% de guany de codificació respecte a AVC, junt amb els estàndards terrestres de pròxima generació, la qual cosa podria garantir la competitivitat de la TDT en un futur pròxim. Aquesta tesi aborda l'ús de tecnologies d'agregació de canals RF que permeten incrementar l'eficiència espectral de les futures xarxes. La tesi se centra entorn de dues tecnologies: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) i Channel Bonding (CB). TFS i CB consistixen en la transmissió de les dades d'un servei de televisió a través de múltiples canals RF en compte d'utilitzar un sol canal. CB difon les dades d'un servei a través d'uns quants canals RF convencionals formant un RF-Mux. TFS difon les dades a través de ranures temporals en diferents canals RF. Les dades són recuperades de forma seqüencial en el receptor per mitjà de salts en freqüència. La implementació d'aquestes tècniques permet obtindre guanys en capacitat i cobertura. La primera d'elles prové d'una multiplexació estadística (StatMux) de serveis de taxa variable (VBR) més eficient. A més, CB permet augmentar la taxa de pic d'un servei de forma proporcional al nombre de canals així com avantatges al combinar-la amb codificació de vídeo escalable. El guany en cobertura prové d'un millor rendiment RF a causa de la recepció de les dades d'un servei des de diferents canals en lloc de només un que podria estar degradat. De la mateixa manera, és possible obtindre una major robustesa enfront d'interferències ja que la recepció o no d'un servei no depén de si el canal que l'allotja està o no interferit. TFS va ser introduït en primer lloc com un annex informatiu en DVB-T2 (no normatiu) i posteriorment va ser adoptat en DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS i CB han sigut proposades per a la seva inclusió en ATSC 3.0. Encara així, mai han sigut implementades. Les investigacions dutes a terme en esta Tesi empren diverses vessants basades en teoria de la informació per a obtindre els límits de guany, en simulacions de capa física per a avaluar el rendiment en sistemes reals i en l'anàlisi de mesures de camp. Aquestos estudis reporten guanys en cobertura entorn als 4-5 dB amb 4 canals i importants guanys en capacitat encara amb només 2 canals RF. Esta tesi també se centra en els aspectes d'implementació. Els receptors per a CB requerixen un sintonitzador per canal RF agregat. La implementació de TFS amb un sol sintonitzador exigix el compliment de diversos requisit temporals. No obstant això, l'ús de dos sintonitzadors permetria un bon rendiment amb una implementació més rendible amb la reutilització dels actuals xips o la seua introducció junt amb les arquitectures existents que operen amb un doble sintonitzador com ara MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).Giménez Gandia, JJ. (2015). Improved Spectrum Usage with Multi-RF Channel Aggregation Technologies for the Next-Generation Terrestrial Broadcasting [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52520TESI

    An Application-Specific Design Methodology for On-chip Crossbar Generation

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    Designing a power-efficient interconnection architec- ture for MultiProcessor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) satisfying the application performance constraints is a nontrivial task. In order to meet the tight time-to-market constraints and to effec- tively handle the design complexity, it is essential to provide a computer-aided design tool support for automating this task. In this paper, we address the issue of “application-specific design of optimal crossbar architecture” satisfying the performance re- quirements of the application and optimal binding of the cores onto the crossbar resources. We present a simulation-based design approach that is based on the analysis of the actual traffic trace of the application, considering local variations in traffic rates, temporal overlap among traffic streams, and criticality of traffic streams. Our approach is physical design aware, where the wiring complexity of the crossbar architecture is also considered during the design process. This leads to detecting timing violations on the wires early in the design cycle and to having accurate estimates of the power consumption on the wires. We apply our methodology onto several MPSoC designs, and the synthesized crossbar plat- forms are validated for performance by cycle-accurate SystemC simulation of the designs. The crossbar matrix power consumption values are based on the synthesis of the register transfer level models of the designs, obtained using industry standard tools. The experimental case studies show large reduction in communication architecture power consumption (45.3% on average) and total wirelength (38% on average) for the MPSoC designs when com- pared with traditional design approaches. The synthesized cross- bar designs also lead to large reduction in transaction latencies (up to 7×) when compared with the existing design approaches

    Development of a virtual personal video recorder based on a set top box

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    Estágio realizado na Fraunhofer Portugal ResearchTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Major Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Towards large-scale and collaborative spectrum monitoring systems using IoT devices

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is well regulated by frequency assignment authorities, national regulatory agencies and the International Communication Union (ITU). Nowadays more and more devices such as mobile phones and Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors make use of wireless communication. Additionally we need a more efficient use and a better understanding of the EM space to allocate and manage efficiently all communications. Governments and telecommunication operators perform spectrum measurements using expensive and bulky equipments scheduling very specific and limited spectrum campaigns. However, this approach does not scale as it can not allow to widely scan and analyze the spectrum 24/7 in real time due to the high cost of the large deployment. A pervasive deployment of spectrum sensors is required to solve this problem, allowing to monitor and analyze the EM radio waves in real time, across all possible frequencies, and physical locations. This thesis presents ElectroSense, a crowdsourcing and collaborative system that enables large scale deployments using Internet-of-Things (IoT) spectrum sensors to collect EM spectrum data which is analyzed in a big data infrastructure. The ElectroSense platform seeks a more efficient, safe and reliable real-time monitoring of the EM space by improving the accessibility and the democratization of spectrum data for the scientific community, stakeholders and the general public. In this work, we first present the ElectroSense architecture, and the design challenges that must be faced to attract a large community of users and all potential stakeholders. It is envisioned that a large number of sensors deployed in ElectroSense will be at affordable cost, supported by more powerful spectrum sensors when possible. Although low-cost Radio Frequency (RF) sensors have an acceptable performance for measuring the EM spectrum, they present several drawbacks (e.g. frequency range, Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), maximum sampling rate, etc.) that can negatively affect the quality of collected spectrum data as well as the applications of interest for the community. In order to counteract the above-mentioned limitations, we propose to exploit the fact that a dense network of spectrum sensors will be in range of the same transmitter(s). We envision to exploit this idea to enable smart collaborative algorithms among IoT RF sensors. In this thesis we identify the main research challenges to enable smart collaborative algorithms among low-cost RF sensors. We explore different crowdsourcing and collaborative scenarios where low-cost spectrum sensors work together in a distributed manner. First, we propose a fast and precise frequency offset estimation method for lowcost spectrum receivers that makes use of Long Term Evolution (LTE) signals broadcasted by the base stations. Second, we propose a novel, fast and precise Time-of-Arrival (ToA) estimation method for aircraft signals using low-cost IoT spectrum sensors that can achieve sub-nanosecond precision. Third, we propose a collaborative time division approach among sensors for sensing the spectrum in order to reduce the network uplink bandwidth for each spectrum sensor. By last, we present a methodology to enable the signal reconstruction in the backend. By multiplexing in frequency a certain number of non-coherent low-cost spectrum sensors, we are able to cover a signal bandwidth that would not otherwise be possible using a single receiver. At the time of writing we are the first looking at the problem of collaborative signal reconstruction and decoding using In-phase & Quadrature (I/Q) data received from low-cost RF sensors. Our results reported in this thesis and obtained from the experiments made in real scenarios, suggest that it is feasible to enable collaborative spectrum monitoring strategies and signal decoding using commodity hardware as RF sensing sensors.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Bozidar Radunovic.- Secretario: Paolo Casari.- Vocal: Fco. Javier Escribano Aparici

    On the feasibility of the communications in the TVWS spectrum analysis and coexistence issue

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    In the last decade, the enormous growth in the wireless industry has come from using only a small part of the wireless spectrum, nominally less than 10% under 3 GHz. Nowadays, the vast majority of the available spectral resources have already been licensed. Measurements made by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) have shown that a great part of the spectrum, although allocated, is virtually unused. For all this reasons, in the last years, several countries have already (USA) or are in the process (EU, China, Japan, South Korea) of switching off analog TV broadcasting in favor of Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) broadcasting systems and digital switchover plans have driven a thorough review of TV spectrum exploitation. The resulting unused channels within this band are called “TV white spaces” (TVWS). Even after the redistribution of the digital TV channels, the problem of an efficient utilization of the allocated frequencies is still far from being solved. For example, there are still large territorial areas on which, although allocated, the TV channels result unused, due to coverage problems. New spectrum allocation approaches such as the dynamic spectrum access method have been studied. This new concept implies that the radio terminals have the capacity to monitor their own radio environment and consequently adapt to the transmission conditions on whatever frequency band are available (adaptive radio). If this concept is supplemented with the capacity of analyzing the surrounding radio environment in search of white spaces, the term adaptive radio is extended to Cognitive Radio (CR). The spectrum management rule of CR is that all new users for the spectrum are secondary (cognitive) users (SU) and requires that they must detect and avoid the primary (licensed) users (PU) in terms of used frequencies, transmission power and modulation scheme. In the TV bands specifically, the presence of PUs (e.g. TV broadcasters) can be revealed both performing a spectrum sensing operation and considering the information provided by the external databases called “geo-location databases” (GL-DB). The database provides, for a certain location, the list of the free TV channels and the allowable maximum effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) for transmitting without harmful interference to incumbent users. Decision thresholds are still a critical parameter for protecting services in a scenario where cognitive devices would be operating. There are cases where the approach based on GL Spectrum Occupancy DB might not be available, either because the database does not exist for that area (for example in non densely populated areas) or in the case that access to the database is not possible (deep indoor operation, low populated areas etc.). Several studies have suggested that radio noise has increased significantly over the last decades and consequently the assumptions about decision thresholds and interference protection ratios might be outdated. The Hidden Node Margin (HNM) is a parameter that quantifies the difference between the potential interfered signal values at the location where it is measured or estimated by the cognitive device, and the actual value at the location where the receiving antenna for this signal is located. HNM is a key parameter to define the protection requirements that cognitive devices must comply in order not to create any harmful interference to broadcast receiving systems. In this context, this thesis goes in a precise direction, with four main topics related to the feasibility of communication cognitive systems operating in the TVWS, considering coexistence as the main operational issue. The first topic studies new spectrum sensing approaches in order to improve the more critical functionality of CRs. In the second topic an unlicensed indoor short-range distribution system for the wireless retransmission in the DTT band of High definition TV (HDTV) contents with immediate implementations as home entertainment systems has been carried out. The third topic of this thesis is about a particular database developed in order to provide information to easily calculate HNM values and associated statistics, TV Channel Occupancy and Man Made Noise Upper Limits. The empirical data for this work has been recorded in different locations of Spain and Italy during 2011 and 2012 thanks to the partnership between the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (D.I.E.E.) of the University of Cagliari and the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University of Bilbao (UPV/EHU). Finally in the last topic we focus on the IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard evaluating, thanks to extended measurements, the performance of an 802.22 system operating into the same coverage range of a DTT receiver

    Digital help service opportunities for communication service providers in the convergent digital home

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    Thesis (S.M. in Engineering and Management)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, System Design and Management Program, February 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-100).Homes are becoming increasingly connected as new technologies allow users to access media and information from any-device at anytime. Notebooks, HDTVs, smartphones, media servers, photo cameras, and video cameras, all form part of this new digital ecosystem where - the vision says - information and content will flow easily across devices, enabled by simple and intuitive user interfaces. These new home technologies are, however, often too complex for most users. Only "digital-natives" or technology savvy groups have the necessary skills, knowledge or confidence to adopt them and to use them effectively. For the rest, trying them becomes painful and frustrating. Moreover, the ecosystem itself adds confusion, given the large number of players involved and the many different kinds of relationships. Unless a dominant player gains enough power to establish a dominant digital home architecture, or this happens in some other way, most companies will continue to innovate around device-specific features that don't address the overall complexity of the complete systems that users have to work with. Digital help services can assist users by simplifying the selection, installation, learning and troubleshooting of new services and devices; facilitating the adoption of new convergent technologies. There is a broad range of potential services, including, for example, 'over the top' (OTT) television integration, smartphone mentoring services, WiFi network configuration and desktop support services. Communication service providers should pay close attention to digital help services as an opportunity to differentiate their offer, strengthen their relationship with end-customers, reduce customer support costs and simplify the adoption of bandwidth-intensive technologies. Moreover, digital help services can speed up the adoption of OTT television services, and companies can use them strategically. The technology help space is evolving and communication service providers need to figure out how they want to participate: offer help services themselves; partner or acquire a existing technology support company; and/or create an open marketplace for technology help services.by Juan Spiniak.S.M.in Engineering and Managemen

    Cooperating broadcast and cellular conditional access system for digital television

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The lack of interoperability between Pay‐TV service providers and a horizontally integrated business transaction model have compromised the competition in the Pay‐TV market. In addition, the lack of interactivity with customers has resulted in high churn rate and improper security measures have contributed into considerable business loss. These issues are the main cause of high operational costs and subscription fees in the Pay‐TV systems. This paper presents a novel end‐to‐end system architecture for Pay‐TV systems cooperating mobile and broadcasting technologies. It provides a cost‐effective, scalable, dynamic and secure access control mechanism supporting converged services and new business opportunities in Pay‐TV systems. It enhances interactivity, security and potentially reduces customer attrition and operational cost. In this platform, service providers can effectively interact with their customers, personalise their services and adopt appropriate security measures. It breaks up the rigid relationship between a viewer and set‐top box as imposed by traditional conditional access systems, thus, a viewer can fully enjoy his entitlements via an arbitrary set‐top box. Having thoroughly considered state‐of‐the‐art technologies currently being used across the world, the thesis highlights novel use cases and presents the full design and implementation aspects of the system. The design section is enriched by providing possible security structures supported thereby. A business collaboration structure is proposed, followed by a reference model for implementing the system. Finally, the security architectures are analysed to propose the best architecture on the basis of security, complexity and set‐top box production cost criteria