404 research outputs found

    A robust high-order Lagrange-projection like scheme with large time steps for the isentropic Euler equations

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    International audienceWe present an extension to high-order of a first-order Lagrange-projection like method for the approximation of the Euler equations introduced in Coquel et al. (Math. Comput., 79 (2010), pp. 1493–1533). The method is based on a decomposition between acoustic and transport operators associated to an implicit-explicit time integration, thus relaxing the constraint of acoustic waves on the time step. We propose here to use a discontinuous Galerkin method for the space approximation. Considering the isentropic Euler equations, we derive conditions to keep positivity of the mean value of density and to satisfy a discrete entropy inequality in each element of the mesh at any approximation order in space. These results allow to design limiting procedures to restore these properties at nodal values within elements. Numerical experiments support the conclusions of the analysis and highlight stability and robustness of the present method, while it allows the use of large time steps

    Entropy stable DGSEM for nonlinear hyperbolic systems in nonconservative form with application to two-phase flows

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    In this work, we consider the discretization of nonlinear hyperbolic systems in nonconservative form with the high-order discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) based on collocation of quadrature and interpolation points (Kopriva and Gassner, J. Sci. Comput., 44 (2010), pp.136--155; Carpenter et al., SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36 (2014), pp.~B835-B867). We present a general framework for the design of such schemes that satisfy a semi-discrete entropy inequality for a given convex entropy function at any approximation order. The framework is closely related to the one introduced for conservation laws by Chen and Shu (J. Comput. Phys., 345 (2017), pp.~427--461) and relies on the modification of the integral over discretization elements where we replace the physical fluxes by entropy conservative numerical fluxes from Castro et al. (SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 51 (2013), pp.~1371--1391), while entropy stable numerical fluxes are used at element interfaces. Time discretization is performed with strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta schemes. We use this framework for the discretization of two systems in one space-dimension: a 2×22\times2 system with a nonconservative product associated to a linearly-degenerate field for which the DGSEM fails to capture the physically relevant solution, and the isentropic Baer-Nunziato model. For the latter, we derive conditions on the numerical parameters of the discrete scheme to further keep positivity of the partial densities and a maximum principle on the void fractions. Numerical experiments support the conclusions of the present analysis and highlight stability and robustness of the present schemes

    Phase appearance or disappearance in two-phase flows

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    This paper is devoted to the treatment of specific numerical problems which appear when phase appearance or disappearance occurs in models of two-phase flows. Such models have crucial importance in many industrial areas such as nuclear power plant safety studies. In this paper, two outstanding problems are identified: first, the loss of hyperbolicity of the system when a phase appears or disappears and second, the lack of positivity of standard shock capturing schemes such as the Roe scheme. After an asymptotic study of the model, this paper proposes accurate and robust numerical methods adapted to the simulation of phase appearance or disappearance. Polynomial solvers are developed to avoid the use of eigenvectors which are needed in usual shock capturing schemes, and a method based on an adaptive numerical diffusion is designed to treat the positivity problems. An alternate method, based on the use of the hyperbolic tangent function instead of a polynomial, is also considered. Numerical results are presented which demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solutions

    Schémas numériques mimétiques et conservatifs pour la simulation d'écoulements multiphasiques compressibles

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    In some highly demanding fluid dynamics simulations, it appears necessary tosimulate multiphase flows involving numerous constraints at the same time : large numbers of fluids, both isentropic and strongly shocked compressible evolution, highly variable and contrasted equations of state, large deformations, and transport over large distances. Fulfilling such a challengein a robust and tractable way demands that thermodynamic consistency of the numerical scheme be carefully ensured.In the first chapter, a Lagrange plus remap scheme is proposed for the simulation of two-phase flows with a dissipation-free six-equation bakcbone model. The importance of the property of isentropic flow preservation is highlighted with a comparison with Ransom test results fromthe literature. This chapter also also point out certain limitations of the Lagrange plus remap approach for multiphase simulations.In order to overcome these limitations, a novel derivation procedure is proposed to construct a mimetic scheme for the simulation of unsteady and compressible flows in a direct ALE (ArbitraryLagrangian-Eulerian) formalism. The possibility to choose a priori the degrees of freedom allows to obtain a continuity with historical staggered scheme, while imposing conservativity at discretelevel. The discrete momentum evolution equation is obtained by application of a variational principle, thus natively ensuring the thermodynamic consistency of pressure efforts. This approach is applied to single-fluid flows as a proof of concept in Chapter 3, then it is extended to N-phasecompressible flows in Chapter 4. Single- and multi-phase tests show satisfactory behavior in terms on conservation, versatility to grid motions, and robustness.Dans certaines simulations numériques exigeantes de mécanique des fluides, ilest nécessaire de simuler des écoulements multiphasiques impliquant de nombreuses contraintes simultanées : nombre de fluides important, évolutions compressibles à la fois isentropes et fortement choquées, équations d’états variables et contrastées, déformations importantes et transport surdes longues distances. Afin de remplir ces objectifs de manière robuste, il est nécessaire que la cohérence thermodynamique du schéma numérique soit vérifiée.Dans le premier chapitre, un schéma de type Lagrange plus projection est proposé pour la simulation d’écoulements diphasiques avec un modèle squelette à six équations et sans termes de dissipation. L’importance de la propriété de préservation des écoulements isentropiques est mise en évidence à l’aide d’une comparaison avec des résultats issus de la littérature pour le test deRansom. Ce chapitre souligne aussi certaines limitations de l’approche Lagrange plus projection pour simuler des modèles multiphasiques.Afin de pallier à ces limitations, une nouvelle procédure de dérivation est proposée afin de construire un schéma mimétique pour la simulation d’écoulements instationnaires compressibles dans un formalisme ALE direct (Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian). La possibilité de choisir a prioriles degrés de liberté permet de s’inscrire dans une continuité avec les schémas historiques décalés, tout en imposant les conservations au niveau discret. L’équation de quantité de mouvement discrèteest obtenue par application d’un principe variationnel, assurant par construction la cohérence thermodynamique des efforts de pression. Cette approche est appliquée au cas d’écoulements monofluides comme preuve de concept au Chapitre 3, puis elle est étendue au cas d’écoulements à Nphasescompressibles au Chapitre 4. Des tests mono et multiphasiques montrent un comportement satisfaisant en terme de conservativité, versatilité aux mouvements de grilles et robustesse

    High order direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian schemes on moving Voronoi meshes with topology changes

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    We present a new family of very high order accurate direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) Finite Volume (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) schemes for the solution of nonlinear hyperbolic PDE systems on moving 2D Voronoi meshes that are regenerated at each time step and which explicitly allow topology changes in time. The Voronoi tessellations are obtained from a set of generator points that move with the local fluid velocity. We employ an AREPO-type approach, which rapidly rebuilds a new high quality mesh rearranging the element shapes and neighbors in order to guarantee a robust mesh evolution even for vortex flows and very long simulation times. The old and new Voronoi elements associated to the same generator are connected to construct closed space--time control volumes, whose bottom and top faces may be polygons with a different number of sides. We also incorporate degenerate space--time sliver elements, needed to fill the space--time holes that arise because of topology changes. The final ALE FV-DG scheme is obtained by a redesign of the fully discrete direct ALE schemes of Boscheri and Dumbser, extended here to moving Voronoi meshes and space--time sliver elements. Our new numerical scheme is based on the integration over arbitrary shaped closed space--time control volumes combined with a fully-discrete space--time conservation formulation of the governing PDE system. In this way the discrete solution is conservative and satisfies the GCL by construction. Numerical convergence studies as well as a large set of benchmarks for hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method. Our numerical results clearly show that the new combination of very high order schemes with regenerated meshes with topology changes lead to substantial improvements compared to direct ALE methods on conforming meshes

    Numerical simulation of aeroacoustics using the variational multiscale method : application to the problem of human phonation

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    The solution of the human phonation problem applying computational mechanics is covered by several research branches, such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), biomechanics or acoustics, among others. In the present thesis, the problem is approached from the Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) point of view and the first main objective consists in developing numerical methods of general application that can take part in the solution of any scenario related to human phonation with a reasonable cost. In this sense, only the compressible Navier-Stokes equations can describe all flow and acoustic scales without any modeling, which is known as Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), but its computational cost is usually unaffordable. Even in the case of a Large Eddy Simulation (LES), where the small scales are modeled, the cost can still be a handicap due to the complexity of the problem. This drawback gets worse in the low Mach regime due to the large disparity between flow velocity and sound speed, which leads to an ill-conditioning of the system of equations, specially for conservative schemes. At this point, it makes sense to move towards the incompressible flow approximation, bearing in mind the low velocities expected in human phonation problems. Incompressible flows do not yield any acoustics, for which a second problem containing the propagation of the sound sources needs to be modeled and solved. These are the so called hybrid methods, which allow a better conditioning of the problem by segregating flow and acoustic scales. Lighthill's analogy has been taken as starting point for the present work, but its restriction to free-field scenarios has motivated the extension of the method to arbitrary geometries and non-uniform flows. The first development in this direction consists in a splitting of Lighthill's analogy into a quadrupolar and dipolar component, which does not change the original problem but allows assessing the contribution of solid boundaries to the generation of sound. The second step consists in the development of a stabilized Finite Element (FEM) formulation for the Acoustic Perturbation Equations (APE) which account for non-uniform flows and perform a complete filtering of the acoustic scales. The final step assumes the compressible approach but omitting the energy equation and thus considering both flow and acoustic propagation as isentropic. In this case the solver is unified and hence a method for applying compatible boundary conditions for flow and acoustics has been developed. Moreover, the whole numerical framework has been extended to dynamic phonation cases, which require using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) reference. Also, a novel remeshing strategy with conservative interpolation between meshes is presented. In the last chapter a challenging case in human phonation has been chosen for testing the developed computational framework: the fricative phoneme /s/. Unlike vowels, which are voiced sounds defined by a few characteristic frequencies, fricatives cannot be simulated as the propagation of a known analytic solution (glottal pulse) because the sound sources correspond to a wide range of turbulent scales. Therefore, a CFD calculation is mandatory in order to capture all relevant eddies behind the generation of sound. This problem is solved with an LES together with the Variational Multiscale (VMS) stabilization method as turbulence model, which is supplemented with several acoustic formulations when using incompressible flow. The analysis of the results focuses on the numerical representation of turbulence and the acoustic signal at the far-field, which has been compared to experimental recordings. Finally, the role of the upper incisors in the generation of the fricative sound has been evaluated. All simulations have been run with the parallel multiphysics FEM code FEMUSS, based on FORTRAN Object-Oriented-Programming land the OpenMPI parallel library.La solució del problema de la veu humana des de la mecànica computacional és objecte d'estudi per part de diverses disciplines, com per exemple la Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD), la biomecànica o l'acústica. En la present tesi s'encara el problema des de l'Aeroacústica Computacional (CAA) i el primer objectiu consisteix en desenvolupar mètodes numèrics d'aplicació general que puguin ser part de la solució, amb un cost computacional raonable, de qualsevol escenari relacionat amb la fonació humana. En aquest sentit, només les equacions de flux compressible de Navier-Stokes aconsegueixen descriure totes les escales alhora, tant les dinàmiques com les acústiques, sense recórrer a cap modelització, conegut com a Simulació Numèrica Directa (DNS), però el seu cost computacional és normalment inassumible. Fins i tot en el cas d'una Large Eddy Simulation (LES), on les escales petites són modelades, el cost pot resultar excessiu a causa de la complexitat del problema. Aquest fet encara és més accentuat en el règim de baix nombre de Mach donada la gran disparitat entre la velocitat del fluid i la del so i el conseqüent mal condicionament del sistema d'equacions, sobretot en esquemes conservatius. Per tant, tenint en compte les baixes velocitats de l'aire al tracte vocal, té sentit recórrer a l'aproximació de flux incompressible. Els fluids incompressibles no inclouen la part acústica, de manera que cal calcular un segon problema que descrigui la propagació de les fonts de so. Aquests són els anomenats mètodes híbrids, que permeten un millor condicionament del problema gràcies a la segregació de les escales acústiques de les dinàmiques. S'ha pres l'analogia de Lighthill com a punt de partida, però la seva restricció a casos en camp obert ha motivat l'extensió del mètode cap a geometries arbitràries i fluxos no uniformes. El primer desenvolupament en aquesta direcció consisteix en la divisió de l'analogia de Lighthill en una component quadrupolar i una altra de dipolar, fet que no altera el problema original però que permet analitzar la contribució de cossos sòlids en la generació de so. El segon pas consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una formulació estabilitzada en elements finits (FEM) de les Acoustic Perturbation Equations (APE), que incorporen la propagació en fluxos no uniformes i que realitzen un filtrat complet de les escales acústiques. El pas final assumeix la compressibilitat del fluid però omet l'equació d'energia, i per tant considera la dinàmica i l'acústica fenòmens isentròpics. En aquest cas el solver és unificat i per tant s'ha desenvolupat un mètode per imposar condicions de contorn compatibles entre ambdues escales del fluid. Finalment, les formulacions numèriques han estat adaptades a casos de fonació dinàmica mitjançant una referència Arbitrària Lagrangiana Euleriana (ALE). A més, es presenta una estratègia de remallat amb interpolació conservativa entre malles. En l'últim capítol es presenta un cas de fonació humana que suposa un repte per la seva complexitat i que ha servit per validar les formulacions numèriques presentades: la fricativa sorda /s/. A diferència de les vocals, que són sons sonors definits per unes poques freqüències característiques, les fricatives no poden ser simulades com la propagació d'una funció analítica coneguda (pols glotal) perquè les fonts de so corresponen a un rang ampli d'escales turbulents. Per tant és necessària una simulació CFD per tal de capturar-les. El problema se soluciona amb un model de turbulència LES amb el mètode d'estabilització Variational Multiscale. L'anàlisi se centra en la representació numèrica de la turbulència i en el senyal acústic al camp llunyà, tot comparant-lo amb dades experimentals. Finalment, s'avalua la contribució dels incisius superiors en la generació del so fricatiu sord /s/. Totes les simulacions han estat realitzades amb el codi FEM multi-físic en paral·lel FEMUSS, basat en programació orientada a objectes en FORTRAN i en OpenMPI

    A low diffusive Lagrange-remap scheme for the simulation of violent air-water free-surface flows

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    36p. Submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.In 2002, Després and Lagoutiére proposed a low-diffusive advection scheme for pure transport equation problems, which is particularly accurate for step-shaped solutions, and thus suited for interface tracking procedure by a color function. This has been extended by Kokh and Lagoutiére in the context of compressible multifluid flows using a five-equation model. In this paper, we explore a simplified variant approach for gas-liquid three-equation models. The numerical scheme has two ingredients: a robust remapped Lagrange solver for the solution of the volume-averaged equations, and a low diffusive compressive scheme for the advection of the gas mass fraction. Numerical experiments show the performance of the computational approach on various flow reference problems: dam break, sloshing of a tank filled with water, water-water impact and finally a case of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. One of the advantage of the present interface capturing solver is its natural implementation on parallel processors or computers. In particular, we are confident on its implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPU) with high speedups
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