71 research outputs found

    A respecification and extension of DeLone and McLean model of IS success in the citizen-centric e-governance

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    Citizen-centric e-governance is an emerging approach in the case of designing and implementing the e-governance systems with the specific focus on the effectiveness. Based on this perspective, the citizens' needs and values on e-governance have to be put first to make these systems effective. This study is an attempt to explore and propose the needs and values of citizens on the e-governance systems based on the determinants of information system (IS) success in the DeLone and McLean 2003 (D&M 2003) model of IS success. After conducting a comprehensive literature review, this study proposed new determinants of e-governance success and the citizen-centric e-governance success model. This model can be considered as the respecified and extended model of D&M 2003 model of IS success in the specific context of the citizen-centric e-governance systems

    Understanding Net Benefits: A Citizen-Based Perspective on eGovernment Success

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    eGovernment promises more efficient services and a more responsive government. Despite substantial investment, increasing failure rates have prompted critics to argue that policy makers are not achieving this vision. Surprisingly, there is very little research on what citizens define as important in eGovernment services and how aspects of government web sites affect that perception. The inclusion of the citizen perspective has largely been absent, denying a deeper understanding of the factors that drive usage. This research proposes an important and unique development of the D&M IS Success Model. By combining elements from public administration research and eGovernment success, this study constructs a comprehensive model of Net Benefits centred on the perspective of the citizen. The novel paradigm of Public Value is used to create a balanced success model, tailored for the public sector and is situated within the D&M IS Success Model. This research therefore aims to understand what citizens regard as important in the success of eGovernment services and what aspects of IT Quality affect eGovernment success

    Measuring IS success of e-government: A Case Study on the Disability Sector in Australia

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    Abstract: Despite unprecedented investments in e-government annually, the degree to which these initiatives are successful in delivering government outcomes varies widely. It is posited that traditional means of evaluating these systems overlook important measures needed to support the ultimate success of e-government. To address this gap, this study will: (1) identify the critical features of e-government that influence success; (2) investigate how public value is created through the use of e-government; and (3) propose and test a public value based success model to explain the creation of value within the disability sector. This study extends the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model (2003) using a theoretically based framework grounded from Public Value Theory to provide a perspective for evaluating e-government success. The contribution of the model is to assist governments in making complex information system portfolio investment decisions

    Measuring IS success of e-government: A case study of the disability sector in Australia

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    Despite unprecedented investments in e-government annually, the degree to which these initiatives are successful in delivering government outcomes varies widely. It is posited that traditional means of evaluating these systems overlook important measures needed to support the ultimate success of e government. To address this gap, this study will: (1) identify the critical features of e-government that influence success; (2) investigate how public value is created through the use of e-government; and (3) propose and test a public value based success model to explain the creation of value within the disability sector. This study extends the DeLone and McLean IS Success Model (2003) using a theoretically based framework grounded from Public Value Theory to provide a perspective for evaluating e government success. The contribution of the model is to assist governments in making complex information system portfolio investment decisions

    Measuring eGovernment Portal Management on the Local Level: Results from a Survey of Public Administration Officials

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    Given the importance of eGovernment portals as an integral access interface of modern public service provision, this contribution concentrates on the issue of the dimensions and derived success factors of these information systems. Starting with the DeLone & McLean IS success model and the resource-based view as foundations, this article conceptualizes the important success factors of eGovernment portals and then integrates these into a research model. The empirical results show the importance of the different dimensions of eGovernment Portal Management as well as the development of eGovernment portals so far. For public service portals on the local level the key management dimensions are information, system, service and privacy management. The evaluation of these dimensions as well as perceived internal and external success in public administration institutions complement user-based quality assessments and highlight organizational strengths and weaknesses

    Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Information Systems In Media Organization: A Study Of Pakistan News TV

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    Information technology (IT) based information management systems in different organizations have gained a lot of attention from researchers around the globe. The effectiveness of information systems is a challenge in emerging media organizations. The present study extends Delone and Mclean's theoretical framework to check the effectiveness of information systems in media organizations in Pakistan. The employees of the top 15 news channels using the survey method have been selected to collect the sample data for the study. Stratified sampling technique is used to collect the data of 400 news channel employees who are using information systems for news processing. SEM (structural equation modelling) technique is used to analyse the collected data. It is evident from the results of the study that system, service, and information quality are significant contributors to use and user satisfaction. User satisfaction is supported with the use of the system. Use and user satisfaction positively contribute to an individual as well as organizational performance. A positive relationship is also found significant between individual performance and organizational performance.  The study provides ground to the researchers who want to further explore information systems in media organizations. The media industry may also be get benefitted from the findings in decision-making about information systems

    Measuring Intention To Use And Satisfaction With Electronic District System: Validation Of A Combined Model Of IS Success

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the intentions to use and satisfaction with electronic District system from the perspective of largely computer and Internet literate citizens from the state of Bihar in India. Measuring success of the system becomes significant also because this system was at the pilot-testing phase at the time of gathering data for it. The study used a combined IS success model to measure the success of this system. The proposed model contains constructs including information quality, system quality, perceived usefulness, intention to use, and user satisfaction. The empirical outcomes positive and significant relationships between all seven hypotheses formulated between five constructs. The empirical findings and discussion presented in this research might help the state government of Bihar to fully utilise the potential of the e-District system as an efficient tool to curb corruption and help government toward minimising it


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    Pendidikan dianggap salah satu sektor yang telah secara radikal dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologiinformasi. Di era internet, universitas dan lembaga pendidikan tinggi semakin cenderung untuk menyediakan elearning.E-learning diyakini hasil utama mengadopsi dan menggunakan teknologi informasi baru dan lebih majudi sektor pendidikan. Meskipun pertumbuhan yang cepat ini dalam bidang e-learning, masih ada berbagai masalahyang dihadapi para pemangku kepentingan dari e-learning sistem. Salah satu masalah utama adalah mengukurpenerimaan dan keberhasilan sistem e-learning. Meskipun perhatian telah diarahkan kepada isu keberhasilansistem informasi, masih ada argumen tentang faktor-faktor yang paling efektif dalam mengukur penerimaan dankeberhasilan sistem informasi e-learning. Isu mengukur penerimaan dan keberhasilan sistem informasi memilikidampak pada mengevaluasi keberhasilan e-learning sistem juga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan modelmetodologi evaluasi untuk menilai keberhasilan e-learning sistem. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah model yangdiusulkan untuk menilai keberhasilan e-learning sistem. Model ini didasarkan pada tinjauan menyeluruh dariliteratur keberhasilan e-learning dan model keberhasilan sistem informasi. Enam teori yang relevan dengan usulanmodel evaluasi kesuksesan dan penerimaan sistem informasi e-learning di unversitas digunakan untuk membangunmodel yang ada dalam penelitian ini, yaitu model kesuksesan sistem informasi DeLone dan McLean, model UnifiedTheory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT), Model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), modelkesesuaian Human Organization Technology Fit (HOT Fit), model evaluasi terintegrasi, dan Model MELSS.Berbagai pemangku kepentingan seperti instruktur, mahasiswa, dan staf ICT dipertimbangkan dalam model ini