91 research outputs found

    Better Performance through Enterprise Governance and Management Process Innovation

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    All the changes we are facing today take place within the global economic environment. These changes are caused by increasingly important inventions, suggestions, potential innovations, and innovations (and their diffusion to many users) resulting from crucially needed creativeness and innovativeness, new ideas, and constructive thinking; we are living in the era of different viewpoints and each of them originate from different knowledge, values, and experiences. This is why also the enterprise’s performance, and the ways of its achievement are continuously changing. One way of reaching enterprise competitiveness is provided by enterprise governance’s and management’s process innovation (GMPI) whose importance we will try to introduce here. We will discuss about enterprise policy, strategic management, innovativeness, competitiveness, and better performance of enterprises on the basis of GMPI.

    Holistic Information Support For Virtual Business Organization

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    Assessing and implementing a virtual organizational provides an organization a template for increasing the control and viability of its operations. Under circumstances of restricted availability of factors and presently restrictive conditions of business operation, results can be improved by adequate information support for business operation. Various solutions are available to improve information support quality, while a primer example of important improvement of business is provided by a holistic information support of business, its management and basic processes. The business process is based upon the information basis with which we represent important characteristics of the examined field and the requisite additional knowledge (from both the content and methodological aspects). Holistic information support for business by means of a virtual organization presents an important viewpoint of its consideration, which, to a great extent, determines the quality of the entire business, and it also has a major impact on the results of business operation

    Psychological Well-Being of Individuals as Employees and a Paradigm in the Future Economy and Society

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    We report about a new non-technological innovation aimed to manage socioeconomic crises. Economic theory cannot manage them: it is too one-sided. The model suggests solving the crises with requisite holism (RH), social responsibility (SR), human personal requisite holism (HPRH), and well-being (WB). Qualitative analysis using RH, SR, HPRH, WB, and dialectical systems theory (DST) was applied in this research. Field research covered Slovene midsize enterprises. Findings include the following: The global and local political and economic decision-makers poorly know and use systemic behavior; they are therefore one-sided rather than requisitely holistic and caused the current global socioeconomic and environmental crisis. RH/SR would make decision-makers more/requisitely holistic, honest, and reliable. RH/SR supports holism better, if upgraded with increasing WB, not welfare alone. Both RH/SR and WB support HPRH. Their innovative synergy WB&RH/SR leads to the solution of crises. DST backs WB&RH/SR methodologically. Research was qualitative analysis in desk and previous field research. Its practical implications show that the RH/SR/WB/DST/HPRH approach to managing socioeconomic crises helps practitioners essentially to avoid oversights and failures. Available literature offers no similar concept


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    Enterprise culture is judged by many acknowledged scientists and researchers now as a major determinant of any enterprise’s success. The present article shows the research cognitions on the impact of enterprise culture to the success of the enterprises observed. It investigates the impact of customer and employee oriented enterprise culture on market and financial performance of the enterprise. Results suggest that enterprises, which are more customer (externally) oriented, show better market performance as well as better financial performance. The cognitions also show that more employee (internally) oriented enterprises, show positive impact to their market as well as to their financial performance.Mnogi priznati znanstvenici i istraživači smatraju kulturu poduzetništva jednom od osnovnih odrednica poduzetničkog uspjeha. Ovaj članak pokazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju kulture poduzetništva na uspjeh promatranih poduzeća. Istražuje poduzetničku kulturu usmjerenu na klijenta i zaposlenika te njen utjecaj na tržište i financijsku performansu poduzeća. Rezultati ukazuju na to da poduzeća koja su usmjerenija na klijenta (eksterno), pokazuju bolje tržišne kao i financijske performanse. Rezultati također pokazuju da poduzeća orijentiranija na zaposlenike (interno) pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na tržište i na vlastite financijske performanse

    Ethics and social responsibility practices among entrepreneurs

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    Ethics and social responsibility are very important values in entrepreneurship ventures. This is particularly essential in decision making process. Ethical conscience reminds entrepreneurs to make trustworthy and profitable entrepreneurship decisions. Likewise, the social responsibility component sought entrepreneurs to make entrepreneurial decisions that can enhance benefits and repelling harms to the stakeholders. This paper investigates the perceptions of entrepreneurs that operated in Klang Valley regarding the practice of ethics and social responsibility among entrepreneurs. The study used personal interview technique with open ended interview questions to obtain the views of 20 entrepreneurs. The findings showed that one thirds of the entrepreneurs perceived that the practice of ethics and social responsibility is almost impossible due to the strong influence of external factors. Nevertheless, these entrepreneurs believed that these values are important. The remaining entrepreneurs viewed that ethics and social responsibility could be possibly practiced despite the strong external factors provided that entrepreneurs have strong belief. Nevertheless, the results of the study were not conclusive considering limitations on small number of interviewees and the location of the business owners. The study proposed that future research to use personal interview and self administered survey with more small business owners from other major cities

    Towards socially responsible corporate governance with authorities’ interventions

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    Due to the fact that moral commitments of individuals as well as of corporations were not enough for successful fostering of the socially responsible behaviour of corporations, we are facing the new international and national laws fostering the reporting on non-financial activities of the corporations. We can, therefore, observe how the development of theory on corporate governance, in a relationship with the corporate social responsibility has finally resulted in significant changes in international as well as national legislatives. Therefore, in our paper we examine the legal framework of the EU on corporate social responsibility reporting as well as on non-financial statements of corporations. We analyse the aim, the content and the legal effects of this statements under the last amendments from 2014 (Directive 2014/95/EU) and evaluate its contribution to fortifying the role of corporate social responsibility in the corporate governance of EU corporations. The presented paper argues the importance of institutional development in the context of corporate governance and the influence of institutional measures on corporate ethical behaviour and, consequently, on their success implementing the simple aim to protect the interests of all corporations’ stakeholders within the framework of corporate functioning

    Delivering knowledge services in the cloud

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    2011-2012 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe


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    Enterprise culture is judged by many acknowledged scientists and researchers now as a major determinant of any enterprise’s success. The present article shows the research cognitions on the impact of enterprise culture to the success of the enterprises observed. It investigates the impact of customer and employee oriented enterprise culture on market and financial performance of the enterprise. Results suggest that enterprises, which are more customer (externally) oriented, show better market performance as well as better financial performance. The cognitions also show that more employee (internally) oriented enterprises, show positive impact to their market as well as to their financial performance.Mnogi priznati znanstvenici i istraživači smatraju kulturu poduzetništva jednom od osnovnih odrednica poduzetničkog uspjeha. Ovaj članak pokazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju kulture poduzetništva na uspjeh promatranih poduzeća. Istražuje poduzetničku kulturu usmjerenu na klijenta i zaposlenika te njen utjecaj na tržište i financijsku performansu poduzeća. Rezultati ukazuju na to da poduzeća koja su usmjerenija na klijenta (eksterno), pokazuju bolje tržišne kao i financijske performanse. Rezultati također pokazuju da poduzeća orijentiranija na zaposlenike (interno) pokazuju pozitivan utjecaj na tržište i na vlastite financijske performanse

    Razvoj tradicionalne sveučilišne poslovne škole u tržišno orijentiranog ponuđača akademskog znanja

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    By accession to the European Union (EU) transition countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) entered a dynamic period of comprehensive change in their national societal context. Part of that changing context is the Bologna Process, by which higher education will be increasingly integrated into a unified European cross-border higher education area. Proposed harmonization of higher education structures is viewed as one of the key pillars in transforming Europe into a knowledge-driven society with more competitive businesses and higher education. In the process of dynamic transition of CEE countries university business schools are also confronted with a variety of external challenges, particularly with increased competitive pressure evolving from a globalization of knowledge production and business education which aff ect their future prosperity in the emerging European Higher Education Area. In the article we critically evaluate key strategic developments in a broader business education context from a perspective of their implications for the university business schools in transition countries in their effort to accomplish a proper strategic adjustment to changes in society. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of relevant institutional context, we present the conceptual framework for a strategic alignment of business schools with a changing European higher education reality.Svojim pridruživanjem Europskoj uniji (EU) tranzicijske zemlje Srednje i Istočne Europe (SIE) ušle su dinamično razdoblje sveobuhvatnih promjena i u vlastitom nacionalnom društvenom okruženju. U okviru ovih promjena je i Bolonjski proces, pomoću kojega će se visoko školstvo u sve većem opsegu integrirati u zajednički europski prostor visokoškolskog obrazovanja. Predviđeno usklađivanje visokoškolskih struktura zamišljeno je kao jedan od stupova u transformaciji Europe u društvo znanja s konkurentnijim poduzećima i visokim školstvom. U procesu dinamične transformacije zemalja iz regije SIE i sveučilišne poslovne škole suočavaju se s raznolikim vanjskim izazovima, posebice s pojačanim konkurentskim pritiscima, koji proizlaze iz globalizacije produkcije znanja i poslovnog obrazovanja. Ove promjene itekako će utjecati na njihov budući prosperitet u okviru nastajanja jedinstvenog europskog visokoškolskog prostora. U članku se kritički ocjenjuju ključne strateške promjene u širem kontekstu poslovnog obrazovanja sa stajališta njihovih implikacija na sveučilišne poslovne škole u poslovnom okruženju u tranzicijskim zemljama i njihovih napora za primjenu primjerene strateške prilagodbe promjenama u društvu. Na osnovi sveobuhvatne analize relevantnog institucionalnog konteksta potom se iznosi konceptualni okvir za stratešku prilagodbu poslovnih škola promjenama u europskoj visokoškolskoj stvarnosti

    A Sociocybernetics Data Analysis Using Causality in Tourism Networks

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    The aim of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables. Analysis was carried out based on a pre-designed algorithm and applying our interpretation of chaos theory developed in the context of General Systems Theory. This article sets out the causal relationships associated with tourist flows in order to enable the formulation of appropriate strategies. Our results can be applied to numerous cases. For example, in the analysis of tourist flows, these findings can be used to determine whether the behaviour of certain groups affects that of other groups and to analyse tourist behaviour in terms of the most relevant variables. Unlike statistical analyses that merely provide information on current data, our method uses orbit analysis to forecast, if attractors are found, the behaviour of tourist variables in the immediate future