15 research outputs found

    RMSRS: Rover Multi-purpose Surveillance Robotic System

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    أصبح تطوير إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) وإنترنت الروبوتات (IoR) أكثر وأكثر مشاركة في حياتنا اليومية. إنه يخدم مجموعة متنوعة من المهام بعضها مهم في الحياة البشرية مثل المراقبة في الوقت الفعلي عن بعد لتجنب المخاطر في الاماكن الخطرة . الهدف الرئيسي من نظام المراقبة المتنقل الذكي هو تطوير نظام مراقبة للكشف عن الأماكن المشبوهة والمستهدفة للمستخدمين دون أي خسائر في الأرواح البشرية. تعرض هذه الورقة تصميم وتنفيذ منصة مراقبة آلية للمراقبة في الوقت الفعلي بمساعدة معالجة الصور ، والتي يمكن أن تستكشف أماكن الوصول الصعب أو المخاطرة العالية. يتدفق البث المباشر الآلي عبر كاميرتين، الأولى ثابتة مباشرة على الطريق والثانية ديناميكية مع إمكانية الإمالة. كلتا الكامرتين لديها قدرات المعالجة الصورية لتحليل وكشف وتعقب الكائنات بالإضافة إلى عدد قليل من الوظائف الرسومية. المكونات المذكورة أعلاه مبنية على قمة نظام المركبات الرباعي مع عزم دوران عالي لتوفير القدرة على الحركة في المناطق الوعرة. يستند هذا العمل إلى الراسبيري باي ويمكن التحكم فيه عبر الواي فاي محليًا أو عالميا عبر الإنترنت. تظهر النتائج إنشاء روبوت ذو إمكانات عالية ومنخفض الكلفة نسبيًا مع الكثير من الميزات والوظائف التي يمكن أن تؤدي مهام متعددة في وقت واحد ، وكلها مهمة للغاية بالنسبة لمشاكل المراقبة ، والتي يتحكم فيها المستخدم من مسافات بعيدة ولفترة طويلة.The development of the internet of things (IoT) and the internet of robotics (IoR) are becoming more and more involved with our daily lives. It serves a variety of tasks some of them are essential to us. The main objective of SRR is to develop a surveillance system for detecting suspicious and targeted places for users without any loss of human life. This paper shows the design and implementation of a robotic surveillance platform for real-time monitoring with the help of image processing, which can explorer places of difficult access or high risk. The robotic live streaming is via two cameras, the first one is fixed straight on the road and the second one is dynamic with tilt-pan ability. All cameras have image processing capabilities to analyze, detect and track objects plus few other graphical functions. The components mentioned above built on top of the four-wheel vehicle system with high torque to provide mobility on rough terrain. This work is based on Raspberry Pi and can be controlled over Wi-Fi locally or publicly over the internet. The results show making a high potential, relatively low price robot with lots of features and functions that can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, all are crucial to surveillance and monitoring problems, controlled by a user from far distances and for a long time

    Development of a portable community video surveillance system

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    In 2016, a crime rate has been evidently increasing particularly in Kuala Lumpur areas, including reports on house break-ins, car thefts, motorcycle thefts and robbery. One way of deterring such cases is by installing CCTV monitoring system in premises such as houses or shops, but this usually requires expensive equipment and installation fees. In this paper a cheaper alternative of a portable community video surveillance system running on Raspberry Pi 3 utilizing OpenCV is presented. The system will detect motion based on image subtraction algorithm and immediately inform users when intruders are detected by sending a live video feed to a Telegram group chat, as well as sound the buzzer alarm on the Raspberry Pi. Additionally, any Telegram group members can request images and recorded videos from the system at any time by sending a get request in Telegram which will be handled by Telegram Bot. This system uses the Pi NoIR camera module as the image acquisition device equipped with a 36 LED infrared illuminator for night vision capability. In addition to the Python language, OpenCV, a computer vision simulation from Intel is also used for image processing tasks. The performance analysis of the completed system is also presented computational complexity while offering improved flexibility. The performance time is also presented, where the whole process is run with a noticeable 3 seconds delay in getting the final output

    Ubiquitous supercomputing : design and development of enabling technologies for multi-robot systems rethinking supercomputing

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    Supercomputing, also known as High Performance Computing (HPC), is almost everywhere (ubiquitous), from the small widget in your phone telling you that today will be a sunny day, up to the next great contribution to the understanding of the origins of the universe.However, there is a field where supercomputing has been only slightly explored - robotics. Other than attempts to optimize complex robotics tasks, the two forces lack an effective alignment and a purposeful long-term contract. With advancements in miniaturization, communications and the appearance of powerful, energy and weight optimized embedded computing boards, a next logical transition corresponds to the creation of clusters of robots, a set of robotic entities that behave similarly as a supercomputer does. Yet, there is key aspect regarding our current understanding of what supercomputing means, or is useful for, that this work aims to redefine. For decades, supercomputing has been solely intended as a computing efficiency mechanism i.e. decreasing the computing time for complex tasks. While such train of thought have led to countless findings, supercomputing is more than that, because in order to provide the capacity of solving most problems quickly, another complete set of features must be provided, a set of features that can also be exploited in contexts such as robotics and that ultimately transform a set of independent entities into a cohesive unit.This thesis aims at rethinking what supercomputing means and to devise strategies to effectively set its inclusion within the robotics realm, contributing therefore to the ubiquity of supercomputing, the first main ideal of this work. With this in mind, a state of the art concerning previous attempts to mix robotics and HPC will be outlined, followed by the proposal of High Performance Robotic Computing (HPRC), a new concept mapping supercomputing to the nuances of multi-robot systems. HPRC can be thought as supercomputing in the edge and while this approach will provide all kind of advantages, in certain applications it might not be enough since interaction with external infrastructures will be required or desired. To facilitate such interaction, this thesis proposes the concept of ubiquitous supercomputing as the union of HPC, HPRC and two more type of entities, computing-less devices (e.g. sensor networks, etc.) and humans.The results of this thesis include the ubiquitous supercomputing ontology and an enabling technology depicted as The ARCHADE. The technology serves as a middleware between a mission and a supercomputing infrastructure and as a framework to facilitate the execution of any type of mission, i.e. precision agriculture, entertainment, inspection and monitoring, etc. Furthermore, the results of the execution of a set of missions are discussed.By integrating supercomputing and robotics, a second ideal is targeted, ubiquitous robotics, i.e. the use of robots in all kind of applications. Correspondingly, a review of existing ubiquitous robotics frameworks is presented and based upon its conclusions, The ARCHADE's design and development have followed the guidelines for current and future solutions. Furthermore, The ARCHADE is based on a rethought supercomputing where performance is not the only feature to be provided by ubiquitous supercomputing systems. However, performance indicators will be discussed, along with those related to other supercomputing features.Supercomputing has been an excellent ally for scientific exploration and not so long ago for commercial activities, leading to all kind of improvements in our lives, in our society and in our future. With the results of this thesis, the joining of two fields, two forces previously disconnected because of their philosophical approaches and their divergent backgrounds, holds enormous potential to open up our imagination for all kind of new applications and for a world where robotics and supercomputing are everywhere.La supercomputación, también conocida como Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) puede encontrarse en casi cualquier lugar (ubicua), desde el widget en tu teléfono diciéndote que hoy será un día soleado, hasta la siguiente gran contribución al entendimiento de los orígenes del universo. Sin embargo, hay un campo en el que ha sido poco explorada - la robótica. Más allá de intentos de optimizar tareas robóticas complejas, las dos fuerzas carecen de un contrato a largo plazo. Dado los avances en miniaturización, comunicaciones y la aparición de potentes computadores embebidos, optimizados en peso y energía, la siguiente transición corresponde a la creación de un cluster de robots, un conjunto de robots que se comportan de manera similar a un supercomputador. No obstante, hay un aspecto clave, con respecto a la comprensión de la supercomputación, que esta tesis pretende redefinir. Durante décadas, la supercomputación ha sido entendida como un mecanismo de eficiencia computacional, es decir para reducir el tiempo de computación de ciertos problemas extremadamente complejos. Si bien este enfoque ha conducido a innumerables hallazgos, la supercomputación es más que eso, porque para proporcionar la capacidad de resolver todo tipo de problemas rápidamente, se debe proporcionar otro conjunto de características que también pueden ser explotadas en la robótica y que transforman un conjunto de robots en una unidad cohesiva. Esta tesis pretende repensar lo que significa la supercomputación y diseñar estrategias para establecer su inclusión dentro del mundo de la robótica, contribuyendo así a su ubicuidad, el principal ideal de este trabajo. Con esto en mente, se presentará un estado del arte relacionado con intentos anteriores de mezclar robótica y HPC, seguido de la propuesta de Computación Robótica de Alto Rendimiento (HPRC, por sus siglas en inglés), un nuevo concepto, que mapea la supercomputación a los matices específicos de los sistemas multi-robot. HPRC puede pensarse como supercomputación en el borde y si bien este enfoque proporcionará todo tipo de ventajas, ciertas aplicaciones requerirán una interacción con infraestructuras externas. Para facilitar dicha interacción, esta tesis propone el concepto de supercomputación ubicua como la unión de HPC, HPRC y dos tipos más de entidades, dispositivos sin computación embebida y seres humanos. Los resultados de esta tesis incluyen la ontología de la supercomputación ubicua y una tecnología llamada The ARCHADE. La tecnología actúa como middleware entre una misión y una infraestructura de supercomputación y como framework para facilitar la ejecución de cualquier tipo de misión, por ejemplo, agricultura de precisión, inspección y monitoreo, etc. Al integrar la supercomputación y la robótica, se busca un segundo ideal, robótica ubicua, es decir el uso de robots en todo tipo de aplicaciones. Correspondientemente, una revisión de frameworks existentes relacionados serán discutidos. El diseño y desarrollo de The ARCHADE ha seguido las pautas y sugerencias encontradas en dicha revisión. Además, The ARCHADE se basa en una supercomputación repensada donde la eficiencia computacional no es la única característica proporcionada a sistemas basados en la tecnología. Sin embargo, se analizarán indicadores de eficiencia computacional, junto con otros indicadores relacionados con otras características de la supercomputación. La supercomputación ha sido un excelente aliado para la exploración científica, conduciendo a todo tipo de mejoras en nuestras vidas, nuestra sociedad y nuestro futuro. Con los resultados de esta tesis, la unión de dos campos, dos fuerzas previamente desconectadas debido a sus enfoques filosóficos y sus antecedentes divergentes, tiene un enorme potencial para abrir nuestra imaginación hacia todo tipo de aplicaciones nuevas y para un mundo donde la robótica y la supercomputación estén en todos lado

    Ubiquitous supercomputing : design and development of enabling technologies for multi-robot systems rethinking supercomputing

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    Supercomputing, also known as High Performance Computing (HPC), is almost everywhere (ubiquitous), from the small widget in your phone telling you that today will be a sunny day, up to the next great contribution to the understanding of the origins of the universe.However, there is a field where supercomputing has been only slightly explored - robotics. Other than attempts to optimize complex robotics tasks, the two forces lack an effective alignment and a purposeful long-term contract. With advancements in miniaturization, communications and the appearance of powerful, energy and weight optimized embedded computing boards, a next logical transition corresponds to the creation of clusters of robots, a set of robotic entities that behave similarly as a supercomputer does. Yet, there is key aspect regarding our current understanding of what supercomputing means, or is useful for, that this work aims to redefine. For decades, supercomputing has been solely intended as a computing efficiency mechanism i.e. decreasing the computing time for complex tasks. While such train of thought have led to countless findings, supercomputing is more than that, because in order to provide the capacity of solving most problems quickly, another complete set of features must be provided, a set of features that can also be exploited in contexts such as robotics and that ultimately transform a set of independent entities into a cohesive unit.This thesis aims at rethinking what supercomputing means and to devise strategies to effectively set its inclusion within the robotics realm, contributing therefore to the ubiquity of supercomputing, the first main ideal of this work. With this in mind, a state of the art concerning previous attempts to mix robotics and HPC will be outlined, followed by the proposal of High Performance Robotic Computing (HPRC), a new concept mapping supercomputing to the nuances of multi-robot systems. HPRC can be thought as supercomputing in the edge and while this approach will provide all kind of advantages, in certain applications it might not be enough since interaction with external infrastructures will be required or desired. To facilitate such interaction, this thesis proposes the concept of ubiquitous supercomputing as the union of HPC, HPRC and two more type of entities, computing-less devices (e.g. sensor networks, etc.) and humans.The results of this thesis include the ubiquitous supercomputing ontology and an enabling technology depicted as The ARCHADE. The technology serves as a middleware between a mission and a supercomputing infrastructure and as a framework to facilitate the execution of any type of mission, i.e. precision agriculture, entertainment, inspection and monitoring, etc. Furthermore, the results of the execution of a set of missions are discussed.By integrating supercomputing and robotics, a second ideal is targeted, ubiquitous robotics, i.e. the use of robots in all kind of applications. Correspondingly, a review of existing ubiquitous robotics frameworks is presented and based upon its conclusions, The ARCHADE's design and development have followed the guidelines for current and future solutions. Furthermore, The ARCHADE is based on a rethought supercomputing where performance is not the only feature to be provided by ubiquitous supercomputing systems. However, performance indicators will be discussed, along with those related to other supercomputing features.Supercomputing has been an excellent ally for scientific exploration and not so long ago for commercial activities, leading to all kind of improvements in our lives, in our society and in our future. With the results of this thesis, the joining of two fields, two forces previously disconnected because of their philosophical approaches and their divergent backgrounds, holds enormous potential to open up our imagination for all kind of new applications and for a world where robotics and supercomputing are everywhere.La supercomputación, también conocida como Computación de Alto Rendimiento (HPC por sus siglas en inglés) puede encontrarse en casi cualquier lugar (ubicua), desde el widget en tu teléfono diciéndote que hoy será un día soleado, hasta la siguiente gran contribución al entendimiento de los orígenes del universo. Sin embargo, hay un campo en el que ha sido poco explorada - la robótica. Más allá de intentos de optimizar tareas robóticas complejas, las dos fuerzas carecen de un contrato a largo plazo. Dado los avances en miniaturización, comunicaciones y la aparición de potentes computadores embebidos, optimizados en peso y energía, la siguiente transición corresponde a la creación de un cluster de robots, un conjunto de robots que se comportan de manera similar a un supercomputador. No obstante, hay un aspecto clave, con respecto a la comprensión de la supercomputación, que esta tesis pretende redefinir. Durante décadas, la supercomputación ha sido entendida como un mecanismo de eficiencia computacional, es decir para reducir el tiempo de computación de ciertos problemas extremadamente complejos. Si bien este enfoque ha conducido a innumerables hallazgos, la supercomputación es más que eso, porque para proporcionar la capacidad de resolver todo tipo de problemas rápidamente, se debe proporcionar otro conjunto de características que también pueden ser explotadas en la robótica y que transforman un conjunto de robots en una unidad cohesiva. Esta tesis pretende repensar lo que significa la supercomputación y diseñar estrategias para establecer su inclusión dentro del mundo de la robótica, contribuyendo así a su ubicuidad, el principal ideal de este trabajo. Con esto en mente, se presentará un estado del arte relacionado con intentos anteriores de mezclar robótica y HPC, seguido de la propuesta de Computación Robótica de Alto Rendimiento (HPRC, por sus siglas en inglés), un nuevo concepto, que mapea la supercomputación a los matices específicos de los sistemas multi-robot. HPRC puede pensarse como supercomputación en el borde y si bien este enfoque proporcionará todo tipo de ventajas, ciertas aplicaciones requerirán una interacción con infraestructuras externas. Para facilitar dicha interacción, esta tesis propone el concepto de supercomputación ubicua como la unión de HPC, HPRC y dos tipos más de entidades, dispositivos sin computación embebida y seres humanos. Los resultados de esta tesis incluyen la ontología de la supercomputación ubicua y una tecnología llamada The ARCHADE. La tecnología actúa como middleware entre una misión y una infraestructura de supercomputación y como framework para facilitar la ejecución de cualquier tipo de misión, por ejemplo, agricultura de precisión, inspección y monitoreo, etc. Al integrar la supercomputación y la robótica, se busca un segundo ideal, robótica ubicua, es decir el uso de robots en todo tipo de aplicaciones. Correspondientemente, una revisión de frameworks existentes relacionados serán discutidos. El diseño y desarrollo de The ARCHADE ha seguido las pautas y sugerencias encontradas en dicha revisión. Además, The ARCHADE se basa en una supercomputación repensada donde la eficiencia computacional no es la única característica proporcionada a sistemas basados en la tecnología. Sin embargo, se analizarán indicadores de eficiencia computacional, junto con otros indicadores relacionados con otras características de la supercomputación. La supercomputación ha sido un excelente aliado para la exploración científica, conduciendo a todo tipo de mejoras en nuestras vidas, nuestra sociedad y nuestro futuro. Con los resultados de esta tesis, la unión de dos campos, dos fuerzas previamente desconectadas debido a sus enfoques filosóficos y sus antecedentes divergentes, tiene un enorme potencial para abrir nuestra imaginación hacia todo tipo de aplicaciones nuevas y para un mundo donde la robótica y la supercomputación estén en todos ladosPostprint (published version

    The Internet of Things Beverages Bottle Shape Defect Detection using Naïve Bayes Classifier

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    This paper presents an automatedcomputer vision system using internet of things(IoT) platform for shape defect detection. Theproposed system used beverage bottles as a testedproduct. Morphological operation is applied tosegment the image using erosion and dilationprocess. The features of shape bottle such asarea, perimeter, major axis length and extend areextracted. Naïve Bayes classifier is implementedto classify the shape of bottle either pass or rejectsbased on the estimated extend parameters. All theimages are taken using webcam and the capturedimage is stored in server for wirelessly access.The analysis is done by using image processingtoolbox using Matlab in real-time. The resultdemonstrate that the tested product based onshape is achieved 92% accuracy for good bottle and90% accuracy for defect bottle using 100 sampleimages. It shows that the proposed system can beapplied for beverages quality control application

    Combate à fraude em jogos de casino, assistida por computador

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    No decorrer dos últimos anos tem-se verificado um acréscimo do número de sistemas de videovigilância presentes nos mais diversos ambientes, sendo que estes se encontram cada vez mais sofisticados. Os casinos são um exemplo bastante popular da utilização destes sistemas sofisticados, sendo que vários casinos, hoje em dia, utilizam câmeras para controlo automático das suas operações de jogo. No entanto, atualmente existem vários tipos de jogos em que o controlo automático ainda não se encontra disponível, sendo um destes, o jogo Banca Francesa. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo propor um conjunto de algoritmos idealizados para um sistema de controlo e gestão do jogo de casino Banca Francesa através do auxílio de componentes pertencentes à área da computação visual, tendo em conta os contributos mais relevantes e existentes na área, elaborados por investigadores e entidades relacionadas. No decorrer desta dissertação são apresentados quatro módulos distintos, os quais têm como objetivo auxiliar os casinos a prevenir o acontecimento de fraudes durante o decorrer das suas operações, assim como auxiliar na recolha automática de resultados de jogo. Os quatro módulos apresentados são os seguintes: Dice Sample Generator – Módulo proposto para criação de casos de teste em grande escala; Dice Sample Analyzer – Módulo proposto para a deteção de resultados de jogo; Dice Calibration – Módulo proposto para calibração automática do sistema; Motion Detection – Módulo proposto para a deteção de fraude no jogo. Por fim, para cada um dos módulos, é apresentado um conjunto de testes e análises de modo a verificar se é possível provar o conceito para cada uma das propostas apresentadas.Over the last few years there has been an increase in the number of video surveillance systems present in multiple environments, which are getting more sophisticated as time goes by. Casinos are a popular example of the use of these sophisticated systems. Several casinos, nowadays, use cameras for automatic control of their gambling operations. However, currently there are some games where automatic control is not yet available, one of those games is the Banca Francesa. Thus, this thesis focus on proposing a set of algorithms devised for a system that controls and manages one table of the casino game Banca Francesa through the aid of components belonging to the field of visual computing, taking into account existing contributions within the area from researchers and related entities. Four distinct modules are presented throughout this dissertation, which aim to assist casinos in preventing the occurrence of fraud during the course of its operations, as well as assisting in the automatic collection of game results. The four modules proposed are the following: Dice Sample Generator - Module proposed for the creation of test cases on a large scale; Dice Sample Analyzer - Module proposed for the detection of game results; Calibration Dice - Module proposed for the automatic calibration system; Motion Detection - Module proposed for the detection of fraud in the game. Finally, for each of the modules, a set of testing and consequent analysis is presented in order to verify whether it is possible to prove the concept for each of the proposals

    Libro de Actas JCC&BD 2018 : VI Jornadas de Cloud Computing & Big Data

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    Se recopilan las ponencias presentadas en las VI Jornadas de Cloud Computing & Big Data (JCC&BD), realizadas entre el 25 al 29 de junio de 2018 en la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Informátic

    Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends and Applications

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue entitled “Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges, Trends, and Applications” that was published in Applied Sciences. This Special Issue collected seventeen high-quality papers that discuss the main challenges of multi-robot systems, present the trends to address these issues, and report various relevant applications. Some of the topics addressed by these papers are robot swarms, mission planning, robot teaming, machine learning, immersive technologies, search and rescue, and social robotics

    XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2017 : Libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de La Plata los días 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI