364 research outputs found

    A review of hyperspectral remote sensing and its application in vegetation and water resource studies

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    Multispectral imagery has been used as the data source for water and land observational remote sensing from airborne and satellite systems since the early 1960s. Over the past two decades, advances in sensor technology have made it possible for the collection of several hundred spectral bands. This is commonly referred to as hyperspectral imagery. This review details the differences between multispectral and hyperspectral data; spatial and spectral resolutions and focuses on the application of hyperspectral imagery in water resource studies and, in particular the classification and mapping of land uses and vegetation

    Proximal sensing in soil profiles

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    Objective and quantitative soil information is crucial for pedological investigations and to inform diverse decision making processes. New techniques are required so that soil information can be ascertained in a timely manner to support sampling at finer spatial and temporal resolutions. Currently, no single technique can provide information on all of the properties of interest. This research investigated the conjoint use of visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VisNIR) and portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF) for the in situ investigation of soil properties, profile variability and description. Fifteen soil pits across New South Wales, Australia, were selected for their diverse representation of soil properties. Sampling at these sites involved scanning three vertical with sensor readings taken at 2.5 cm intervals to a depth of 1 m within each transect. Soils were described by traditional pit description techniques and horizon based sampling was conducted to characterise the soil in terms of mineral composition, OC, TC, TN, CEC, EC, pH and PSA. A data fusion approach involving model averaging, and a mass balance was implemented to characterise the mineral composition of soils, including phyllosilicates sesquioxides, carbonate, gypsum, quartz and feldspars. Results were validated against X-ray diffraction analysis. To explore the predictive capability of scans taken in situ, existing spectral libraries were used to calibrate VisNIR and pXRF models and identify the best use of proximal sensor data to maximise soil information gain. As not all properties of interest have detectable spectral activity by either VisNIR or pXRF, a spectral soil inference system (SPEC-SINFERS) to augment the number of predicted properties. This system involved the propagation of sensor and model uncertainties through one hundred independent simulations for each calculation, and allowed the integration of both regression models and machine learning techniques

    Hyperspectral Imaging from Ground Based Mobile Platforms and Applications in Precision Agriculture

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    This thesis focuses on the use of line scanning hyperspectral sensors on mobile ground based platforms and applying them to agricultural applications. First this work deals with the geometric and radiometric calibration and correction of acquired hyperspectral data. When operating at low altitudes, changing lighting conditions are common and inevitable, complicating the retrieval of a surface's reflectance, which is solely a function of its physical structure and chemical composition. Therefore, this thesis contributes the evaluation of an approach to compensate for changes in illumination and obtain reflectance that is less labour intensive than traditional empirical methods. Convenient field protocols are produced that only require a representative set of illumination and reflectance spectral samples. In addition, a method for determining a line scanning camera's rigid 6 degree of freedom (DOF) offset and uncertainty with respect to a navigation system is developed, enabling accurate georegistration and sensor fusion. The thesis then applies the data captured from the platform to two different agricultural applications. The first is a self-supervised weed detection framework that allows training of a per-pixel classifier using hyperspectral data without manual labelling. The experiments support the effectiveness of the framework, rivalling classifiers trained on hand labelled training data. Then the thesis demonstrates the mapping of mango maturity using hyperspectral data on an orchard wide scale using efficient image scanning techniques, which is a world first result. A novel classification, regression and mapping pipeline is proposed to generate per tree mango maturity averages. The results confirm that maturity prediction in mango orchards is possible in natural daylight using a hyperspectral camera, despite complex micro-illumination-climates under the canopy

    The non-invasive assessment of avocado maturity and quality

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    Horticultural products in today's modern market must have high quality standards. Consumer demand for consistent quality agricultural produce remains strong and continues to increase, this will lead to the development and subsequent increased availability of sophisticated techniques, sensors, and user-friendly non-invasive systems for measuring product quality indices. The inability to consistently guarantee internal fruit quality is a major factor not only for the Australian avocado industry but also the entire horticulture sector. Poor fruit quality is seen as a key factor affecting consumer confidence and impacts on supply chain efficiency and profitability. Removing fruit quality inconsistencies while providing the consumer with a consistent quality product is a vital commercial consideration of the Australian avocado industry for both domestic and export markets. Many fruit quality attributes affecting consumer acceptance are assessed using traditional methods that are generally subjective, labour intensive and costly. Commercially, avocado maturity is measured destructively by the determination of dry matter (DM) content, moisture content (MC) or oil content, all of which are highly correlated. Maturity is an important component in avocado fruit quality and a prime factor in palatability. A rapid, non-destructive measurement system that can accurately and simultaneously monitor external and internal attributes of every avocado fruit either in the field or in an in-line setting, is highly desirable for ensuring consistent product quality over an extended season, increasing industry marketability and profitability. The utility of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was investigated as a non-invasive assessment tool for estimating avocado maturity and thereby eating quality based on dry matter content of whole intact fruit primarily for the avocado variety 'Hass'. The technique was also assessed for detecting bruises and for predicting rot susceptibility as an indication of shelf-life for possible implementation in a commercial in-line application. The project also investigated the importance of the calibration model development process to incorporate seasonal and geographical variability to ensure model robustness. NIR spectroscopy has an obvious place in agriculture and environmental applications with its core strength in the analysis of biological materials, plus low cost of analysis, simplicity in sample preparation, no chemical reagent requirements, simultaneous analysis of multiple constituents, good repeatability and high throughput capability. The commercially available NIR spectroscopy systems assessed in this project highlighted the potential of NIR spectroscopy and its suitability for application in a commercial in-line setting for predicting avocado maturity and palatability of whole intact avocados, based on DM content. With horticultural products, the major challenge of implementing NIR spectroscopy is to ensure that the calibration model is robust, that is, that the calibration model holds across growing seasons and potentially across growing districts. The present project represents the first study to investigate the effect of seasonal variation on model robustness to be applied to avocado fruit. It found that seasonal variability has a significant effect on model predictive performance for DM in avocados. The robustness of the calibration model, which in general limits the commercial application for the technique, was found to increase across seasons when more seasonal variability was included in the calibration set. Across the seasons it achieved predictive performances in this case in the range of: validation coefficient of determination (Rᵥ²) of 0.76 – 0.89, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 1.43 - 1.97%, and standard deviation ratio's (SDR) of 2.0 to 3.1. Similarly, there are spectral differences between geographical regions and that specific regional models may have significantly reduced predictive performance when applied to samples containing biological variability from a different growing region. As with seasonal variability, this can be addressed by incorporating multiple geographical growing regions into the calibration model to account for the biological variability to improve model robustness as demonstrated in this study (i.e., Rᵥ² of 0.89, RMSEP of 1.51%, and SDR of 3.6). Furthermore, when models are constructed to include both season and geographical variability, model performance can be more robust when dealing with a broader range of future sample variability. This was demonstrated with calibration models constructed to incorporate 3 years of seasonal variability and encompassing 3 geographical regions, obtaining predictive performances ranging from Rᵥ ² 0.87 - 0.89; RMSEP of 1.42 - 1.64% and SDR of 2.7 - 3.1 across the various geographical regions. NIR spectroscopy shows great promise for the application in a commercial, in-line setting for the non-destructive evaluation of impact damage (bruising) and rot susceptibility of whole avocado fruit, although optimisation of the technology is required to address speed of throughput and environmental issues. The adoption of a rapid, non-invasive method to identify fruit that are less prone to rots and internal disorders would allow selection of fruit that could be sent to more distant markets with greater confidence that it will arrive in acceptable quality, thus ensuring maximum yield and higher returns for the producer and marketer. The ability of the NIR classification models to accurately predict rot development of hard green avocado fruit (stage 0 ripeness) into two classes, ≤10% and >10% of flesh affected, ranged from 65-84% over the three growing seasons. When the rot classes were defined as ≤30% and >30% the accuracy ranged from 69%-77%. In relation to impact damage (bruising), trials conducted over three growing seasons using an NIR spot assessment technique found hard green fruit at stage 2 ripeness, that were deliberately bruised could be correctly detected with 70-79% accuracy after 2-5 hours of impacting and with 83-89% accuracy after 24 hours. For eating ripe (stage 4) fruit, the accuracy was 60-100% after 2-5 hours of impacting and 66-100% after 24 hours across the three growing seasons. This indicates that in a commercial situation it would be an advantage to hold the fruit for 24 hours before undertaking NIR scanning

    Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring with Chemical Sensors

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    Water quality is one of the most critical indicators of environmental pollution and it affects all of us. Water contamination can be accidental or intentional and the consequences are drastic unless the appropriate measures are adopted on the spot. This review provides a critical assessment of the applicability of various technologies for real-time water quality monitoring, focusing on those that have been reportedly tested in real-life scenarios. Specifically, the performance of sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers is evaluated in detail, also giving insights into their principle of operation, stability in real on-site applications and mass production options. Such characteristics as sensing range and limit of detection are given for the most promising systems, that were verified outside of laboratory conditions. Then, novel trends of using microwave spectroscopy and chemical materials integration for achieving a higher sensitivity to and selectivity of pollutants in water are described

    Air pollution and livestock production

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    The air in a livestock farming environment contains high concentrations of dust particles and gaseous pollutants. The total inhalable dust can enter the nose and mouth during normal breathing and the thoracic dust can reach into the lungs. However, it is the respirable dust particles that can penetrate further into the gas-exchange region, making it the most hazardous dust component. Prolonged exposure to high concentrations of dust particles can lead to respiratory health issues for both livestock and farming staff. Ammonia, an example of a gaseous pollutant, is derived from the decomposition of nitrous compounds. Increased exposure to ammonia may also have an effect on the health of humans and livestock. There are a number of technologies available to ensure exposure to these pollutants is minimised. Through proactive means, (the optimal design and management of livestock buildings) air quality can be improved to reduce the likelihood of risks associated with sub-optimal air quality. Once air problems have taken hold, other reduction methods need to be applied utilising a more reactive approach. A key requirement for the control of concentration and exposure of airborne pollutants to an acceptable level is to be able to conduct real-time measurements of these pollutants. This paper provides a review of airborne pollution including methods to both measure and control the concentration of pollutants in livestock buildings

    Novel spectral imaging instrumentation for environmental sensing in extreme environments

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    Spectral imaging techniques provide a valuable means of improving our understanding of the world around us. Environmental monitoring approaches that utilise these techniques are, therefore, essential to our understanding of the effects of climate change. Hyperspectral imaging applications are of particular benefit to a broad range of environmental monitoring scenarios, providing rich datasets that combine both spectral and spatial information, enabling intricate features and variations to be visualised. However, to date, most commercially available hyperspectral instrumentation remains bulky and expensive, significantly limiting their user-base and accessibility. These factors substantially limit the use of these instruments resulting in much of our information coming from a few well-resourced research teams across a limited number of more easily accessed field locations. These limitations, have a compounded effect on the quality and robustness of hyperspectral data outputs, particularly within more extreme settings, as the comparatively small sample of more accessible locations is not necessarily representative of the much larger whole. This thesis presents on the development and testing of three novel low-cost hyperspectral imaging instruments designed specifically for environmental monitoring applications, providing valuable, low-cost alternatives to currently available commercial systems. Specifically, the three instruments presented within this thesis are: a low-cost laboratory-based hyperspectral imager, a semi-portable instrument capable of accurate data capture within a laboratory setting; the Hyperspectral Smartphone, an ultra-low-cost smartphone-based fully portable hyperspectral imager; and a low-cost high-resolution hyperspectral imager capable of resolving mm-scale spatial targets. All instruments were rigorously tested to analyse and evaluate their performances. Each instrument was shown to perform well across a range of environmental monitoring applications demonstrating that expensive commercial instrumentation is not required to achieve accurate and robust hyperspectral imaging. These low-cost instruments could promote the widespread dissemination of accessible hyperspectral imaging equipment, facilitating the democratisation of hyperspectral measurement modalities across environmental monitoring applications and beyond
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