105 research outputs found

    Hardware-based smart camera for recovering high dynamic range video from multiple exposures

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    International audienceIn many applications such as video surveillance or defect detection, the perception of information related to a scene is limited in areas with strong contrasts. The high dynamic range (HDR) capture technique can deal with these limitations. The proposed method has the advantage of automatically selecting multiple exposure times to make outputs more visible than fixed exposure ones. A real-time hardware implementation of the HDR technique that shows more details both in dark and bright areas of a scene is an important line of research. For this purpose, we built a dedicated smart camera that performs both capturing and HDR video processing from three exposures. What is new in our work is shown through the following points: HDR video capture through multiple exposure control, HDR memory management, HDR frame generation, and rep- resentation under a hardware context. Our camera achieves a real-time HDR video output at 60 fps at 1.3 mega- pixels and demonstrates the efficiency of our technique through an experimental result. Applications of this HDR smart camera include the movie industry, the mass-consumer market, military, automotive industry, and sur- veillanc

    High Dynamic Range Adaptive Real-time Smart Camera: an overview of the HDR-ARTiST project

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    International audienceStandard cameras capture only a fraction of the information that is visible to the human visual system. This is specifically true for natural scenes including areas of low and high illumination due to transitions between sunlit and shaded areas. When capturing such a scene, many cameras are unable to store the full Dynamic Range (DR) resulting in low quality video where details are concealed in shadows or washed out by sunlight. The imaging technique that can overcome this problem is called HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging. This paper describes a complete smart camera built around a standard off-the-shelf LDR (Low Dynamic Range) sensor and a Virtex-6 FPGA board. This smart camera called HDR-ARtiSt (High Dynamic Range Adaptive Real-time Smart camera) is able to produce a real-time HDR live video color stream by recording and combining multiple acquisitions of the same scene while varying the exposure time. This technique appears as one of the most appropriate and cheapest solution to enhance the dynamic range of real-life environments. HDR-ARtiSt embeds real-time multiple captures, HDR processing, data display and transfer of a HDR color video for a full sensor resolution (1280 1024 pixels) at 60 frames per second. The main contributions of this work are: (1) Multiple Exposure Control (MEC) dedicated to the smart image capture with alternating three exposure times that are dynamically evaluated from frame to frame, (2) Multi-streaming Memory Management Unit (MMMU) dedicated to the memory read/write operations of the three parallel video streams, corresponding to the different exposure times, (3) HRD creating by combining the video streams using a specific hardware version of the Devebecs technique, and (4) Global Tone Mapping (GTM) of the HDR scene for display on a standard LCD monitor

    High dynamic range video merging, tone mapping, and real-time implementation

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    Although High Dynamic Range (High Dynamic Range (HDR)) imaging has been the subject of significant research over the past fifteen years, the goal of cinemaquality HDR video has not yet been achieved. This work references an optical method patented by Contrast Optical which is used to capture sequences of Low Dynamic Range (LDR) images that can be used to form HDR images as the basis for HDR video. Because of the large diverence in exposure spacing of the LDR images captured by this camera, present methods of merging LDR images are insufficient to produce cinema quality HDR images and video without significant visible artifacts. Thus the focus of the research presented is two fold. The first contribution is a new method of combining LDR images with exposure differences of greater than 3 stops into an HDR image. The second contribution is a method of tone mapping HDR video which solves potential problems of HDR video flicker and automated parameter control of the tone mapping operator. A prototype of this HDR video capture technique along with the combining and tone mapping algorithms have been implemented in a high-definition HDR-video system. Additionally, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware implementation details are given to support real time HDR video. Still frames from the acquired HDR video system which have been merged used the merging and tone mapping techniques will be presented

    Propuesta de arquitectura y circuitos para la mejora del rango dinámico de sistemas de visión en un chip diseñados en tecnologías CMOS profundamente submicrométrica

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    El trabajo presentado en esta tesis trata de proponer nuevas técnicas para la expansión del rango dinámico en sensores electrónicos de imagen. En este caso, hemos dirigido nuestros estudios hacia la posibilidad de proveer dicha funcionalidad en un solo chip. Esto es, sin necesitar ningún soporte externo de hardware o software, formando un tipo de sistema denominado Sistema de Visión en un Chip (VSoC). El rango dinámico de los sensores electrónicos de imagen se define como el cociente entre la máxima y la mínima iluminación medible. Para mejorar este factor surgen dos opciones. La primera, reducir la mínima luz medible mediante la disminución del ruido en el sensor de imagen. La segunda, incrementar la máxima luz medible mediante la extensión del límite de saturación del sensor. Cronológicamente, nuestra primera opción para mejorar el rango dinámico se basó en reducir el ruido. Varias opciones se pueden tomar para mejorar la figura de mérito de ruido del sistema: reducir el ruido usando una tecnología CIS o usar circuitos dedicados, tales como calibración o auto cero. Sin embargo, el uso de técnicas de circuitos implica limitaciones, las cuales sólo pueden ser resueltas mediante el uso de tecnologías no estándar que están especialmente diseñadas para este propósito. La tecnología CIS utilizada está dirigida a la mejora de la calidad y las posibilidades del proceso de fotosensado, tales como sensibilidad, ruido, permitir imagen a color, etcétera. Para estudiar las características de la tecnología en más detalle, se diseñó un chip de test, lo cual permite extraer las mejores opciones para futuros píxeles. No obstante, a pesar de un satisfactorio comportamiento general, las medidas referentes al rango dinámico indicaron que la mejora de este mediante sólo tecnología CIS es muy limitada. Es decir, la mejora de la corriente oscura del sensor no es suficiente para nuestro propósito. Para una mayor mejora del rango dinámico se deben incluir circuitos dentro del píxel. No obstante, las tecnologías CIS usualmente no permiten nada más que transistores NMOS al lado del fotosensor, lo cual implica una seria restricción en el circuito a usar. Como resultado, el diseño de un sensor de imagen con mejora del rango dinámico en tecnologías CIS fue desestimado en favor del uso de una tecnología estándar, la cual da más flexibilidad al diseño del píxel. En tecnologías estándar, es posible introducir una alta funcionalidad usando circuitos dentro del píxel, lo cual permite técnicas avanzadas para extender el límite de saturación de los sensores de imagen. Para este objetivo surgen dos opciones: adquisición lineal o compresiva. Si se realiza una adquisición lineal, se generarán una gran cantidad de datos por cada píxel. Como ejemplo, si el rango dinámico de la escena es de 120dB al menos se necesitarían 20-bits/píxel, log2(10120/20)=19.93, para la representación binaria de este rango dinámico. Esto necesitaría de amplios recursos para procesar esta gran cantidad de datos, y un gran ancho de banda para moverlos al circuito de procesamiento. Para evitar estos problemas, los sensores de imagen de alto rango dinámico usualmente optan por utilizar una adquisición compresiva de la luz. Por lo tanto, esto implica dos tareas a realizar: la captura y la compresión de la imagen. La captura de la imagen se realiza a nivel de píxel, en el dispositivo fotosensor, mientras que la compresión de la imagen puede ser realizada a nivel de píxel, de sistema, o mediante postprocesado externo. Usando el postprocesado, existe un campo de investigación que estudia la compresión de escenas de alto rango dinámico mientras se mantienen los detalles, produciendo un resultado apropiado para la percepción humana en monitores convencionales de bajo rango dinámico. Esto se denomina Mapeo de Tonos (Tone Mapping) y usualmente emplea solo 8-bits/píxel para las representaciones de imágenes, ya que éste es el estándar para las imágenes de bajo rango dinámico. Los píxeles de adquisición compresiva, por su parte, realizan una compresión que no es dependiente de la escena de alto rango dinámico a capturar, lo cual implica una baja compresión o pérdida de detalles y contraste. Para evitar estas desventajas, en este trabajo, se presenta un píxel de adquisición compresiva que aplica una técnica de mapeo de tonos que permite la captura de imágenes ya comprimidas de una forma optimizada para mantener los detalles y el contraste, produciendo una cantidad muy reducida de datos. Las técnicas de mapeo de tonos ejecutan normalmente postprocesamiento mediante software en un ordenador sobre imágenes capturadas sin compresión, las cuales contienen una gran cantidad de datos. Estas técnicas han pertenecido tradicionalmente al campo de los gráficos por ordenador debido a la gran cantidad de esfuerzo computacional que requieren. Sin embargo, hemos desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo de mapeo de tonos especialmente adaptado para aprovechar los circuitos dentro del píxel y que requiere un reducido esfuerzo de computación fuera de la matriz de píxeles, lo cual permite el desarrollo de un sistema de visión en un solo chip. El nuevo algoritmo de mapeo de tonos, el cual es un concepto matemático que puede ser simulado mediante software, se ha implementado también en un chip. Sin embargo, para esta implementación hardware en un chip son necesarias algunas adaptaciones y técnicas avanzadas de diseño, que constituyen en sí mismas otra de las contribuciones de este trabajo. Más aún, debido a la nueva funcionalidad, se han desarrollado modificaciones de los típicos métodos a usar para la caracterización y captura de imágenes

    Multi-Camera Platform for Panoramic Real-Time HDR Video Construction and Rendering

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    High dynamic range (HDR) images are usually obtained by capturing several images of the scene at different exposures. Previous HDR video techniques adopted the same principle by stacking HDR frames in time domain. We designed a new multi-camera platform which is able to construct and render HDR panoramic video in real-time, with 1024 × 256 resolution and a frame rate of 25 fps. We exploit the overlapping fields-of-view between the cameras with different exposures to create an HDR radiance map. We propose a method for HDR frame reconstruction which merges the previous HDR imaging techniques with the algorithms for panorama reconstruction. The developed FPGA-based processing system is able to reconstruct the HDR frame using the proposed method and tone map the resulting image using a hardware-adapted global operator. The measured throughput of the system is 245 MB/s, which is, up to our knowledge, among the fastest HDR video processing systems

    Nouvelle génération de systèmes de vision temps réel à grande dynamique

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    Cette thèse s intègre dans le cadre du projet européen EUREKA "High Dynamic Range - Low NoiseCMOS imagers", qui a pour but de développer de nouvelles approches de fabrication de capteursd images CMOS à haute performance. L objectif de la thèse est la conception d un système de visiontemps réel à grande gamme dynamique (HDR). L axe principal sera la reconstruction, en temps réelet à la cadence du capteur (60 images/sec), d une vidéo à grande dynamique sur une architecturede calcul embarquée.La plupart des capteurs actuels produisent une image numérique qui n est pas capable de reproduireles vraies échelles d intensités lumineuses du monde réel. De la même manière, les écrans, impri-mantes et afficheurs courants ne permettent pas la restitution effective d une gamme tonale étendue.L approche envisagée dans cette thèse est la capture multiple d images acquises avec des tempsd exposition différents permettant de palier les limites des dispositifs actuels.Afin de concevoir un système capable de s adapter temporellement aux conditions lumineuses,l étude d algorithmes dédiés à la grande dynamique, tels que les techniques d auto exposition, dereproduction de tons, en passant par la génération de cartes de radiances est réalisée. Le nouveausystème matériel de type "smart caméra" est capable de capturer, générer et restituer du contenu àgrande dynamique dans un contexte de parallélisation et de traitement des flux vidéos en temps réelThis thesis is a part of the EUREKA European project called "High Dynamic Range - Low NoiseCMOS imagers", which developped new approaches to design high performance CMOS sensors.The purpose of this thesis is to design a real-time high dynamic range (HDR) vision system. Themain focus will be the real-time video reconstruction at 60 frames/sec in an embedded architecture.Most of the sensors produce a digital image that is not able to reproduce the real world light inten-sities. Similarly, monitors, printers and current displays do not recover of a wide tonal range. Theapproach proposed in this thesis is multiple acquisitions, taken with different exposure times, to over-come the limitations of the standard devices.To temporally adapt the light conditions, the study of algorithms dedicated to the high dynamic rangetechniques is performed. Our new smart camera system is able to capture, generate and showcontent in a highly parallelizable context for a real time processingDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Real-Time Computational Gigapixel Multi-Camera Systems

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    The standard cameras are designed to truthfully mimic the human eye and the visual system. In recent years, commercially available cameras are becoming more complex, and offer higher image resolutions than ever before. However, the quality of conventional imaging methods is limited by several parameters, such as the pixel size, lens system, the diffraction limit, etc. The rapid technological advancements, increase in the available computing power, and introduction of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Field-Programmable-Gate-Arrays (FPGA) open new possibilities in the computer vision and computer graphics communities. The researchers are now focusing on utilizing the immense computational power offered on the modern processing platforms, to create imaging systems with novel or significantly enhanced capabilities compared to the standard ones. One popular type of the computational imaging systems offering new possibilities is a multi-camera system. This thesis will focus on FPGA-based multi-camera systems that operate in real-time. The aim of themulti-camera systems presented in this thesis is to offer a wide field-of-view (FOV) video coverage at high frame rates. The wide FOV is achieved by constructing a panoramic image from the images acquired by the multi-camera system. Two new real-time computational imaging systems that provide new functionalities and better performance compared to conventional cameras are presented in this thesis. Each camera system design and implementation are analyzed in detail, built and tested in real-time conditions. Panoptic is a miniaturized low-cost multi-camera system that reconstructs a 360 degrees view in real-time. Since it is an easily portable system, it provides means to capture the complete surrounding light field in dynamic environment, such as when mounted on a vehicle or a flying drone. The second presented system, GigaEye II , is a modular high-resolution imaging system that introduces the concept of distributed image processing in the real-time camera systems. This thesis explains in detail howsuch concept can be efficiently used in real-time computational imaging systems. The purpose of computational imaging systems in the form of multi-camera systems does not end with real-time panoramas. The application scope of these cameras is vast. They can be used in 3D cinematography, for broadcasting live events, or for immersive telepresence experience. The final chapter of this thesis presents three potential applications of these systems: object detection and tracking, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, and observation of multiple regions of interest. Object detection and tracking, and observation of multiple regions of interest are extremely useful and desired capabilities of surveillance systems, in security and defense industry, or in the fast-growing industry of autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, high dynamic range imaging is becoming a common option in the consumer market cameras, and the presented method allows instantaneous capture of HDR videos. Finally, this thesis concludes with the discussion of the real-time multi-camera systems, their advantages, their limitations, and the future predictions

    Video Enhancement and Dynamic Range Control of HDR Sequences for Automotive Applications

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    CMOS video cameras with high dynamic range (HDR) output are particularly suitable for driving assistance applications, where lighting conditions can strongly vary, going from direct sunlight to dark areas in tunnels. However, common visualization devices can only handle a low dynamic range, and thus a dynamic range reduction is needed. Many algorithms have been proposed in the literature to reduce the dynamic range of still pictures. Anyway, extending the available methods to video is not straightforward, due to the peculiar nature of video data. We propose an algorithm for both reducing the dynamic range of video sequences and enhancing its appearance, thus improving visual quality and reducing temporal artifacts. We also provide an optimized version of our algorithm for a viable hardware implementation on an FPGA. The feasibility of this implementation is demonstrated by means of a case study

    Tone mapping in video conference systems

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    Normal sensors are able to only capture a limited dynamic range. In scenes with large dynamic range, such as situations with both dark indoor and bright outdoor parts, the image will get either over- or under exposed if the exposure is not perfect. Producing high dynamic range (HDR) images will capture the full dynamic range of the scene. There are two main ways of producing HDR images. One combines multiple exposures with a low dynamic range (LDR) sensor. Another is to use a sensors which are able to capture a higher dynamic range, so called wide dynamic range sensors.Multiple exposures with a single low dynamic range sensor, is not suitable for real time video because this technique have large problems with movement. Wide dynamic range sensors only require one exposure, but these have difficulties in normal situations were LDR sensors are sufficient. A type of algorithms called tone mapping are used to reduce the high dynamic range image to at the limitations of normal monitors. Simulations show that using these algorithms on low dynamic range images will change the illumination of the scene, solving the problem. Tone mapping algorithms presented in the literature are software algorithms. Two groups of algorithms exist; local and global tone mappers. Local algorithms are time consuming, and require large amounts of memory. They are not suitable for real time implementations since they rely on filtering operations for each pixel. Global algorithms, does not rely on filtering and are less time consuming. A precomputed curve is used to map the pixels to new values. This makes the global algorithms more suitable for video. A reduced tone mapping system is presented. This reduction results in a segmented curve, which drastically reduces the memory required for defining the curve. It also makes it feasible to control temporal changes. The reduced system has been successfully implemented, achieving sufficient frequencies to be part of a real time system