256 research outputs found

    A multiband excited waveform-interpolated 2.35-kbps speech codec for bandlimited channels

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    Frequency-warped autoregressive modeling and filtering

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    This thesis consists of an introduction and nine articles. The articles are related to the application of frequency-warping techniques to audio signal processing, and in particular, predictive coding of wideband audio signals. The introduction reviews the literature and summarizes the results of the articles. Frequency-warping, or simply warping techniques are based on a modification of a conventional signal processing system so that the inherent frequency representation in the system is changed. It is demonstrated that this may be done for basically all traditional signal processing algorithms. In audio applications it is beneficial to modify the system so that the new frequency representation is close to that of human hearing. One of the articles is a tutorial paper on the use of warping techniques in audio applications. Majority of the articles studies warped linear prediction, WLP, and its use in wideband audio coding. It is proposed that warped linear prediction would be particularly attractive method for low-delay wideband audio coding. Warping techniques are also applied to various modifications of classical linear predictive coding techniques. This was made possible partly by the introduction of a class of new implementation techniques for recursive filters in one of the articles. The proposed implementation algorithm for recursive filters having delay-free loops is a generic technique. This inspired to write an article which introduces a generalized warped linear predictive coding scheme. One example of the generalized approach is a linear predictive algorithm using almost logarithmic frequency representation.reviewe

    Quantisation mechanisms in multi-protoype waveform coding

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    Prototype Waveform Coding is one of the most promising methods for speech coding at low bit rates over telecommunications networks. This thesis investigates quantisation mechanisms in Multi-Prototype Waveform (MPW) coding, and two prototype waveform quantisation algorithms for speech coding at bit rates of 2.4kb/s are proposed. Speech coders based on these algorithms have been found to be capable of producing coded speech with equivalent perceptual quality to that generated by the US 1016 Federal Standard CELP-4.8kb/s algorithm. The two proposed prototype waveform quantisation algorithms are based on Prototype Waveform Interpolation (PWI). The first algorithm is in an open loop architecture (Open Loop Quantisation). In this algorithm, the speech residual is represented as a series of prototype waveforms (PWs). The PWs are extracted in both voiced and unvoiced speech, time aligned and quantised and, at the receiver, the excitation is reconstructed by smooth interpolation between them. For low bit rate coding, the PW is decomposed into a slowly evolving waveform (SEW) and a rapidly evolving waveform (REW). The SEW is coded using vector quantisation on both magnitude and phase spectra. The SEW codebook search is based on the best matching of the SEW and the SEW codebook vector. The REW phase spectra is not quantised, but it is recovered using Gaussian noise. The REW magnitude spectra, on the other hand, can be either quantised with a certain update rate or only derived according to SEW behaviours

    Wireless Networks In-the-Loop: Software Radio as the Enabler

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    A software architecture to rapidly develop and test radio networks in real and physical environments is proposed. Radio network terminals are developed in software and run on generic hardware to maximize reconfigurability. Due to the software nature of the radio terminals, radio networks can be simulated in a virtual environment, where physical channels are emulated by software entities. Without any changes to the code base, the same waveform can also be run in a real, physical environment. This feature is used to rapidly switch between real and virtual networks, thus bridging the gap between simulation and physical reality. Aspects of the proposed system are implemented and demonstrated with the GNU Software Radio framework

    New Directions in Subband Coding

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    Two very different subband coders are described. The first is a modified dynamic bit-allocation-subband coder (D-SBC) designed for variable rate coding situations and easily adaptable to noisy channel environments. It can operate at rates as low as 12 kb/s and still give good quality speech. The second coder is a 16-kb/s waveform coder, based on a combination of subband coding and vector quantization (VQ-SBC). The key feature of this coder is its short coding delay, which makes it suitable for real-time communication networks. The speech quality of both coders has been enhanced by adaptive postfiltering. The coders have been implemented on a single AT&T DSP32 signal processo

    Improvement of Speech Perception for Hearing-Impaired Listeners

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    Hearing impairment is becoming a prevalent health problem affecting 5% of world adult populations. Hearing aids and cochlear implant already play an essential role in helping patients over decades, but there are still several open problems that prevent them from providing the maximum benefits. Financial and discomfort reasons lead to only one of four patients choose to use hearing aids; Cochlear implant users always have trouble in understanding speech in a noisy environment. In this dissertation, we addressed the hearing aids limitations by proposing a new hearing aid signal processing system named Open-source Self-fitting Hearing Aids System (OS SF hearing aids). The proposed hearing aids system adopted the state-of-art digital signal processing technologies, combined with accurate hearing assessment and machine learning based self-fitting algorithm to further improve the speech perception and comfort for hearing aids users. Informal testing with hearing-impaired listeners showed that the testing results from the proposed system had less than 10 dB (by average) difference when compared with those results obtained from clinical audiometer. In addition, Sixteen-channel filter banks with adaptive differential microphone array provides up to six-dB SNR improvement in the noisy environment. Machine-learning based self-fitting algorithm provides more suitable hearing aids settings. To maximize cochlear implant users’ speech understanding in noise, the sequential (S) and parallel (P) coding strategies were proposed by integrating high-rate desynchronized pulse trains (DPT) in the continuous interleaved sampling (CIS) strategy. Ten participants with severe hearing loss participated in the two rounds cochlear implants testing. The testing results showed CIS-DPT-S strategy significantly improved (11%) the speech perception in background noise, while the CIS-DPT-P strategy had a significant improvement in both quiet (7%) and noisy (9%) environment

    Digital multimedia development processes and optimizing techniques

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    Comparison of Wideband Earpiece Integrations in Mobile Phone

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    Perinteisesti puhelinverkoissa välitettävä puhe on ollut kapeakaistaista, kaistan ollessa 300 - 3400 Hz. Voidaan kuitenkin olettaa, että laajakaistaiset puhepalvelut tulevat saamaan markkinoilla enemmän jalansijaa tulevina vuosina. Tässä lopputyössä esitellään puheenkoodauksen perusteet laajakaistaisen adaptiivisen moninopeuspuhekoodekin (AMR-WB) kanssa. Laajakaistainen puhekoodekki laajentaa puhekaistan 50-7000 Hz käyttäen 16 kHz näytetaajuutta. Käytännössä laajempi kaista tarkoittaa parannuksia puheen ymmärrettävyyteen ja tekee siitä luonnollisemman ja mukavamman kuuloista. Tämän lopputyön päätavoite on vertailla kahden eri laajakaistaisen matkapuhelinkuulokkeen integrointia. Kysymys kuuluu, kuinka paljon käyttäjä hyötyy isommasta kuulokkeesta matkapuhelimessa? Kuulokkeiden suorituskyvyn selvittämiseksi niille tehtiin objektiivisia mittauksia vapaakentässä. Mittauksia tehtiin myös puhelimelle pää- ja torsosimulaattorissa (HATS) johdottamalla kuuloke suoraan vahvistimelle, sekä lisäksi puhelun ollessa aktiivisena GSM ja WCDMA verkoissa. Objektiiviset mittaukset osoittivat kahden eri integroinnin väliset erot kuulokkeiden taajuusvasteessa ja särössä erityisesti matalilla taajuuksilla. Lopuksi tehtiin kuuntelukoe tarkoituksena selvittää erottaako loppukäyttäjä pienemmän ja isomman kuulokkeen välistä eroa käyttäen kapeakaistaisia ja laajakaistaisia puhelinääninäytteitä. Kuuntelukokeen tuloksien pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että käyttäjä erottaa kahden eri integroinnin erot ja miespuhuja hyötyy naispuhujaa enemmän isommasta kuulokkeesta laajakaistaisella puhekoodekilla.The speech in telecommunication networks has been traditionally narrowband ranging from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. It can be expected that wideband speech call services will increase their foothold in the markets during the coming years. In this thesis speech coding basics with adaptive multirate wideband (AMR-WB) are introduced. The wideband codec widens the speech band to new range from 50 Hz to 7000 Hz using 16 kHz sampling frequency. In practice the wider band means improvements to speech intelligibility and makes it more natural and comfortable to listen to. The main focus of this thesis work is to compare two different wideband earpiece integrations. The question is how much the end-user will benefit from using a larger earpiece in a mobile phone? To find out speaker performance, objective measurements in free field were done for the earpiece modules. Measurements were performed also for the phone on head and torso simulator (HATS) by wiring the earpieces directly to a power amplifier and with over the air on GSM and WCDMA networks. The results of objective measurements showed differences between the earpiece integrations especially on low frequencies in frequency response and distortion. Finally the subjective listening test is done for comparison to see if the end-user notices the difference between smaller and larger earpiece integrations using narrowband and wideband speech samples. Based on these subjective test results it can be said that the user can differentiate between two different integrations and that a male speaker benefits more from a larger earpiece than a female speaker

    Frequency-domain bandwidth extension for low-delay audio coding applications

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    MPEG-4 Spectral Band Replication (SBR) is a sophisticated high-frequency reconstruction (HFR) tool for speech and natural audio which when used in conjunction with an audio codec delivers a broadband high-quality signal at a bit rate of 48 kbps or even below. The major drawback of this technique is that it significantly increases the delay of the underlying core codec. The idea of synthetic signal reconstruction is of particular interest also in real-time communications. There, a HFR method can be employed to further loosen the channel capacity requirements. In this thesis a delay-optimized derivative of SBR is elaborated, which can be used together with a low-delay speech and audio coder like the Fraunhofer ULD. The presented approach is based on a short-time subband representation of an acoustic signal of natural or artificial origin, and as such it utilizes a filter bank for the extraction and the manipulation of sound characteristics. The system delay for a combination of the ULD coder with the proposed low-delay bandwidth extension (LD-BWE) tool adds up to 12 ms at a sampling rate of 48 kHz. At the present stage, LD-BWE generates a subjectively confirmed excellent-quality highband replica at a simulated mean data rate of 12.8 kbps.MPEG-4 Spectral Band Replication (SBR) ist ein technisch ausgereiftes Verfahren zur Rückgewinnung von hochfrequenten Signalkomponenten für Sprache und natürliches Audio, das in Verbindung mit einem Audiocodec angewandt ein hochwertiges Breitbandsignal bei einer Bitrate von nicht mehr als 48 kbps liefert. Ein wesentlicher Nachteil dieser Methode ist, dass sie die Zeitverzögerung des darunter liegenden Kerncodecs maßgeblich vergrößert. Die Idee der synthetischen Signalwiederherstellung ist in Echtzeitkommunikation ebenso von besonderem Interesse. Ein derartiges Verfahren könnte dort eingesetzt werden, um die Anforderungen an die Kanalkapazität weiter zu lockern. In dieser Arbeit wird ein latenzoptimiertes Derivat von SBR ausgearbeitet, welches zusammen mit einem minimal verzögernden Sprach- und Audiocoder, wie dem Fraunhofer ULD, verwendet werden kann. Der vorgestellte Ansatz basiert auf einer Kurzzeit-Teilband-Darstellung eines akustischen Signals natürlichen oder künstlichen Ursprungs, und greift als solcher auf eine Filterbank zur Extraktion und Manipulation von Klangcharakteristika zurück. Die Verzögerungszeit des Gesamtsystems bestehend aus dem ULD-Coder und der vorgeschlagenen Bandbreitenerweiterung beläuft sich bei einer Abtastrate von 48 kHz auf 12 ms. Einem subjektiven Hörtest zufolge, erzeugt die neu entwickelte Bandbreitenerweiterung in ihrem derzeitigen Stadium eine Kopie des Hochbandes von hervorragender Qualität bei einer simulierten mittleren Datenrate von 12.8 kbps.Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Masterarbeit, 201