150 research outputs found

    Project54 handheld system development and pilot deployment

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    Police officers have been using the Project54 system in their vehicles for years. However once they step out of the vehicle they lose access to in-car services. Our goal was to develop and test a new Project54 Handheld (P54H) software system which would grant access to in-car services outside the vehicle and to evaluate the potential usefulness of those services. For this purpose applications were developed to interface with the in-car Project54 System on a handheld device. We then comprehensively tested the P54H system and confirmed that it operates correctly. We first performed functionality tests on a laboratory mock-vehicle setup. Next, we performed stability tests on the P54H system. After deployment data was retrieved from three deployed handheld systems and quantitatively evaluated to identify the use of the P54H graphical user interface (GUI) and the P54H speech user interface (SUI). Feedback from three officers, in conjunction with retrieved data analysis gave a preliminary indication which services were most beneficial to officers

    Winter 2019 Full Issue

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    Збірник тез доповідей учасників XXIIІ Міжнародної студентської науково-практичної конференції іноземними мовами, присвяченої 30-річчю кафедри іноземних мов

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    Інноваційні технології на службі правопорядку (зарубіжний досвід) : зб. тез доп. учасників ХХIІІ Міжнар. студент. наук.-практ. конф. інозем. мовами, присвяч. 30-річчю каф. інозем. мов (м. Харків, Україна, 12 квіт. 2021 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внут. справ, Каф. інозем. мов ф-ту № 4, Наук. парк «Наука та безпека». – Харків : ХНУВС, 2022. – 248 с.Збірник містить аналітичний огляд та узагальнення зарубіжного досвіду використання інноваційних технологій правоохоронними органами. Інформаційною основою проведених досліджень є автентичні джерела англійською, німецькою та французською мовами. Матеріали конференції сприятимуть удосконаленню та підвищенню ефективності діяльності вітчизняних працівників поліції.A selection of analytical reviews of the foreign information about the development of innovative technologies by law enforcement agencies. The informational basis for conducting research is authentic English, German and French languages. The materials of the conference will be accepted to improve and improve the efficiency of the work of the clergy in the police.Сборник содержит аналитический обзор и обобщение зарубежного опыта использования инновационных технологий правоохранительными органами. Информационной основой проведенных исследований являются аутентичные источники на английском, немецком и французском языках. Материалы конференции будут способствовать усовершенствованию и повышению эффективности деятельности отечественных работников полиции

    Rockingham county annual report 1999.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a county in the state of New Hampshire

    Annual report for the town of Bristol, New Hampshire fiscal year ending December 31, 2007.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Town of Hanover, New Hampshire annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012 and 2013 town meeting.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Gerenciador de recursos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta tese reporta a implementação de um módulo gerenciador de recursos para uma plataforma heterogénea multi-processador de rádio para equipamento movel. Nessa plataforma os rádios são definidos como data flows e são dinamicamente alocados, ou libertados consuante a necessidade da aplicação. Os rádios são alocados em runtime e requerem vários recursos que podem ou não estar livres na plataforma. Quando uma tentativa de alocação de um rádio falha, todos os recursos até ai reservados têm que ser libertados. Esta metodologia requer tempo e não é eficiente. O objectivo desta dissertação é investigar diferentes metodologias e algoritmos para tornar o processo de alocação mais eficiente. A abordagem escolhida foi baseada na modelação dos recursos, opção que permite controle de admissão e é independente da plataforma. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido o mais genericamente possível para abranger a maior variedade de aplicações. No estado actual do projecto são suportados até 5 standards de rádio simultaneamente, cada um com diferentes taxas de entrada/saída e com requisitos realtime. Em conclusão, este projecto contrói o caminho para a quarta geração (4G) de tecnologia de comunicação. ABSTRACT: This dissertation addresses the project and implementation of a Resource Manager module for heterogeneous multi-processor radio platforms. In the target platform the radios are defined as data flows and are dynamically allocated and released, according to the application needs. Radios are allocated at runtime and require the sequential allocation of several resources that may or may not be available. Whenever the allocation of any necessary resource fails, the radio allocation procedure has to be aborted and the eventually allocated resources released. Allocating and de-allocating resources is costly and thus this methodology is not efficient. In the scope of this dissertation are investigated different methods and algorithms to make the radio allocation process more efficient. Four different possibilities are considered and assessed. The chosen approach is based in the use of a resource model, which permits fast admission control and is platform-independent, since it does not require any modification on the platform-specific modules. This application is being developed as generically as possible to be able to embrace the largest possible group of applications. In its current status this project supports up to 5 different radio standards concurrently, each one exhibiting specific input/output rates and real-time requirements. In conclusion, it is the path to fourth generation (4G) communication technology

    The Laird Rams: Warships in Transition 1862-1885

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    The Laird rams, built from 1862-1865, reflected concepts of naval power in transition from the broadside of multiple guns, to the rotating turret with only a few very heavy pieces of ordnance. These two ironclads were experiments built around the two new offensive concepts for armoured warships at that time: the ram and the turret. These sister armourclads were a collection of innovative designs and compromises packed into smaller spaces. A result of the design leap forward was they suffered from too much, too soon, in too limited a hull area. The turret ships were designed and built rapidly for a Confederate Navy desperate for effective warships. As a result of this urgency, the pair of twin turreted armoured rams began as experimental warships and continued in that mode for the next thirty five years. They were armoured ships built in secrecy, then floated on the Mersey under the gaze of international scrutiny and suddenly purchased by Britain to avoid a war with the United States. Once purchased, they were largely forgotten. Historians rarely mention these two sister ironclads and if mentioned at all, they are given short shrift. Built with funds obtained in part through the Confederate Erlanger loan, these ironclads were constructed at Lairds shipyard in Birkenhead and represented an advanced concept of ironclad construction through new proposals involving turrets, the ram, heavy guns and tripod masts on an armoured ship, as advocated by Captain Cowper Coles, R.N. They proved too much of a leap in one design but when their roles caught up to the revised designs, the ships were modified to meet new requirements. After several mission and design changes they then performed to standard. This belated success occurred when the concept of the ideal armoured warship was in flux throughout the middle Victorian years