37 research outputs found

    Architecture of Confinement: Positively Influencing Rehabilitation and Reintegration

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    D.Arch. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2016.Includes bibliographical references.Environments for human habitation must be carefully designed to fulfill the needs of the intended occupants. There is no exception when addressing correctional institution design. This dissertation is presented on prison typology to explore what impact design has on the psychology of its users. High recidivism rates in US prisons show that our current system is not working. Learning from the effects of the environmental psychology of design, architectural spatial influences can have a positive effect on the rehabilitation of inmates. A collaborative approach between designers and environmental psychologists has the potential to lead to a powerful approach to reformative architecture for correctional institutions. The initial hypothesis is that by creating this new prison typology, through designing quality spaces benefiting a reflective environment, recidivism rates can be reduced, and a more successful rehabilitation infrastructure can accomplished through architecture. The purpose of this research is to understand and address the fundamental needs of a prison system, and analyze what improvements can be made to the system through architectural and interior design. Local, national and global precedents will be studied to gain perspective on various design solutions. The research will be balanced with an in-depth study into the psychology of the environment and its effect on human behavior. This research will aid in addressing what is the architect’s social responsibility in prison design and will develop and deepen this body of knowledge to improve design solutions that may used as a new typology of correctional architecture locally here in Hawaii

    The relations among students\u27 performance on phonic tasks

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    This research paper describes a proposal for a substantial investigation in the area of phonics tasks. This paper contains an in-depth examination of the history of phonics instruction and assessment, plus six phonic tasks that are to be implemented with second graders

    Availability of literature on social entreprenureship for sustainable wealth creation in internet

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    Social entrepreneurship has been the key discussed issue for the last few decades. This paper examines relative availability of materials related to social entreprenureship for sustainable wealth creation in order to develop hands-on, professional, ethical, which is promoted by the various organizations around the world. The main objective of this study was to examine the relative frequency of social entreprenureship and sustainable wealth creation by the organizations and other related concepts that are available in the Internet search engines. The study attempted to assess the availability of materials on social entreprenureship for sustainable wealth creation on the Internet. The Internet was accessed on 03 April 2012 from 11:05 a.m. – 13:05 p.m.; 2.30 p.m. – 4:30 pm. Duration: 240 minutes, [Gombak Time] and 04 April 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; 11:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Duration: 180 minutes [Hulu Langat Time]. Ratios are expected to reflect more statistically meaningful indices. The study is very significant for theoretical development of social entreprenureship in sustainable wealth creation for companies in Malaysia. The Internet search engine provides instant information on social entreprenureship for sustainable wealth creation that can developed further

    Building a case for indigenous architecture with mixed-use Anarâškielâ language nest and home for elderly

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    Abstract. In this dissertation, Saami architecture is viewed through two different lenses — International Indigenous architecture and the narrative of Anarâš people. The first part, which is the written and main body of this dissertation, is organized around the International Indigenous Design Charter. This Charter gives advice for how to approach Indigenous design with respect. Within the written work, the narrative of a Saami building is reflected against the 10 sections of the Charter. The chosen building typology in this dissertation consists of a mixed-use building, housing an Anarâškielâ language nest and a care home for the elderly. The building is situated in Aanaar. Therefore, Saami architecture is examined through a specific user group, Anarâš people and their relationship with their Indigenous language Anarâškielâ while the collective Saami narrative, self-determination and symbolism is examined in relation to the built environment throughout the written work. A conclusion to the written part is offered in the second part where the building typology is briefly examined through diagrams. Issues around the specific context of the building is formatted through concepts relative to themes that have arisen in the written work. This section of the work does not give a concrete design solution. Its aim is to evoke discussion about how Indigenous Anarâš building and its cultural context could be approached in this specific case.Tiivistelmä. Tämän diplomityön aihe käsittelee saamelaista arkkitehtuuria kahden näkökulman kautta. Nämä ovat: kansainvälinen alkuperäiskansojen arkkitehtuuri sekä inarinsaamelaisten oma erillinen näkökulma. Työn ensimmäinen osa on kirjallinen. Sen rakenne perustuu International Indigenous Design Charteriin, jossa ohjeistetaan miten alkuperäiskasojen muotokieltä ja muotoilua voi lähestyä kunnioittavasti. Tässä diplomityössä saamelaista arkkitehtuuria pohditaan Charterissa esiintyvien kymmenen kohdan kautta. Tähän työhön valittu rakennustyyppi käsittää monitoimisen rakennuksen, jonka käyttäjät ovat inarinsaamelaisia. Rakennuksessa on inarinsaamenkielinen kielipesä sekä koti vanhuksille ja se on sijoitettu Inariin. Saamelaista arkkitehtuuria tarkastellaan tarkan käyttäjäryhmän ja heidän kielensä kautta, samalla kun kollektiivista saamelaista todellisuutta, itsemääräämisoikeutta ja symbolismia käsitellään rakentamisen ja tilan kautta läpi koko tekstin. Kirjallisesta työstä syntyneitä johtopäätöksiä pohditaan työn toisessa osassa. Kirjoitustyön aikana nousseita teemoja käsitellään diagrammien kautta. Tämä työn ei varsinaisesti anna konkreettista suunnitelmaa rakennukselle vaan inarinsaamelaista arkkitehtuuria lähestytään alkeperäiskansalaisuuden ja rakennuksen erityisen kulttuuri kontekstin kautta