3,380 research outputs found

    Determining departure times in dynamic and stochastic maritime routing and scheduling problem

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    In maritime transportation, decisions are made in a dynamic setting where many aspects of the future are uncertain. However, most academic literature on maritime transportation considers static and deterministic routing and scheduling problems. This work addresses a gap in the literature on dynamic and stochastic maritime routing and scheduling problems, by focusing on the scheduling of departure times. Five simple strategies for setting departure times are considered, as well as a more advanced strategy which involves solving a mixed integer mathematical programming problem. The latter strategy is significantly better than the other methods, while adding only a small computational effort

    Dynamic Priority Rules for Combining On-Demand Passenger Transportation and Transportation of Goods

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    Urban on-demand transportation services are booming, in both passenger transportation and the transportation of goods. The types of service differ in timeliness and compensation and, until now, providers operate larger fleets separately for each type of service. While this may ensure sufficient resources for lucrative passenger transportation, the separation also leaves consolidation potentials untapped. In this paper, we propose combining both services in an anticipatory way that ensures high passenger service rates while simultaneously transporting a large number of goods. To this end, we introduce a dynamic priority policy that uses a time-dependent percentage of vehicles mainly to serve passengers. To find effective time-dependent parametrizations given a limited number of runtime-expensive simulations, we apply Bayesian Optimization. We show that our anticipatory policy increases revenue and service rates significantly while a myopic combination of service may actually lead to inferior performance compared to using two separate fleets

    Reoptimisation strategies for dynamic vehicle routing problems with proximity-dependent nodes

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    Autonomous vehicles create new opportunities as well as new challenges to dynamic vehicle routing. The introduction of autonomous vehicles as information-collecting agents results in scenarios, where dynamic nodes are found by proximity. This paper presents a novel dynamic vehicle-routing problem variant with proximity-dependent nodes. Here, we introduced a novel variable, detectability, which determines whether a proximal dynamic node will be detected, based on the sight radius of the vehicle. The problem considered is motivated by autonomous weed-spraying vehicles in large agricultural operations. This work is generalisable to many other autonomous vehicle applications. The first step to crafting a solution approach for the problem is to decide when reoptimisation should be triggered. Two reoptimisation trigger strategies are considered—exogenous and endogenous. Computational experiments compared the strategies for both the classical dynamic vehicle routing problem as well as the introduced variant. Experiments used extensive standardised vehicle-routing problem benchmarks with varying degrees of dynamism and geographical node distributions. The results showed that for both the classical problem and the novel variant, an endogenous trigger strategy is better in most cases, while an exogenous trigger strategy is only suitable when both detectability and dynamism are low. Furthermore, the optimal level of detectability was shown to be dependent on the combination of trigger, degree of dynamism, and geographical node distribution, meaning practitioners may determine the required detectability based on the attributes of their specific problem

    Dynamic vehicle routing problems: Three decades and counting

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    Since the late 70s, much research activity has taken place on the class of dynamic vehicle routing problems (DVRP), with the time period after year 2000 witnessing a real explosion in related papers. Our paper sheds more light into work in this area over more than 3 decades by developing a taxonomy of DVRP papers according to 11 criteria. These are (1) type of problem, (2) logistical context, (3) transportation mode, (4) objective function, (5) fleet size, (6) time constraints, (7) vehicle capacity constraints, (8) the ability to reject customers, (9) the nature of the dynamic element, (10) the nature of the stochasticity (if any), and (11) the solution method. We comment on technological vis-à-vis methodological advances for this class of problems and suggest directions for further research. The latter include alternative objective functions, vehicle speed as decision variable, more explicit linkages of methodology to technological advances and analysis of worst case or average case performance of heuristics.© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    A probabilistic approach to pickup and delivery problems with time window uncertainty

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    In this paper we study a dynamic and stochastic pickup and delivery problem proposed recently by Srour, Agatz and Oppen. We demonstrate that the cost structure of the problem permits an effective solution method without generating multiple scenarios. Instead, our method is based on a careful analysis of the transfer probability from one customer to the other. Our computational results confirm the effectiveness of our approach on the data set of Srour et al

    Analysis of the characteristics and applications associated to the dynamic vehicle routing problem - DVRP

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    El Problema del Ruteo Dinámico de Vehículos - DVRP, permite analizar sistemas con la inclusión de una variable de carácter dinámico, ajustando el ruteo en función de nuevas restricciones y comportamientos a nivel de desarrollo de dimensiones temporales y desarrollo constructivo con información en tiempo real. Este problema se ha clasificado en diferentes sistemas, de acuerdo a su aplicabilidad y algoritmos de solución, además del efecto del dinamismo presente. Sin embargo, no todas las características y diferencias frente al ruteo estocástico clásico, han sido mencionadas y resaltadas, debido a su reciente desarrollo, así como la limitada investigación desarrollada. Por tal motivo el presente artículo, plantea la realización de un análisis de las principales características y aplicaciones asociadas a los problemas de ruteo dinámico de vehículos., a través de una revisión bibliográfica con el propósito de brindar información acerca de las características principales, fortalezas respecto al problema clásico y sus aplicaciones para solución. La metodología empleada, incluye una investigación cualitativa, basada en la búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos acerca del DVRP, en últimos cuatro años (2011-2014). Se concluye que el problema de ruteo dinámico de vehículos, permite establecer y analizar sistemas de ruteo, con la inclusión de una variable de carácter dinámico, permitiendo la aplicación y ajuste de heurísticas y metaheurísticas, permitiendo abarcar nuevos sistemas de análisis a nivel logístico. De la misma manera se evidencia que existe un comportamiento variable con tendencia a la baja, en referencia al número de publicaciones relacionadas con el tema, reflejando, un potencial de investigación y desarrollo inexplorado en referencia a la aplicación y ajuste de la temáticaThe Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem- DVRP allows analyzing systems with the inclusion of a dynamic variable, adjusting the routing in function of new restrictions and behaviors at the development level of temporal dimensions and constructive development with real-time information. This problem has been classified into different systems, according to their applicability and solution algorithms, besides the current dynamic effect. However, not all features and differences compared to classical stochastic routing have been mentioned and highlighted because of their recent development, as well as limited research developed. Therefore, the present article proposes to carry out an analysis about the main features and applications associated with the dynamic routing vehicle problem, through a literature review with the purpose of providing information about the main characteristics, strengths compared to the classical problem and its applications to solution. The methodology includes a qualitative research based on a systematic search in databases about DVRP in last four years (2011-2014). As main conclusion, is related that the DVRP allows establishing and analyzing routing systems, with the inclusion of a variable dynamic, allowing the application and set of heuristics and metaheuristics, allowing embrace new analysis systems in a logistical level. Likewise, it is evident that there is a variable behavior downtrend, referring to the number of publications related to the theme, reflecting unexplored potential in research and development in reference to the application and setting the them

    The dynamic vehicle routing problem

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    Applications of the Internet of Things and optimization to inventory and distribution management

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    This thesis is part of the IoFEED (EU funded) project, which aims to monitor approximately 325 farm bins and investigates business processes carried out between farmers and animal feed producers. We propose a computer-aided system to control and optimize the supply chain to deliver animal feed to livestock farms. Orders can be of multiple types of feed, shipped from multiple depots using a fleet of heterogeneous vehicles with multiple compartments. Additionally, this case considers some business-specific constraints, such as product compatibility, facility accessibility restrictions, prioritized locations, or bio-security constraints. A digital twin based approach is implemented at the farm level by installing sensors to remotely measure the inventories. This thesis also embraces these sensors' design and manufacturing process, seeking the required precision and easy deployability at scale. Our approach combines biased-randomization techniques with a simheuristic framework to make use of data provided by the sensors. The analysis of results is based on these two real pilots, and showcases the insights obtained during the IoFEED project. The results of this thesis show how the Internet of Things and simulation-based optimization methods combine successfully to optimize deliveries of feed to livestock farms.Esta tesis forma parte del proyecto IoFeeD, financiado por la Unión Europea, que tiene como objetivo monitorizar remotamente el stock de 325 contenedores agrícolas e investigar los procesos comerciales llevados a cabo entre agricultores y productores de pienso. Proponemos un sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para controlar y optimizar la cadena de suministro de pienso en las explotaciones ganaderas. Los pedidos pueden ser de varios tipos de pienso y pueden enviarse desde varios centros de fabricación mediante el uso de una flota de vehículos heterogéneos con varios compartimentos. Además, se tienen en cuenta algunas restricciones específicas de la empresa, como, por ejemplo, la compatibilidad del producto, las restricciones de accesibilidad en las instalaciones, las ubicaciones priorizadas o las restricciones de bioseguridad. A escala de granja, se implementa un enfoque basado en gemelos digitales mediante la instalación de sensores para medir los inventarios de forma remota. En el marco de esta tesis, se desarrollan estos sensores buscando la precisión requerida, así como las características oportunas que permitan su instalación a gran escala. Nuestro enfoque combina técnicas de aleatorización sesgada con un marco simheurístico para hacer uso de los datos proporcionados por los sensores. El análisis de los resultados se basa en estos dos pilotos reales y muestra las ideas obtenidas durante el proyecto IoFeeD. Los resultados de esta tesis muestran cómo la internet de las cosas y los métodos de optimización basados en simulación se combinan con éxito para optimizar las operaciones de suministro de pienso para el consumo animal en las explotaciones ganaderas.Aquesta tesi forma part del projecte IoFeeD, finançat per la Unió Europea, que té com a objectiu controlar remotament l'estoc de 325 sitges i investigar els processos de negoci duts a terme entre agricultors i productors de pinso. Proposem un sistema d'ajuda a la presa de decisions per controlar i optimitzar la cadena de subministrament de pinso a les explotacions ramaderes. Les comandes poden ser de diversos tipus de pinso i es poden enviar des de diversos centres de fabricació mitjançant l'ús d'una flota de vehicles heterogenis amb diversos compartiments. A més, es tenen en compte algunes restriccions específiques de l'empresa, com ara la compatibilitat del producte, les restriccions d'accessibilitat a les instal·lacions, les ubicacions prioritzades o les restriccions de bioseguretat. A escala de granja, s'implementa un enfocament basat en bessons digitals mitjançant la instal·lació de sensors per mesurar remotament els inventaris. En el marc de la tesi, es desenvolupa aquest sensor cercant la precisió requerida i les característiques oportunes que en permetin la instal·lació a gran escala. El nostre enfocament combina tècniques d'aleatorització esbiaixada amb un marc simheurístic per fer ús de les dades proporcionades pels sensors. L'anàlisi dels resultats es basa en aquests dos pilots reals i mostra les idees obtingudes durant el projecte IoFeeD. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi mostren com la internet de les coses i els mètodes d'optimització basats en simulació es combinen amb èxit per optimitzar les operacions de subministrament de pinso per al consum animal a les explotacions ramaderes.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    A tabu search-based heuristic for the dynamic oil distribution problem

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    Ce mémoire traite l'intégration dynamique des opérations de gestion des stocks et du transport avec la présence d'un évènement perturbateur, qui est la livraison urgente sur appel imprévue. En s'inspirant du cadre général de l'industrie énergétique et la distribution de l'huile à chauffage en particulier, après une revue de littérature exhaustive des problèmes de tournées de véhicules dynamiques et stockage-routage, nous introduisons une nouvelle variante qui cadre le problème dynamique de stockage-routage avec livraisons sur appel. Notre démarche de traitement s'est devisée en deux grandes étapes. Une première étape, statique et déterministe, s'est focalisée sur la description et la formulation mathématique du problème en se basant sur la programmation linéaire mixte et une résolution exacte à travers l'algorithme de branch-and-cut. Pour le besoin de l'intégration dynamique des livraisons incertaines sur appel dans un temps d'exécution raisonnable, une deuxième étape dynamique s'est concentrée sur le développement d'une heuristique basée sur la recherche tabou avec la configuration de deux politiques dynamiques de contrôle qui étudient les possibilités d'insérer les visites dynamiques soit dans la route en cours d'exécution ou dans celle de la période suivante dans le cas échéant. 72 instances ont été générées, et des analyses ont été menées sur différents facteurs qui peuvent influencer le taux de service des clients dynamiques aussi que les coûts d'opération.This thesis deals with the dynamic integration of inventory management and transportation operations with the uncertain event of unplanned deliveries following urgent calls. Inspired by the general framework of the energy industry and the distribution of heating oil, in particular, a comprehensive literature review of both problems of dynamic vehicle routing and inventory-routing are conducted. We then introduce a new variant, called the dynamic inventory-routing problem with customer requests. Our solution approach has been divided into two main steps. A static and deterministic first step focused on the mathematical description and formulation of the problem based on a mixed-integer programming model and the development of an exact solution approach through a branch and cut algorithm. Then, to dynamically integrate uncertain on-call deliveries in a reasonable execution time, a second dynamic step is established to develop a heuristic, based on tabu search, with the configuration of two dynamic control policies that consider the possibilities of inserting dynamic visits either in the route under the execution or in that of the following period. 72 instances are generated, and analyses are conducted on various factors that can influence the service level for dynamic customers and operation costs