95 research outputs found

    From Agasa Cristie to Group Image Play-Analysis of Horror Survival Game Panic Room : Escaping from the Den on Emotional Elements Development

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    A maniac computer game genre called "Survival Horror Games‟ is aimed for making gamers feel cathartic feeling when they escaped from the designed horror successfully. The degree of gaming quality, however, is not easy to measure. In this paper, we apply Caillois‟ game playing categories and other standards to measure how a game induces the feeling of fear and other emotional experience to players. Once dominated horror survival game series called Panic Room: Escaping from the Den was chosen to analyze and evaluate with those standards as well as its narratives and subsystems. Especially the 2nd version was most welcomed to users among 4 versions thus we focused on the difference between the version 1 and the version 2 in terms of game playing and fear elements in the game content and story structure. In result, version 2 showed much more Agon and Mimicry and all other fear elements than version 1. The group image playing structure and conference/collection subsystem that were newly provided to version 2 were attributed to its success

    Framing tension for game generation

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    Emotional progression in narratives is carefully structured by human authors to create unexpected and exciting situations, often culminating in a climactic moment. This paper explores how an autonomous computational designer can create frames of tension which guide the procedural creation of levels and their soundscapes in a digital horror game. Using narrative concepts, the autonomous designer can describe an intended experience that the automated level generator must adhere to. The level generator interprets this intent, bound by the possibilities and constraints of the game. The tension of the generated level guides the allocation of sounds in the level, using a crowdsourced model of tension.peer-reviewe

    Modelling affect for horror soundscapes

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    The feeling of horror within movies or games relies on the audience’s perception of a tense atmosphere — often achieved through sound accompanied by the on-screen drama — guiding its emotional experience throughout the scene or game-play sequence. These progressions are often crafted through an a priori knowledge of how a scene or game-play sequence will playout, and the intended emotional patterns a game director wants to transmit. The appropriate design of sound becomes even more challenging once the scenery and the general context is autonomously generated by an algorithm. Towards realizing sound-based affective interaction in games this paper explores the creation of computational models capable of ranking short audio pieces based on crowdsourced annotations of tension, arousal and valence. Affect models are trained via preference learning on over a thousand annotations with the use of support vector machines, whose inputs are low-level features extracted from the audio assets of a comprehensive sound library. The models constructed in this work are able to predict the tension, arousal and valence elicited by sound, respectively, with an accuracy of approximately 65%, 66% and 72%.peer-reviewe

    Atmosphere & Challenge: An Exploration of Dissonant Player Experiences

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    Dissonance means an unusual combination of any two things. Two dissonant experiences in video games which could lead to undesirable player states are thematic dissonance and difficulty dissonance. Thematic dissonance potentially annoys players by breaking the atmosphere, and difficulty dissonance by preventing players with low skill from progressing past unbalanced challenges, resulting in rage-quits. This thesis seeks to deepen the understanding of dissonant experiences in video games through two experiments measuring the player experience as affected by different audio and practice conditions respectively. Results indicate that the experience colloquially referred to as a rage-quit is directly affected by avatar death events and game-specific skill and is related to lower levels of heart rate variability (HRV) and higher levels of electrodermal activity (EDA), which implicates feelings of stress. This project successfully advances the definition of video game atmosphere as the level of subjective thematic fit or association between the audio and visual components of a game’s setting, and indicates that musical thematic dissonance may lead to higher intensity negative valence facial events

    A conceptual affective design framework for the use of emotions in computer game design

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    The purpose of this strategy of inquiry is to understand how emotions influence gameplay and to review contemporary techniques to design for them in the aim of devising a model that brings current disparate parts of the game design process together. Emotions sit at the heart of a game player’s level of engagement. They are evoked across many of the components that facilitate gameplay including the interface, the player’s avatar, non-player characters and narrative. Understanding the role of emotion in creating truly immersive and believable environments is critical for game designers. After discussing a taxonomy of emotion, this paper will present a systematic literature review of designing for emotion in computer games. Following this, a conceptual framework for affective design is offered as a guide for the future of computer game design

    Virtual Heritage: Audio design for immersive virtual environments using researched spatializers.

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    This thesis work is based on a Virtual Heritage project being developed by the Systems of Representation research group. The objective of the project is to create a showcase demonstration on how the virtual reality (VR) could be used as an application for tourism in the heritage sector. In this context, my task was to develop a concept and prototype of how 'spatialized' sound could be used in a VR application. The initial location chosen for the concept was the ancient heritage burial site of Sammallahdenmäki, one of the Finnish heritage sites listed in the UNESCO register of World Heritage Sites. The thesis, that is written from an audio designer's perspective, focuses on three aspects of this project. First is the sound design for the Virtual Heritage project and the second is the quality of currently available 'spatializer' plug-ins used for headphone listening. In order to evaluate the process of designing 3D audio for virtual environments, the methods and principles within binaural rendering, sound design and immersion must be understood. Therefore, functions and theories within audio spatialization and 3D audio design are reviewed. Audio designers working on virtual reality content need the best possible solutions for creating believable 3D audio experiences. However, while working on the Virtual Heritage project, we did not find any comparative studies made about commercially available spatializer plug-ins for Unity. Thus, it was unknown what plug-in would have been the best possible solution for 3D audio spatialization. Consequently, two tests were conducted during this thesis work. First was an online test measuring which spatializer would be the most highly rated, in terms of perceived directional precision when utilizing head-related transfer functions without reverb or room simulations. The second was a comparative test studying if a spatialized audio rendering would increase immersion compared to non-spatialized audio rendering, when tested with the Virtual Heritage demonstration. The central aim in the showcase demonstration was to create an immersive virtual environment where users would feel as if they were travelling from the present, back to the Bronze Age, in order to understand and learn about the location’s unique history via auditory storytelling. The project was implemented utilising the Unity game engine. The research on music and other sound content used in the project’s sonic environment is explained. Finally, results of the project work are discussed.Tämä opinnäytetyö perustuu Virtual Heritage projektityöhön, joka on tehty Systems of Representation tutkimusryhmälle. Projektin tavoite on luoda malliesimerkki siitä, miten virtuaalitodellisuutta voitaisiin käyttää hyväksi turismisovelluksissa. Esimerkkikohteeksi projektille oli valittu Sammallahdenmäen hautaröykkiöt, joka on hyväksytty mukaan UNESCON maailmanperintöluetteloon. Tehtäväni oli toteuttaa Unity pelimoottorilla prototyyppi, jossa kartoitetaan virtuaalisen tilaäänen käyttömahdollisuuksia kyseisen teeman ympärillä. Opinnäyte on kirjoitettu äänisuunnittelijan näkökulmasta keskittyen kolmeen projektityöhön liittyvään keskeiseen osaan: prototyypin äänisuunnitteluun, immersion käsitteeseen sekä spatialisointi liitännäisten (plug-in) toimintaan ja laatuun. Virtuaalitodellisuuksiin sisältöä tuottavana äänisuunnittelijana tarvitsin parhaat mahdolliset työkalut uskottavan 3D äänimaailman luomiseen. Virtual Heritage projektia työstettäessä kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että ajankohtaista vertailevaa tutkimusta spatialisointi liitännäisten laatueroista ei ollut löydettävissä. Oli mahdotonta määritellä yksilöllisesti, mikä liitännäisistä on toimivin ratkaisu suurimmalle käyttäjäkunnalle. Täten oli tarpeellista toteuttaa kaksi tutkimusta. Ensimmäinen oli empiirinen verkkotutkimus, jolla arvioitiin spatialisointi liitännäisten suorituskykyä, kun mitataan subjektiivisesti äänen tilallisen sijoittumisen tarkkuutta kuulokekuuntelussa ilman kaikuprosessointeja. Tutkimuksessa parhaiten suoriutunut liitännäinen implementoitiin prototyyppiin. Toisessa kokeessa tutkittiin kuinka paljon implementoidun spatialisointi liitännäisen käyttäminen lisää virtuaalitodellisuuden immersiota verrattaessa spatialisoimattomaan ääneen, kun testialustana toimii Virtual Heritage prototyyppi. Projektin keskeisin tavoite oli luoda immersiivinen virtuaalitodellisuus, jossa käyttäjä voi kokea matkaavansa nykyajasta pronssikautiselle Sammallahdenmäelle ja oppia tällä tavoin kohteen ainutlaatuisesta historiasta äänikerronnan keinoin. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään äänikerronnan sisältöön ja toteutustapaan johtavat tutkimukset, tuotanto sekä ajatukset lopputuloksesta