116 research outputs found

    Cluster Oriented Image Retrieval System with Context Based Color Feature Subspace Selection

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    This paper presents a cluster oriented image retrieval system with context recognition mechanism for selection subspaces of color features. Our idea to implement a context in the image retrieval system is how to recognize the most important features in the image search by connecting the user impression to the query. We apply a context recognition with Mathematical Model of Meaning (MMM) and then make a projection to the color features with a color impression metric. After a user gives a context, the MMM retrieves the highest correlated words to the context. These representative words are projected to the color impression metric to obtain the most significant colors for subspace feature selection. After applying subspace selection, the system then clusters the image database using Pillar-Kmeans algorithm. The centroids of clustering results are used for calculating the similarity measurements to the image query. We perform our proposed system for experimental purpose with the Ukiyo-e image datasets from Tokyo Metropolitan Library for representing the Japanese cultural image collections

    Cluster Analysis for SME Risk Analysis Documents Based on Pillar K-Means

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    In Small Medium Enterprise’s (SME) financing risk analysis, the implementation of qualitative model by giving opinion regarding business risk is to overcome the subjectivity in quantitative model. However, there is another problem that the decision makers have difficulity to quantify the risk’s weight that delivered through those opinions. Thus, we focused on three objectives to overcome the problems that oftenly occur in qualitative model implementation. First, we modelled risk clusters using K-Means clustering, optimized by Pillar Algorithm to get the optimum number of clusters. Secondly, we performed risk measurement by calculating term-importance scores using TF-IDF combined with term-sentiment scores based on SentiWordNet 3.0 for Bahasa Indonesia. Eventually, we summarized the result by correlating the featured terms in each cluster with the 5Cs Credit Criteria. The result shows that the model is effective to group and measure the level of the risk and can be used as a basis for the decision makers in approving the loan proposal.

    Clustering Application for UKT Determination Using Pillar K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Flask Web Framework

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    Clustering is one of technique in data mining which has purpose to group data into a cluster. At the end, a cluster will have different data compared with others. This paper discussed about the implementation of clustering technique in determining UKT (Uang Kuliah Tinggal) / Tuition Fee in Indonesia. UKT is a tuition fee where its amount is determined by considering students purchasing power. Most of University in Indonesia often use manual technique in order to classify UKT\u27s group for each student. Using web-based application, this paper proposed a new approach to automatise UKT\u27s grouping which leads to give an reasonable recommendation in determining the UKT\u27s group. Pillar K-Means algorithm had been implemented to conduct data clustering. This algorithm used pillar algorithm to initiate centroid value in K-means algorithm. By deploying students data at Institut Teknologi Sumatera Lampung as case study, the result illustrated that Pillar K-Means and silhouette coefficient value might be adopted in determining UKT\u27s grou

    Clustering Application for UKT Determination Using Pillar K-Means Clustering Algorithm and Flask Web Framework

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    Clustering is one of technique in data mining which has purpose to group data into a cluster. At the end, a cluster will have different data compared with others. This paper discussed about the implementation of clustering technique in determining UKT (Uang Kuliah Tinggal) / Tuition Fee in Indonesia. UKT is a tuition fee where its amount is determined by considering students purchasing power. Most of University in Indonesia often use manual technique in order to classify UKT's group for each student. Using web-based application, this paper proposed a new approach to automatise UKT's grouping which leads to give an reasonable recommendation in determining the UKT's group. Pillar K-Means algorithm had been implemented to conduct data clustering. This algorithm used pillar algorithm to initiate centroid value in K-means algorithm. By deploying students data at Institut Teknologi Sumatera Lampung as case study, the result illustrated that Pillar K-Means and silhouette coefficient value might be adopted in determining UKT's grou

    Segmentasi Pelanggan Internet Service Provider (ISP) Berbasis Pillar K-Means

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    Perusahan penyedia layanan internet service provider (ISP) memiliki jumlah pelanggan yang sangat banyak dan beragam. Dengan semakin banyak dan beraamnya jumlah pelanggan peusahaan akan sulit untuk mengetahui tipe pelanggan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Akibatnya perusahaan akan kesulitan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang tepat kepada konsumen. Dalam paper ini digunakan metode pillar K-means untuk melakukan segmentasi pelanggan. Algoritma pilar k-means untuk melakukan segmentasi pelanggaran . Algoritma Pillar merupakan metode optimasi untuk menentukan centroid awal dalam algoritma K-Means. Dengan mengoptimasi centroid awal maka akan menghasilkan cluster yang lebih baik . setelah memperoleh hasil cluster yang optimal selanjutnya tipe pelanggaran dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode RFM (Recency, Frequency, Montetery). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pllar K-means mampu mengoptimasi hasil cluster :  k = 4 dengan a = 0.5 dan b = 0.8 serta nilai silheoette 8 = 0.47103. Dari hasil segmentasi 150 pelangganan diperoleh tipe pelangganan yang terdiri Most Valuable Costmers (33) Most Growable Costomers (41), Migrators (23) dan Below Zero (53)

    Penerapan Algoritma Pillar Untuk Inisialisasi Titik Pusat K-Means Klaster Dinamis

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    K-Means merupakan algoritma yang digunakan untuk melakukan pengklasteran data. Namun, k-means memilikimasalah dalam sensitivitas penentuan partisi awal jumlah klaster. Penelitian terkait menyatakan algoritma k-means tergantung pada penentuan titik pusat klaster awal. Pemilihan pusat klaster awal secara acak cenderung menghasilkan klaster yang berbeda. Sehingga untuk menentukan klaster terbaik harus dilakukan dengan memperhatikan nilai Sum Sequare Error yang terkecil. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, penentuan klaster dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma pillar. Algoritma pillar menentukan titik pusat klaster dengan memilih data dengan nilai euclidean paling jauh dari titik pusat klaster. Namun pemilihan titik klaster tetap memperhatikan kemungkinan data outlier. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menetapkan satu buah klaster awal sebagai inisialisasi skaligus sebagai klaster pembanding untuk menentukan kualitas klaster berikutnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data set ruspini dan iris. Untuk data ruspini terdiri dari 76 data set, sedangkan data iris terdiri dari 150 data set. Klaster Pillar memiliki nilai Sum Sequere Error, Variance Cluster, dan Davies yang lebih kecil dibandingkan klaster dinamis pada data set ruspini. Nilai tersebut secara berurutan untuk algoritma pillar adalah 0.28, 0.11, 7.30, 5.88. Untuk data set iris nilai Sum Square Error lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan klaster dinamis yaitu 0.34. Sedangkan algoritma klaster dinamis memiliki nilai 0.32. Hal tersebut disebahkan penentuan data outlier pada iris data set yang tidak akurat. Ketidakakurantan tersebut berasal dari data yang bersifat multivariat, sehingga memungkinkan data outlier menjadi centroid awal klaster. Sehingga jika dilihat dari nilai validitas SSE, algoritma pillar k-means klaster dinamis masih kurang bekerja optimal dibandingkan dengan algoritma k-means klaster dinamis

    Implementasi Pendekatan Rule-Of-Thumb untuk Optimasi Algoritma K-Means Clustering

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    In the big data era, the clustering of data or so-called clustering has attracted great interest or attention from researchers in conducting various studies, many grouping algorithms have been proposed in recent times. However, as technology evolves, data volumes continue to grow and data formats are increasingly varied, thus making massive data grouping into a huge and challenging task. To overcome this problem, various research related methods for data grouping have been done, among them is K-Means. However, this method still has some shortcomings, among them is the sensitivity issue in determining the value of cluster (K). In this paper we discuss the implementation of the rule-of-thumb approach and the normalization of data on the K-Means method to determine the number of clusters or K values dynamically in the data groupings. The results show that the implementation of the approach has a significant impact (related to time, number of iterations, and no outliers) in the data grouping

    Optimizing K-Means by Fixing Initial Cluster Centers

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    Abstract Data mining techniques help in business decisio

    Optimizing K-Means by Fixing Initial Cluster Centers

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    Abstract Data mining techniques help in business decisio

    Pengelompokan Kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Berdasarkan Angka Partisipasi Pendidikan Jenjang Sma/ma/paket C dengan Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering

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    Education is one aspect of nation building is very important to realize the human resource development and national character. Awareness of the importance of education can be seen through education enrollment rates. This study aims to classify the enrollment rates in the district / city Central Java. The data used is the Gross Enrollment Rate (GER), Net Enrollment Rate (NER) and School Enrollment Rate (SER) at the district / city in Central Java Province in 2013. The grouping method used in this study is Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering. The results showed that the best cluster grouping enrollment rates in Central Java Province which consists of 4 clusters with value of cluster variant is 0.00749 and radii between 0.35 to 0.50
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