308,264 research outputs found


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    This article develops arguments proposing people centered development as a way for Indonesia to emerge from the crisis into more prosperous country. The discussion centered around the theoretical perspective and historical-structural of the people centered development. The article then discusses the people centered economy within the multi-parties systems. The paper concludes that resource based industrialization, a major strategy of Indonesia to emerge from the crisis

    Leadership in Turbulent Times (Dallas)

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    Speaking at the Catholic CEO Healthcare Connection in Dallas, Pollard commends Catholic healthcare organizations for their faith-based approach to an increasingly complex issue in American life. In addition to this, he outlines the main contours of servant leadership, which he believes will help such organizations to maintain a people-centered approach in an increasingly profit-driven and rapidly changing economy

    Mineral governance and human development : the case of Western Ghana

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    This thesis focuses on mineral governance and how it can contribute to ameliorating human development challenges in Ghana. The study adopted the human centered mineral resource governance approach to assess the mineral governance structure in Ghana and identified that, the current system is a colonial legacy and does not promote human development in Ghana. The study, whilst recognizing the legacies of colonialism, argues that in order for mineral resources to be managed responsibly to promote human development, there should be a paradigm shift to focus on how mineral resources are governed. As a result, the study, relying on the human centered development approach investigates how mineral resources can be governed to promote development in Ghana, with specific focus on the mineral wealth Western Region of the country. Due to the finite nature of mineral resources, the human centered development approach argues that revenues from mineral resources should be invested in human capacity building and medical care delivery. Further, the mining sector should be integrated with other non-mining sectors of the economy to create jobs and provide alternative livelihoods which will go a long way to assist in the general expansion and growth of the country‟s economy. Although this thesis is a case study of mineral governance in Ghana, it can serve as a springboard to appreciate the role mineral governance can play in promoting people centered development in other sub – Saharan mineral wealth countries

    IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

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    Early warning is the activity of the mitigation phase concerned with monitoring precursors of a potential hazard to decide whether it is evolving to real risk and eventually initiate an early response. The first step consists of collecting updated and reliable data to support situational awareness from emergency operators. Data-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) are focused on gathering data and run simulations to support decision-makers. A more sustainable approach consists of a people-centered EWS that takes profit from citizens who act as intelligent sensors collecting and sharing purposeful information. This people-centered approach can contribute to raising community awareness of the local environment and its vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduce iWarn, a system relying upon mobile to integrate citizens in this process. The system has been developed following an action research approach to involve different stakeholders, including professionals, volunteers and citizens.This work is partly funded by “Comunidad de Madrid en el marco del convenio plurianual con la Universidad Carlos III Madrid en su línea de actuación Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario-V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica 2016-2020” the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project TIN2016-77690-R “PACE

    To the Edge and Back Again: Tanzania as a People and a Place

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    Every two years as part of the May Express program at Andrews University a small group of teachers and administrators take students to Tanzania, Africa on an educational tour. I attended this tour in both 2009 and 2011 and was able to use the knowledge provided by the course work as well as the personal experiences that I encountered in order to shape my own perceptions of Tanzania and its people, and the relationships that exist between their cultural practices and my own. To the Edge and Back Again: Tanzania as a People and a Place attempts to gather these newfound, and still developing, perceptions into a collection of creative non-fiction essays centered on Tanzania\u27s fascination language, economy, wildlife, people, and cultural practices


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    Abstrak: Munculnya konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat (social empowerment) sebagai akibat dari kegagalan konsep pembangunan (development) yang pernah diterapkan sebelumnya di Indonesia (di masa orde baru) dan juga di negara-negara berkembang Asia lainnya. Konsep “pembangunan” yang dibawa oleh paradigma ekonomi neoklasik ini, begitu mendewakan industrialisasi dan mekanisme trickle down effect (efek rambatan) yang terbukti tidak mampu mensejahterakan masyarakat secara merata. Secara konseptual pemberdayaan masyarakat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah konsep pembangunan ekonomi yang merangkum nilai-nilai sosial. Konsep ini mencerminkan paradigma baru pembangunan, yakni bersifat people centered (berpusat pada manusia), participatory (partisipatif), empowering (memberdayakan), dan sustainable (berkelanjutan). Ekonomi kreatif menjadi salah satu konsep penting dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, sebab cukup banyak program pemberdayaan masyarakat di bidang ekonomi kreatif yang terbukti mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Paper ini membahas sacara teoritis konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, latar belakang munculnya konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, teori-teori pemberdayaan masyarakat (teori ABCD (asset based community development) dan teori stakeholders), konsep peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, konsep ekonomi kreatif, tipologi masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, serta alur pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa). Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Ekonomi Kreatif; BUMDesa; Peningkatan Ekonomi; Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat.   Abstract: The emergence of the concept of community empowerment (social empowerment) as a result of the failure of the concept of development (development) that had been applied before in Indonesia (in the New Order era) and was applied in other Asian developing countries. The concept of "development" brought about by this neoclassical economic paradigm, so deified industrialization and the trickle-down effect mechanism, which has proven to be incapable of equitably prospering society. Conceptually, community empowerment is defined as a concept of economic development that encapsulates social values. This concept reflects the new paradigm of development, which is people-centered (human-centered), participatory (participatory), empowering (empowering), and sustainable (sustainable). The creative economy is one of the important concepts in community economic empowerment because quite a lot of community empowerment programs in the creative economy have succeeded in improving the community's economy. This paper discusses theoretically the concept of community empowerment, the background to the emergence of the concept of community empowerment, theories of community empowerment (ABCD theory (asset-based community development) and stakeholders theory), the concept of community economic improvement, the concept of the creative economy, typology of society in community empowerment, and the flow of community empowerment through the establishment of BUM Desa. Keywords: Community Empowerment; Creative Economy; BUMDesa; Economic Improvement; Community Economic Empowerment

    Ipteks Peningkatan Laba Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

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    Technological advances affect all aspects of life today, not least in the financial sector, namely banking. Banks are one of the institutions that affect the economy, banks also help people in managing their finances. For this reason, the writing of this article aims to see the bank\u27s business as a customer centered trust business, in utilizing technological advancement to improve the efficiency of operational activities and service quality, and competitiveness which also includes increasing the number of customer so as to reduce operating costs which will ultimately increase profits bank

    Values Generation: Turning Values into Wealth

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    Much of management behavior is focused on increasing benefits (usually thought of — in terms of Utilitarian ethics — as maximizing utility). Good, in terms of what increases benefits; thus, what is preferred by business is defined as the ability to motivate individuals in a way that increases desired outcomes (or that enhances organizational performance). This talent (referred to as the art of persuasion or the art of management) is valued because it facilitates achieving the desired results. Managers with such persuasive or motivational skills are highly regarded because of their ability to increase personal wealth, improve performance, and contribute to increasing stakeholder satisfaction. However, as was made clear by Aristotle’s socio-economic ethics, a leader’s ability to generate higher levels of excellence is based on a character trait defined by Aristotle as magnanimous. Developing such a character is important because it is the key to enabling a person to get more of what he or she wants out of life and with such a character a manager/leader is able to motivate an organization to have improved performance. This article highlights the dynamics that are connected with how such characters contribute to enhancing organizational performance, how an individual obtains such character traits, and why such characters contribute to the prosperity of other individuals and of society

    Il turista della società post-moderna: la cultura del new life tourism Spazio, luogo e non luogo Turismo, paesaggio, spazi pubblici e rigenerazione urbana Tematismi e tematizzazione. Itinerari culturali e strade turistiche per una ricomposizione spaziale.

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    I materiali sono composti dalle prime tre presentazioni, i contributi dedicati al tema dell'autenticità, della diversa interpretazione di spazio, luogo e non luogo e degli itinerari culturali. Completano questo primo deposito di materiale didattico due approfondimenti sulla Consumer Culture Theory e Service Dominat Logic

    Person First Workplaces: How an Ethic of Care can Help to Improve Workplace Conditions and Promote Workplace Relations

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the poor workplace conditions which most people have to deal with every day. In combination with the prolonged unstable economy, working class people are having to deal with stressful conditions at home and work, resulting in a situation where employees are facing workplaces which only seem to get worse and worse, leaving working class people with no choice but to find employment in an adverse environment. This paper offers an ethics of care based approach in which workplace conditions are directly addressed by implementing practices and policies centered around ethical caring, making the workplace somewhere supportive and productive for the corporation and its employees. This ethics of care approach utilizes the preexisting relationships within businesses to make the workplace a caring environment where the employees of the business can better themselves, while not infringing on the profitability of the corporation