110 research outputs found

    Study of Repair Protocols for Live Video Streaming Distributed Systems

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    International audience—We study distributed systems for live video streaming. These systems can be of two types: structured and un-structured. In an unstructured system, the diffusion is done opportunistically. The advantage is that it handles churn, that is the arrival and departure of users, which is very high in live streaming systems, in a smooth way. On the opposite, in a structured system, the diffusion of the video is done using explicit diffusion trees. The advantage is that the diffusion is very efficient, but the structure is broken by the churn. In this paper, we propose simple distributed repair protocols to maintain, under churn, the diffusion tree of a structured streaming system. We study these protocols using formal analysis and simulation. In particular, we provide an estimation of the system metrics, bandwidth usage, delay, or number of interruptions of the streaming. Our work shows that structured streaming systems can be efficient and resistant to churn

    Multiple-Tree Push-based Overlay Streaming

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    Multiple-Tree Overlay Streaming has attracted a great amount of attention from researchers in the past years. Multiple-tree streaming is a promising alternative to single-tree streaming in terms of node dynamics and load balancing, among others, which in turn addresses the perceived video quality by the streaming user on node dynamics or when heterogeneous nodes join the network. This article presents a comprehensive survey of the different aproaches and techniques used in this research area. In this paper we identify node-disjointness as the property most approaches aim to achieve. We also present an alternative technique which does not try to achieve this but does local optimizations aiming global optimizations. Thus, we identify this property as not being absolute necessary for creating robust and heterogeneous multi-tree overlays. We identify two main design goals: robustness and support for heterogeneity, and classify existing approaches into these categories as their main focus

    Contributions to the Resilience of Peer-To-Peer Video Streaming against Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    Um die ständig wachsenden Anforderungen zur Übertragung von Live Video Streams im Internet zu erfüllen werden kosteneffektive und resourceneffiziente Lösungen benötigt. Eine adäquate Lösung bietet die Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Streaming Architektur an, welche bereits heute in unterschiedlichsten Systemen zum Einsatz kommt. Solche Systeme erfordern von der Streaming Quelle nur moderate Bandbreiten, da die Nutzer (bzw. Peers) ihre eigene Bandbreite zur Verbreitung des Streams einbringen. Dazu werden die Peers oberhalb der Internetarchitektur zu einem Overlay verbunden. Das geplante Verlassen, sowie der ungewollte Absturz von Peers (genannt Churn) kann das Overlay schädigen und den Empfang einiger Peers unterbrechen. Weitaus kritischer sind Angriffe auf die Verfügbarkeit des Systems indem relevante Knoten des Overlays von Angreifern attackiert werden, um die Verteilung des Streams gezielt zu stören. Um Overlays zu konstruieren, die robust gegenüber Churn sind, nutzen so genannte pull-basierte P2P Streaming Systeme eine Mesh Topologie um jeden Peer über mehrere Pfade mit der Quelle zu verbinden. Peers fordern regelmäßig Teile des Videos, sog. Chunks, von ihren Partnern im Overlay an. Selbst wenn einige Partner plötzlich nicht mehr im System verfügbar sind kann ein Peer alle Chunks von den verbleibenden Nachbarn beziehen. Um dies zu ermöglichen tauschen Peers regelmäßig sog. Buffer Maps aus. Diese kleinen Pakete enthalten Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit von Chunks im Puffer eines Peers. Um dadurch entstehende Latenzen und den zusätzlichen Mehraufwand zu reduzieren wurden hybride Systeme entwickelt. Ein solches System beginnt pull-basiert und formt mit der Zeit einen Baum aus einer kleinen Untermenge aller Peers um Chunks ohne explizite Anfrage weiterzuleiten. Unglücklicherweise sind sowohl pull-basierte, als auch hybride Systeme anfällig gegenüber Denial-of-Service Angriffen (DoS). Insbesondere fehlen Maßnahmen zur Abschwächung von DoS Angriffen auf die Partner der Quelle. Die genannten Angriffe werden weiterhin dadurch erleichtert, dass die Identität der Quelle-nahen Knoten akkurat aus den ausgetauschten Buffer Maps extrahiert werden kann. Hybride Systeme sind außerdem anfällig für Angriffe auf den zugrundeliegenden Baum. Aufgrund der schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen von DoS Angriffen auf pull-basierte, sowie hybride Systeme stellen wir drei Gegenmaßnahmen vor. Zuerst entwickeln wir das Striping Schema zur Abschwächung von DoS Angriffen auf die Partner der Quelle. Hierbei werden Peers dazu angeregt ihre Chunk-Anfragen an unterschiedliche Partner zu senden. Als zweites entwickeln wir das SWAP Schema, welches Peers dazu bringt proaktiv ihre Partner zu wechseln um Angreifer daran zu hindern die Quellenahe zu identifizieren. Als drittes entwickeln wir RBCS, einen widerstandsfähigen Baum zur Abschwächung von DoS Angriffen auf hybride Systeme. Da bisher kein Simulator für die faire Evaluation von P2P-basierten Live Video Streaming Algorithmen verfügbar war, entwickeln wir OSSim, ein generalisiertes Simulations-Framework für P2P-basiertes Video Streaming. Des weiteren entwickeln wir etliche Angreifermodelle sowie neuartige Resilienzmetriken on OSSim. Ausgiebige Simulationsstudien zeigen, dass die entwickelten Schemata signifikant die Widerstandsfähigkeit von pull-basierten und hybriden Systemen gegenüber Churn und DoS Angriffen erhöhen.The constantly growing demand to watch live videos over the Internet requires streaming systems to be cost-effective and resource-efficient. The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming architecture has been a viable solution with various deployed systems to date. The system only requires a modest amount of bandwidth from the streaming source, since users (or peers) contribute their bandwidth to disseminate video streams. To enable this, the system interconnects peers into an overlay. However, churn–meaning the leaving and failing of peers–can break the overlay, making peers unable to receive the stream. More severely, an adversary aiming to sabotage the system can attack relevant nodes on the overlay, disrupting the stream delivery. To construct an overlay robust to churn, pull-based P2P streaming systems use a mesh topology to provide each peer with multiple paths to the source. Peers regularly request video chunks from their partners in the overlay. Therefore, even if some partners are suddenly absent, due to churn, a peer still can request chunks from its remaining partners. To enable this, peers periodically exchange buffer maps, small packets containing the availability information of peers’ video buffers. To reduce latency and overhead caused by the periodic buffer map exchange and chunk requests, hybrid systems have been proposed. A hybrid system bootstraps from a pull-based one and gradually forms a tree backbone consisting of a small subset of peers to deliver chunks without requests. Unfortunately, both pull-based and hybrid systems lack measures to mitigate Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks on head nodes (or the source’s partners). More critically, they can be identified accurately by inferring exchanged buffer maps. Furthermore, hybrid systems are vulnerable to DoS attacks on their backbones. Since DoS attacks can badly affect both pull-based and hybrid systems, we introduce three countermeasures. First, we develop the striping scheme to mitigate DoS attacks targeting head nodes. The scheme enforces peers to diversify their chunk requests. Second, to prevent attackers from identifying head nodes, we develop the SWAP scheme, which enforces peers to proactively change their partners. Third, we develop RBCS, a resilient backbone, to mitigate DoS attacks on hybrid systems. Since a simulator for a fair evaluation is unavailable so far, we develop OSSim, a general-purpose simulation framework for P2P video streaming. Furthermore, we develop several attacker models and novel resilience metrics in OSSim. Extensive simulation studies show that the developed schemes significantly improve the resilient of pull-based and hybrid systems to both churn and DoS attacks

    Comment gérer les systèmes structurés de diffusion de vidéo en direct

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    Peer to peer networks are an efficient way to carry out video live streaming as the forwarding load is distributed among peers. These systems can be of two types: unstructured and structured. In unstructured overlays, the peers obtain the video in an opportunistic way. The advantage is that such systems handle well churn. However, they are less bandwidth efficient than structured overlays, the control overhead has a non-negligible impact on the performance. In structured overlays, the diffusion of the video is made via an explicit diffusion tree. The advantage is that the peer bandwidth can be optimally exploited. The drawback is that the departure of peers may break the diffusion tree.In this work, we propose new simple distributed repair protocols for video live streaming structured systems. We show, through simulations with real traces, that structured systems can be very efficient and robust to failures, even for high churn and when peers have very heterogeneous upload bandwidth capabilities.Les réseaux pair-à-pair sont un moyen efficace de diffuser des vidéos en direct. En effet, la charge en bande passante est répartie entre tous les pairs. Ces systèmes peuvent être de deux types: non structurés et structurés. Dans les systèmes non structurés, les pairs obtiennent la vidéo de manière opportuniste. L’avantage est que de tels systèmes gèrent bien le départ d’utilisateurs. Cependant, ils sont moins efficaces en bande passante, en raison des messages de contrôle et de la distribution opportuniste de la vidéo. Dans les systèmes structurés, la diffusion de la vidéo se fait via un arbre de diffusion explicite. L’avantage est que la bande passante peut être exploitée de manière optimale. L’inconvénient est que le départ de pairs risque de casser l’arbre de diffusion.Dans ce travail, nous proposons de nouveaux protocoles simples distribués de réparation pour les systèmes structurés de diffusion vidéo en direct. Nous montrons, grâce à des simulations avec des traces réelles, que les systèmes structurés peuvent être très efficaces et robustes aux pannes, même pour un taux de churn élevé et lorsque les pairs possèdent des de bandes passantes très hétérogènes

    The Structured Way of Dealing with Heterogeneous Live Streaming Systems

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    International audienceIn peer-to-peer networks for video live streaming, peers can share the forwarding load in two types of systems: unstructured and structured. In unstructured overlays, the graph structure is not well-defined, and a peer can obtain the stream from many sources. In structured overlays, the graph is organized as a tree rooted at the server and parent-child relationships are established between peers. Unstructured overlays ensure robustness and a higher degree of resilience compared to the structured ones. Indeed, they better manage the dynamics of peer participation or churn. Nodes can join and leave the system at any moment. However, they are less bandwidth efficient than structured overlays. In this work, we propose new simple distributed repair protocols for video live streaming structured systems. We show, through simulations and with real traces from Twitch, that structured systems can be very efficient and robust to failures, even for high churn and when peers have very heterogeneous upload bandwidth capabilities

    A Framework For Efficient Data Distribution In Peer-to-peer Networks.

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    Peer to Peer (P2P) models are based on user altruism, wherein a user shares its content with other users in the pool and it also has an interest in the content of the other nodes. Most P2P systems in their current form are not fair in terms of the content served by a peer and the service obtained from swarm. Most systems suffer from free rider\u27s problem where many high uplink capacity peers contribute much more than they should while many others get a free ride for downloading the content. This leaves high capacity nodes with very little or no motivation to contribute. Many times such resourceful nodes exit the swarm or don\u27t even participate. The whole scenario is unfavorable and disappointing for P2P networks in general, where participation is a must and a very important feature. As the number of users increases in the swarm, the swarm becomes robust and scalable. Other important issues in the present day P2P system are below optimal Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of download time, end-to-end latency and jitter rate, uplink utilization, excessive cross ISP traffic, security and cheating threats etc. These current day problems in P2P networks serve as a motivation for present work. To this end, we present an efficient data distribution framework in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks for media streaming and file sharing domain. The experiments with our model, an alliance based peering scheme for media streaming, show that such a scheme distributes data to the swarm members in a near-optimal way. Alliances are small groups of nodes that share data and other vital information for symbiotic association. We show that alliance formation is a loosely coupled and an effective way to organize the peers and our model maps to a small world network, which form efficient overlay structures and are robust to network perturbations such as churn. We present a comparative simulation based study of our model with CoolStreaming/DONet (a popular model) and present a quantitative performance evaluation. Simulation results show that our model scales well under varying workloads and conditions, delivers near optimal levels of QoS, reduces cross ISP traffic considerably and for most cases, performs at par or even better than Cool-Streaming/DONet. In the next phase of our work, we focussed on BitTorrent P2P model as it the most widely used file sharing protocol. Many studies in academia and industry have shown that though BitTorrent scales very well but is far from optimal in terms of fairness to end users, download time and uplink utilization. Furthermore, random peering and data distribution in such model lead to suboptimal performance. Lately, new breed of BitTorrent clients like BitTyrant have shown successful strategic attacks against BitTorrent. Strategic peers configure the BitTorrent client software such that for very less or no contribution, they can obtain good download speeds. Such strategic nodes exploit the altruism in the swarm and consume resources at the expense of other honest nodes and create an unfair swarm. More unfairness is generated in the swarm with the presence of heterogeneous bandwidth nodes. We investigate and propose a new token-based anti-strategic policy that could be used in BitTorrent to minimize the free-riding by strategic clients. We also proposed other policies against strategic attacks that include using a smart tracker that denies the request of strategic clients for peer listmultiple times, and black listing the non-behaving nodes that do not follow the protocol policies. These policies help to stop the strategic behavior of peers to a large extent and improve overall system performance. We also quantify and validate the benefits of using bandwidth peer matching policy. Our simulations results show that with the above proposed changes, uplink utilization and mean download time in BitTorrent network improves considerably. It leaves strategic clients with little or no incentive to behave greedily. This reduces free riding and creates fairer swarm with very little computational overhead. Finally, we show that our model is self healing model where user behavior changes from selfish to altruistic in the presence of the aforementioned policies

    WebSocket vs WebRTC in the stream overlays of the Streamr Network

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    The Streamr Network is a decentralized publish-subscribe system. This thesis experimentally compares WebSocket and WebRTC as transport protocols in the system’s d-regular random graph type unstructured stream overlays. The thesis explores common designs for publish-subscribe and decentralized P2P systems. Underlying network protocols including NAT traversal are explored to understand how the WebSocket and WebRTC protocols function. The requirements set for the Streamr Network and how its design and implementations fulfill them are discussed. The design and implementations are validated with the use simulations, emulations and AWS deployed real-world experiments. The performance metrics measured from the real-world experiments are compared to related work. As the implementations using the two protocols are separate incompatible versions, the differences between them was taken into account during analysis of the experiments. Although the WebSocket versions overlay construction is known to be inefficient and vulnerable to churn, it is found to be unintentionally topology aware. This caused the WebSocket stream overlays to perform better in terms of latency. The WebRTC stream overlays were found to be more predictable and more optimized for small payloads as estimates for message propagation delays had a MEPA of 1.24% compared to WebSocket’s 3.98%. Moreover, the WebRTC version enables P2P connections between hosts behind NATs. As the WebRTC version’s overlay construction is more accurate, reliable, scalable, and churn tolerant, it can be used to create intentionally topology aware stream overlays to fully take over the results of the WebSocket implementation

    Study of Repair Protocols for Live Video Streaming Distributed Systems

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    International audience—We study distributed systems for live video streaming. These systems can be of two types: structured and un-structured. In an unstructured system, the diffusion is done opportunistically. The advantage is that it handles churn, that is the arrival and departure of users, which is very high in live streaming systems, in a smooth way. On the opposite, in a structured system, the diffusion of the video is done using explicit diffusion trees. The advantage is that the diffusion is very efficient, but the structure is broken by the churn. In this paper, we propose simple distributed repair protocols to maintain, under churn, the diffusion tree of a structured streaming system. We study these protocols using formal analysis and simulation. In particular, we provide an estimation of the system metrics, bandwidth usage, delay, or number of interruptions of the streaming. Our work shows that structured streaming systems can be efficient and resistant to churn