40 research outputs found

    Iterative solvers for generalized finite element solution of boundary-value problems

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    Most of generalized finite element methods use dense direct solvers for the resulting linear systems. This is mainly the case due to the ill‐conditioned linear systems that are associated with these methods. In this study, we investigate the performance of a class of iterative solvers for the generalized finite element solution of time‐dependent boundary‐value problems. A fully implicit time‐stepping scheme is used for the time integration in the finite element framework. As enrichment, we consider a combination of exponential functions based on an approximation of the internal boundary layer in the problem under study. As iterative solvers, we consider the changing minimal residual method based on the Hessenberg reduction and the generalized minimal residual method. Compared with dense direct solvers, the iterative solvers achieve high accuracy and efficiency at low computational cost and less storage as only matrix–vector products are involved in their implementation. Two test examples for boundary‐value problems in two space dimensions are used to assess the performance of the iterative solvers. Comparison to dense direct solvers widely used in the framework of generalized finite element methods is also presented. The obtained results demonstrate the ability of the considered iterative solvers to capture the main solution features. It is also illustrated for the first time that this class of iterative solvers can be efficient in solving the ill‐conditioned linear systems resulting from the generalized finite element methods for time domain problems

    Efficient variants of the CMRH method for solving a sequence of multi-shifted non-Hermitian linear systems simultaneously

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    Multi-shifted linear systems with non-Hermitian coefficient matrices arise in numerical solutions of time-dependent partial/fractional differential equations (PDEs/FDEs), in control theory, PageRank problems, and other research fields. We derive efficient variants of the restarted Changing Minimal Residual method based on the cost-effective Hessenberg procedure (CMRH) for this problem class. Then, we introduce a flexible variant of the algorithm that allows to use variable preconditioning at each iteration to further accelerate the convergence of shifted CMRH. We analyse the performance of the new class of methods in the numerical solution of PDEs and FDEs, also against other multi-shifted Krylov subspace methods.Comment: Techn. Rep., Univ. of Groningen, 34 pages. 11 Tables, 2 Figs. This manuscript was submitted to a journal at 20 Jun. 2016. Updated version-1: 31 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. The manuscript was resubmitted to the journal at 9 Jun. 2018. Updated version-2: 29 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Make it concise. Updated version-3: 27 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Updated version-4: 28 pages, 10 tables, 2 fig

    A Hessenberg-type algorithm for computing PageRank Problems

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    PageRank is a widespread model for analysing the relative relevance of nodes within large graphs arising in several applications. In the current paper, we present a cost-effective Hessenberg-type method built upon the Hessenberg process for the solution of difficult PageRank problems. The new method is very competitive with other popular algorithms in this field, such as Arnoldi-type methods, especially when the damping factor is close to 1 and the dimension of the search subspace is large. The convergence and the complexity of the proposed algorithm are investigated. Numerical experiments are reported to show the efficiency of the new solver for practical PageRank computations

    Extrapolation vectorielle et applications aux équations aux dérivées partielles

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    Nous nous intéressons, dans cette thèse, à l'étude des méthodes d'extrapolation polynômiales et à l'application de ces méthodes dans l'accélération de méthodes de points fixes pour des problèmes donnés. L'avantage de ces méthodes d'extrapolation est qu'elles utilisent uniquement une suite de vecteurs qui n'est pas forcément convergente, ou qui converge très lentement pour créer une nouvelle suite pouvant admettreune convergence quadratique. Le développement de méthodes cycliques permet, deplus, de limiter le coût de calculs et de stockage. Nous appliquons ces méthodes à la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes stationnaires et incompressibles, à la résolution de la formulation Kohn-Sham de l'équation de Schrödinger et à la résolution d'équations elliptiques utilisant des méthodes multigrilles. Dans tous les cas, l'efficacité des méthodes d'extrapolation a été montrée.Nous montrons que lorsqu'elles sont appliquées à la résolution de systèmes linéaires, les méthodes d'extrapolation sont comparables aux méthodes de sous espaces de Krylov. En particulier, nous montrons l'équivalence entre la méthode MMPE et CMRH. Nous nous intéressons enfin, à la parallélisation de la méthode CMRH sur des processeurs à mémoire distribuée et à la recherche de préconditionneurs efficaces pour cette même méthode.In this thesis, we study polynomial extrapolation methods. We discuss the design and implementation of these methods for computing solutions of fixed point methods. Extrapolation methods transform the original sequance into another sequence that converges to the same limit faster than the original one without having explicit knowledge of the sequence generator. Restarted methods permit to keep the storage requirement and the average of computational cost low. We apply these methods for computing steady state solutions of incompressible flow problems modelled by the Navier-Stokes equations, for solving the Schrödinger equation using the Kohn-Sham formulation and for solving elliptic equations using multigrid methods. In all cases, vector extrapolation methods have a useful role to play. We show that, when applied to linearly generated vector sequences, extrapolation methods are related to Krylov subspace methods. For example, we show that the MMPE approach is mathematically equivalent to CMRH method. We present an implementation of the CMRH iterative method suitable for parallel architectures with distributed memory. Finally, we present a preconditioned CMRH method.DUNKERQUE-SCD-Bib.electronique (591839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An integrated study of earth resources in the state of California using remote sensing techniques

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    The University of California has been conducting an investigation which seeks to determine the usefulness of modern remote sensing techniques for studying various components of California's earth resources complex. Most of the work has concentrated on California's water resources, but with some attention being given to other earth resources as well and to the interplay between them and California's water resources

    Nonlinear smoothing filters and their realization

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    A technique for calculating atmospheric scattering and attenuation effects of aerial photographic imagery from totally airborne acquired data

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    Image degradation of color aerial photography due to atmospheric effects is spectrometrically evaluated as a function of air column depth for the purpose of defining corrective terms for the conditions under which the particular imagery was acquired. The theoretical development illustrates how these terms may be used to \u27subtract out\u27 the atmospheric effects of back-scatter and attenuation from the imagery. The technique suggests that true spectral information of ground objects can be calculated despite the presence of atmospheric effects during aerial photo graphic data collection. To determine the validity of the technique, the totally airborne method results are compared to results by methods which employed ground truth information