85 research outputs found

    Modularity and Neural Integration in Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition

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    This Thesis tackles the problems of modularity in Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition with use of Neural Network

    Perkeptuaalinen spektrisovitus glottisherätevokoodatussa tilastollisessa parametrisessa puhesynteesissä käyttäen mel-suodinpankkia

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    This thesis presents a novel perceptual spectral matching technique for parametric statistical speech synthesis with glottal vocoding. The proposed method utilizes a perceptual matching criterion based on mel-scale filterbanks. The background section discusses the physiology and modelling of human speech production and perception, necessary for speech synthesis and perceptual spectral matching. Additionally, the working principles of statistical parametric speech synthesis and the baseline glottal source excited vocoder are described. The proposed method is evaluated by comparing it to the baseline method first by an objective measure based on the mel-cepstral distance, and second by a subjective listening test. The novel method was found to give comparable performance to the baseline spectral matching method of the glottal vocoder.Tämä työ esittää uuden perkeptuaalisen spektrisovitustekniikan glottisvokoodattua tilastollista parametristä puhesynteesiä varten. Ehdotettu menetelmä käyttää mel-suodinpankkeihin perustuvaa perkeptuaalista sovituskriteeriä. Työn taustaosuus käsittelee ihmisen puheentuoton ja havaitsemisen fysiologiaa ja mallintamista tilastollisen parametrisen puhesynteesin ja perkeptuaalisen spektrisovituksen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi kuvataan tilastollisen parametrisen puhesynteesin ja perusmuotoisen glottisherätevokooderin toimintaperiaatteet. Uutta menetelmää arvioidaan vertaamalla sitä alkuperäiseen metodiin ensin käyttämällä mel-kepstrikertoimia käyttävää objektiivista etäisyysmittaa ja toiseksi käyttäen subjektiivisia kuuntelukokeita. Uuden metodin havaittiin olevan laadullisesti samalla tasolla alkuperäisen spektrisovitusmenetelmän kanssa

    Intonation modelling using a muscle model and perceptually weighted matching pursuit

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    We propose a physiologically based intonation model using perceptual relevance. Motivated by speech synthesis from a speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) point of view, we aim at a language independent way of modelling intonation. The model presented in this paper can be seen as a generalisation of the command response (CR) model, albeit with the same modelling power. It is an additive model which decomposes intonation contours into a sum of critically damped system impulse responses. To decompose the intonation contour, we use a weighted correlation based atom decomposition algorithm (WCAD) built around a matching pursuit framework. The algorithm allows for an arbitrary precision to be reached using an iterative procedure that adds more elementary atoms to the model. Experiments are presented demonstrating that this generalised CR (GCR) model is able to model intonation as would be expected. Experiments also show that the model produces a similar number of parameters or elements as the CR model. We conclude that the GCR model is appropriate as an engineering solution for modelling prosody, and hope that it is a contribution to a deeper scientific understanding of the neurobiological process of intonation