152 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menganalisis hasil akurasi kesesuaian jumlah kata proses klasifikasi voiced dan unvoiced berdasarkan algoritme baru untuk pengenalan kata pada tutur beberapa kata bahasa Indonesia. Data diperoleh dari responden melalui proses perekaman data tutur beberapa kata dari beberapa mahasiswa STTKD Yogyakarta prodi Aeronautika. Proses penelitian dimulai dengan perekaman tutur dan hasilnya disimpan dalam format wav. Selanjutnya data tutur beberapa kata diproses melalui beberapa tahap diantaranya adalah End-Point-Detection, HPF 200 Hz, preemphasis dan proses klasifikasi voiced dan unvoiced. Data akhir adalah hasil pemisahan tutur beberapa kata menjadi kata tunggal yang tersimpan dalam format wav.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses klasifikasi voiced dan unvoiced dapat digunakan sebagai klasifikasi tutur beberapa kata dengan menunjukkan hasil keberhasilan pengujian sebesar 89,7% sehingga sangat akurat dalam melakukan klasifikasi tutur beberapa kata

    Automatic annotation of musical audio for interactive applications

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    PhDAs machines become more and more portable, and part of our everyday life, it becomes apparent that developing interactive and ubiquitous systems is an important aspect of new music applications created by the research community. We are interested in developing a robust layer for the automatic annotation of audio signals, to be used in various applications, from music search engines to interactive installations, and in various contexts, from embedded devices to audio content servers. We propose adaptations of existing signal processing techniques to a real time context. Amongst these annotation techniques, we concentrate on low and mid-level tasks such as onset detection, pitch tracking, tempo extraction and note modelling. We present a framework to extract these annotations and evaluate the performances of different algorithms. The first task is to detect onsets and offsets in audio streams within short latencies. The segmentation of audio streams into temporal objects enables various manipulation and analysis of metrical structure. Evaluation of different algorithms and their adaptation to real time are described. We then tackle the problem of fundamental frequency estimation, again trying to reduce both the delay and the computational cost. Different algorithms are implemented for real time and experimented on monophonic recordings and complex signals. Spectral analysis can be used to label the temporal segments; the estimation of higher level descriptions is approached. Techniques for modelling of note objects and localisation of beats are implemented and discussed. Applications of our framework include live and interactive music installations, and more generally tools for the composers and sound engineers. Speed optimisations may bring a significant improvement to various automated tasks, such as automatic classification and recommendation systems. We describe the design of our software solution, for our research purposes and in view of its integration within other systems.EU-FP6-IST-507142 project SIMAC (Semantic Interaction with Music Audio Contents); EPSRC grants GR/R54620; GR/S75802/01

    Detection and handling of overlapping speech for speaker diarization

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    For the last several years, speaker diarization has been attracting substantial research attention as one of the spoken language technologies applied for the improvement, or enrichment, of recording transcriptions. Recordings of meetings, compared to other domains, exhibit an increased complexity due to the spontaneity of speech, reverberation effects, and also due to the presence of overlapping speech. Overlapping speech refers to situations when two or more speakers are speaking simultaneously. In meeting data, a substantial portion of errors of the conventional speaker diarization systems can be ascribed to speaker overlaps, since usually only one speaker label is assigned per segment. Furthermore, simultaneous speech included in training data can eventually lead to corrupt single-speaker models and thus to a worse segmentation. This thesis concerns the detection of overlapping speech segments and its further application for the improvement of speaker diarization performance. We propose the use of three spatial cross-correlationbased parameters for overlap detection on distant microphone channel data. Spatial features from different microphone pairs are fused by means of principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, or by a multi-layer perceptron. In addition, we also investigate the possibility of employing longterm prosodic information. The most suitable subset from a set of candidate prosodic features is determined in two steps. Firstly, a ranking according to mRMR criterion is obtained, and then, a standard hill-climbing wrapper approach is applied in order to determine the optimal number of features. The novel spatial as well as prosodic parameters are used in combination with spectral-based features suggested previously in the literature. In experiments conducted on AMI meeting data, we show that the newly proposed features do contribute to the detection of overlapping speech, especially on data originating from a single recording site. In speaker diarization, for segments including detected speaker overlap, a second speaker label is picked, and such segments are also discarded from the model training. The proposed overlap labeling technique is integrated in Viterbi decoding, a part of the diarization algorithm. During the system development it was discovered that it is favorable to do an independent optimization of overlap exclusion and labeling with respect to the overlap detection system. We report improvements over the baseline diarization system on both single- and multi-site AMI data. Preliminary experiments with NIST RT data show DER improvement on the RT ¿09 meeting recordings as well. The addition of beamforming and TDOA feature stream into the baseline diarization system, which was aimed at improving the clustering process, results in a bit higher effectiveness of the overlap labeling algorithm. A more detailed analysis on the overlap exclusion behavior reveals big improvement contrasts between individual meeting recordings as well as between various settings of the overlap detection operation point. However, a high performance variability across different recordings is also typical of the baseline diarization system, without any overlap handling

    EMG-to-Speech: Direct Generation of Speech from Facial Electromyographic Signals

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    The general objective of this work is the design, implementation, improvement and evaluation of a system that uses surface electromyographic (EMG) signals and directly synthesizes an audible speech output: EMG-to-speech

    Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signals using Neural Networks

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    Although mobile wideband telephony has been standardized for over 15 years, many countries still do not have a nationwide network with good coverage. As a result, many cellphone calls are still downgraded to narrowband telephony. The resulting loss of quality can be reduced by artificial bandwidth extension. There has been great progress in bandwidth extension in recent years due to the use of neural networks. The topic of this thesis is the enhancement of artificial bandwidth extension using neural networks. A special focus is given to hands-free calls in a car, where the risk is high that the wideband connection is lost due to the fast movement. The bandwidth of narrowband transmission is not only reduced towards higher frequencies above 3.5 kHz but also towards lower frequencies below 300 Hz. There are already methods that estimate the low-frequency components quite well, which will therefore not be covered in this thesis. In most bandwidth extension algorithms, the narrowband signal is initially separated into a spectral envelope and an excitation signal. Both parts are then extended separately in order to finally combine both parts again. While the extension of the excitation can be implemented using simple methods without reducing the speech quality compared to wideband speech, the estimation of the spectral envelope for frequencies above 3.5 kHz is not yet solved satisfyingly. Current bandwidth extension algorithms are just able to reduce the quality loss due to narrowband transmission by a maximum of 50% in most evaluations. In this work, a modification for an existing method for excitation extension is proposed which achieves slight improvements while not generating additional computational complexity. In order to enhance the wideband envelope estimation with neural networks, two modifications of the training process are proposed. On the one hand, the loss function is extended with a discriminative part to address the different characteristics of phoneme classes. On the other hand, by using a GAN (generative adversarial network) for the training phase, a second network is added temporarily to evaluate the quality of the estimation. The neural networks that were trained are compared in subjective and objective evaluations. A final listening test addressed the scenario of a hands-free call in a car, which was simulated acoustically. The quality loss caused by the missing high frequency components could be reduced by 60% with the proposed approach.Obwohl die mobile Breitbandtelefonie bereits seit über 15 Jahren standardisiert ist, gibt es oftmals noch kein flächendeckendes Netz mit einer guten Abdeckung. Das führt dazu, dass weiterhin viele Mobilfunkgespräche auf Schmalbandtelefonie heruntergestuft werden. Der damit einhergehende Qualitätsverlust kann mit künstlicher Bandbreitenerweiterung reduziert werden. Das Thema dieser Arbeit sind Methoden zur weiteren Verbesserungen der Qualität des erweiterten Sprachsignals mithilfe neuronaler Netze. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Freisprech-Telefonie im Auto, da dabei das Risiko besonders hoch ist, dass durch die schnelle Fortbewegung die Breitbandverbindung verloren geht. Bei der Schmalbandübertragung fehlen neben den hochfrequenten Anteilen (etwa 3.5–7 kHz) auch tiefe Frequenzen unterhalb von etwa 300 Hz. Diese tieffrequenten Anteile können mit bereits vorhandenen Methoden gut geschätzt werden und sind somit nicht Teil dieser Arbeit. In vielen Algorithmen zur Bandbreitenerweiterung wird das Schmalbandsignal zu Beginn in eine spektrale Einhüllende und ein Anregungssignal aufgeteilt. Beide Anteile werden dann separat erweitert und schließlich wieder zusammengeführt. Während die Erweiterung der Anregung nahezu ohne Qualitätsverlust durch einfache Methoden umgesetzt werden kann ist die Schätzung der spektralen Einhüllenden für Frequenzen über 3.5 kHz noch nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst. Mit aktuellen Methoden können im besten Fall nur etwa 50% der durch Schmalbandübertragung reduzierten Qualität zurückgewonnen werden. Für die Anregungserweiterung wird in dieser Arbeit eine Variation vorgestellt, die leichte Verbesserungen erzielt ohne dabei einen Mehraufwand in der Berechnung zu erzeugen. Für die Schätzung der Einhüllenden des Breitbandsignals mithilfe neuronaler Netze werden zwei Änderungen am Trainingsprozess vorgeschlagen. Einerseits wird die Kostenfunktion um einen diskriminativen Anteil erweitert, der das Netz besser zwischen verschiedenen Phonemen unterscheiden lässt. Andererseits wird als Architektur ein GAN (Generative adversarial network) verwendet, wofür in der Trainingsphase ein zweites Netz verwendet wird, das die Qualität der Schätzung bewertet. Die trainierten neuronale Netze wurden in subjektiven und objektiven Tests verglichen. Ein abschließender Hörtest diente zur Evaluierung des Freisprechens im Auto, welches akustisch simuliert wurde. Der Qualitätsverlust durch Wegfallen der hohen Frequenzanteile konnte dabei mit dem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz um etwa 60% reduziert werden

    From heuristics-based to data-driven audio melody extraction

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    The identification of the melody from a music recording is a relatively easy task for humans, but very challenging for computational systems. This task is known as "audio melody extraction", more formally defined as the automatic estimation of the pitch sequence of the melody directly from the audio signal of a polyphonic music recording. This thesis investigates the benefits of exploiting knowledge automatically derived from data for audio melody extraction, by combining digital signal processing and machine learning methods. We extend the scope of melody extraction research by working with a varied dataset and multiple definitions of melody. We first present an overview of the state of the art, and perform an evaluation focused on a novel symphonic music dataset. We then propose melody extraction methods based on a source-filter model and pitch contour characterisation and evaluate them on a wide range of music genres. Finally, we explore novel timbre, tonal and spatial features for contour characterisation, and propose a method for estimating multiple melodic lines. The combination of supervised and unsupervised approaches leads to advancements on melody extraction and shows a promising path for future research and applications

    An interactive, real-time, high precision and portable monitoring system of obstructive sleep apnea

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea which is defined as the suspension of breathing. OSA is generally caused by complete or partial obstruction of airway during sleep, making the breathing pattern irregular and abnormal for prolonged periods of time. Apnea can contribute to a variety of life threatening medical conditions, and can be deadly if left untreated. Nowadays, out of 18 to 50 million people in the US, most cases remain undiagnosed due to the cost, cumbersome and resource limitations of overnight polysomnography (PSG) at sleep labs. Currently PSG relies on a doctor's experience. In order to improve the medical service efficiency, reduce diagnosis time and ensure a more accurate diagnosis, a quantitative and objective method is needed. In this dissertation, an innovative method in characterizing bio-signals for detecting epochs of sleep apnea with high accuracy is presented. Three data channels that are related to breath defect; respiratory sound, ECG and SpO2 are investigated, in order to extract physiological indicators that characterize sleep apnea. An automated method was used to analyze the respiratory sound to find pauses in breathing. Furthermore, the automated method analyzed ECG to find irregular heartbeats and SpO 2 to find rises and drops. The system consists of three main parts which are signal segmentation, features extraction and features classification. Feature extractions process is based on statistical measures. Features classification process is learned through Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Neural Network (NN) classifiers. Moreover, a preprocessing technique is carried out to distinguish the R-wave from the other waves of the ECG signal. The approach presented in this dissertation was tested using downloaded polysomnographic ECG and SpO2 data from the Physionet database. In addition, to identifying sleep apnea using the acoustic signal of respiration; the characterization of breathing sound was carried by Voice Activity Detection (VAD) algorithm. VAD was used to measure the energy of the acoustic respiratory signal during breath and silence segments. From the experimental results for the three signals, it was concluded that the precision of classifying sleep apnea has an accuracy of 97%. This result offers a clinical reference value for identifying OSA instead of expensive PSG visual scoring method which is commonly used to asses sleep apnea, and could reduce diagnostic time and improve medical service efficiency