108 research outputs found

    Speaker normalisation for large vocabulary multiparty conversational speech recognition

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    One of the main problems faced by automatic speech recognition is the variability of the testing conditions. This is due both to the acoustic conditions (different transmission channels, recording devices, noises etc.) and to the variability of speech across different speakers (i.e. due to different accents, coarticulation of phonemes and different vocal tract characteristics). Vocal tract length normalisation (VTLN) aims at normalising the acoustic signal, making it independent from the vocal tract length. This is done by a speaker specific warping of the frequency axis parameterised through a warping factor. In this thesis the application of VTLN to multiparty conversational speech was investigated focusing on the meeting domain. This is a challenging task showing a great variability of the speech acoustics both across different speakers and across time for a given speaker. VTL, the distance between the lips and the glottis, varies over time. We observed that the warping factors estimated using Maximum Likelihood seem to be context dependent: appearing to be influenced by the current conversational partner and being correlated with the behaviour of formant positions and the pitch. This is because VTL also influences the frequency of vibration of the vocal cords and thus the pitch. In this thesis we also investigated pitch-adaptive acoustic features with the goal of further improving the speaker normalisation provided by VTLN. We explored the use of acoustic features obtained using a pitch-adaptive analysis in combination with conventional features such as Mel frequency cepstral coefficients. These spectral representations were combined both at the acoustic feature level using heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis (HLDA), and at the system level using ROVER. We evaluated this approach on a challenging large vocabulary speech recognition task: multiparty meeting transcription. We found that VTLN benefits the most from pitch-adaptive features. Our experiments also suggested that combining conventional and pitch-adaptive acoustic features using HLDA results in a consistent, significant decrease in the word error rate across all the tasks. Combining at the system level using ROVER resulted in a further significant improvement. Further experiments compared the use of pitch adaptive spectral representation with the adoption of a smoothed spectrogram for the extraction of cepstral coefficients. It was found that pitch adaptive spectral analysis, providing a representation which is less affected by pitch artefacts (especially for high pitched speakers), delivers features with an improved speaker independence. Furthermore this has also shown to be advantageous when HLDA is applied. The combination of a pitch adaptive spectral representation and VTLN based speaker normalisation in the context of LVCSR for multiparty conversational speech led to more speaker independent acoustic models improving the overall recognition performances


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    Biometrics uses methods for unique recognition of humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, particularly, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. The book consists of 13 chapters, each focusing on a certain aspect of the problem. The book chapters are divided into three sections: physical biometrics, behavioral biometrics and medical biometrics. The key objective of the book is to provide comprehensive reference and text on human authentication and people identity verification from both physiological, behavioural and other points of view. It aims to publish new insights into current innovations in computer systems and technology for biometrics development and its applications. The book was reviewed by the editor Dr. Jucheng Yang, and many of the guest editors, such as Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Norman Poh, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park, Dr. Sook Yoon and so on, who also made a significant contribution to the book

    Low Complexity Image Recognition Algorithms for Handheld devices

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    Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has gained a lot of interest over the last two decades. The need to search and retrieve images from databases, based on information (“features”) extracted from the image itself, is becoming increasingly important. CBIR can be useful for handheld image recognition devices in which the image to be recognized is acquired with a camera, and thus there is no additional metadata associated to it. However, most CBIR systems require large computations, preventing their use in handheld devices. In this PhD work, we have developed low-complexity algorithms for content based image retrieval in handheld devices for camera acquired images. Two novel algorithms, ‘Color Density Circular Crop’ (CDCC) and ‘DCT-Phase Match’ (DCTPM), to perform image retrieval along with a two-stage image retrieval algorithm that combines CDCC and DCTPM, to achieve the low complexity required in handheld devices are presented. The image recognition algorithms run on a handheld device over a large database with fast retrieval time besides having high accuracy, precision and robustness to environment variations. Three algorithms for Rotation, Scale, and Translation (RST) compensation for images were also developed in this PhD work to be used in conjunction with the two-stage image retrieval algorithm. The developed algorithms are implemented, using a commercial fixed-point Digital Signal Processor (DSP), into a device, called ‘PictoBar’, in the domain of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). The PictoBar is intended to be used in the field of electronic aid for disabled people, in areas like speech rehabilitation therapy, education etc. The PictoBar is able to recognize pictograms and pictures contained in a database. Once an image is found in the database, a corresponding associated speech message is played. A methodology for optimal implementation and systematic testing of the developed image retrieval algorithms on a fixed point DSP is also established as part of this PhD work

    Speech processing with deep learning for voice-based respiratory diagnosis : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Voice-based respiratory diagnosis research aims at automatically screening and diagnosing respiratory-related symptoms (e.g., smoking status, COVID-19 infection) from human-generated sounds (e.g., breath, cough, speech). It has the potential to be used as an objective, simple, reliable, and less time-consuming method than traditional biomedical diagnosis methods. In this thesis, we conduct one comprehensive literature review and propose three novel deep learning methods to enrich voice-based respiratory diagnosis research and improve its performance. Firstly, we conduct a comprehensive investigation of the effects of voice features on the detection of smoking status. Secondly, we propose a novel method that uses the combination of both high-level and low-level acoustic features along with deep neural networks for smoking status identification. Thirdly, we investigate various feature extraction/representation methods and propose a SincNet-based CNN method for feature representations to further improve the performance of smoking status identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systemic study that applies speech processing with deep learning for voice-based smoking status identification. Moreover, we propose a novel transfer learning scheme and a task-driven feature representation method for diagnosing respiratory diseases (e.g., COVID-19) from human-generated sounds. We find those transfer learning methods using VGGish, wav2vec 2.0 and PASE+, and our proposed task-driven method Sinc-ResNet have achieved competitive performance compared with other work. The findings of this study provide a new perspective and insights for voice-based respiratory disease diagnosis. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods and show that they have achieved better performances compared to other existing methods

    Time-frequency shift-tolerance and counterpropagation network with applications to phoneme recognition

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    Human speech signals are inherently multi-component non-stationary signals. Recognition schemes for classification of non-stationary signals generally require some kind of temporal alignment to be performed. Examples of techniques used for temporal alignment include hidden Markov models and dynamic time warping. Attempts to incorporate temporal alignment into artificial neural networks have resulted in the construction of time-delay neural networks. The nonstationary nature of speech requires a signal representation that is dependent on time. Time-frequency signal analysis is an extension of conventional time-domain and frequency-domain analysis methods. Researchers have reported on the effectiveness of time-frequency representations to reveal the time-varying nature of speech. In this thesis, a recognition scheme is developed for temporal-spectral alignment of nonstationary signals by performing preprocessing on the time-frequency distributions of the speech phonemes. The resulting representation is independent of any amount of time-frequency shift and is time-frequency shift-tolerant (TFST). The proposed scheme does not require time alignment of the signals and has the additional merit of providing spectral alignment, which may have importance in recognition of speech from different speakers. A modification to the counterpropagation network is proposed that is suitable for phoneme recognition. The modified network maintains the simplicity and competitive mechanism of the counterpropagation network and has additional benefits of fast learning and good modelling accuracy. The temporal-spectral alignment recognition scheme and modified counterpropagation network are applied to the recognition task of speech phonemes. Simulations show that the proposed scheme has potential in the classification of speech phonemes which have not been aligned in time. To facilitate the research, an environment to perform time-frequency signal analysis and recognition using artificial neural networks was developed. The environment provides tools for time-frequency signal analysis and simulations of of the counterpropagation network

    Subband beamforming with higher order statistics for distant speech recognition

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    This dissertation presents novel beamforming methods for distant speech recognition (DSR). Such techniques can relieve users from the necessity of putting on close talking microphones. DSR systems are useful in many applications such as humanoid robots, voice control systems for automobiles, automatic meeting transcription systems and so on. A main problem in DSR is that recognition performance is seriously degraded when a speaker is far from the microphones. In order to avoid the degradation, noise and reverberation should be removed from signals received with the microphones. Acoustic beamforming techniques have a potential to enhance speech from the far field with little distortion since they can maintain a distortionless constraint for a look direction. In beamforming, multiple signals propagating from a position are captured with multiple microphones. Typical conventional beamformers then adjust their weights so as to minimize the variance of their own outputs subject to a distortionless constraint in a look direction. The variance is the average of the second power (square) of the beamformer\u27s outputs. Accordingly, it is considered that the conventional beamformer uses second orderstatistics (SOS) of the beamformer\u27s outputs. The conventional beamforming techniques can effectively place a null on any source of interference. However, the desired signal is also canceled in reverberant environments, which is known as the signal cancellation problem. To avoid that problem, many algorithms have been developed. However, none of the algorithms can essentially solve the signal cancellation problem in reverberant environments. While many efforts have been made in order to overcome the signal cancellation problem in the field of acoustic beamforming, researchers have addressed another research issue with the microphone array, that is, blind source separation (BSS) [1]. The BSS techniques aim at separating sources from the mixture of signals without information about the geometry of the microphone array and positions of sources. It is achieved by multiplying an un-mixing matrix with input signals. The un-mixing matrix is constructed so that the outputs are stochastically independent. Measuring the stochastic independence of the signals is based on the theory of the independent component analysis (ICA) [1]. The field of ICA is based on the fact that distributions of information-bearing signals are not Gaussian and distributions of sums of various signals are close to Gaussian. There are two popular criteria for measuring the degree of the non-Gaussianity, namely, kurtosis and negentropy. As described in detail in this thesis, both criteria use more than the second moment. Accordingly, it is referred to as higher order statistics (HOS) in contrast to SOS. HOS is not considered in the field of acoustic beamforming well although Arai et al. showed the similarity between acoustic beamforming and BSS [2]. This thesis investigates new beamforming algorithms which take into consideration higher-order statistics (HOS). The new beamforming methods adjust the beamformer\u27s weights based on one of the following criteria: ‱ minimum mutual information of the two beamformer\u27s outputs, ‱ maximum negentropy of the beamformer\u27s outputs and ‱ maximum kurtosis of the beamformer\u27s outputs. Those algorithms do not suffer from the signal cancellation, which is shown in this thesis. Notice that the new beamforming techniques can keep the distortionless constraint for the direction of interest in contrast to the BSS algorithms. The effectiveness of the new techniques is finally demonstrated through a series of distant automatic speech recognition experiments on real data recorded with real sensors unlike other work where signals artificially convolved with measured impulse responses are considered. Significant improvements are achieved by the beamforming algorithms proposed here.Diese Dissertation prĂ€sentiert neue Methoden zur Spracherkennung auf Entfernung. Mit diesen Methoden ist es möglich auf Nahbesprechungsmikrofone zu verzichten. Spracherkennungssysteme, die auf Nahbesprechungsmikrofone verzichten, sind in vielen Anwendungen nĂŒtzlich, wie zum Beispiel bei Humanoiden-Robotern, in Voice Control Systemen fĂŒr Autos oder bei automatischen Transcriptionssystemen von Meetings. Ein Hauptproblem in der Spracherkennung auf Entfernung ist, dass mit zunehmendem Abstand zwischen Sprecher und Mikrofon, die Genauigkeit der Spracherkennung stark abnimmt. Aus diesem Grund ist es elementar die Störungen, nĂ€mlich HintergrundgerĂ€usche, Hall und Echo, aus den Mikrofonsignalen herauszurechnen. Durch den Einsatz von mehreren Mikrofonen ist eine rĂ€umliche Trennung des Nutzsignals von den Störungen möglich. Diese Methode wird als akustisches Beamformen bezeichnet. Konventionelle akustische Beamformer passen ihre Gewichte so an, dass die Varianz des Ausgangssignals minimiert wird, wobei das Signal in "Blickrichtung" die Bedingung der Verzerrungsfreiheit erfĂŒllen muss. Die Varianz ist definiert als das quadratische Mittel des Ausgangssignals.Somit werden bei konventionellen Beamformingmethoden Second-Order Statistics (SOS) des Ausgangssignals verwendet. Konventionelle Beamformer können Störquellen effizient unterdrĂŒcken, aber leider auch das Nutzsignal. Diese unerwĂŒnschte UnterdrĂŒckung des Nutzsignals wird im Englischen signal cancellation genannt und es wurden bereits viele Algorithmen entwickelt um dies zu vermeiden. Keiner dieser Algorithmen, jedoch, funktioniert effektiv in verhallter Umgebung. Eine weitere Methode das Nutzsignal von den Störungen zu trennen, diesesmal jedoch ohne die geometrische Information zu nutzen, wird Blind Source Separation (BSS) [1] genannt. Hierbei wird eine Matrixmultiplikation mit dem Eingangssignal durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Matrix muss so konstruiert werden, dass die Ausgangssignale statistisch unabhĂ€ngig voneinander sind. Die statistische UnabhĂ€ngigkeit wird mit der Theorie der Independent Component Analysis (ICA) gemessen [1]. Die ICA nimmt an, dass informationstragende Signale, wie z.B. Sprache, nicht gaußverteilt sind, wohingegen die Summe der Signale, z.B. das Hintergrundrauschen, gaußverteilt sind. Es gibt zwei gĂ€ngige Arten um den Grad der Nichtgaußverteilung zu bestimmen, Kurtosis und Negentropy. Wie in dieser Arbeit beschrieben, werden hierbei höhere Momente als das zweite verwendet und somit werden diese Methoden als Higher-Order Statistics (HOS) bezeichnet. Obwohl Arai et al. zeigten, dass sich Beamforming und BSS Ă€hnlich sind, werden HOS beim akustischen Beamforming bisher nicht verwendet [2] und beruhen weiterhin auf SOS. In der hier vorliegenden Dissertation werden neue Beamformingalgorithmen entwickelt und evaluiert, die auf HOS basieren. Die neuen Beamformingmethoden passen ihre Gewichte anhand eines der folgenden Kriterien an: ‱ Minimum Mutual Information zweier Beamformer Ausgangssignale ‱ Maximum Negentropy der Beamformer Ausgangssignale und ‱ Maximum Kurtosis der Beamformer Ausgangssignale. Es wird anhand von Spracherkennerexperimenten (gemessen in Wortfehlerrate) gezeigt, dass die hier entwickelten Beamformingtechniken auch erfolgreich Störquellen in verhallten Umgebungen unterdrĂŒcken, was ein klarer Vorteil gegenĂŒber den herkömmlichen Methoden ist
