345 research outputs found

    In Vitro Microvessel Growth and Remodeling within a Three-Dimensional Microfluidic Environment

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    This paper presents in vitro microvascular network formation within 3D gel scaffolds made from different concentrations of type-I collagen, fibrin, or a mixture of collagen and fibrin, using a simple microfluidic platform. Initially, microvascular network formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells was examined using live time-lapse confocal microscopy every 90 min from 3 h to 12 h after seeding within three different concentrations of collagen gel scaffolds. Among the three collagen gel concentrations, the number of skeletons was consistently the highest at 3.0 mg/mL, followed by those of collagen gel scaffolds at 2.5 mg/mL and 2.0 mg/mL. Results demonstrated that concentration of collagen gel scaffolds, which influences matrix stiffness and ligand density, may affect microvascular network formation during the early stages of vasculogenesis. In addition, the maturation of microvascular networks in monoculture under different gel compositions within gel scaffolds (2.5 mg/mL) was examined for 7 days using live confocal microscopy. It was confirmed that pure fibrin gel scaffolds are preferable to collagen gel or collagen/fibrin combinations, significantly reducing matrix retractions during maturation of microvascular networks for 7 days. Finally, early steps in the maturation process of microvascular networks for 14 days were characterized by demonstrating sequential steps of branching, expanding, remodeling, pruning, and clear delineation of lumens within fibrin gel scaffolds. Our findings demonstrate an in vitro model for generating mature microvascular networks within 3D microfluidic fibrin gel scaffolds (2.5 mg/mL), and furthermore suggest the importance of gel concentration and composition in promoting the maturation of microvascular networks.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technolog

    Anatomical Modeling of Cerebral Microvascular Structures: Application to Identify Biomarkers of Microstrokes

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    Les réseaux microvasculaires corticaux sont responsables du transport de l’oxygène et des substrats énergétiques vers les neurones. Ces réseaux réagissent dynamiquement aux demandes énergétiques lors d’une activation neuronale par le biais du couplage neurovasculaire. Afin d’élucider le rôle de la composante microvasculaire dans ce processus de couplage, l’utilisation de la modélisation in-formatique pourrait se révéler un élément clé. Cependant, la manque de méthodologies de calcul appropriées et entièrement automatisées pour modéliser et caractériser les réseaux microvasculaires reste l’un des principaux obstacles. Le développement d’une solution entièrement automatisée est donc important pour des explorations plus avancées, notamment pour quantifier l’impact des mal-formations vasculaires associées à de nombreuses maladies cérébrovasculaires. Une observation courante dans l’ensemble des troubles neurovasculaires est la formation de micro-blocages vascu-laires cérébraux (mAVC) dans les artérioles pénétrantes de la surface piale. De récents travaux ont démontré l’impact de ces événements microscopiques sur la fonction cérébrale. Par conséquent, il est d’une importance vitale de développer une approche non invasive et comparative pour identifier leur présence dans un cadre clinique. Dans cette thèse,un pipeline de traitement entièrement automatisé est proposé pour aborder le prob-lème de la modélisation anatomique microvasculaire. La méthode de modélisation consiste en un réseau de neurones entièrement convolutif pour segmenter les capillaires sanguins, un générateur de modèle de surface 3D et un algorithme de contraction de la géométrie pour produire des mod-èles graphiques vasculaires ne comportant pas de connections multiples. Une amélioration de ce pipeline est développée plus tard pour alléger l’exigence de maillage lors de la phase de représen-tation graphique. Un nouveau schéma permettant de générer un modèle de graphe est développé avec des exigences d’entrée assouplies et permettant de retenir les informations sur les rayons des vaisseaux. Il est inspiré de graphes géométriques déformants construits en respectant les morpholo-gies vasculaires au lieu de maillages de surface. Un mécanisme pour supprimer la structure initiale du graphe à chaque exécution est implémenté avec un critère de convergence pour arrêter le pro-cessus. Une phase de raffinement est introduite pour obtenir des modèles vasculaires finaux. La modélisation informatique développée est ensuite appliquée pour simuler les signatures IRM po-tentielles de mAVC, combinant le marquage de spin artériel (ASL) et l’imagerie multidirectionnelle pondérée en diffusion (DWI). L’hypothèse est basée sur des observations récentes démontrant une réorientation radiale de la microvascularisation dans la périphérie du mAVC lors de la récupéra-tion chez la souris. Des lits capillaires synthétiques, orientés aléatoirement et radialement, et des angiogrammes de tomographie par cohérence optique (OCT), acquis dans le cortex de souris (n = 5) avant et après l’induction d’une photothrombose ciblée, sont analysés. Les graphes vasculaires informatiques sont exploités dans un simulateur 3D Monte-Carlo pour caractériser la réponse par résonance magnétique (MR), tout en considérant les effets des perturbations du champ magnétique causées par la désoxyhémoglobine, et l’advection et la diffusion des spins nucléaires. Le pipeline graphique proposé est validé sur des angiographies synthétiques et réelles acquises avec différentes modalités d’imagerie. Comparé à d’autres méthodes effectuées dans le milieu de la recherche, les expériences indiquent que le schéma proposé produit des taux d’erreur géométriques et topologiques amoindris sur divers angiogrammes. L’évaluation confirme également l’efficacité de la méthode proposée en fournissant des modèles représentatifs qui capturent tous les aspects anatomiques des structures vasculaires. Ensuite, afin de trouver des signatures de mAVC basées sur le signal IRM, la modélisation vasculaire proposée est exploitée pour quantifier le rapport de perte de signal intravoxel minimal lors de l’application de plusieurs directions de gradient, à des paramètres de séquence variables avec et sans ASL. Avec l’ASL, les résultats démontrent une dif-férence significative (p <0,05) entre le signal calculé avant et 3 semaines après la photothrombose. La puissance statistique a encore augmenté (p <0,005) en utilisant des angiogrammes capturés à la semaine suivante. Sans ASL, aucun changement de signal significatif n’est trouvé. Des rapports plus élevés sont obtenus à des intensités de champ magnétique plus faibles (par exemple, B0 = 3) et une lecture TE plus courte (<16 ms). Cette étude suggère que les mAVC pourraient être carac-térisés par des séquences ASL-DWI, et fournirait les informations nécessaires pour les validations expérimentales postérieures et les futurs essais comparatifs.----------ABSTRACT Cortical microvascular networks are responsible for carrying the necessary oxygen and energy substrates to our neurons. These networks react to the dynamic energy demands during neuronal activation through the process of neurovascular coupling. A key element in elucidating the role of the microvascular component in the brain is through computational modeling. However, the lack of fully-automated computational frameworks to model and characterize these microvascular net-works remains one of the main obstacles. Developing a fully-automated solution is thus substantial for further explorations, especially to quantify the impact of cerebrovascular malformations associ-ated with many cerebrovascular diseases. A common pathogenic outcome in a set of neurovascular disorders is the formation of microstrokes, i.e., micro occlusions in penetrating arterioles descend-ing from the pial surface. Recent experiments have demonstrated the impact of these microscopic events on brain function. Hence, it is of vital importance to develop a non-invasive and translatable approach to identify their presence in a clinical setting. In this thesis, a fully automatic processing pipeline to address the problem of microvascular anatom-ical modeling is proposed. The modeling scheme consists of a fully-convolutional neural network to segment microvessels, a 3D surface model generator and a geometry contraction algorithm to produce vascular graphical models with a single connected component. An improvement on this pipeline is developed later to alleviate the requirement of water-tight surface meshes as inputs to the graphing phase. The novel graphing scheme works with relaxed input requirements and intrin-sically captures vessel radii information, based on deforming geometric graphs constructed within vascular boundaries instead of surface meshes. A mechanism to decimate the initial graph struc-ture at each run is formulated with a convergence criterion to stop the process. A refinement phase is introduced to obtain final vascular models. The developed computational modeling is then ap-plied to simulate potential MRI signatures of microstrokes, combining arterial spin labeling (ASL) and multi-directional diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). The hypothesis is driven based on recent observations demonstrating a radial reorientation of microvasculature around the micro-infarction locus during recovery in mice. Synthetic capillary beds, randomly- and radially oriented, and op-tical coherence tomography (OCT) angiograms, acquired in the barrel cortex of mice (n=5) before and after inducing targeted photothrombosis, are analyzed. The computational vascular graphs are exploited within a 3D Monte-Carlo simulator to characterize the magnetic resonance (MR) re-sponse, encompassing the effects of magnetic field perturbations caused by deoxyhemoglobin, and the advection and diffusion of the nuclear spins. The proposed graphing pipeline is validated on both synthetic and real angiograms acquired with different imaging modalities. Compared to other efficient and state-of-the-art graphing schemes, the experiments indicate that the proposed scheme produces the lowest geometric and topological error rates on various angiograms. The evaluation also confirms the efficiency of the proposed scheme in providing representative models that capture all anatomical aspects of vascular struc-tures. Next, searching for MRI-based signatures of microstokes, the proposed vascular modeling is exploited to quantify the minimal intravoxel signal loss ratio when applying multiple gradient di-rections, at varying sequence parameters with and without ASL. With ASL, the results demonstrate a significant difference (p<0.05) between the signal-ratios computed at baseline and 3 weeks after photothrombosis. The statistical power further increased (p<0.005) using angiograms captured at week 4. Without ASL, no reliable signal change is found. Higher ratios with improved significance are achieved at low magnetic field strengths (e.g., at 3 Tesla) and shorter readout TE (<16 ms). This study suggests that microstrokes might be characterized through ASL-DWI sequences, and provides necessary insights for posterior experimental validations, and ultimately, future transla-tional trials

    Generalizable automated pixel-level structural segmentation of medical and biological data

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    Over the years, the rapid expansion in imaging techniques and equipments has driven the demand for more automation in handling large medical and biological data sets. A wealth of approaches have been suggested as optimal solutions for their respective imaging types. These solutions span various image resolutions, modalities and contrast (staining) mechanisms. Few approaches generalise well across multiple image types, contrasts or resolution. This thesis proposes an automated pixel-level framework that addresses 2D, 2D+t and 3D structural segmentation in a more generalizable manner, yet has enough adaptability to address a number of specific image modalities, spanning retinal funduscopy, sequential fluorescein angiography and two-photon microscopy. The pixel-level segmentation scheme involves: i ) constructing a phase-invariant orientation field of the local spatial neighbourhood; ii ) combining local feature maps with intensity-based measures in a structural patch context; iii ) using a complex supervised learning process to interpret the combination of all the elements in the patch in order to reach a classification decision. This has the advantage of transferability from retinal blood vessels in 2D to neural structures in 3D. To process the temporal components in non-standard 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we first introduce a co-registration procedure: at the pairwise level, we combine projective RANSAC with a quadratic homography transformation to map the coordinate systems between any two frames. At the joint level, we construct a hierarchical approach in order for each individual frame to be registered to the global reference intra- and inter- sequence(s). We then take a non-training approach that searches in both the spatial neighbourhood of each pixel and the filter output across varying scales to locate and link microvascular centrelines to (sub-) pixel accuracy. In essence, this \link while extract" piece-wise segmentation approach combines the local phase-invariant orientation field information with additional local phase estimates to obtain a soft classification of the centreline (sub-) pixel locations. Unlike retinal segmentation problems where vasculature is the main focus, 3D neural segmentation requires additional exibility, allowing a variety of structures of anatomical importance yet with different geometric properties to be differentiated both from the background and against other structures. Notably, cellular structures, such as Purkinje cells, neural dendrites and interneurons, all display certain elongation along their medial axes, yet each class has a characteristic shape captured by an orientation field that distinguishes it from other structures. To take this into consideration, we introduce a 5D orientation mapping to capture these orientation properties. This mapping is incorporated into the local feature map description prior to a learning machine. Extensive performance evaluations and validation of each of the techniques presented in this thesis is carried out. For retinal fundus images, we compute Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves on existing public databases (DRIVE & STARE) to assess and compare our algorithms with other benchmark methods. For 2D+t retinal angiography sequences, we compute the error metrics ("Centreline Error") of our scheme with other benchmark methods. For microscopic cortical data stacks, we present segmentation results on both surrogate data with known ground-truth and experimental rat cerebellar cortex two-photon microscopic tissue stacks.Open Acces

    The role of pericytes in the regulation of retinal microvasculature dynamics in health and disease

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    Les péricytes sont des cellules contractiles qui s'enroulent le long des parois des capillaires. Dans le cerveau, les péricytes jouent un rôle crucial dans la régulation du diamètre capillaire et du débit sanguin vasculaire en réponse à la demande métabolique. Au cours de l'ischémie, il a été suggéré que les péricytes pourraient resserrer les capillaires, le restant même après la reperfusion et entraîner une insuffisance du reflux microcirculatoire. Malgré cela, on sait peu de choses sur le rôle des péricytes dans les maladies du cerveau et leur contribution à la dynamique capillaire et au débit sanguin local. Afin de mieux comprendre la réponse des capillaires et des péricytes lors d’une lésion ischémique de la rétine et d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires de la constriction capillaire induite par les péricytes, nous avons caractérisé la réponse des péricytes au cours d’une ischémie rétinienne transitoire ex vivo et in vivo et nous élucidons les mécanismes de contractilité du péricyte ischémie. Nous avons démontré que l'ischémie entraînait des modifications vasculaires anormales telles qu'une réduction générale du diamètre capillaire et une augmentation du nombre de constrictions capillaires à l'emplacement du péricyte, ce qui suggère que l'ischémie favorise une constriction rapide des péricytes sur les capillaires rétiniens, entraînant un dysfonctionnement microvasculaire majeur.Pericytes are contractile cells that wrap along the walls of capillaries. In the brain, pericytes play a crucial role in the regulation of capillary diameter and vascular blood flow in response to metabolic demand. It has been suggested that, during brain ischemia, pericytes constrict the capillaries, which remain constricted even after reperfusion resulting in impaired microcirculatory blood flow. Despite this, little is known about the role of pericytes in brain and retinal diseases and their contribution to capillary dynamics and local blood flow. To better understand the response of capillaries and pericytes during ischemic injury in the retina, and to identify the molecular mechanisms of pericyte-mediated capillary constriction, we characterized the response of pericytes during transient retinal ischemia ex vivo and in vivo. We demonstrated that ischemia leads to anomalous microvascular changes characterized by a marked reduction in capillary diameter. This response was accompanied by an increase in the number of capillary constrictions at pericyte locations suggesting that ischemia promotes rapid pericyte constriction on retinal capillaries leading to microvascular dysfunction. Lastly, we show that ischemia increases intracellular calcium in pericytes suggesting that pericyte contraction leading to capillary constriction is a calcium-dependent process

    Acquisition and Mining of the Whole Mouse Brain Microstructure

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    Charting out the complete brain microstructure of a mammalian species is a grand challenge. Recent advances in serial sectioning microscopy such as the Knife- Edge Scanning Microscopy (KESM), a high-throughput and high-resolution physical sectioning technique, have the potential to finally address this challenge. Nevertheless, there still are several obstacles remaining to be overcome. First, many of these serial sectioning microscopy methods are still experimental and are not fully automated. Second, even when the full raw data have been obtained, morphological reconstruction, visualization/editing, statistics gathering, connectivity inference, and network analysis remain tough problems due to the unprecedented amounts of data. I designed a general data acquisition and analysis framework to overcome these challenges with a focus on data from the C57BL/6 mouse brain. Since there has been no such complete microstructure data from any mammalian species, the sheer amount of data can overwhelm researchers. To address the problems, I constructed a general software framework for automated data acquisition and computational analysis of the KESM data, and conducted two scientific case studies to discuss how the mouse brain microstructure from the KESM can be utilized. I expect the data, tools, and studies resulting from this dissertation research to greatly contribute to computational neuroanatomy and computational neuroscience

    Tracing biofilaments from images : analysis of existing methods to quantify the three-dimensional growth of filamentous fungi on solid substrates

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. David Alexander MitchellCoorientadora: Prof. Dr. Maura Harumi Sugai-GuériosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/05/2018Inclui referências: p.100-113Área de concentração: Engenharia QuímicaResumo: Análise de imagens de biofilamentos tem se tornado uma parte importante na pesquisa em biologia e biotecnologia, pois ela não só elucida a morfologia destas estruturas, mas também fornece ideias sobre o desenvolvimento destas estruturas. Além disso, a morfologia pode ser correlacionada com outras variáveis. Por exemplo, análise de imagem de fungos filamentosos permite correlacionar produtividade de enzimas com diferentes morfologias. Há um interesse em compreender como o micélio de um fungo filamentoso se desevolve ao crescer em substratos sólidos. Para estudar isso, foram obtidas imagens 3D do fungo em crescimento em diversos tempos, objetivando computar dados da morfologia e dinâmica de crescimento: velocidades de extensão da colônia e de pontas, número e posição de ramificações e pontas, comprimentos de segmentos, entre outros dados. Porém, antes de computar estes dados, foi feita uma análise da literatura de métodos de traçado de biofilamentos. A análise foi realizada para facilitar a compreensão do vasto número de métodos disponíveis, desde componentes individuais (e.g. técnicas de realçe de filamentos) a workflows completas de traçado de biofilamentos. Também há muitas opções de implementações de software. Na análise, foram incluídas 87 publicações envolvendo workflows de traçado de filamentos ou componentes. Para a análise, criou-se uma classificação (10 classes, que incluem interação com o usuário, abordagem teórica, técnica de imageamento, entre outras classes e 120 sub-classes) para apoiar a análise com o uso de conceitos de teoria de grafos. A metodologia proposta poderá ser utilizada no futuro com ferramentas de semântica web e uma base de dados e permitirá analisar um número maior de dados. Desta análise, identificaram-se os métodos mais comuns de melhoramento de imagem (Realçe de filamentos, 44.9%, suavização, 16.3% e Subtração de background 14.3%) e as tendências em abordagens teóricas (e.g. abordagens baseadas em grafos juntas à algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina, realçe de filamentos como o gradient vector flow seguidos de abordagem Levei-set fast-marching). Após a análise da literatura, foram selecionados os métodos de melhoramento mais comuns e avaliados segundo seu impacto na qualidade da imagem. Os testes foram realizados em duas amostras de imagem (experimentos do crescimento de Aspergillus niger de microscopia confocal de varredura a laser) através de um planejamento fatorial completo e análise do índice de similaridade estrutural, SSIM, e razão sinal-ruído, SNR. Resultados mostraram que o algoritmo rolling bali de subtração de background com raio 20 pixels teve o maior efeito positivo em SSIM e SNR no geral. Então, ao utilizar as imagens melhoradas como entrada, foram testados 5 métodos de traçado de filamentos (APP, APP2, NeuTube, NeuronStudio e NeuroGPS-Tree). Os resultados do traçado foram avaliados qualitativamente: O método NeuTube mostrou os resultados visualmente mais acurados. Definiu-se então o método e foram traçadas as imagens completas 3D e no tempo e obtivemos parâmetros morfométricos e da dinâmica do crescimento do fungo (perfis de biomassa e comprimentos totais, por exemplo). Embora se observe que o uso de traçado de filamentos é promisor para obter mais dados do crescimento de fungos filamentosos, discutiu-se a necessidade de aprimorar as técnicas de preparo de amostra e das configurações na aquisição das imagens, de maneira a aumentar a qualidade final das imagens e fornecer resultados mais confiáveis e concretos após o traçado para então tirar conclusões dos dados. Palavras-chave: fungos filamentosos, filamentos biológicos, análise de imagem, traçado de filamentos, melhoramento de imagem.Abstract: Image analysis of biofilaments is becoming an important part of research on biology and biotechnology because it does not only elucidates the morphology of such structures but also gives insights into their development. Additionally, the morphology can be correlated with other variables. For example, image analysis of filamentous fungi allows the correlation of enzyme productivity with different morphologies. We are interested in understanding how the mycelium of a filamentous fungus develops during growth on solid substrates. In order to study that, time-lapsed 3D images of the fungus during growth were obtained, with the intention of computing growth dynamics and morphometric data: colony and tip extension rates, number and positions of branches and tips, segment lengths, among others. However, prior to computing this data, we analysed the literature of biofilament tracing methods. The analysis was done to facilitate the understanding of the vast number of methods available, from single components (e.g. filament enhancement techniques, and specialized model-based approaches) to complete biofilament tracing workflows. There were also many software implementations options. The analysis comprised 87 publications proposing complete biofilament tracing workflows or workflow components. For the analysis, we created a classification methodology (10 main classes, including user interaction, theoretical approach, imaging technique, among other classes and 120 sub-classes) and analysed the publications using graph theory concepts. The proposed methodology could be used in the future with semantic web tools and crowd-sourced web-based databases, allowing the analysis of greater number of data. Out of this analysis, we identified the most common image enhancement methods (Filament enhancement 44.9%, smoothing 16.3%, background subtraction 14.3%) and the theoretical approach trends for biofilament tracing (e.g. graph-based approaches coupled with machine learning algorithms, image enhancement such as gradient vector flows followed by model-based fast marching approach). Following the literature analysis, we selected the most common image enhancement methods to be used prior to biofilament tracing and evaluated their impact on image quality. The tests were done on two sample images (experiments of the growth of Aspergillus niger on two different carbon sources obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy) through a full factorial design of experiments and analysis of the structural similarity index, SSIM and signal-to-noise ratio, SNR. Results show that background subtraction (Rolling-ball algorithm, 20 pixels radius) had the most positive effect on SSIM and SNR. Then, using the enhanced images as input, we tested 5 different biofilament tracing methods (APP1, APP2, NeuTube, NeuronStudio and NeuroGPS-Tree). We evaluated the tracing results visually and qualitatively: NeuTube was the method with the most visually accurate results. After choosing NeuTube as the best method, we applied it to our complete 3D time-lapsed images and computed some growth dynamics and morphmetric parameters (e.g. biomass profiles, segment and total lengths). Although we indicate that biofilament tracing methods are a promising approach to obtain more data on the growth of the filamentous fungi, we discuss the need to improve the sample preparation techniques and image acquisition set-up in order to increase the quality of the images so the tracing results provide more reliable and concrete results to draw conclusions. Keywords: filamentous fungi, biological filaments, image analysis, filament tracing, image enhancement