74 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimization and Constriction Factor based PSO Algorithm for Workflow Scheduling in Cloud

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    Due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing, it has emerged as a popular platform for hosting various applications. However, optimizing workflow scheduling in the cloud is still a challenging problem because of the dynamic nature of cloud resources and the diversity of user requirements. In this context, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithms have been proposed as effective techniques for improving workflow scheduling in cloud environments. The primary objective of this work is to propose a workflow scheduling algorithm that optimizes the makespan, service cost, and load balance in the cloud. The proposed HGWOCPSO hybrid algorithm employs GWO and Constriction factor based PSO (CPSO) for the workflow optimization. The algorithm is simulated on Workflowsim, where a set of scientific workflows with varying task sizes and inter-task communication requirements are executed on a cloud platform. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of makespan, service cost, and load balance. The employed GWO algorithm mitigates the problem of local optima that is inherent in PSO algorithm

    Queue-priority optimized algorithm: a novel task scheduling for runtime systems of application integration platforms

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    The need for integration of applications and services in business processes from enterprises has increased with the advancement of cloud and mobile applications. Enterprises started dealing with high volumes of data from the cloud and from mobile applications, besides their own. This is the reason why integration tools must adapt themselves to handle with high volumes of data, and to exploit the scalability of cloud computational resources without increasing enterprise operations costs. Integration platforms are tools that integrate enterprises’ applications through integration processes, which are nothing but workflows composed of a set of atomic tasks connected through communication channels. Many integration platforms schedule tasks to be executed by computational resources through the First-in-first-out heuristic. This article proposes a Queue-priority algorithm that uses a novel heuristic and tackles high volumes of data in the task scheduling of integration processes. This heuristic is optimized by the Particle Swarm Optimization computational method. The results of our experiments were confirmed by statistical tests, and validated the proposal as a feasible alternative to improve integration platforms in the execution of integration processes under a high volume of data.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    SimTune: bridging the simulator reality gap for resource management in edge-cloud computing

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    Industries and services are undergoing an Internet of Things centric transformation globally, giving rise to an explosion of multi-modal data generated each second. This, with the requirement of low-latency result delivery, has led to the ubiquitous adoption of edge and cloud computing paradigms. Edge computing follows the data gravity principle, wherein the computational devices move closer to the end-users to minimize data transfer and communication times. However, large-scale computation has exacerbated the problem of efficient resource management in hybrid edge-cloud platforms. In this regard, data-driven models such as deep neural networks (DNNs) have gained popularity to give rise to the notion of edge intelligence. However, DNNs face significant problems of data saturation when fed volatile data. Data saturation is when providing more data does not translate to improvements in performance. To address this issue, prior work has leveraged coupled simulators that, akin to digital twins, generate out-of-distribution training data alleviating the data-saturation problem. However, simulators face the reality-gap problem, which is the inaccuracy in the emulation of real computational infrastructure due to the abstractions in such simulators. To combat this, we develop a framework, SimTune, that tackles this challenge by leveraging a low-fidelity surrogate model of the high-fidelity simulator to update the parameters of the latter, so to increase the simulation accuracy. This further helps co-simulated methods to generalize to edge-cloud configurations for which human encoded parameters are not known apriori. Experiments comparing SimTune against state-of-the-art data-driven resource management solutions on a real edge-cloud platform demonstrate that simulator tuning can improve quality of service metrics such as energy consumption and response time by up to 14.7% and 7.6% respectively

    Task scheduling for application integration: A strategy for large volumes of data

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    Enterprise Application Integration is the research field, which provides methodologies, techniques and tools for modelling and implementing integration processes. An integration process performs the orchestration of a set of applications to keep them synchronised or to allow the creation of new features. It can be represented by a workflow composed of tasks and communication channels. Integration platforms are tools for the design and execution of integration processes in which, the runtime system is the component responsible for execution time of the tasks and the allocation of computational resources that perform them. The processing of a large volume of data, corresponding to execution of millions of tasks, can cause situations of overload, characterised by the accumulation of tasks in internal queues awaiting computational resources in the runtime systems, resulting in unacceptable response time for the external applications and users. Our research hypothesis is that the runtime systems of the integration platforms use simplistic heuristics for scheduling tasks, which does not allow them to maintain acceptable levels of performance when there are overload situations. In this research work, we developed (i) a representation for integration processes, (ii) a characterisation for your task schedules, (iii) a heuristic to deal with situations of overload, (iv) a mathematical model for a performance metric of the execution of integration processes and (v) a simulation tool for task scheduling heuristics. Our research results indicate that, in situations of overload, our heuristic promotes a balanced workload distribution and an increase in the performance of the execution of the integration processes.Integração de Aplicações Empresariais é o campo de pesquisa, que fornece metodologias, técnicas e ferramentas para modelar e implementar processos de integração. Um processo de integração executa a orquestração de um conjunto de aplicações para mantê-las sincronizadas ou para permitir a criação de novas funcionalidades. Ele pode ser representado por um fluxo de trabalho composto por tarefas e canais de comunicação. Plataformas de integração são ferramentas para projetar e executar processos de integração, nas quais o motor de execução é o componente responsável pelo tempo de execução das tarefas e pela alocação de recursos computacionais que as executam. O processamento de um grande volume de dados, correspondendo a execução de milhões de tarefas, pode causar situações de sobrecarga, caracterizadas pelo acúmulo de tarefas em filas internas que aguardam recursos computacionais nos motores de execução, resultando em tempos de resposta inaceitáveis para aplicações e usuários externos. Nossa hipótese de pesquisa é que os motores de execução das plataformas de integração usam heurísticas simplistas para agendar tarefas, o que não lhes permitem manter níveis aceitáveis de desempenho em situações de sobrecarga. Neste trabalho de pesquisa, desenvolvemos (i) uma representação para processos de integração, (ii) uma caracterização para seus agendamentos de tarefas, (iii) uma heurística para lidar com situações de sobrecarga, (iv) um modelo matemático para uma métrica de desempenho da execução de processos de integração e (v) uma ferramenta de simulação para heurísticas de agendamento de tarefas. Nossos resultados de pesquisa indicam que, em situações de sobrecarga, nossa heurística promove uma distribuição equilibrada da carga de trabalho e um aumento no desempenho da execução dos processos de integração

    Domain-aware Genetic Algorithms for Hardware and Mapping Optimization for Efficient DNN Acceleration

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    The proliferation of AI across a variety of domains (vision, language, speech, recommendations, games) has led to the rise of domain-specific accelerators for deep learning. At design-time, these accelerators carefully architect the on-chip dataflow to maximize data reuse (over space and time) and size the hardware resources (PEs and buffers) to maximize performance and energy-efficiency, while meeting the chip’s area and power targets. At compile-time, the target Deep Neural Network (DNN) model is mapped over the accelerator. The mapping refers to tiling the computation and data (i.e., tensors) and scheduling them over the PEs and scratchpad buffers respectively, while honoring the microarchitectural constraints (number of PEs, buffer sizes, and dataflow). The design-space of valid hardware resource assignments for a given dataflow and the valid mappings for a given hardware is extremely large (~O(10^24)) per layer for state-of-the-art DNN models today. This makes exhaustive searches infeasible. Unfortunately, there can be orders of magnitude performance and energy-efficiency differences between an optimal and sub-optimal choice, making these decisions a crucial part of the entire design process. Moreover, manual tuning by domain experts become unprecedentedly challenged due to increased irregularity (due to neural architecture search) and sparsity of DNN models. This necessitate the existence of Map Space Exploration (MSE). In this thesis, our goal is to deliver a deep analysis of the MSE for DNN accelerators, propose different techniques to improve MSE, and generalize the MSE framework to a wider landscape (from mapping to HW-mapping co-exploration, from single-accelerator to multi-accelerator scheduling). As part of it, we discuss the correlation between hardware flexibility and the formed map space, formalized the map space representation by four mapping axes: tile, order, parallelism, and shape. Next, we develop dedicated exploration operators for these axes and use genetic algorithm framework to converge the solution. Next, we develop "sparsity-aware" technique to enable sparsity consideration in MSE and a "warm-start" technique to solve the search speed challenge commonly seen across learning-based search algorithms. Finally, we extend out MSE to support hardware and map space co-exploration and multi-accelerator scheduling.Ph.D

    LiDAR aided simulation pipeline for wireless communication in vehicular traffic scenarios

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    Abstract. Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) is a modern technology under development for Sixth Generation (6G) systems. This thesis focuses on creating a simulation pipeline for dynamic vehicular traffic scenarios and a novel approach to reducing wireless communication overhead with a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) based system. The simulation pipeline can be used to generate data sets for numerous problems. Additionally, the developed error model for vehicle detection algorithms can be used to identify LiDAR performance with respect to different parameters like LiDAR height, range, and laser point density. LiDAR behavior on traffic environment is provided as part of the results in this study. A periodic beam index map is developed by capturing antenna azimuth and elevation angles, which denote maximum Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) for a simulated receiver grid on the road and classifying areas using Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to reduce the number of Synchronization Signal Blocks (SSBs) that are needed to be sent in Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication. This approach effectively reduces the wireless communication overhead in V2I communication