126 research outputs found

    Radio resource management and metric estimation for multicarrier CDMA systems

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    The Squatting and Kicking strategies for self-provisioned, bandwidth resource sharing in multiclass networks

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    English: This article proposes a self-provisioned, Squatting and Kicking bandwidth resource sharing strategy for multiclass networks where differentiated services are not natively built. Moreover, this article provides a summary of the bandwidth constraints models and shows how the squatting and kicking strategies can be adapted to be the basis for a new bandwidth constraint model, which widens the range of techniques available to operators for bandwidth resource management in multiclass networks.Castellano: Este artículo propone unas estrategias para compartir ancho de banda en redes multi-clase de manera auto-gestionada, donde los servicios diferenciados no se soportan de manera nativa. Además, se provee una comparación de los modelos de ancho de banda limitado y cómo las estrategias "squat" y "kick" se pueden constituir como nuevo modelo. Dicho model ampliará el número de técnicas que los operadores tienen disponibles para la gestión de tráfico en redes multi-clase.Català: Aquest article proposa unes estratègies per a compartir l'amplada de banda en xarxes multi-classe de manera auto-gestionada, a on els serveis diferenciats no se suporten de manera nadiua. A més a més, se proveeix una comparació dels models d'amplada de banda limitat i com les estratègies "squat" i "kick" es poden constituir com a nou model. Aquest nou model ampliarà el nombre de tècniques de que disposen els operadors de xarxes multi-classe per a la gestió del tràfic

    Performance Management in ATM Networks

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    ATM is representative of the connection-oriented resource provisioning classof protocols. The ATM network is expected to provide end-to-end QoS guaranteesto connections in the form of bounds on delays, errors and/or losses. Performancemanagement involves measurement of QoS parameters, and application of controlmeasures (if required) to improve the QoS provided to connections, or to improvethe resource utilization at switches. QoS provisioning is very important for realtimeconnections in which losses are irrecoverable and delays cause interruptionsin service. QoS of connections on a node is a direct function of the queueing andscheduling on the switch. Most scheduling architectures provide static allocationof resources (scheduling priority, maximum buffer) at connection setup time. Endto-end bounds are obtainable for some schedulers, however these are precluded forheterogeneously composed networks. The resource allocation does not adapt to theQoS provided on connections in real time. In addition, mechanisms to measurethe QoS of a connection in real-time are scarce.In this thesis, a novel framework for performance management is proposed. Itprovides QoS guarantees to real time connections. It comprises of in-service QoSmonitoring mechanisms, a hierarchical scheduling algorithm based on dynamicpriorities that are adaptive to measurements, and methods to tune the schedulers atindividual nodes based on the end-to-end measurements. Also, a novel scheduler isintroduced for scheduling maximum delay sensitive traffic. The worst case analysisfor the leaky bucket constrained traffic arrivals is presented for this scheduler. Thisscheduler is also implemented on a switch and its practical aspects are analyzed.In order to understand the implementability of complex scheduling mechanisms,a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art technology used in the industry isperformed. The thesis also introduces a method of measuring the one-way delayand jitter in a connection using in-service monitoring by special cells

    Optimal Call Admission Control on a Single Link With a GPS Scheduler

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    Admission Control Optimisation for QoS and QoE Enhancement in Future Networks

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    Recent exponential growth in demand for traffic heterogeneity support and the number of associated devices has considerably increased demand for network resources and induced numerous challenges for the networks, such as bottleneck congestion, and inefficient admission control and resource allocation. Challenges such as these degrade network Quality of Service (QoS) and user-perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). This work studies admission control from various perspectives. For example, two novel single-objective optimisation-based admission control models, Dynamica Slice Allocation and Admission Control (DSAAC) and Signalling and Admission Control (SAC), are presented to enhance future limited-capacity network Grade of Service (GoS), and for control signalling optimisation, respectively. DSAAC is an integrated model whereby a cost-estimation function based on user demand and network capacity quantifies resource allocation among users. Moreover, to maximise resource utility, adjustable minimum and maximum slice resource bounds have also been derived. In the case of user blocking from the primary slice due to congestion or resource scarcity, a set of optimisation algorithms on inter-slice admission control and resource allocation and adaptability of slice elasticity have been proposed. A novel SAC model uses an unsupervised learning technique (i.e. Ranking-based clustering) for optimal clustering based on users’ homogeneous demand characteristics to minimise signalling redundancy in the access network. The redundant signalling reduction reduces the additional burden on the network in terms of unnecessary resource utilisation and computational time. Moreover, dynamically reconfigurable QoE-based slice performance bounds are also derived in the SAC model from multiple demand characteristics for clustered user admission to the optimal network. A set of optimisation algorithms are also proposed to attain efficient slice allocation and users’ QoE enhancement via assessing the capability of slice QoE elasticity. An enhancement of the SAC model is proposed through a novel multi-objective optimisation model named Edge Redundancy Minimisation and Admission Control (E-RMAC). A novel E-RMAC model for the first time considers the issue of redundant signalling between the edge and core networks. This model minimises redundant signalling using two classical unsupervised learning algorithms, K-mean and Ranking-based clustering, and maximises the efficiency of the link (bandwidth resources) between the edge and core networks. For multi-operator environments such as Open-RAN, a novel Forecasting and Admission Control (FAC) model for tenant-aware network selection and configuration is proposed. The model features a dynamic demand-estimation scheme embedded with fuzzy-logic-based optimisation for optimal network selection and admission control. FAC for the first time considers the coexistence of the various heterogeneous cellular technologies (2G, 3G,4G, and 5G) and their integration to enhance overall network throughput by efficient resource allocation and utilisation within a multi-operator environment. A QoS/QoE-based service monitoring feature is also presented to update the demand estimates with the support of a forecasting modifier. he provided service monitoring feature helps resource allocation to tenants, approximately closer to the actual demand of the tenants, to improve tenant-acquired QoE and overall network performance. Foremost, a novel and dynamic admission control model named Slice Congestion and Admission Control (SCAC) is also presented in this thesis. SCAC employs machine learning (i.e. unsupervised, reinforcement, and transfer learning) and multi-objective optimisation techniques (i.e. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II ) to minimise bottleneck and intra-slice congestion. Knowledge transfer among requests in form of coefficients has been employed for the first time for optimal slice requests queuing. A unified cost estimation function is also derived in this model for slice selection to ensure fairness among slice request admission. In view of instantaneous network circumstances and load, a reinforcement learning-based admission control policy is established for taking appropriate action on guaranteed soft and best-effort slice requests admissions. Intra-slice, as well as inter-slice resource allocation, along with the adaptability of slice elasticity, are also proposed for maximising slice acceptance ratio and resource utilisation. Extensive simulation results are obtained and compared with similar models found in the literature. The proposed E-RMAC model is 35% superior at reducing redundant signalling between the edge and core networks compared to recent work. The E-RMAC model reduces the complexity from O(U) to O(R) for service signalling and O(N) for resource signalling. This represents a significant saving in the uplink control plane signalling and link capacity compared to the results found in the existing literature. Similarly, the SCAC model reduces bottleneck congestion by approximately 56% over the entire load compared to ground truth and increases the slice acceptance ratio. Inter-slice admission and resource allocation offer admission gain of 25% and 51% over cooperative slice- and intra-slice-based admission control and resource allocation, respectively. Detailed analysis of the results obtained suggests that the proposed models can efficiently manage future heterogeneous traffic flow in terms of enhanced throughput, maximum network resources utilisation, better admission gain, and congestion control

    Gestion de la qualité de service et planification optimale de réseaux de capteurs multimédia sans fil

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    RÉSUMÉ Un RCSF est constitué d'un certain nombre d'entités (capteurs) géographiquement dispersées, de taille réduite, avec une autonomie et une puissance de traitement réduites. Ces dispositifs sont utilisés pour réaliser, de manière indépendante, des tâches comme la surveillance, le contrôle de processus industriel, etc. Les avancées en microélectronique ont conduit à l'émergence des petites caméras (type CMOS) et microphones accessibles. Ces capteurs audio-visuels peuvent être intégrés dans un RCSF pour former des RCMSF. Dans certains types d'applications, comme la surveillance des frontières, un grand nombre de ce type de capteurs est susceptible d'être déployés, sur de vastes terrains. Un volume considérable de flux audio-visuel (en plus des données) doit être transmis au centre de contrôle (le collecteur, ou SINK) pour analyse et prise de décision. Il y a donc un besoin important en termes de bande passante, avec surtout une forte contrainte en termes de délai de transmission et d'autres paramètres de RCSF. Des solutions pour le routage d'information ont été développées pour des RCSF, mais ces protocoles n'ont pas pris en compte la génération à grande échelle des données multimédia, elles sont par conséquent inadaptées aux RCMSF. Les capteurs typiquement sont omnidirectionnels, c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont capables de capter des signaux qui proviennent de toutes les directions autour d'eux. Les capteurs multimédia, en particulier les capteurs de vidéo, sont de type directionnel. Pour ce type de capteurs, l'aire de captage est limitée à un secteur donné d'un plan tridimensionnel. Malheureusement, les modèles mathématiques développés pour le placement des RCMSF conventionnels ne peuvent pas être appliqués dans le cadre de la configuration et de la planification des réseaux de capteurs directionnels. De nouveaux modèles d'optimisation sont donc nécessaires pour la capture des principaux paramètres caractérisant les capteurs directionnels. Dans cette thèse, nous abordons donc les problèmes clés suivants: le routage des données hétérogènes (scalaires et multimédia) pour les nœuds d'un RCMSF afin d'assurer une meilleure QdS aux usagers; et le déploiement optimisé de capteurs directionnels d'un RCMSF dans un espace tridimensionnel dont le but est couvrir un ensemble de points d'intérêts définis dans tel espace. Notre thèse se compose de trois articles scientifiques, chacun traitant d'une problématique bien spécifique. Le premier article traite du problème du routage d'information pour les RCMSF basé sur la QdS. Nous proposons un nouveau protocole, AntSensNet, basé sur l'heuristique de la colonie de fourmis, qui utilise plusieurs métriques de QdS pour trouver de bonnes routes pour les données multimédia et l'information scalaire. Dans la pratique, le protocole établit d'abord une structure hiérarchique sur le réseau avant de choisir les chemins appropriés pour répondre aux diverses exigences de QdS des différents types de trafic qui circulent dans le réseau. Ceci permet de maximiser l'utilisation des ressources du réseau, tout en améliorant la performance de la transmission de l'information. En outre, AntSensNet est capable d'utiliser un mécanisme efficace d'ordonnancement de paquets et de multiples chemins afin d'obtenir la distorsion minimale au moment où une application fait la transmission de la vidéo dans le réseau. Dans le deuxième article nous continuons avec le sujet de la QdS dans le RCMSFs et, plus spécifiquement, nous abordons la problématique du contrôle d'admission pour ce type de réseau. Grâce au contrôle d'admission, il est possible de déterminer si un réseau est capable de supporter un nouveau flot de données. S'il n'y a pas de contrôle d'admission dans un RCMSF, le performance du réseau sera compromis car les ressources existantes dans le réseau ne seront pas assez pour tous les flots acceptés et cela entraînera beaucoup de problèmes comme la perte de paquets des flots. Nous proposons un nouveau schéma de contrôle d'admission de nouveaux flots multimédia pour un RCMSF. Le système proposé est en mesure de déterminer si un flot de données puisse être admis dans le réseau, compte tenu de l'état actuel des liaisons de communications et l'énergie des nœuds. La décision sur l'acceptation est prise de manière distribuée, sans utiliser une entité centrale. De plus, notre schéma se présente comme un plug-in, et est adaptable à d'éventuels protocoles de routage et MAC utilisés pour la transmission de données dans les RCMSF. Nos résultats de simulation montrent l'efficacité de notre approche pour répondre aux exigences de QdS des nouveaux flots de données. Finalement, notre troisième article traite du problème du déploiement optimal des capteurs multimédia dans un espace 3D. Tel que mentionné ci-dessus, la plupart des capteurs multimédia sont du type directionnel. De surcroît, ces capteurs sont plus coûteux et plus spécialisés que les capteurs scalaires. En conséquence, les déploiements aléatoires, qui sont typiques pour les capteurs scalaires, ne sont ni souhaitables ni adéquats pour les capteurs multimédia. A cet effet, nous proposons un modèle optimal de déploiement 3D de capteurs directionnels. Ce modèle vise à déterminer le nombre minimum de capteurs directionnels connectés, leur emplacement et leur configuration, qui sont nécessaires pour couvrir un ensemble de points de contrôle dans un espace 3D donné. La configuration de chaque capteur déployé est déterminée par trois paramètres : la plage de détection, le champ de vision (FoV) et l'orientation. Nous présentons une formulation « Integer Linear Programming » (ILP) pour trouver la solution exacte du problème et aussi, un algorithme glouton capable de trouver une solution approximative (mais efficace) du problème. Nous évaluons également différentes propriétés des solutions proposées par le biais de nombreuses simulations. Avec ces trois articles on a réussi à résoudre, d'une façon à la fois innovatrice et pratique, les problèmes de routage basé sur la QdS pour les RCMSF et le déploiement de capteurs directionnels, qui sont l'objectif principal de notre recherche.----------ABSTRACT A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a set of embedded processing units, called sensors, communicating via wireless links, whose main function is the collection of parameters related to the surrounding environment, such as temperature, pressure or the presence/motion of objects. WSN are expected to have many applications in various fields, such as industrial processes, military surveillance, observation and monitoring of habitat, etc. The availability of inexpensive hardware such as CMOS cameras and microphones that are able to ubiquitously capture multimedia content from the environment has fostered the development of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs), i.e., networks of wirelessly interconnected devices that allow retrieving video and audio streams, still images, and scalar sensor data. In addition to the ability to retrieve multimedia data, WMSNs will be able to store, process in real time, correlate and fuse multimedia data originated from heterogeneous sources, and perform actions on the environment based on the content gathered. Many applications require the sensor network paradigm to be rethought in view of the need for mechanisms to deliver multimedia content with a certain level of quality of service (QoS). Due to high bandwidth, processing and stringent Qos requirements existing solutions are not feasible for WMSNs. Since the need to minimize the energy consumption has driven most of the research in sensor networks so far, there is a need to create mechanisms to efficiently deliver application-level QoS, and to map these requirements to network-layer metrics such as latency or delay. Additionally, in WSNs, an omnidirectional sensing model is often assumed where each sensor can equally detect its environment in each direction. Instead, multimedia sensors, specially video sensor, are directional sensors. A directional sensor is characterized by its sensing region which can be viewed as a sector in a three-dimensional plane. Therefore, it can only choose one active sector (or direction) at any time instant. Unfortunately, the many methods developed for deploying traditional WSNs cannot directly be used for optimizing and configuring directional WMSNs due to the different parameters involved. Therefore, new optimization models which capture the primary parameters characterizing directional sensors are necessary. The issues aforementioned are crucial challenges for the development of WMSNs. In this thesis, we are interested in the following aspects: routing of heterogeneous data (scalar and multimedia) from the nodes of a WMSN to the sink in order to provide better QoS experience to users; and an optimized deployment of directional sensors of a WMSN in a three-dimensional surface with the objective to cover all the control points as defined in such a space. Our thesis runs through three scientific papers, each addressing a specific problem. In our first paper, we address the problem of data routing based on different QoS metrics in a WMSN. We propose a new protocol AntSensNet, based on the traditional ant-based algorithm. The AntSensNet protocol builds a hierarchical structure on the network before choosing suitable paths to meet various QoS requirements from different kinds of traffic, thus maximizing network utilization, while improving its performance. In addition, AntSensNet is able to use a efficient multipath video packet scheduling in order to get minimum video distortion transmission. In the second paper, we address the problem of connection admission control for WMSNs. With admission control, it is possible to determine whether a network is capable of supporting a new data stream. Without admission control in a WMSN, the network performance will be compromised because the existing resources within the network cannot be enough for all the flows accepted and this will cause many problems such as packet loss and congestion. Taking multiple parameters into account, we propose a novel connection admission control scheme for the multimedia traffic circulating in the network. The proposed scheme is able to determine if a new flow can be admitted in the network considering the current link states and the energy of the nodes. The decision about accepting is taken in a distributed way, without trusting in a central entity to take this decision. In addition, our scheme works like a plug-in, being easily adaptable to any routing and MAC protocols. Our simulation results show the effectiveness of our approach to satisfy QoS requirements of flows and achieve fair bandwidth utilization and low jitter. Finally, in the third paper, we address the problem of optimal deployment of directional sensors in a 3D space. We have already mentioned that conventional methods to deploy omnidirectional sensors are not suitable to deploy directional sensors. To remedy this deficiency, we propose a mathematical model which aims at to determine the minimum number of connected directional multimedia sensor nodes and their configuration, needed to cover a set of control points in a given 3D space. The configuration of each deployed sensor is determined by three parameters: sensing range, field of view and orientation. We present the exact ILP formulation for the problem and an approximate (but computationally efficient) greedy algorithm solution. We also evaluate different properties of the proposed solutions through extensive simulations. Overall, the proposed solutions in this thesis are both innovative and practical. With these three papers, we have been successfully resolved the problems of a QoS-based routing protocol for WMSN and an optimal deployment of directional sensors in a 3D space, which are the components of the main objective of this thesis

    Radio resource management for OFDMA systems under practical considerations.

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is used on the downlink of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks such as Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) as it is able to offer substantial advantages such as combating channel impairments and supporting higher data rates. Also, by dynamically allocating subcarriers to users, frequency domain diversity as well as multiuser diversity can be effectively exploited so that performance can be greatly improved. The main focus of this thesis is on the development of practical resource allocation schemes for the OFDMA downlink. Imperfect Channel State Information (CSI), the limited capacity of the dedicated link used for CSI feedback, and the presence of a Connection Admission Control (CAC) unit are issues that are considered in this thesis to develop practical schemes. The design of efficient resource allocation schemes heavily depends on the CSI reported from the users to the transmitter. When the CSI is imperfect, a performance degradation is realized. It is therefore necessary to account for the imperfectness of the CSI when assigning radio resources to users. The first part of this thesis considers resource allocation strategies for OFDMA systems, where the transmitter only knows the statistical knowledge of the CSI (SCSI). The approach used shows that resources can be optimally allocated to achieve a performance that is comparable to that achieved when instantaneous CSI (ICSI) is available. The results presented show that the performance difference between the SCSI and ICSI based resource allocation schemes depends on the number of active users present in the cell, the Quality of Service (QoS) constraint, and the signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) per subcarrier. In practical systems only SCSI or CSI that is correlated to a certain extent with the true channel state can be used to perform resource allocation. An approach to quantifying the performance degradation for both cases is presented for the case where only a discrete number of modulation and coding levels are available for adaptive modulation and coding (AMC). Using the CSI estimates and the channel statistics, the approach can be used to perform resource allocation for both cases. It is shown that when a CAC unit is considered, CSI that is correlated with its present state leads to significantly higher values of the system throughput even under high user mobility. Motivated by the comparison between the correlated and statistical based resource allocation schemes, a strategy is then proposed which leads to a good tradeoff between overhead consumption and fairness as well as throughput when the presence of a CAC unit is considered. In OFDMA networks, the design of efficient CAC schemes also relies on the user CSI. The presence of a CAC unit needs to be considered when designing practical resource allocation schemes for BWA networks that support multiple service classes as it can guarantee fairness amongst them. In this thesis, a novel mechanism for CAC is developed which is based on the user channel gains and the cost of each service. This scheme divides the available bandwidth in accordance with a complete partitioning structure which allocates each service class an amount of non-overlapping bandwidth resource. In summary, the research results presented in this thesis contribute to the development of practical radio resource management schemes for BWA networks

    Analytical modeling of HSUPA-enabled UMTS networks for capacity planning

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    In recent years, mobile communication networks have experienced significant evolution. The 3G mobile communication system, UMTS, employs WCDMA as the air interface standard, which leads to quite different mobile network planning and dimensioning processes compared with 2G systems. The UMTS system capacity is limited by the received interference at NodeBs due to the unique features of WCDMA, which is denoted as `soft capacity'. Consequently, the key challenge in UMTS radio network planning has been shifted from channel allocation in the channelized 2G systems to blocking and outage probabilities computation under the `cell breathing' effects which are due to the relationship between network coverage and capacity. The interference characterization, especially for the other-cell interference, is one of the most important components in 3G mobile networks planning. This monograph firstly investigates the system behavior in the operation of UMTS uplink, and develops the analytic techniques to model interference and system load as fully-characterized random variables, which can be directly applicable to the performance modeling of such networks. When the analysis progresses from single-cell scenario to multi-cell scenario, as the target SIR oriented power control mechanism is employed for maximum capacity, more sophisticated system operation, `feedback behavior', has emerged, as the interference levels at different cells depend on each other. Such behaviors are also captured into the constructed interference model by iterative and approximation approaches. The models are then extended to cater for the features of the newly introduced HSUPA, which provides enhanced dedicated channels for the packet switched data services such that much higher bandwidth can be achieved for best-effort elastic traffic, which allows network operators to cope with the coexistence of both circuit-switched and packet-switched traffic and guarantee the QoS requirements. During the derivation, we consider various propagation models, traffic models, resource allocation schemes for many possible scenarios, each of which may lead to different analytical models. All the suggested models are validated with either Monte-Carlo simulations or discrete event simulations, where excellent matches between results are always achieved. Furthermore, this monograph studies the optimization-based resource allocation strategies in the UMTS uplink with integrated QoS/best-effort traffic. Optimization techniques, both linear-programming based and non-linear-programming based, are used to determine how much resource should be assigned to each enhanced uplink user in the multi-cell environment where each NodeB possesses full knowledge of the whole network. The system performance under such resource allocation schemes are analyzed and compared via Monte-Carlo simulations, which verifies that the proposed framework may serve as a good estimation and optimal reference to study how systems perform for network operators
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