149 research outputs found

    Deep Recurrent Neural Network-Based Autoencoders for Acoustic Novelty Detection

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    In the emerging field of acoustic novelty detection, most research efforts are devoted to probabilistic approaches such as mixture models or state-space models. Only recent studies introduced (pseudo-)generative models for acoustic novelty detection with recurrent neural networks in the form of an autoencoder. In these approaches, auditory spectral features of the next short term frame are predicted from the previous frames by means of Long-Short Term Memory recurrent denoising autoencoders. The reconstruction error between the input and the output of the autoencoder is used as activation signal to detect novel events. There is no evidence of studies focused on comparing previous efforts to automatically recognize novel events from audio signals and giving a broad and in depth evaluation of recurrent neural network-based autoencoders. The present contribution aims to consistently evaluate our recent novel approaches to fill this white spot in the literature and provide insight by extensive evaluations carried out on three databases: A3Novelty, PASCAL CHiME, and PROMETHEUS. Besides providing an extensive analysis of novel and state-of-the-art methods, the article shows how RNN-based autoencoders outperform statistical approaches up to an absolute improvement of 16.4% average F-measure over the three databases

    Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks for Imbalanced Sequence Classification

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been used in many different applications to generate realistic synthetic data. We introduce a novel GAN with Autoencoder (GAN-AE) architecture to generate synthetic samples for variable length, multi-feature sequence datasets. In this model, we develop a GAN architecture with an additional autoencoder component, where recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are used for each component of the model in order to generate synthetic data to improve classification accuracy for a highly imbalanced medical device dataset. In addition to the medical device dataset, we also evaluate the GAN-AE performance on two additional datasets and demonstrate the application of GAN-AE to a sequence-to-sequence task where both synthetic sequence inputs and sequence outputs must be generated. To evaluate the quality of the synthetic data, we train encoder-decoder models both with and without the synthetic data and compare the classification model performance. We show that a model trained with GAN-AE generated synthetic data outperforms models trained with synthetic data generated both with standard oversampling techniques such as SMOTE and Autoencoders as well as with state of the art GAN-based models

    Anomaly Detection for Application Log Data

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    In software development, there is an absolute requirement to ensure that a system once developed, functions at its best throughout its lifetime. Application log data is critical to maintaining application performance and thus techniques to parse, understand and detect anomalies in application log data are critical to ensuring efficiency in software development. While initially hampered by limited hardware and lack of quality datasets, anomaly detection techniques have recently received a surge of interest with advancements in machine learning technology and especially neural networks. In this paper, we explore anomaly detection, historical techniques to detect anomalies and recent advancements in neural networks, which promise to revolutionize anomaly detection in application log data. Further, we analyze the most promising anomaly detection techniques and propose a hybrid model combining LSTM Neural Network and Auto Encoder which improves upon existing techniques

    Identifying Restaurants Proposing Novel Kinds of Cuisines: Using Yelp Reviews

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    These days with TV-shows and starred chefs, new kinds of cuisines appear in the market. The main cuisines like French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Indian are always appreciated but they are no longer the most popular. The new trend is the fusion cuisine, which is obtained by combining different main cuisines. The opening of a new restaurant proposing new kinds of cuisine produces a lot of excitement in people. They feel the need to try it and be part of this new culture. Yelp is a platform which publishes crowd sourced reviews about different businesses, in particular, restaurants. For some restaurants in Yelp if the kind of cuisine is available, usually, there is a tag only for the main cuisines, but there is no information for the fusion cuisine. There is a need to develop a system which is able to identify restaurants proposing fusion cuisine (novel or unknown cuisines). This proposal is to address the novelty detection task using Yelp reviews. The idea is that the semi-supervised Machine Learning models trained only on the reviews of restaurants proposing the main cuisine will be able to discriminate between restaurants providing the main cuisine and restaurants providing the novel ones. We propose effective novelty detection approaches for the unknown cuisine type identification problem using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), autoencoder and Term-Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency(). Our main idea is to obtain features from LSTM, autoencoder and TF-IDF and use these features with standard semi-supervised novelty detection algorithms like Gaussian Mixture Model, Isolation Forest and One-class Support Vector Machines (SVM) to identify the unknown cuisines. We conducted extensive experiments that prove the effectiveness of our approaches. The score that we obtained has a very high discrimination power because the best value of AUROC for the novelty detection problem is 0.85 from LSTM. LSTM outperforms our baseline model of TF-IDF and the main motivation is due to its ability to retain only the useful parts of a sentence

    BINet: Multi-perspective Business Process Anomaly Classification

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    In this paper, we introduce BINet, a neural network architecture for real-time multi-perspective anomaly detection in business process event logs. BINet is designed to handle both the control flow and the data perspective of a business process. Additionally, we propose a set of heuristics for setting the threshold of an anomaly detection algorithm automatically. We demonstrate that BINet can be used to detect anomalies in event logs not only on a case level but also on event attribute level. Finally, we demonstrate that a simple set of rules can be used to utilize the output of BINet for anomaly classification. We compare BINet to eight other state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms and evaluate their performance on an elaborate data corpus of 29 synthetic and 15 real-life event logs. BINet outperforms all other methods both on the synthetic as well as on the real-life datasets
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