2,433 research outputs found

    A novel MAC proposal for critical and emergency communications in industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In this paper, three MAC protocols, EE-MAC, CF-MAC and OD-MAC, are proposed. EE-MAC incorporates emergency communication and allows immediate channel access for emergency traffic. CF-MAC compensates regulatory and open-loop control traffic and introduces a prioritized access for high priority nodes. It also allows nodes with critical data to reserve communication slots using control channel. Whereas OD-MAC presents a deadline based dynamic scheduler which ensures timely delivery of time-critical information. The paper presents mathematical modelling of the proposed protocols. For evaluation purposes, the performance of the proposed protocols is compared to IEEE 802.15.4e LLDN. The results show that the proposed protocols offer up to 92% reduction in delay in emergency communications at the cost of 5% to 15% increase in delay of time-insensitive data. A 60% and 85% reduction was observed in the channel access delay for regulatory and open-loop control traffic respectively along with notable improvements in communications reliability

    Wireless body sensor networks for health-monitoring applications

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Physiological Measurement. The publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0967-3334/29/11/R01

    Delay and reliability analysis of p-persistent carrier sense multiple access for multi-event industrial wireless sensor networks

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    In industrial environments various events can concurrently occur and may require different quality of service (QoS) provision based on different priority levels. To reduce the chances of collision and to improve efficiency in multi-event occurrence, Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) is a preferable choice for Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. However, it also increases the overall delay. In this paper, a Priority MAC protocol for Multi-Event industrial wireless sensor networks (PMME) is proposed. In PMME, use of different p values/sequences is proposed to enable multi-priority operation, which can be optimized to suit different operational classes within industrial applications including emergency, regulatory control, supervisory control, open-loop control, alerting and monitoring systems. In this work, novel mathematical model as well as simulations are presented to validate the accuracy and performance of the proposed protocol. Mathematical analysis shows that the proposed PMME can prioritize data packets effectively while ensuring ultra-reliable and low latency communications for high priority nodes. Simulations in Castalia verify that PMME with different p values/sequences notably reduces packet delay for all four priority classes. The PMME also returns a high packet success rate compared to other two well-known priority enabled MAC protocols, QoS aware energy-efficient (QAEE) and multi-priority based QoS (MPQ), in multi-event industrial wireless sensor networks

    A Review on Provisioning Quality of Service of Wireless Telemedicine for E-Health Services

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    In general, on-line medical consultation reduces time required for medical consultation induces improvement in the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. All major types of current e-health applications such as ECG, X-ray, video, diagnosis images and other common applications have been included in the scope of the study. In addition, the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) for the application of specific healthcare services in e-health, the scheme of priority for e-health services and the support of QoS in wireless networks and techniques or methods for IEEE 802.11 to guarantee the provision of QoS has also been assessed. In e-health, medical services in remote locations such as rural healthcare centers, ambulances, ships as well as home healthcare services can be supported through the applications of e-health services such as medical databases, electronic health records and the routing of text, audio, video and images. Given this, an adaptive resource allocation for a wireless network with multiple service types and multiple priorities have been proposed. For the provision of an acceptable QoS level to users of e-health services, prioritization is an important criterion in a multi-traffic network. The requirement for QoS provisioning in wireless broadband medical networks have paved the pathway for bandwidth requirements and the real-time or live transmission of medical applications. From the study, good performance of the proposed scheme has been validated by the results obtained. The proposed wireless network is capable of handling medical applications for both normal and life-threatening conditions as characterized by the level of emergencies. In addition, the bandwidth allocation and admission control algorithm for IEEE 802.16- based design specifically for wireless telemedicine/e-health services have also been presented in the study. It has been concluded that under busy traffic conditions, the proposed architecture can used as a feasible and reliable infrastructure network for telemedicine

    Spectrum handoff strategy for cognitive radio-based Mac in industrial wirless sensor and actuator networks

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    In this thesis, a Cognitive Radio(CR)-based MAC for Industrial Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (IWSAN) applications is proposed. IWSANs are typically used for closed-loop control applications, and they demand strict requirements in terms of time and robustness. Low latency and low error rates are required in order not to endanger persons or machinery. Moreover, these applications operate in industrial environments such as factories or transport scenarios (as aeronautics or railway) where multipath fading and shadowing are present due to metal surfaces. Furthermore, interference from other communication systems or industrial machinery is also common in these environments. The proposed MAC, based on the CR paradigm, is capable of ensuring time and robustness requirements in industrial channels. In the process of designing the CR-based MAC for IWSAN applications, a comparison between several non-CR-based MACs and CR-based MACs has been carried out. This comparison, which allows stating the benefits of CR for these applications, is presented in this thesis. The performance of every MAC is determined theoretically using Network Calculus, and it is validated through OPNET simulations. CR solutions, due to their adaptability characteristics, are capable of avoiding interference and ensuring robustness in industrial environments. However, none of the selected MACs are capable of ensuring robustness without comprising time requirements, since interference is avoided but not in a bounded time. On the other hand, the MAC proposed in this thesis is capable of avoiding interference ensuring time and robustness requirements at the same time. This MAC is therefore suitable for IWSAN applications. To ensure a deterministic behavior against interference, a novel handoff algorithm, which detects interference and hops to another channel, has been proposed. This algorithm has been designed to be used jointly with one of the evaluated MACs. The detection of the interference and the hop to another channel is done in a bounded time, because the proposed algorithm detects interference while the system is transmitting. The performance of this proposal is evaluated using Network Calculus and OPNET simulations, and the results are compared with the system without the proposed handoff algorithm. The comparison of the results shows how the evaluated MAC is only capable of ensuring both time and robustness requirements when the proposed handoff strategy is used. Moreover, the spectrum sensing algorithm used to obtain information about the environment is delved and its performance is measured through MATLAB simulations. An energy detector has been chosen due to its simplicity. Also, a cyclostationary Modulation Classifier is presented and a simplification has been carried out allowing its implementation on real hardware. The Modulation Classifier is capable of distinguishing between OFDM, QPSK and GFSK signals. The performance of the algorithm is presented in this thesis for different signals and for different receiver impairments such as frequency offset, DC offset and I/Q imbalance. Finally, a cognitive platform to validate the spectrum sensing algorithms is presented. This platform has been designed using a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA by a working group composed of researchers from IK4-Ikerlan and Mondragon Unibertsitatea. The platform, which uses both spectrum sensing algorithms, is an Ethernet-to-RF bridge. It has been designed to replace an Ethernet wired link by a wireless one for IWSAN applications. The proposed platform ensures a reliable communication link against interference. In the proposed implementation, the energy detector is used by the transmitter in order to find a free channel to transmit data, whereas the modulation classifier is used by the receiver in order to distinguish between the signal transmitted by the RF-Ethernet bridge and other signals. In this way the receiver can find the channel where the transmitter is carrying out the communication.En esta tesis se propone una MAC basada en el paradigma de la Radio Cognitiva (RC) para redes de sensores y actuadores inalĂĄmbricos industriales. Estas redes se suelen utilizar para aplicaciones de control en lazo cerrado, que exigen requisitos estrictos de tiempo y robustez. Para no poner en peligro la salud de las personas o la maquinaria es necesario que la red asegure una baja latencia y una tasa baja de errores. AdemĂĄs, al trabajar en ambientes industriales como fĂĄbricas o transportes (trenes, aviones, etc.), estas redes tienen que hacer frente a canales con mucho desvanecimiento por multitrayecto y efecto sombra debido a las superficies metĂĄlicas. TambiĂ©n es comĂșn en estos entornos que haya interferencias de otros sistemas de comunicaciones o de la propia maquinaria industrial. La MAC propuesta en esta tesis es capaz de asegurar los requisitos temporales y de robustez demandados trabajando en este tipo de entornos. En el proceso de diseño de la MAC basada en RC para redes de sensores y actuadores inalĂĄmbricos industriales, se ha llevado a cabo una comparaciĂłn de diferentes MACs diseñadas para estas redes. Se han evaluado tanto MACs basadas en RC como no basadas en ella, estableciendo las ventajas de la RC para estas aplicaciones. La evaluaciĂłn se ha llevado a cabo haciendo un estudio teĂłrico mediante Network Calculus, cuyos resultados se han validado mediante simulaciones en OPNET. Los resultados muestran como la RC es capaz de evitar interferencias y asegurar robustez en ambientes industriales. Sin embargo, ninguna de las MACs seleccionadas ha conseguido asegurar ambos requisitos, temporales y de robustez, al mismo tiempo; se puede evitar las interferencias pero no sin comprometer los requisitos temporales de la aplicaciĂłn. Sin embargo, la MAC propuesta es capaz de evitar interferencias asegurando al mismo tiempo los requisitos temporales y de robustez. Por lo tanto, la MAC propuesta es apropiada para este tipo de redes. Para asegurar el comportamiento determinista del sistema, se ha propuesto un novedoso algoritmo de handoff que es capaz de detectar una interferencia y saltar a otro canal. Este algoritmo se ha diseñado para ser utilizado conjuntamente con una de las MACs previamente evaluadas. La detecciĂłn de la interferencia y el salto a otro canal se hace en un tiempo determinado de tiempo, ya que es posible detectar interferencias mientras el sistema estĂĄ transmitiendo. Su rendimiento se ha evaluado mediante Network Calculus y simulaciones en OPNET, y se ha comparado con los resultados obtenidos con la MAC cuando no se utiliza el esquema propuesto. De la comparaciĂłn se deduce que el esquema de handoff añade a la MAC la capacidad de asegurar a la vez los requisitos temporales y de robustez. AdemĂĄs, en la tesis se explica el algoritmo de spectrum sensing que la MAC utiliza para obtener informaciĂłn del entorno, y su rendimiento se ha estudiado mediante simulaciones en MATLAB. Debido a su simplicidad, se ha optado por un detector de energĂ­a para este propĂłsito. TambiĂ©n se presenta un clasificador de modulaciones cicloestacionario. Este clasificador ha sido simplificado todo lo posible para posibilitar su implementaciĂłn en hardware real. El clasificador de modulaciones es capaz de distinguir entre señales OFDM, QPSK y GFSK. Su rendimiento se detalla para diferentes señales y para diferentes deficiencias presentes en el receptor, como son offset de frecuencia, offset de continua o desequilibrios I/Q. Por Ășltimo, se presenta una plataforma cognitiva que se ha utilizado para validar los algoritmos de spectrum sensing. Un grupo de trabajo compuesto por investigadores de IK4-Ikerlan y Mondragon Unibertsitatea ha diseñado esta plataforma sobre una FPGA Virtex 6 de Xilinx. La plataforma, que utiliza los dos algoritmos de spectrum sensing, es un puente Ethernet-RF. Su objetivo es reemplazar un enlace cableado de Ethernet por uno inalĂĄmbrico para aplicaciones de redes de sensores y actuadores industriales. Gracias a los algoritmos de spectrum sensing, la plataforma es capaz de asegurar un enlace robusto ante interferencias. El detector de energĂ­a se utiliza en el transmisor para encontrar los posibles canales libres donde transmitir la informaciĂłn. Mientras que el clasificador de modulaciones se utiliza en el receptor para distinguir entre la señal del transmisor y otras posibles señales. Esto permite al receptor saber en quĂ© canal de todos los posibles estĂĄ el transmisor.Tesi honetan proposatzen da Irrati Kognitiboaren (IK) paradigman oinarritutako MAC bat industriako haririk gabeko sentsore eta eragingailuen sareetarako. Sare horiek begizta itxiko kontrol aplikazioetarako erabili ohi dira, denbora eta sendotasunaren aldetik baldintza ugari eskatzen dute eta. Pertsonen osasuna eta makinak arriskuan ez jartzeko, beharrezkoa da sareak latentzia eta hutsegite tasa txikiak bermatzea. Gainera, industri giroetan lan egiteko direnez, esaterako, lantegietan edo garraioetan (trenak, hegazkinak, etab.), sare horiek gai izan behar dira gainazal metalikoek eragiten dituzten ibilbide aniztunaren eta itzal efektuaren ondorioz asko barreiatzen diren kanalei aurre egiteko. Ingurune horien ohiko ezaugarria da, baita ere, beste komunikazio sistema batzuen edo industriako makinen beraien interferentziak egotea. Tesi honetan proposatzen den MACa gai da honelako inguruetan lan egiteko denborari eta sendotasunari dagokienez eskatzen dituen baldintzak ziurtatzeko. IKan oinarrituta haririk gabeko sentsore eta eragingailu industrialen sareetarako MACa diseinatzeko prozesuan, horrelako sareetarako aurkeztu diren hainbat MAC alderatu dira. IKan oinarritutako MACak zein bestelakoak ebaluatu dira, eta IKak aplikazio hauetarako dituen abantailak ezarri dira. Ebaluaziorako Network Calculus erabili da, zeinaren bidez azterketa teoriko bat egin baita, eta azterketaren emaitzak OPNETen simulazioak eginda baliozkotu dira. Emaitzek erakusten dutenez, IKa gai da industriako inguruneetan interferentziak ekidin eta sendotasuna ziurtatzeko. Halere, aukeratu diren MACetatik batek ere ez du lortu baldintza biak, denborari buruzkoa zein sendotasunari buruzkoa, aldi berean ziurtatzea; interferentziak ekidin daitezke, baina ez aplikazioaren denborari buruzko baldintzak arriskuan jarri gabe. Dena dela, proposatu den MACak portaera determinista bat ziurtatzen du interferentziekiko, eta aldi berean denborari eta sendotasunari buruzko baldintzak ere ziurtatzen ditu. Hortaz, MAC hau egokia da sare mota honetarako. Sistemaren portaera determinista ziurtatzeko, handoff algoritmo berritzailea proposatu da, zeina interferentzia bat antzeman eta beste kanal bat igarotzeko gai den. Algoritmo hori aurretik ebaluatutakoa MACetako batekin batera erabiltzeko diseinatu da. Interferentzia antzeman eta beste kanal batera salto egitea denbora jakin batean egiten da, izan ere, sistema transmititzen ari dela antzeman baitaitezke interferentziak. Network Calculusen bitartez eta OPNETeko simulazioen bitartez ebaluatu da sistemaren errendimendua, eta proposatutako eskema erabiltzen ez denean MACak ematen dituen emaitzekin alderatu da. Alderaketa horretatik ondorioztatzen denez, handoff eskemak denborari eta sendotasunari buruzko baldintzak batera ziurtatzeko ahalmena ematen dio MACari. Gainera, tesiak azaltzen du inguruneari buruzko informazioa eskuratzeko MACak erabiltzen duen spectrum sensing algoritmoa, eta bere errendimendua MATLABen simulazioak eginez aztertu da. Bere sinpletasuna dela eta, energia detektore bat aukeratu da asmo honetarako. Modulazio sailkatzaile zikloegonkor bat ere aurkezten da. Sailkapen hori ahalik eta gehien sinplifikatu da benetako hardwarean inplementatu ahal izateko. Modulazioen sailkatzaileak OFDM, QPSK eta GFSK seinaleak bereizi ditzake. Bere errendimendua hargailuan dauden seinale eta akats desberdinetarako zehazten da, esaterako maiztasunaren offset-a,zuzenaren offset-a edo I/Q desorekak. Bukatzeko, spectrum sensing-eko algoritmoak baliozkotzeko erabili den plataforma kognitibo bat aurkezten da. IK4-Ikerlaneko eta Mondragon Unibertsitateko ikertzailez osatutako lantalde batek diseinatu du plataforma hori Xilinxen Virtex 6 FPGA baten oinarrutz. Plataformak spectrum sensing-eko bi algoritmo erabiltzen ditu eta Ethernet-RF zubi bat da. Bere helburua da Etherneteko kable bidezko lotura bat haririk gabeko batekin ordeztea industriako sentsore eta eragingailuen sareetan aplikatzeko. Spectrum sensing-eko algoritmoei esker, plataformak lotura sendoa bermatu dezake interferentziak gertatzen direnean. Energia detektorea transmisorean erabiltzen da informazioa transmititzeko erabilgarri egon daitezkeen kanalak aurkitzeko. Modulazioen sailkatzailea, berriz, hargailuan erabiltzen da transmisorearen seinalea eta egon daitezkeen beste seinale batzuk bereizteko. Horri esker, hargailuak badaki posible diren kanal guztietatik non dagoen transmisorea

    Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Automation

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    Intelligent IoT Traffic Classification Using Novel Search Strategy for Fast Based-Correlation Feature Selection in Industrial Environments

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    [EN] Internet of Things (IoT) can be combined with machine learning in order to provide intelligent applications to the network nodes. Furthermore, IoT expands these advantages and technologies to the industry. In this paper, we propose a modification of one of the most popular algorithms for feature selection, fast-based-correlation feature (FCBF). The key idea is to split the feature space in fragments with the same size. By introducing this division, we can improve the correlation and, therefore, the machine learning applications that are operating on each node. This kind of IoT applications for industry allows us to separate and prioritize the sensor data from the multimedia-related traffic. With this separation, the sensors are able to detect efficiently emergency situations and avoid both material and human damage. The results show the performance of the three FCBF-based algorithms for different problems and different classifiers, confirming the improvements achieved by our approach in terms of model accuracy and execution time.This paper was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana and the Fondo de Desarrollo Regional within the project Inteligencia distribuida para el control y adaptacion de redes dinamicas definidas por software under Grant TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P, in part by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte, through the Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formacion del Profesorado Universitario FPU (Convocatoria 2015) under Grant FPU15/06837, and in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento within the Project TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. (Corresponding author: Jaime Lloret.)Egea, S.; Rego Mañez, A.; Carro, B.; Sånchez-Esguevillas, A.; Lloret, J. (2018). Intelligent IoT Traffic Classification Using Novel Search Strategy for Fast Based-Correlation Feature Selection in Industrial Environments. IEEE Internet of Things. 5(3):1616-1624. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2017.2787959S161616245
