115 research outputs found

    Development of a Navier-Stokes algorithm for parallel-processing supercomputers

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    An explicit flow solver, applicable to the hierarchy of model equations ranging from Euler to full Navier-Stokes, is combined with several techniques designed to reduce computational expense. The computational domain consists of local grid refinements embedded in a global coarse mesh, where the locations of these refinements are defined by the physics of the flow. Flow characteristics are also used to determine which set of model equations is appropriate for solution in each region, thereby reducing not only the number of grid points at which the solution must be obtained, but also the computational effort required to get that solution. Acceleration to steady-state is achieved by applying multigrid on each of the subgrids, regardless of the particular model equations being solved. Since each of these components is explicit, advantage can readily be taken of the vector- and parallel-processing capabilities of machines such as the Cray X-MP and Cray-2

    Algorithm Libraries for Multi-Core Processors

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    By providing parallelized versions of established algorithm libraries, we ease the exploitation of the multiple cores on modern processors for the programmer. The Multi-Core STL provides basic algorithms for internal memory, while the parallelized STXXL enables multi-core acceleration for algorithms on large data sets stored on disk. Some parallelized geometric algorithms are introduced into CGAL. Further, we design and implement sorting algorithms for huge data in distributed external memory

    A Practical Hierarchial Model of Parallel Computation: The Model

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    We introduce a model of parallel computation that retains the ideal properties of the PRAM by using it as a sub-model, while simultaneously being more reflective of realistic parallel architectures by accounting for and providing abstract control over communication and synchronization costs. The Hierarchical PRAM (H-PRAM) model controls conceptual complexity in the face of asynchrony in two ways. First, by providing the simplifying assumption of synchronization to the design of algorithms, but allowing the algorithms to work asynchronously with each other; and organizing this control asynchrony via an implicit hierarchy relation. Second, by allowing the restriction of communication asynchrony in order to obtain determinate algorithms (thus greatly simplifying proofs of correctness). It is shown that the model is reflective of a variety of existing and proposed parallel architectures, particularly ones that can support massive parallelism. Relationships to programming languages are discussed. Since the PRAM is a sub-model, we can use PRAM algorithms as sub-algorithms in algorithms for the H-PRAM; thus results that have been established with respect to the PRAM are potentially transferable to this new model. The H-PRAM can be used as a flexible tool to investigate general degrees of locality (“neighborhoods of activity) in problems, considering communication and synchronization simultaneously. This gives the potential of obtaining algorithms that map more efficiently to architectures, and of increasing the number of processors that can efficiently be used on a problem (in comparison to a PRAM that charges for communication and synchronization). The model presents a framework in which to study the extent that general locality can be exploited in parallel computing. A companion paper demonstrates the usage of the H-PRAM via the design and analysis of various algorithms for computing the complete binary tree and the FFT/butterfly graph

    A Heterogeneous High Performance Computing Framework For Ill-Structured Spatial Join Processing

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    The frequently employed spatial join processing over two large layers of polygonal datasets to detect cross-layer polygon pairs (CPP) satisfying a join-predicate faces challenges common to ill-structured sparse problems, namely, that of identifying the few intersecting cross-layer edges out of the quadratic universe. The algorithmic engineering challenge is compounded by GPGPU SIMT architecture. Spatial join involves lightweight filter phase typically using overlap test over minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs) to discard majority of CPPs, followed by refinement phase to rigorously test the join predicate over the edges of the surviving CPPs. In this dissertation, we develop new techniques - algorithms, data structure, i/o, load balancing and system implementation - to accelerate the two-phase spatial-join processing. We present a new filtering technique, called Common MBR Filter (CMF), which changes the overall characteristic of the spatial join algorithms wherein the refinement phase is no longer the computational bottleneck. CMF is designed based on the insight that intersecting cross-layer edges must lie within the rectangular intersection of the MBRs of CPPs, their common MBRs (CMBR). We also address a key limitation of CMF for class of spatial datasets with either large or dense active CMBRs by extended CMF, called CMF-grid, that effectively employs both CMBR and grid techniques by embedding a uniform grid over CMBR of each CPP, but of suitably engineered sizes for different CPPs. To show efficiency of CMF-based filters, extensive mathematical and experimental analysis is provided. Then, two GPU-based spatial join systems are proposed based on two CMF versions including four components: 1) sort-based MBR filter, 2) CMF/CMF-grid, 3) point-in-polygon test, and, 4) edge-intersection test. The systems show two orders of magnitude speedup over the optimized sequential GEOS C++ library. Furthermore, we present a distributed system of heterogeneous compute nodes to exploit GPU-CPU computing in order to scale up the computation. A load balancing model based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is formulated for this system. We also provide three heuristic algorithms to approximate the ILP. Finally, we develop MPI-cuda-GIS system based on this heterogeneous computing model by integrating our CUDA-based GPU system into a newly designed distributed framework designed based on Message Passing Interface (MPI). Experimental results show good scalability and performance of MPI-cuda-GIS system

    Compilation techniques for irregular problems on parallel machines

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    Massively parallel computers have ushered in the era of teraflop computing. Even though large and powerful machines are being built, they are used by only a fraction of the computing community. The fundamental reason for this situation is that parallel machines are difficult to program. Development of compilers that automatically parallelize programs will greatly increase the use of these machines.;A large class of scientific problems can be categorized as irregular computations. In this class of computation, the data access patterns are known only at runtime, creating significant difficulties for a parallelizing compiler to generate efficient parallel codes. Some compilers with very limited abilities to parallelize simple irregular computations exist, but the methods used by these compilers fail for any non-trivial applications code.;This research presents development of compiler transformation techniques that can be used to effectively parallelize an important class of irregular programs. A central aim of these transformation techniques is to generate codes that aggressively prefetch data. Program slicing methods are used as a part of the code generation process. In this approach, a program written in a data-parallel language, such as HPF, is transformed so that it can be executed on a distributed memory machine. An efficient compiler runtime support system has been developed that performs data movement and software caching

    Progress Report : 1991 - 1994

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    Arquitectura, técnicas y modelos para posibilitar la Ciencia de Datos en el Archivo de la Misión Gaia

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 26/05/2017.The massive amounts of data that the world produces every day pose new challenges to modern societies in terms of how to leverage their inherent value. Social networks, instant messaging, video, smart devices and scientific missions are just mere examples of the vast number of sources generating data every second. As the world becomes more and more digitalized, new needs arise for organizing, archiving, sharing, analyzing, visualizing and protecting the ever-increasing data sets, so that we can truly develop into a data-driven economy that reduces inefficiencies and increases sustainability, creating new business opportunities on the way. Traditional approaches for harnessing data are not suitable any more as they lack the means for scaling to the larger volumes in a timely and cost efficient manner. This has somehow changed with the advent of Internet companies like Google and Facebook, which have devised new ways of tackling this issue. However, the variety and complexity of the value chains in the private sector as well as the increasing demands and constraints in which the public one operates, needs an ongoing research that can yield newer strategies for dealing with data, facilitate the integration of providers and consumers of information, and guarantee a smooth and prompt transition when adopting these cutting-edge technological advances. This thesis aims at providing novel architectures and techniques that will help perform this transition towards Big Data in massive scientific archives. It highlights the common pitfalls that must be faced when embracing it and how to overcome them, especially when the data sets, their transformation pipelines and the tools used for the analysis are already present in the organizations. Furthermore, a new perspective for facilitating a smoother transition is laid out. It involves the usage of higher-level and use case specific frameworks and models, which will naturally bridge the gap between the technological and scientific domains. This alternative will effectively widen the possibilities of scientific archives and therefore will contribute to the reduction of the time to science. The research will be applied to the European Space Agency cornerstone mission Gaia, whose final data archive will represent a tremendous discovery potential. It will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), providing unprecedented position, parallax and proper motion measurements for about one billion stars. The successful exploitation of this data archive will depend to a large degree on the ability to offer the proper architecture, i.e. infrastructure and middleware, upon which scientists will be able to do exploration and modeling with this huge data set. In consequence, the approach taken needs to enable data fusion with other scientific archives, as this will produce the synergies leading to an increment in scientific outcome, both in volume and in quality. The set of novel techniques and frameworks presented in this work addresses these issues by contextualizing them with the data products that will be generated in the Gaia mission. All these considerations have led to the foundations of the architecture that will be leveraged by the Science Enabling Applications Work Package. Last but not least, the effectiveness of the proposed solution will be demonstrated through the implementation of some ambitious statistical problems that will require significant computational capabilities, and which will use Gaia-like simulated data (the first Gaia data release has recently taken place on September 14th, 2016). These ambitious problems will be referred to as the Grand Challenge, a somewhat grandiloquent name that consists in inferring a set of parameters from a probabilistic point of view for the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of a given set of stars (with a huge sample size), from noisy estimates of their masses and ages respectively. This will be achieved by using Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling (HBM). In principle, the HBM can incorporate stellar evolution models to infer the IMF and SFR directly, but in this first step presented in this thesis, we will start with a somewhat less ambitious goal: inferring the PDMF and PDAD. Moreover, the performance and scalability analyses carried out will also prove the suitability of the models for the large amounts of data that will be available in the Gaia data archive.Las grandes cantidades de datos que se producen en el mundo diariamente plantean nuevos retos a la sociedad en términos de cómo extraer su valor inherente. Las redes sociales, mensajería instantánea, los dispositivos inteligentes y las misiones científicas son meros ejemplos del gran número de fuentes generando datos en cada momento. Al mismo tiempo que el mundo se digitaliza cada vez más, aparecen nuevas necesidades para organizar, archivar, compartir, analizar, visualizar y proteger la creciente cantidad de datos, para que podamos desarrollar economías basadas en datos e información que sean capaces de reducir las ineficiencias e incrementar la sostenibilidad, creando nuevas oportunidades de negocio por el camino. La forma en la que se han manejado los datos tradicionalmente no es la adecuada hoy en día, ya que carece de los medios para escalar a los volúmenes más grandes de datos de una forma oportuna y eficiente. Esto ha cambiado de alguna manera con la llegada de compañías que operan en Internet como Google o Facebook, ya que han concebido nuevas aproximaciones para abordar el problema. Sin embargo, la variedad y complejidad de las cadenas de valor en el sector privado y las crecientes demandas y limitaciones en las que el sector público opera, necesitan una investigación continua en la materia que pueda proporcionar nuevas estrategias para procesar las enormes cantidades de datos, facilitar la integración de productores y consumidores de información, y garantizar una transición rápida y fluida a la hora de adoptar estos avances tecnológicos innovadores. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo proporcionar nuevas arquitecturas y técnicas que ayudarán a realizar esta transición hacia Big Data en archivos científicos masivos. La investigación destaca los escollos principales a encarar cuando se adoptan estas nuevas tecnologías y cómo afrontarlos, principalmente cuando los datos y las herramientas de transformación utilizadas en el análisis existen en la organización. Además, se exponen nuevas medidas para facilitar una transición más fluida. Éstas incluyen la utilización de software de alto nivel y específico al caso de uso en cuestión, que haga de puente entre el dominio científico y tecnológico. Esta alternativa ampliará de una forma efectiva las posibilidades de los archivos científicos y por tanto contribuirá a la reducción del tiempo necesario para generar resultados científicos a partir de los datos recogidos en las misiones de astronomía espacial y planetaria. La investigación se aplicará a la misión de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) Gaia, cuyo archivo final de datos presentará un gran potencial para el descubrimiento y hallazgo desde el punto de vista científico. La misión creará el catálogo en tres dimensiones más grande y preciso de nuestra galaxia (la Vía Láctea), proporcionando medidas sin precedente acerca del posicionamiento, paralaje y movimiento propio de alrededor de mil millones de estrellas. Las oportunidades para la explotación exitosa de este archivo de datos dependerán en gran medida de la capacidad de ofrecer la arquitectura adecuada, es decir infraestructura y servicios, sobre la cual los científicos puedan realizar la exploración y modelado con esta inmensa cantidad de datos. Por tanto, la estrategia a realizar debe ser capaz de combinar los datos con otros archivos científicos, ya que esto producirá sinergias que contribuirán a un incremento en la ciencia producida, tanto en volumen como en calidad de la misma. El conjunto de técnicas e infraestructuras innovadoras presentadas en este trabajo aborda estos problemas, contextualizándolos con los productos de datos que se generarán en la misión Gaia. Todas estas consideraciones han conducido a los fundamentos de la arquitectura que se utilizará en el paquete de trabajo de aplicaciones que posibilitarán la ciencia en el archivo de la misión Gaia (Science Enabling Applications). Por último, la eficacia de la solución propuesta se demostrará a través de la implementación de dos problemas estadísticos que requerirán cantidades significativas de cómputo, y que usarán datos simulados en el mismo formato en el que se producirán en el archivo de la misión Gaia (la primera versión de datos recogidos por la misión está disponible desde el día 14 de Septiembre de 2016). Estos ambiciosos problemas representan el Gran Reto (Grand Challenge), un nombre grandilocuente que consiste en inferir una serie de parámetros desde un punto de vista probabilístico para la función de masa inicial (Initial Mass Function) y la tasa de formación estelar (Star Formation Rate) dado un conjunto de estrellas (con una muestra grande), desde estimaciones con ruido de sus masas y edades respectivamente. Esto se abordará utilizando modelos jerárquicos bayesianos (Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling). Enprincipio,losmodelospropuestos pueden incorporar otros modelos de evolución estelar para inferir directamente la función de masa inicial y la tasa de formación estelar, pero en este primer paso presentado en esta tesis, empezaremos con un objetivo algo menos ambicioso: la inferencia de la función de masa y distribución de edades actual (Present-Day Mass Function y Present-Day Age Distribution respectivamente). Además, se llevará a cabo el análisis de rendimiento y escalabilidad para probar la idoneidad de la implementación de dichos modelos dadas las enormes cantidades de datos que estarán disponibles en el archivo de la misión Gaia...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    Algorithms for Triangles, Cones & Peaks

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    Three different geometric objects are at the center of this dissertation: triangles, cones and peaks. In computational geometry, triangles are the most basic shape for planar subdivisions. Particularly, Delaunay triangulations are a widely used for manifold applications in engineering, geographic information systems, telecommunication networks, etc. We present two novel parallel algorithms to construct the Delaunay triangulation of a given point set. Yao graphs are geometric spanners that connect each point of a given set to its nearest neighbor in each of kk cones drawn around it. They are used to aid the construction of Euclidean minimum spanning trees or in wireless networks for topology control and routing. We present the first implementation of an optimal O(nlogn)\mathcal{O}(n \log n)-time sweepline algorithm to construct Yao graphs. One metric to quantify the importance of a mountain peak is its isolation. Isolation measures the distance between a peak and the closest point of higher elevation. Computing this metric from high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) requires efficient algorithms. We present a novel sweep-plane algorithm that can calculate the isolation of all peaks on Earth in mere minutes

    Third CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 2

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    Expert systems are computer programs which emulate human expertise in well defined problem domains. The C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) is an expert system building tool, developed at the Johnson Space Center, which provides a complete environment for the development and delivery of rule and/or object based expert systems. CLIPS was specifically designed to provide a low cost option for developing and deploying expert system applications across a wide range of hardware platforms. The development of CLIPS has helped to improve the ability to deliver expert system technology throughout the public and private sectors for a wide range of applications and diverse computing environments. The Third Conference on CLIPS provided a forum for CLIPS users to present and discuss papers relating to CLIPS applications, uses, and extensions