153 research outputs found

    On maxitive integration

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    A functional is said to be maxitive if it commutes with the (pointwise) supremum operation. Such functionals find application in particular in decision theory and related fields. In the present paper, maxitive functionals are characterized as integrals with respect to maxitive measures (also known as possibility measures or idempotent measures). These maxitive integrals are then compared with the usual additive and nonadditive integrals on the basis of some important properties, such as convexity, subadditivity, and the law of iterated expectations

    Martingale optimal transport duality

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    We obtain a dual representation of the Kantorovich functional defined for functions on the Skorokhod space using quotient sets. Our representation takes the form of a Choquet capacity generated by martingale measures satisfying additional constraints to ensure compatibility with the quotient sets. These sets contain stochastic integrals defined pathwise and two such definitions starting with simple integrands are given. Another important ingredient of our analysis is a regularized version of Jakubowski's SS-topology on the Skorokhod space.Comment: 29 page

    The convexity-cone approach to comparative risk and downside risk.

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    We establish a calculus characterization of the core of supermodular games, which reduces the description of the core to the computation of suitable Gateaux derivatives of the Choquet integrals associated with the game. Our result generalizes to infinite games a classic result of Shapley (1971). As a secondary contribution, we provide a fairly complete analysis of the Gateaux and Frechet differentiability of the Choquet integrals of supermodular measure games.

    Unbounded Utility for Savage's "Foundations of Statistics," and Other Models

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    A general procedure for extending finite-dimensional "additive-like" representations for binary relations to infinite-dimensional "integral-like" representations is developed by means of a condition called truncation-continuity. The restriction of boundedness of utility, met throughout the literature, can now be dispensed with, and for instance normal distributions, or any other distribution with finite first moment, can be incorporated. Classical representation results of expected utility, such as Savage (1954), von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944), Anscombe and Aumann (1963), de Finetti (1937), and many others, can now be extended. The results are generalized to Schmeidler's (1989) approach with nonadditive measures and Choquet integrals, and Quiggin's (1982) rank-dependent utility. The different approaches have been brought together in this paper to bring to the fore the unity in the extension process

    Risk measurement with the equivalent utility principles.

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    Risk measures have been studied for several decades in the actuarial literature, where they appeared under the guise of premium calculation principles. Risk measures and properties that risk measures should satisfy have recently received considerable at- tention in the financial mathematics literature. Mathematically, a risk measure is a mapping from a class of random variables defined on some measurable space to the (extended) real line. Economically, a risk measure should capture the preferences of the decision-maker. In incomplete financial markets, prices are no more unique but depend on the agents' attitudes towards risk. This paper complements the study initiated in Denuit, Dhaene & Van Wouwe (1999) and considers several theories for decision under uncertainty: the classical expected utility paradigm, Yaari's dual approach, maximin expected utility theory, Choquet expected utility theory and Quiggin rank-dependent utility theory. Building on the actuarial equivalent utility pricing principle, broad classes of risk measures are generated, of which most classical risk measures appear to be particular cases. This approach shows that most risk measures studied recently in the financial literature disregard the utility concept (i.e. correspond to linear utilities), causing some deficiencies. Some alternatives proposed in the literature are discussed, based on exponential utilities.Actuarial; Coherence; Decision; Expected; Market; Markets; Measurement; Preference; Premium; Prices; Pricing; Principles; Random variables; Research; Risk; Risk measure; Risk measurement; Space; Studies; Theory; Uncertainty; Utilities; Variables;

    Choquet integrals in potential theory

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    This is a survey of various applications of the notion of the Choquet integral to questions in Potential Theory, i.e. the integral of a function with respect to a non-additive set function on subsets of Euclidean n-space, capacity. The Choquet integral is, in a sense, a nonlinear extension of the standard Lebesgue integral with respect to the linear set function, measure. Applications include an integration principle for potentials, inequalities for maximal functions, stability for solutions to obstacle problems, and a refined notion of pointwise differentiation of Sobolev functions

    Risk, ambiguity, and the separation of utility and beliefs.

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    We introduce a general model of static choice under uncertainty, arguably the weakest model achieving a separation of cardinal utility and a unique representation of beliefs. Most of the non-expected utility models existing in the literature are special cases of it. Such separation is motivated by the view that tastes are constant, whereas beliefs change with new information. The model has a simple and natural axiomatization. Elsewhere (forthcoming) we show that it can be very helpful in the characterization of a notion of ambiguity aversion, as separating utility and beliefs allows to identify and remove aspects of risk attitude from the decision makerā€™s behavior. Here we show that the model allows to generalize several results on the characterization of risk aversion in betting behavior. These generalizations are of independent interest, as they show that some traditional results for subjective expected utility preferences can be formulated only in terms of binary acts.
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