289 research outputs found

    "Algorithms for some Graph-Theoretical Optimization Problems".

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    Samenvatting Deze thesis situeert zich in het onderzoeksgebied van operationeel onder zoek. We richten ons op methoden om een aantal graaf-theoretische optima lisatie problemen op te lossen. Allereerst geven we een korte introducti e in lineair en integer programmeren en bespreken we enkele oplossingsme thoden die in deze thesis worden gebruikt. Het vervolg van deze thesis k an grofweg in twee delen worden opgesplitst. In het eerste deel komt het opdelen van een partial order aan bod. In het tweede deel be studeren we de structuur en de connectiviteit van het Internet. Het opsplitsen van een partial order in een zo klein mogelijk aantal cha ins is een welbekend en fundamenteel probleem in het vakgebied van opera tioneel onderzoek. Dilworth (1950) toonde aan dat het probleem polynomia al oplosbaar is en dat het minimum benodigde aantal chains gelijk is aan het aantal elementen in een maximale antichain. We generaliseren dit pr obleem door te stellen dat een chain niet meer dan een gegeven aantal el ementen mag bevatten. We stellen een aantal exacte algoritmen voor om di t probleem op te lossen en passen deze toe op een specifiek probleem bij een productiebedrijf in Nederland. Een interessant resultaat van dit on derzoek is dat we bij de probleem instanties van dit productiebedrijf ee n speciale structuur konden vaststellen, gerelateerd aan het concept van de clique-width van een graaf. Door deze structuur kunnen we aantonen d at het probleem, voor deze speciale instanties, polynomiaal oplosbaar is . Vervolgens behandelen we een tweede generalisatie van het probleem, waar bij we aan elk element van de partial order een gewicht toekennen. Het p robleem wordt dan om alle elementen op te delen in chains zod anig dat de som van de gewichten van de chains minimaal is. Hierbij word t het gewicht van een chain gedefinieerd als het gewicht van het zwaarst e element in de chain. Ook hier geldt de capaciteitsbeperking dat elke c hain ten hoogste een gegeven aantal elementen mag bevatten. We geven een aantal ondergrenzen voor de waarde van de optimale oplossing en we stel len een 2-approximatie algoritme voor. In het tweede deel van deze thesis bestuderen we de structuur en de conn ectiviteit van het Internet. Het Internet is de laatste decennia zeer po pulair geworden en de hoeveelheid data die via het Internet wordt verstu urd is enorm gegroeid. Het is zeer belangrijk dat communicatie die via I nternet verloopt efficiënt, veilig en betrouwbaar is, zeker in een tijd waarin virussen binnen enkele uren enorme computer netwerken kunnen stil leggen. Om de structuur en de connectiviteit van het Internet te bestude ren, modelleren we het Internet als een graaf. Een veel gebruikte manier om de connectiviteit van een graaf te analyseren is door het maximale a antal paden en de minimale sneden de bepalen. Het is welbekend dat deze twee problemen polynomiaal oplosbaar zijn voor gewone grafen, maar voor een Internet-graaf is dat niet het geval. Aangezien de definitie van een pad in de graaf in deze context anders is dan bij normale grafen, zijn beide problemen voor Internet-grafen NP-compleet. We stellen een aantal exacte algoritmen voor om deze problemen op te lossen en vergelijken de resultaten met de resultaten van twee 2-approximatie algoritmes voorgest eld door Erlebach et al. (2005).

    Design of the Annular Suspension and Pointing System (ASPS) (including design addendum)

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    The Annular Suspension and Pointing System is an experiment pointing mount designed for extremely precise 3 axis orientation of shuttle experiments. It utilizes actively controlled magnetic bearing to provide noncontacting vernier pointing and translational isolation of the experiment. The design of the system is presented and analyzed

    Heat and Smoke Transport in a Residential-Scale Live Fire Training Facility: Experiments and Modeling

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    Understanding fire behavior is critical to effective tactical decision making on the fireground, particularly since fireground operations significantly impact the growth and spread of the fire. Computer-based simulation is a flexible, low-cost training methodology with proven success in fields such as pilot training, space, and military applications. Computer-based simulation may enhance fire behavior training and promote effective fireground decision making. This study evaluates the potential of the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and Smokeview to be utilized as a part of a computer-based fire fighter trainer. Laboratory compartment fire experiments and full-scale fire experiments in a live-fire training facility were both conducted as part of the NIST Multiphase Study on Fire Fighter Safety and the Deployment of Resources. The laboratory experiments characterized the burning behavior of wood pallets to design a repeatable fire for use in the field experiments. The field experiments observed the effects of varying fire fighter deployment configurations on the performance times of fire fighter actions at a live fire training facility. These actions included opening the front door and fire suppression. Because the field experiments simulated numerous fire department responses to a repeatable fire, data were available to evaluate FDS simulation of heat and smoke spread, and changes in the thermal environment after the front door is opened and fire suppressed. In simulating the field experiments, the laboratory-measured heat release rate was used as an input. Given this assumption, this study has two objectives: 1) to determine if simulations accurately spread heat and smoke through a multi-level, multi-compartment live fire training facility 2) to determine if the simulations properly reproduce changes in the thermal environment that result from two typical fire fighter actions: opening the front door and fire suppression. In simulation, heat and smoke spread to measurement locations throughout the test structure at times closely matching experimentally measured times. Predictions of peak temperatures near the ceiling were within approximately 20% for all measurement locations. Hot gas layer temperature and depth were both predicted within 10% of the floor to ceiling height. After the front door was opened, temperature changes near the door at the highest and lowest measurement locations matched with temperature changes in the experiments. After fire suppression, FDS simulated temperature decay at a rate within the range measured in the field experiments and approximated the total rise of the hot gas layer interface in the burn compartment 250 seconds after suppression

    Resource selection and route generation in discrete manufacturing environment

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    When put to various sources, the question of which sequence of operations and machines is best for producing a particular component will often receive a wide range of answers. When the factors of optimum cutting conditions, minimum time, minimum cost, and uniform equipment utilisation are added to the equation, the range of answers becomes even more extensive. Many of these answers will be 'correct', however only one can be the best or optimum solution. When a process planner chooses a route and the accompanying machining conditions for a job, he will often rely on his experience to make the choice. Clearly, a manual generation of routes does not take all the important considerations into account. The planner may not be aware of all the factors and routes available to him. A large workshop might have hundreds of possible routes, even if he did know it all', he will never be able to go through all the routes and calculate accurately which is the most suitable for each process - to do this, something faster is required. This thesis describes the design and implementation of an Intelligent Route Generator. The aim is to provide the planner with accurate calculations of all possible production routes m a factory. This will lead up to the selection of an optimum solution according to minimum cost and time. The ultimate goal will be the generation of fast decisions based on expert information. Background knowledge of machining processes and machine tools was initially required, followed by an identification of the role of the knowledge base and the database within the system. An expert system builder. Crystal, and a database software package, DBase III Plus, were chosen for the project. Recommendations for possible expansion of and improvements to the expert system have been suggested for future development

    Novel approaches to container loading: from heuristics to hybrid tabu search

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University ofBedford shireThis work investigates new approaches to the container loading problem which address the issue of how to load three-dimensional, rectangular items (e.g. boxes) into the container in such a way that maximum utilisation is made of the container space. This problem occurs in several industry sectors where the loading approach places cargo effectively into aeroplanes, ships, trailers or trucks in order to save considerable cost. In carrying out this work, the investigation starts by developing a new heuristic approach to the two-dimensional bin packing problem, which has lower complexity than container loading in the aspects of constraints and geometry. A novel approach, including the heuristic strategies and handling method for remaining areas, is developed that can produce good results when testing with benchmark and real world data. Based on the research for two-dimensional bin packing, a novel heuristic approach is developed to deal with the container loading problem with some practical constraints. The heuristic approach to container loading also includes heuristic strategies and the handling of remaining spaces. The heuristic strategies construct effective loading arrangements where combinations of identical or different box types are loaded in blocks. The handling method for remaining spaces further improves the loading arrangements through the representation, partitioning and merging of remaining spaces. The heuristic approach obtains better volume utilisation and the highest stability compared with other published heuristic approaches. However, it does not achieve as high a volume utilisation as metaheuristic approaches, e.g. genetic algorithms and tabu search.To improve volume utilisation, a new hybrid heuristic approach to the container loading problem is further developed based on the tabu search technique which covers the encoding, evaluation criterion and configuration of neighbourhood and candidate solutions. The heuristic strategies as well as the handling method for remaining spaces developed in the heuristic approach are used in this new hybrid tabu search approach. It is shown that the hybrid approach has better volume utilisation than the published approaches under the condition that all loaded boxes with one hundred per cent support from below. In addition, the experimental results show that both the heuristic and hybrid tabu search approaches can also be applied to the multiple container loading problem

    The co-incident flow of work pieces and cutting tools in a restricted category of flexible machining cells

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    The work reported in this thesis describes research carried out into the detailed design and operation of Flexible Machining Cells (FMC) incorporating automated work and tool flow, dual flow. Three modes of cell management are considered for dual flow cells, where the author examines both their operational and economic performance. A framework is defined for investigating these dual flow cells, and a structured approach providing a novel and detailed modelling capability is described. The question of how this approach compares to single flow modelling and the additional or alternative requirements for dual flow modelling is examined via the following key areas; the specification of material handling requirements, tool transportation and issue and finally, the control required to examine the interaction between the two flows operating concurrently. The framework is tested for its industrial applicability via an industrial case study. A major aim of this study is to examine the view that a hybrid cell management strategy, competitive management, could outperform the other strategies examined. The aim of this methodology is to provide a solution for the control of FMCs. Emphasis is placed on the ease of control and how the loading and control rules selection can maximise economic enhancement of a cells performance

    Technical skills for packaging sales

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    This study addresses technical skills for packaging sales. Based on the results of the study, a training manual and course of instruction have been developed to introduce an innovative approach to packaging sales. Technical Skills for Packaging Sales defines the packaging sales professional, or PSP, a new kind of professional combining the skills of the salesperson with expertise of an engineer. Firmly grounded in the customer-- comes-first philosophy, the PSP is a problem solver, able to evaluate any packaging application to satisfy the customer\u27s needs. Technical Skills for Packaging Sales explains an engineer\u27s approach to packaging, including analyzing details, writing specifications, reading drawings, evaluating materials, understanding manufacturing machinery, flow-charting applications, solving problems, and writing proposals. The addition of the engineering perspective to the sales person\u27s selling skills creates a versatile PSP- It also establishes a common ground between the two professionals and builds a long term working relationship with the common goal of solving the packaging problem