211 research outputs found

    Subdivision into i-packings and S-packing chromatic number of some lattices

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    An ii-packing in a graph GG is a set of vertices at pairwise distance greater than ii. For a nondecreasing sequence of integers S=(s_1,s_2,…)S=(s\_{1},s\_{2},\ldots), the SS-packing chromatic number of a graph GG is the least integer kk such that there exists a coloring of GG into kk colors where each set of vertices colored ii, i=1,…,ki=1,\ldots, k, is an s_is\_i-packing. This paper describes various subdivisions of an ii-packing into jj-packings (j\textgreater{}i) for the hexagonal, square and triangular lattices. These results allow us to bound the SS-packing chromatic number for these graphs, with more precise bounds and exact values for sequences S=(s_i,i∈N∗)S=(s\_{i}, i\in\mathbb{N}^{*}), s_i=d+⌊(i−1)/n⌋s\_{i}=d+ \lfloor (i-1)/n \rfloor

    S-Packing Colorings of Cubic Graphs

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    Given a non-decreasing sequence S=(s_1,s_2,…,s_k)S=(s\_1,s\_2, \ldots, s\_k) of positive integers, an {\em SS-packing coloring} of a graph GG is a mapping cc from V(G)V(G) to {s_1,s_2,…,s_k}\{s\_1,s\_2, \ldots, s\_k\} such that any two vertices with color s_is\_i are at mutual distance greater than s_is\_i, 1≤i≤k1\le i\le k. This paper studies SS-packing colorings of (sub)cubic graphs. We prove that subcubic graphs are (1,2,2,2,2,2,2)(1,2,2,2,2,2,2)-packing colorable and (1,1,2,2,3)(1,1,2,2,3)-packing colorable. For subdivisions of subcubic graphs we derive sharper bounds, and we provide an example of a cubic graph of order 3838 which is not (1,2,…,12)(1,2,\ldots,12)-packing colorable

    Dichotomies properties on computational complexity of S-packing coloring problems

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    This work establishes the complexity class of several instances of the S-packing coloring problem: for a graph G, a positive integer k and a non decreasing list of integers S = (s\_1 , ..., s\_k ), G is S-colorable, if its vertices can be partitioned into sets S\_i , i = 1,... , k, where each S\_i being a s\_i -packing (a set of vertices at pairwise distance greater than s\_i). For a list of three integers, a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems is determined for subcubic graphs. Moreover, for an unfixed size of list, the complexity of the S-packing coloring problem is determined for several instances of the problem. These properties are used in order to prove a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems for lists of at most four integers
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