3,207 research outputs found

    Bidirectional-Convolutional LSTM Based Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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    This paper proposes a novel deep learning framework named bidirectional-convolutional long short term memory (Bi-CLSTM) network to automatically learn the spectral-spatial feature from hyperspectral images (HSIs). In the network, the issue of spectral feature extraction is considered as a sequence learning problem, and a recurrent connection operator across the spectral domain is used to address it. Meanwhile, inspired from the widely used convolutional neural network (CNN), a convolution operator across the spatial domain is incorporated into the network to extract the spatial feature. Besides, to sufficiently capture the spectral information, a bidirectional recurrent connection is proposed. In the classification phase, the learned features are concatenated into a vector and fed to a softmax classifier via a fully-connected operator. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed Bi-CLSTM framework, we compare it with several state-of-the-art methods, including the CNN framework, on three widely used HSIs. The obtained results show that Bi-CLSTM can improve the classification performance as compared to other methods

    Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth monitoring with statistical learning methods

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    Hyperspectral images show similar statistical properties to natural grayscale or color photographic images. However, the classification of hyperspectral images is more challenging because of the very high dimensionality of the pixels and the small number of labeled examples typically available for learning. These peculiarities lead to particular signal processing problems, mainly characterized by indetermination and complex manifolds. The framework of statistical learning has gained popularity in the last decade. New methods have been presented to account for the spatial homogeneity of images, to include user's interaction via active learning, to take advantage of the manifold structure with semisupervised learning, to extract and encode invariances, or to adapt classifiers and image representations to unseen yet similar scenes. This tutuorial reviews the main advances for hyperspectral remote sensing image classification through illustrative examples.Comment: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 201

    Spatiotemporal Learning of Multivehicle Interaction Patterns in Lane-Change Scenarios

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    Interpretation of common-yet-challenging interaction scenarios can benefit well-founded decisions for autonomous vehicles. Previous research achieved this using their prior knowledge of specific scenarios with predefined models, limiting their adaptive capabilities. This paper describes a Bayesian nonparametric approach that leverages continuous (i.e., Gaussian processes) and discrete (i.e., Dirichlet processes) stochastic processes to reveal underlying interaction patterns of the ego vehicle with other nearby vehicles. Our model relaxes dependency on the number of surrounding vehicles by developing an acceleration-sensitive velocity field based on Gaussian processes. The experiment results demonstrate that the velocity field can represent the spatial interactions between the ego vehicle and its surroundings. Then, a discrete Bayesian nonparametric model, integrating Dirichlet processes and hidden Markov models, is developed to learn the interaction patterns over the temporal space by segmenting and clustering the sequential interaction data into interpretable granular patterns automatically. We then evaluate our approach in the highway lane-change scenarios using the highD dataset collected from real-world settings. Results demonstrate that our proposed Bayesian nonparametric approach provides an insight into the complicated lane-change interactions of the ego vehicle with multiple surrounding traffic participants based on the interpretable interaction patterns and their transition properties in temporal relationships. Our proposed approach sheds light on efficiently analyzing other kinds of multi-agent interactions, such as vehicle-pedestrian interactions. View the demos via https://youtu.be/z_vf9UHtdAM.Comment: for the supplements, see https://chengyuan-zhang.github.io/Multivehicle-Interaction

    Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Parsing

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    Scene parsing is a technique that consist on giving a label to all pixels in an image according to the class they belong to. To ensure a good visual coherence and a high class accuracy, it is essential for a scene parser to capture image long range dependencies. In a feed-forward architecture, this can be simply achieved by considering a sufficiently large input context patch, around each pixel to be labeled. We propose an approach consisting of a recurrent convolutional neural network which allows us to consider a large input context, while limiting the capacity of the model. Contrary to most standard approaches, our method does not rely on any segmentation methods, nor any task-specific features. The system is trained in an end-to-end manner over raw pixels, and models complex spatial dependencies with low inference cost. As the context size increases with the built-in recurrence, the system identifies and corrects its own errors. Our approach yields state-of-the-art performance on both the Stanford Background Dataset and the SIFT Flow Dataset, while remaining very fast at test time
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