732 research outputs found

    Nonlinear solid mechanics analysis using the parallel selective element-free Galerkin method

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    A variety of meshless methods have been developed in the last fifteen years with an intention to solve practical engineering problems, but are limited to small academic problems due to associated high computational cost as compared to the standard finite element methods (FEM). The main objective of this thesis is the development of an efficient and accurate algorithm based on meshless methods for the solution of problems involving both material and geometrical nonlinearities, which are of practical importance in many engineering applications, including geomechanics, metal forming and biomechanics. One of the most commonly used meshless methods, the element-free Galerkin method (EFGM) is used in this research, in which maximum entropy shape functions (max-ent) are used instead of the standard moving least squares shape functions, which provides direct imposition of the essential boundary conditions. Initially, theoretical background and corresponding computer implementations of the EFGM are described for linear and nonlinear problems. The Prandtl-Reuss constitutive model is used to model elasto-plasticity, both updated and total Lagrangian formulations are used to model finite deformation and consistent or algorithmic tangent is used to allow the quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence of the global Newton-Raphson algorithm. An adaptive strategy is developed for the EFGM for two- and three-dimensional nonlinear problems based on the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure, which was originally proposed for linear elastic problems. A new FE-EFGM coupling procedure based on max-ent shape functions is proposed for linear and geometrically nonlinear problems, in which there is no need of interface elements between the FE and EFG regions or any other special treatment, as required in the most previous research. The proposed coupling procedure is extended to become adaptive FE-EFGM coupling for two- and three-dimensional linear and nonlinear problems, in which the Zienkiewicz & Zhu error estimation procedure with the superconvergent patch recovery method for strains and stresses recovery are used in the FE region of the problem domain, while the Chung & Belytschko error estimation procedure is used in the EFG region of the problem domain. Parallel computer algorithms based on distributed memory parallel computer architecture are also developed for different numerical techniques proposed in this thesis. In the parallel program, the message passing interface library is used for inter-processor communication and open-source software packages, METIS and MUMPS are used for the automatic domain decomposition and solution of the final system of linear equations respectively. Separate numerical examples are presented for each algorithm to demonstrate its correct implementation and performance, and results are compared with the corresponding analytical or reference results

    Analysis Precision Machining Process Using Finite Element Method

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    Innovative mathematical and numerical models for studying the deformation of shells during industrial forming processes with the Finite Element Method

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    The doctoral thesis "Innovative mathematical and numerical models for studying the deformation of shells during industrial forming processes with the Finite Element Method" aims to contribute to the development of finite element methods for the analysis of stamping processes, a problematic area with a clear industrial application. To achieve the proposed objectives, the first part of this thesis covers the solid-shell elements. This type of element is attractive for the simulation of forming processes, since any type of three-dimensional constitutive law can be formulated without the need to consider any additional conjecture. Additionally, the contact of both sides can be easily treated. This work first presents the development of a triangular prismatic solid-sheet element, for the analysis of thick and thin sheets with capacity for large deformations. This element is in total Lagrangian formulation, and uses neighboring elements to compute a field of quadratic displacements. In the original formulation, a modified right Cauchy tensor was obtained; however, in this work, the formulation is extended obtaining a modified strain gradient, which allows the concepts of push-forward and pull-back to be used. These concepts provide a mathematically consistent method for the definition of temporary derivatives of tensors and, therefore, can be used, for example, to work with elasto-plasticity. This work continues with the development of the contact formulation used, a methodology found in the bibliography on computational contact mechanics for implicit simulations. This formulation consists of an exact integration of the contact interface using mortar methods, which allows obtaining the most consistent integration possible between the integration domains, as well as the most exact possible solution. The most notable contribution of this work is the consideration of dual augmented Lagrange multipliers as an optimization method. To solve the system of equations, a semi-smooth Newton method is considered, which consists of an active set strategy, also extensible in the case of friction problems. The formulation is functional for both frictionless and friction problems, which is essential for simulating stamping processes. This frictional formulation is framed in traditional friction models, such as Coulomb friction, but the development presented can be extended to any type of friction model. The remaining necessary component for the simulation of industrial processes are the constitutive models. In this work, this is materialized in the formulation of plasticity considered. These constitutive models will be considered plasticity models for large deformations, with an arbitrary combination of creep surfaces and plastic potentials: the so-called non-associative models. To calculate the tangent tensor corresponding to these general laws, numerical implementations based on perturbation methods have been considered. Another fundamental contribution of this work is the development of techniques for adaptive remeshing, of which different approaches will be presented. On the one hand, metric-based techniques, including the level-set and Hessian approaches. These techniques are general-purpose and can be considered in both structural problems and fluid mechanics problems. On the other hand, the SPR error estimation method, more conventional than the previous ones, is presented. In this area, the contribution of this work consists in the estimation of error using the Hessian and SPR techniques for the application to numerical contact problems.La tesis doctoral "Modelos matemáticos y numéricos innovadores para el estudio de la deformación de láminas durante los procesos de conformado industrial por el Método de los Elementos Finitos" pretende contribuir al desarrollo de métodos de elementos finitos para el análisis de procesos de estampado, un área problemática con una clara aplicación industrial. De hecho, este tipo de problemas multidisciplinares requieren el conocimiento de múltiples disciplinas, como la mecánica de medios continuos, la plasticidad, la termodinámica y los problemas de contacto, entre otros. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, la primera parte de esta tesis abarca los elementos de sólido lámina. Este tipo de elemento resulta atractivo para la simulación de procesos de conformado, dado que cualquier tipo de ley constitutiva tridimensional puede ser formulada sin necesidad de considerar ninguna conjetura adicional. Además, este tipo de elementos permite realizar una descripción tridimensional del cuerpo deformable, por tanto, el contacto de ambas caras puede ser tratado fácilmente. Este trabajo presenta en primer lugar el desarrollo de un elemento de sólido-lámina prismático triangular, para el análisis de láminas gruesas y delgadas con capacidad para grandes deformaciones. Este elemento figura en formulación Lagrangiana total, y emplea los elementos vecinos para poder computar un campo de desplazamientos cuadráticos. En la formulación original, se obtenía un tensor de Cauchy derecho modificado (¯C); sin embargo, en este trabajo, la formulación se extiende obteniendo un gradiente de deformación modificado (¯F), que permite emplear los conceptos de push-forward y pull-back. Dichos conceptos proveen de un método matemáticamente consistente para la definición de derivadas temporales de tensores y, por tanto, puede ser usado, por ejemplo, para trabajar con elasto-plasticidad. El elemento se basa en tres modificaciones: (a) una aproximación clásica de deformaciones transversales de corte mixtas impuestas; (b) una aproximación de deformaciones impuestas para las Componentes en el plano tangente de la lámina; y (c) una aproximación de deformaciones impuestas mejoradas en la dirección normal a través del espesor, mediante la consideración de un grado de libertad adicional. Los objetivos son poder utilizar el elemento para la simulación de láminas sin bloquear por cortante, mejorar el comportamiento membranal del elemento en el plano tangente, eliminar el bloqueo por efecto Poisson y poder tratar materiales elasto-plásticos con un flujo plástico incompresible, así como materiales elásticos cuasi-incompresibles o materiales con flujo plástico isocórico. El elemento considera un único punto de Gauss en el plano, mientras que permite considerar un número cualquiera de puntos de integración en su eje, con el objetivo de poder considerar problemas con una significativa no linealidad en cuanto a plasticidad. Este trabajo continúa con el desarrollo de la formulación de contacto empleada, una metodología que se encuentra en la bibliografía sobre la mecánica de contacto computacional para simulaciones implícitas. Dicha formulación consiste en una integración exacta de la interfaz de contacto mediante métodos de mortero, lo que permite obtener la integración más consistente posible entre los dominios de integración, así como la solución más exacta posible. La implementación también considera varios algoritmos de optimización, como la optimización mediante penalización. La contribución más notable de este trabajo es la consideración de multiplicadores de Lagrange aumentados duales como método de optimización. Estos permiten condensar estáticamente el sistema de ecuaciones, lo que permite eliminar los multiplicadores de Lagrange de la resolución y, por lo tanto, permite la consideración de solvers iterativos. Además, la formulación ha sido adecuadamente linealizada, asegurando la convergencia cuadrática del problema. Para resolver el sistema de ecuaciones, se considera un método de Newton semi-smooth, que consiste en una estrategia de set activo, extensible también en el caso de problemas friccionales. La formulación es funcional tanto para problemas sin fricción como para problemas friccionales, lo que es esencial para la simulación de procesos de estampado. Esta formulación friccional se enmarca en los modelos de fricción tradicionales, como la fricción de Coulomb, pero el desarrollo presentado puede extenderse a cualquier tipo de modelo de fricción. Esta formulación de contacto es totalmente compatible con el elemento sólido-lámina introducido en este trabajo. El componente necesario restante para la simulación de procesos industriales son los modelos constitutivos. En este trabajo, esto se ve materializado en la formulación de plasticidad considerada. Estos modelos constitutivos se considerarán modelos de plasticidad para grandes deformaciones, con una combinación arbitraria de superficies de fluencia y potenciales plásticos: los llamados modelos no asociados. Para calcular el tensor tangente correspondiente a estas leyes generales, se han considerado implementaciones numéricas basadas en métodos de perturbación. Otra contribución fundamental de este trabajo es el desarrollo de técnicas para el remallado adaptativo, de las que se presentarán distintos enfoques. Por un lado, las técnicas basadas en métricas, incluyendo los enfoques level-set y Hessiano. Estas técnicas son de propósito general y pueden considerarse tanto en la aplicación de problemas estructurales como en problemas de mecánica de fluidos. Por otro lado, se presenta el método de estimación de errores SPR, más convencional que los anteriores. En este ámbito, la contribución de este trabajo consiste en la estimación de error mediante las técnicas de Hessiano y SPR para la aplicación a problemas de contacto numérico. Con los desarrollos previamente introducidos, estaremos en disposición de introducir los casos de aplicación centrados en el contexto de procesos de estampado. Es relevante destacar que estos ejemplos son comparados con las soluciones de referencia disponibles en la bibliografía como forma de validar los desarrollos presentados hasta este punto. El presente documento está organizado de la siguiente manera. El primer capítulo establece los objetivos y revisa la bibliografía acerca de los temas clave de este trabajo. El segundo capítulo hace una introducción de la mecánica de medios continuos y los conceptos relativos al Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF), necesarios en los desarrollos que se presentarán en los capítulos siguientes. El tercer capítulo aborda la formulación del elemento sólido-lámina, así como del elemento de lámina sin grados de libertad de rotación que inspira el sólido-lámina desarrollado. Esta parte muestra varios ejemplos académicos que son comúnmente empleados en la bibliografía como problemas de referencia de láminas. El cuarto capítulo presenta la formulación desarrollada para la resolución de problemas de contacto numérico, consistente en una formulación implícita de integración exacta mediante métodos mortero y multiplicadores de Lagrange aumentados duales. Este capítulo incluye, asimismo, varios ejemplos comúnmente encontrados en la bibliografía, que generalmente son considerados para su validación. El quinto capítulo presenta la formulación de plasticidad empleada, incluyendo algunos detalles técnicos desde el punto de vista de la implementación, así como varios ejemplos de validación. El sexto capítulo muestra los algoritmos de remallado adaptativo desarrollados en el contexto de este trabajo, y presenta varios ejemplos, que incluyen no solo casos estructurales, sino también de mecánica de fluidos. El séptimo capítulo encapsula algunos casos de validación y aplicación para procesos de estampado. El capítulo final comprende las conclusiones, así como los trabajos que podrían continuar el presente estudio.Postprint (published version

    Isogeometric shell analysis of incremental sheet forming

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    Energy consistent nonlinear dynamic contact analysis of structures

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    This work is motivated by the need for a numerically stable dynamic contact algorithm, for use with finite element (FE) analysis including both material and geometric nonlinearities, which imposes the appropriate full kinematic compatibility between the interfaces of impacting boundaries during a persistent dynamic contact. Several methods were previously developed based on Lagrangian multipliers or penalty functions in an attempt to impose the impenetrability condition of dynamic contact analysis. Some of these existing algorithms suffer from lack of numerical stability, and most of them are incapable of accurately predicting the persistent contact force, hence they would not be suitable for frictional dynamic contact analysis. The numerical stability and energy conservation characteristics of conventional frictionless dynamic contact algorithms using Lagrangian displacement constraints and penalty functions are investigated in this thesis. Two energy controlling dynamic contact algorithms are proposed in conjunction with the well-known Newmark trapezoidal rule, namely, regularised penalty method and Lagrangian velocity constraint. Although energy consistent, the state of the art for these two methods is somewhat similar to the conventional displacement constraints in the sense that acceleration compatibility is not imposed when simulating problems featuring persistent dynamic contact. In this work, a novel and superior energy controlling-algorithm is proposed which overcomes the aforementioned shortcomings. The proposed DVA method enforces the displacement, velocity and acceleration compatibilities (referred to as DVA constraint in this work) between the impacting interfaces, which in contrast to existing algorithms can be used for FE analysis of problems exhibiting geometric and material nonlinearities. The advanced DVA method is devised such that the kinematic compatibilities at the interface are consistent with the solution for a continuous system without any special treatment in the time-integration or solution procedure of the penetrating interface boundaries. Furthermore, this can be achieved in conjunction with all of the prevalent implicit time-integration schemes such as the trapezoidal rule, midpoint rule, HHT-α and the most recently developed Energy-Momentum family of Methods. Finally, utilising the proposed dynamic contact algorithms, a novel multi-constraints node-to-surface dynamic contact element is formulated and programmed within a geometric and material nonlinear dynamic FE analysis software. Several verification examples of frictionless mechanical contact are presented to demonstrate the superiority and performance of the developed node-to-surface contact element in conjunction with the proposed DVA constraint as well as the Lagrangian velocity constraint, providing a robust and accurate solution procedure for highly nonlinear dynamic contact analysis.Open Acces

    Numerical methods for the modelling of chip formation

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    The modeling of metal cutting has proved to be particularly complex due to the diversity of physical phenomena involved, including thermo-mechanical coupling, contact/friction and material failure. During the last few decades, there has been significant progress in the development of numerical methods for modeling machining operations. Furthermore, the most relevant techniques have been implemented in the the relevant commercial codes creating tools for the engineers working in the design of processes and cutting devices. This paper presents a review on the numerical modeling methods and techniques used for the simulation of machining processes. The main purpose is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method and strategy developed up-to-now. Moreover the review covers the classical Finite Element Method covering mesh-less methods, particle-based methods and different possibilities of Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches.Postprint (author's final draft

    Ferramentas numéricas para análise isogeométrica em regime não-linear

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia MecânicaThe present work deals with the development of robust numerical tools for Isogeometric Analysis suitable for problems of solid mechanics in the nonlinear regime. To that end, a new solid-shell element, based on the Assumed Natural Strain method, is proposed for the analysis of thin shell-like structures. The formulation is extensively validated using a set of well-known benchmark problems available in the literature, in both linear and nonlinear (geometric and material) regimes. It is also proposed an alternative formulation which is focused on the alleviation of the volumetric locking pathology in linear elastic problems. In addition, an introductory study in the field of contact mechanics, in the context of Isogeometric Analysis, is also presented, with special focus on the implementation of a the Point-to-Segment algorithm. All the methodologies presented in the current work were implemented in a in-house code, together with several pre- and post-processing tools. In addition, user subroutines for the commercial software Abaqus were also implemented.O presente trabalho foca-se no desenvolvimento de ferramentas numéricas robustas para problemas não-lineares de mecânica dos sólidos no contexto de Análises Isogeométricas. Com esse intuito, um novo elemento do tipo sólido-casca, baseado no método das Deformações Assumidas, é proposto para a análise de estruturas do tipo casca fina. A formulação proposta é validada recorrendo a um conjunto de problemas-tipo disponíveis na literatura, considerando tanto regimes lineares como não-lineares (geométrico e de material). É ainda apresentada uma formulação alternativa para aliviar o fenómeno de retenção volumétrica para problemas em regime linear elástico. Adicionalmente, é apresentado um estudo introdutório da mecânica Do conta to no contexto de Análises Isogeométricas, dando especial ênfase ao algoritmo de Ponto-para-Segmento. As metodologias apresentadas no presente trabalho foram implementadas num código totalmente desenvolvido durante o de correr do mesmo, juntamente com diversas ferramentas para pré- e pós processamento. Foram ainda implementadas rotinas do utilizador para o software comercial Abaqus

    Peridynamic Galerkin methods for nonlinear solid mechanics

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    Simulation-driven product development is nowadays an essential part in the industrial digitalization. Notably, there is an increasing interest in realistic high-fidelity simulation methods in the fast-growing field of additive and ablative manufacturing processes. Thanks to their flexibility, meshfree solution methods are particularly suitable for simulating the stated processes, often accompanied by large deformations, variable discontinuities, or phase changes. Furthermore, in the industrial domain, the meshing of complex geometries represents a significant workload, which is usually minor for meshfree methods. Over the years, several meshfree schemes have been developed. Nevertheless, along with their flexibility in discretization, meshfree methods often endure a decrease in accuracy, efficiency and stability or suffer from a significantly increased computation time. Peridynamics is an alternative theory to local continuum mechanics for describing partial differential equations in a non-local integro-differential form. The combination of the so-called peridynamic correspondence formulation with a particle discretization yields a flexible meshfree simulation method, though does not lead to reliable results without further treatment.\newline In order to develop a reliable, robust and still flexible meshfree simulation method, the classical correspondence formulation is generalized into the Peridynamic Galerkin (PG) methods in this work. On this basis, conditions on the meshfree shape functions of virtual and actual displacement are presented, which allow an accurate imposition of force and displacement boundary conditions and lead to stability and optimal convergence rates. Based on Taylor expansions moving with the evaluation point, special shape functions are introduced that satisfy all the previously mentioned requirements employing correction schemes. In addition to displacement-based formulations, a variety of stabilized, mixed and enriched variants are developed, which are tailored in their application to the nearly incompressible and elasto-plastic finite deformation of solids, highlighting the broad design scope within the PG methods. Extensive numerical validations and benchmark simulations are performed to show the impact of violating different shape function requirements as well as demonstrating the properties of the different PG formulations. Compared to related Finite Element formulations, the PG methods exhibit similar convergence properties. Furthermore, an increased computation time due to non-locality is counterbalanced by a considerably improved robustness against poorly meshed discretizations

    Symmetric Galerkin boundary element method.

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    This review concerns a methodology for solving numerically, to engineering purposes, boundary and initial-boundary value roblems by a peculiar approach characterized by the following features: the continuous formulation is centered on integral equations based on the combined use of single-layer and double-layer sources, so that the integral operator turns out to be symmetric with respect to a suitable bilinear form; the discretization is performed either on a variational basis or by a Galerkin weighted residual procedure, the interpolation and weight functions being chosen so that the variables in the approximate formulation are generalized variables in Prager's sense. As main consequences of the above provisions, symmetry is exhibited by matrices with a key role in the algebraized versions, some quadratic forms have a clear energy meaning, variational properties characterize the solutions and other results, invalid in traditional boundary element methods, enrich the theory underlying the computational applications. The present survey outlines recent theoretical and computational developments of the title methodology with particular reference to linear elasticity, elastoplasticity, fracture mechanics, time-dependent problems, variational approaches, singular integrals, approximation issues, sensitivity analysis, coupling of boundary and finite elements, computer implementations. Areas and aspects which at present require further research are dentified and comparative assessments are attempted with respect to traditional boundary integral-element methods