12 research outputs found

    Trajectory-based Human Action Recognition

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    Human activity recognition has been a hot topic for some time. It has several challenges, which makes this task hard and exciting for research. The sparse representation became more popular during the past decade or so. Sparse representation methods represent a video by a set of independent features. The features used in the literature are usually lowlevel features. Trajectories, as middle-level features, capture the motion of the scene, which is discriminant in most cases. Trajectories have also been proven useful for aligning small neighborhoods, before calculating the traditional descriptors. In fact, the trajectory aligned descriptors show better discriminant power than the trajectory shape descriptors proposed in the literature. However, trajectories have not been investigated thoroughly, and their full potential has not been put to the test before this work. This thesis examines trajectories, defined better trajectory shape descriptors and finally it augmented trajectories with disparity information. This thesis formally define three different trajectory extraction methods, namely interest point trajectories (IP), Lucas-Kanade based trajectories (LK), and Farnback optical flow based trajectories (FB). Their discriminant power for human activity recognition task is evaluated. Our tests reveal that LK and FB can produce similar reliable results, although the FB perform a little better in particular scenarios. These experiments demonstrate which method is suitable for the future tests. The thesis also proposes a better trajectory shape descriptor, which is a superset of existing descriptors in the literature. The examination reveals the superior discriminant power of this newly introduced descriptor. Finally, the thesis proposes a method to augment the trajectories with disparity information. Disparity information is relatively easy to extract from a stereo image, and they can capture the 3D structure of the scene. This is the first time that the disparity information fused with trajectories for human activity recognition. To test these ideas, a dataset of 27 activities performed by eleven actors is recorded and hand labelled. The tests demonstrate the discriminant power of trajectories. Namely, the proposed disparity-augmented trajectories improve the discriminant power of traditional dense trajectories by about 3.11%

    Cross View Action Recognition

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    openCross View Action Recognition (CVAR) appraises a system's ability to recognise actions from viewpoints that are unfamiliar to the system. The state of the art methods that train on large amounts of training data rely on variation in the training data itself to increase their ability to tackle viewpoints changes. Therefore, these methods not only require a large scale dataset of appropriate classes for the application every time they train, but also correspondingly large amount of computation power for the training process leading to high costs, in terms of time, effort, funds and electrical energy. In this thesis, we propose a methodological pipeline that tackles change in viewpoint, training on small datasets and employing sustainable amounts of resources. Our method uses the optical flow input with a stream of a pre-trained model as-is to obtain a feature. Thereafter, this feature is used to train a custom designed classifier that promotes view-invariant properties. Our method only uses video information as input, in contrast to another set of methods that approach CVAR by using depth or pose input at the expense of increased sensor costs. We present a number of comparative analysis that aided the design of the pipelines, farther assessing the power of each component in the pipeline. The technique can also be adopted to existing, trained classifiers, with minimal fine-tuning, as this work demonstrates by comparing classifiers including shallow classifiers, deep pre-trained classifiers and our proposed classifier trained from scratch. Additionally, we present a set of qualitative results that promote our understanding of the relationship between viewpoints in the feature-space.openXXXII CICLO - INFORMATICA E INGEGNERIA DEI SISTEMI/ COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - InformaticaGoyal, Gaurv

    Large Scale Pattern Detection in Videos and Images from the Wild

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    PhDPattern detection is a well-studied area of computer vision, but still current methods are unstable in images of poor quality. This thesis describes improvements over contemporary methods in the fast detection of unseen patterns in a large corpus of videos that vary tremendously in colour and texture definition, captured “in the wild” by mobile devices and surveillance cameras. We focus on three key areas of this broad subject; First, we identify consistency weaknesses in existing techniques of processing an image and it’s horizontally reflected (mirror) image. This is important in police investigations where subjects change their appearance to try to avoid recognition, and we propose that invariance to horizontal reflection should be more widely considered in image description and recognition tasks too. We observe online Deep Learning system behaviours in this respect, and provide a comprehensive assessment of 10 popular low level feature detectors. Second, we develop simple and fast algorithms that combine to provide memory- and processing-efficient feature matching. These involve static scene elimination in the presence of noise and on-screen time indicators, a blur-sensitive feature detection that finds a greater number of corresponding features in images of varying sharpness, and a combinatorial texture and colour feature matching algorithm that matches features when either attribute may be poorly defined. A comprehensive evaluation is given, showing some improvements over existing feature correspondence methods. Finally, we study random decision forests for pattern detection. A new method of indexing patterns in video sequences is devised and evaluated. We automatically label positive and negative image training data, reducing a task of unsupervised learning to one of supervised learning, and devise a node split function that is invariant to mirror reflection and rotation through 90 degree angles. A high dimensional vote accumulator encodes the hypothesis support, yielding implicit back-projection for pattern detection.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme, specific topic “framework and tools for (semi-) automated exploitation of massive amounts of digital data for forensic purposes”, under grant agreement number 607480 (LASIE IP project)

    Feature Reduction and Representation Learning for Visual Applications

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    Computation on large-scale data spaces has been involved in many active problems in computer vision and pattern recognition. However, in realistic applications, most existing algorithms are heavily restricted by the large number of features, and tend to be inefficient and even infeasible. In this thesis, the solution to this problem is addressed in the following ways: (1) projecting features onto a lower-dimensional subspace; (2) embedding features into a Hamming space. Firstly, a novel subspace learning algorithm called Local Feature Discriminant Projection (LFDP) is proposed for discriminant analysis of local features. LFDP is able to efficiently seek a subspace to improve the discriminability of local features for classification. Extensive experimental validation on three benchmark datasets demonstrates that the proposed LFDP outperforms other dimensionality reduction methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance for image classification. Secondly, for action recognition, a novel binary local representation for RGB-D video data fusion is presented. In this approach, a general local descriptor called Local Flux Feature (LFF) is obtained for both RGB and depth data by computing the local fluxes of the gradient fields of video data. Then the LFFs from RGB and depth channels are fused into a Hamming space via the Structure Preserving Projection (SPP), which preserves not only the pairwise feature structure, but also a higher level connection between samples and classes. Comprehensive experimental results show the superiority of both LFF and SPP. Thirdly, in respect of unsupervised learning, SPP is extended to the Binary Set Embedding (BSE) for cross-modal retrieval. BSE outputs meaningful hash codes for local features from the image domain and word vectors from text domain. Extensive evaluation on two widely-used image-text datasets demonstrates the superior performance of BSE compared with state-of-the-art cross-modal hashing methods. Finally, a generalized multiview spectral embedding algorithm called Kernelized Multiview Projection (KMP) is proposed to fuse the multimedia data from multiple sources. Different features/views in the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces are linearly fused together and then projected onto a low-dimensional subspace by KMP, whose performance is thoroughly evaluated on both image and video datasets compared with other multiview embedding methods

    Spatio-temporal human action detection and instance segmentation in videos

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    With an exponential growth in the number of video capturing devices and digital video content, automatic video understanding is now at the forefront of computer vision research. This thesis presents a series of models for automatic human action detection in videos and also addresses the space-time action instance segmentation problem. Both action detection and instance segmentation play vital roles in video understanding. Firstly, we propose a novel human action detection approach based on a frame-level deep feature representation combined with a two-pass dynamic programming approach. The method obtains a frame-level action representation by leveraging recent advances in deep learning based action recognition and object detection methods. To combine the the complementary appearance and motion cues, we introduce a new fusion technique which signicantly improves the detection performance. Further, we cast the temporal action detection as two energy optimisation problems which are solved using Viterbi algorithm. Exploiting a video-level representation further allows the network to learn the inter-frame temporal correspondence between action regions and it is bound to be a more optimal solution to the action detection problem than a frame-level representation. Secondly, we propose a novel deep network architecture which learns a video-level action representation by classifying and regressing 3D region proposals spanning two successive video frames. The proposed model is end-to-end trainable and can be jointly optimised for both proposal generation and action detection objectives in a single training step. We name our new network as \AMTnet" (Action Micro-Tube regression Network). We further extend the AMTnet model by incorporating optical ow features to encode motion patterns of actions. Finally, we address the problem of action instance segmentation in which multiple concurrent actions of the same class may be segmented out of an image sequence. By taking advantage of recent work on action foreground-background segmentation, we are able to associate each action tube with class-specic segmentations. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed models on challenging action detection benchmarks achieving new state-of-the-art results across the board and signicantly increasing detection speed at test time

    Banknote Authentication and Medical Image Diagnosis Using Feature Descriptors and Deep Learning Methods

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    Banknote recognition and medical image analysis have been the foci of image processing and pattern recognition research. As counterfeiters have taken advantage of the innovation in print media technologies for reproducing fake monies, hence the need to design systems which can reassure and protect citizens of the authenticity of banknotes in circulation. Similarly, many physicians must interpret medical images. But image analysis by humans is susceptible to error due to wide variations across interpreters, lethargy, and human subjectivity. Computer-aided diagnosis is vital to improvements in medical analysis, as they facilitate the identification of findings that need treatment and assist the expert’s workflow. Thus, this thesis is organized around three such problems related to Banknote Authentication and Medical Image Diagnosis. In our first research problem, we proposed a new banknote recognition approach that classifies the principal components of extracted HOG features. We further experimented on computing HOG descriptors from cells created from image patch vertices of SURF points and designed a feature reduction approach based on a high correlation and low variance filter. In our second research problem, we developed a mobile app for banknote identification and counterfeit detection using the Unity 3D software and evaluated its performance based on a Cascaded Ensemble approach. The algorithm was then extended to a client-server architecture using SIFT and SURF features reduced by Bag of Words and high correlation-based HOG vectors. In our third research problem, experiments were conducted on a pre-trained mobile app for medical image diagnosis using three convolutional layers with an Ensemble Classifier comprising PCA and bagging of five base learners. Also, we implemented a Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Network to mitigate the effect of the Binary Cross Entropy loss based on a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network as the generator and encoder with Capsule Network as the discriminator while experimenting on images with random composition and translation inferences. Lastly, we proposed a variant of the Single Image Super-resolution for medical analysis by redesigning the Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network to increase the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio during image reconstruction by incorporating a loss function based on the mean square error of pixel space and Super Resolution Convolutional Neural Network layers

    Feature Learning for RGB-D Data

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    RGB-D data has turned out to be a very useful representation for solving fundamental computer vision problems. It takes the advantages of the color images that provide appearance information of an object and also the depth image that is immune to the variations in color, illumination, rotation angle and scale. With the invention of the low-cost Microsoft Kinect sensor, which was initially used for gaming and later became a popular device for computer vision, high quality RGB-D data can be acquired easily. RGB-D image/video can facilitate a wide range of application areas, such as computer vision, robotics, construction and medical imaging. Furthermore, how to fuse RGB information and depth information is still a problem in computer vision. It is not enough to simply concatenate RGB data and depth data together. A new fusion method could better fuse RGB images and depth images. It still needs more powerful algorithms on this. In this thesis, to explore more advantages of RGB-D data, we use some popular RGB-D datasets for deep feature learning algorithms evaluation, hyper-parameter optimization, local multi-modal feature learning, RGB-D data fusion and recognizing RGB information from RGB-D images: i)With the success of Deep Neural Network in computer vision, deep features from fused RGB-D data can be proved to gain better results than RGB data only. However, different deep learning algorithms show different performance on different RGB-D datasets. Through large-scale experiments to comprehensively evaluate the performance of deep feature learning models for RGB-D image/ video classification, we obtain the conclusion that RGB-D fusion methods using CNNs always outperform other selected methods (DBNs, SDAE and LSTM). On the other side, since LSTM can learn from experience to classify, process and predict time series, it achieved better performances than DBN and SDAE in video classification tasks. ii) Hyper-parameter optimization can help researchers quickly choose an initial set of hyper-parameters for a new coming classification task, thus reducing the number of trials in terms of hyper-parameter space. We present a simple and efficient framework for improving the efficiency and accuracy of hyper-parameter optimization by considering the classification complexity of a particular dataset. We verify this framework on three real-world RGB-D datasets. After the analysis of experiments, we confirm that our framework can provide deeper insights into the relationship between dataset classification tasks and hyperparameters optimization, thus quickly choosing an accurate initial set of hyper-parameters for a new coming classification task. iii) We propose a new Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)-based local multi-modal feature learning framework for RGB-D scene classification. This method can effectively capture much of the local structure from the RGB-D scene images and automatically learn a fusion strategy for the object-level recognition step instead of simply training a classifier on top of features extracted from both modalities. Experiments are conducted on two popular datasets to thoroughly test the performance of our method, which show that our method with local multi-modal CNNs greatly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. Our method has the potential to improve RGB-D scene understanding. Some extended evaluation shows that CNNs trained using a scene-centric dataset is able to achieve an improvement on scene benchmarks compared to a network trained using an object-centric dataset. iv) We propose a novel method for RGB-D data fusion. We project raw RGB-D data into a complex space and then jointly extract features from the fused RGB-D images. Besides three observations about the fusion methods, the experimental results also show that our method achieves competing performance against the classical SIFT. v) We propose a novel method called adaptive Visual-Depth Embedding (aVDE) which learns the compact shared latent space between two representations of labeled RGB and depth modalities in the source domain first. Then the shared latent space can help the transfer of the depth information to the unlabeled target dataset. At last, aVDE matches features and reweights instances jointly across the shared latent space and the projected target domain for an adaptive classifier. This method can utilize the additional depth information in the source domain and simultaneously reduce the domain mismatch between the source and target domains. On two real-world image datasets, the experimental results illustrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    Generación de resúmenes de videos basada en consultas utilizando aprendizaje de máquina y representaciones coordinadas

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    Video constitutes the primary substrate of information of humanity, consider the video data uploaded daily on platforms as YouTube: 300 hours of video per minute, video analysis is currently one of the most active areas in computer science and industry, which includes fields such as video classification, video retrieval and video summarization (VSUMM). VSUMM is a hot research field due to its importance in allowing human users to simplify the information processing required to see and analyze sets of videos, for example, reducing the number of hours of recorded videos to be analyzed by a security personnel. On the other hand, many video analysis tasks and systems requires to reduce the computational load using segmentation schemes, compression algorithms, and video summarization techniques. Many approaches have been studied to solve VSUMM. However, it is not a single solution problem due to its subjective and interpretative nature, in the sense that important parts to be preserved from the input video requires a subjective estimation of an importance sco- re. This score can be related to how interesting are some video segments, how close they represent the complete video, and how segments are related to the task a human user is performing in a given situation. For example, a movie trailer is, in part, a VSUMM task but related to preserving promising and interesting parts from the movie but not to be able to reconstruct the movie content from them, i.e., movie trailers contains interesting scenes but not representative ones. On the contrary, in a surveillance situation, a summary from the closed-circuit cameras needs to be representative and interesting, and in some situations related with some objects of interest, for example, if it is needed to find a person or a car. As written natural language is the main human-machine communication interface, recently some works have made advances in allowing to include textual queries in the VSUMM process which allows to guide the summarization process, in the sense that video segments related with the query are considered important. In this thesis, we present a computational framework to perform video summarization over an input video, which allows the user to input free-form sentences and keywords queries to guide the process by considering user intention or task intention, but also considering general objectives such as representativeness and interestingness. Our framework relies on the use of pre-trained deep visual and linguistic models, although we trained our visual-linguistic coordination model. We expect this model will be of interest in cases where VSUMM tasks requires a high degree of specification of user/task intentions with minimal training stages and rapid deployment.El video constituye el sustrato primario de información de la humanidad, por ejemplo, considere los datos de video subidos diariamente en plataformas cómo YouTube: 300 horas de video por minuto. El análisis de video es actualmente una de las áreas más activas en la informática y la industria, que incluye campos como la clasificación, recuperación y generación de resúmenes de video (VSUMM). VSUMM es un campo de investigación de alto dinamismo debido a su importancia al permitir que los usuarios humanos simplifiquen el procesamiento de la información requerido para ver y analizar conjuntos de videos, por ejemplo, reduciendo la cantidad de horas de videos grabados para ser analizados por un personal de seguridad. Por otro lado, muchas tareas y sistemas de análisis de video requieren reducir la carga computacional utilizando esquemas de segmentación, algoritmos de compresión y técnicas de VSUMM. Se han estudiado muchos enfoques para abordar VSUMM. Sin embargo, no es un problema de solución única debido a su naturaleza subjetiva e interpretativa, en el sentido de que las partes importantes que se deben preservar del video de entrada, requieren una estimación de una puntuación de importancia. Esta puntuación puede estar relacionada con lo interesantes que son algunos segmentos de video, lo cerca que representan el video completo y con cómo los segmentos están relacionados con la tarea que un usuario humano está realizando en una situación determinada. Por ejemplo, un avance de película es, en parte, una tarea de VSUMM, pero esta ́ relacionada con la preservación de partes prometedoras e interesantes de la película, pero no con la posibilidad de reconstruir el contenido de la película a partir de ellas, es decir, los avances de películas contienen escenas interesantes pero no representativas. Por el contrario, en una situación de vigilancia, un resumen de las cámaras de circuito cerrado debe ser representativo e interesante, y en algunas situaciones relacionado con algunos objetos de interés, por ejemplo, si se necesita para encontrar una persona o un automóvil. Dado que el lenguaje natural escrito es la principal interfaz de comunicación hombre-máquina, recientemente algunos trabajos han avanzado en permitir incluir consultas textuales en el proceso VSUMM lo que permite orientar el proceso de resumen, en el sentido de que los segmentos de video relacionados con la consulta se consideran importantes. En esta tesis, presentamos un marco computacional para realizar un resumen de video sobre un video de entrada, que permite al usuario ingresar oraciones de forma libre y consultas de palabras clave para guiar el proceso considerando la intención del mismo o la intención de la tarea, pero también considerando objetivos generales como representatividad e interés. Nuestro marco se basa en el uso de modelos visuales y linguísticos profundos pre-entrenados, aunque también entrenamos un modelo propio de coordinación visual-linguística. Esperamos que este marco computacional sea de interés en los casos en que las tareas de VSUMM requieran un alto grado de especificación de las intenciones del usuario o tarea, con pocas etapas de entrenamiento y despliegue rápido.MincienciasDoctorad