6 research outputs found

    A note on generalized Poincaré-type inequalities with applications to weighted improved Poincaré-type inequalities

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    The main result of this paper supports a conjecture by C. P\'erez and E. Rela about the properties of the weight appearing in their recent self-improving result of generalized inequalities of Poincar\'e-type in the Euclidean space. The result we obtain does not need any condition on the weight, but still is not fully satisfactory, even though the result by P\'erez and Rela is obtained as a corollary of ours. Also, we extend the conclusions of their theorem to the range p<1p<1. As an application of our result, we give a unified vision of weighted improved Poincar\'e-type inequalities in the Euclidean setting, which gathers both weighted improved classical and fractional Poincar\'e inequalities within an approach which avoids any representation formula. We obtain results related to some already existing results in the literature and furthermore we improve them in some aspects. Finally, we also explore analog inequalities in the context of metric spaces by means of the already known self-improving results in this setting.La Caixa gran

    Boundary value problem for PDEs and some clases of L^p bounded pseudodifferential operators

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    In recent years much attention has been extended in the study of differential equations of non-classical types. These articles need, on one hand, fluid mechanics, hydro-and gas dynamics and other applied disciplines, and on the other hand, the actual needs of the mathematical sciences. One of the most important classes of equations of non-classical type is the third-order equation with multiple characteristics which is a generalization of linear Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation, special cases which occur in the dissemination of waves in weakly dispersive media, the propagation of waves in a cold plasma, magneto-hydrodynamics, problems of nonlinear acoustics, the hydrodynamic theory of space plasma. A pioneering work in the theory of odd order partial differential equations with multiple characteristics was done by E.Del Vecchio, H.Block, in which they studied the technique of constructing fundamental solutions of these equations. Consequently, the theory of equations with multiple characteristics has been greatly developed by the Italian mathematician L.Cattabriga. In the first part of Ph.D thesis we develop and study boundary value problems for third-order equations with multiple characteristics in areas with curved boundaries, as well as some properties of the fundamental solutions of the equations, when the transition line is a curve. In addition, we construct a solution of the Cauchy problem in the classes of functions growing at infinity, depending on the behaviour of the right-hand side of the equation. Our thesis explores both linear and nonlinear boundary value problems for linear and non-linear third-order equation with multiple characteristics in the domain with curved boundaries. The main result of the first chapter is to prove the unique solvability of the general boundary value problem for the third-order equation with multiple characteristics in curved domains. The proof of the uniqueness theorem of the solution, we use the method of energy integrals. For the existence theorem, we find equivalent systems of Volterra second type integral equations. The next chapter consists of three sections and it investigates the problem with nonlinear boundary conditions for linear and non-linear equations of the third order with multiple characteristics. To prove the existence and uniqueness theorems, we will use methods of integral energy and theory of integral equations. In the last part of the thesis we analyze basic properties of pseudodifferential operators, such as the behaviour of products and adjoins of such operators, their continuity on L^2, L^p and Sobolev spaces. In the thesis we study the L^p - boundedness of vector weighted pseudodifferential operators with symbols which have derivatives with respect to x only up to order k, in the Holder continuous sense

    Embeddings of Besov spaces on fractal h-sets

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    Let Γ\Gamma be a fractal hh-set and Bp,qσ(Γ){\mathbb{B}}^{{\sigma}}_{p,q}(\Gamma) be a trace space of Besov type defined on Γ\Gamma. While we dealt in [9] with growth envelopes of such spaces mainly and investigated the existence of traces in detail in [12], we now study continuous embeddings between different spaces of that type on Γ\Gamma. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for such an embedding to hold, and can prove in some cases complete characterisations. It also includes the situation when the target space is of type Lr(Γ)L_r(\Gamma) and, as a by-product, under mild assumptions on the hh-set Γ\Gamma we obtain the exact conditions on σ\sigma, pp and qq for which the trace space Bp,qσ(Γ){\mathbb{B}}^{{\sigma}}_{p,q}(\Gamma) exists. We can also refine some embedding results for spaces of generalised smoothness on Rn\mathbb R^n

    Topics in singular analysis with applications to representation theory and to numerical analysis

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    Applications of regular variation and proximate orders to ultraholomorphic classes: asymptotic expansions and multisummability

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    El principal objetivo de esta memoria es dar respuesta a varias preguntas abiertas relativas a las clases ultraholomorfas de tipo Carleman-Roumieu de funciones, definidas en sectores de la superficie de Riemann del logaritmo mediante restricciones para el crecimiento de sus derivadas dadas en términos de una sucesión de números reales positivos. La principal motivación para este estudio es el análisis de las condiciones que permiten extender a estas clases el proceso de (multi)sumabilidad de series de potencias formales desarrollado por J. Écalle, J.-P. Ramis y W. Balser. Se ha profundizado significativamente en el conocimiento acerca de la inyectividad y la sobreyectividad de la aplicación de Borel, se han caracterizado las sucesiones para cuyas clases ultraholomorfas asociadas está disponible una extensión satisfactoria de la herramienta de k-sumabilidad y se ha presentado un método de multisumabilidad. La solución depende fuertemente de las teorías clásicas de variación regular y de órdenes aproximados.Departamento de Algebra, Geometría y TopologíaDoctorado en Matemática