165 research outputs found

    Uintah: a massively parallel problem solving environment

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    Journal ArticleThis paper describes Uintah, a component-based visual problem solving environment (PSE) that is designed to specifically address the unique problems of massively parallel computation on terascale computing platforms. Uintah supports the entire life cycle of scientific applications by allowing scientific programmers to quickly and easily develop new techniques, debug new implementations, and apply known algorithms to solve novel problems. Uintah is built on three principles: 1) As much as possible, the complexities of parallel execution should be handled for the scientist, 2) software should be reusable at the component level, and 3) scientists should be able to dynamically steer and visualize their simulation results as the simulation executes. To provide this functionality, Uintah builds upon the best features of the SCIRun PSE and the DOE Common Component Architecture (CCA)

    Facilitating High Performance Code Parallelization

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    With the surge of social media on one hand and the ease of obtaining information due to cheap sensing devices and open source APIs on the other hand, the amount of data that can be processed is as well vastly increasing. In addition, the world of computing has recently been witnessing a growing shift towards massively parallel distributed systems due to the increasing importance of transforming data into knowledge in today’s data-driven world. At the core of data analysis for all sorts of applications lies pattern matching. Therefore, parallelizing pattern matching algorithms should be made efficient in order to cater to this ever-increasing abundance of data. We propose a method that automatically detects a user’s single threaded function call to search for a pattern using Java’s standard regular expression library, and replaces it with our own data parallel implementation using Java bytecode injection. Our approach facilitates parallel processing on different platforms consisting of shared memory systems (using multithreading and NVIDIA GPUs) and distributed systems (using MPI and Hadoop). The major contributions of our implementation consist of reducing the execution time while at the same time being transparent to the user. In addition to that, and in the same spirit of facilitating high performance code parallelization, we present a tool that automatically generates Spark Java code from minimal user-supplied inputs. Spark has emerged as the tool of choice for efficient big data analysis. However, users still have to learn the complicated Spark API in order to write even a simple application. Our tool is easy to use, interactive and offers Spark’s native Java API performance. To the best of our knowledge and until the time of this writing, such a tool has not been yet implemented

    SNAP, Crackle, WebWindows!

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    We elaborate the SNAP---Scalable (ATM) Network and (PC) Platforms---view of computing in the year 2000. The World Wide Web will continue its rapid evolution, and in the future, applications will not be written for Windows NT/95 or UNIX, but rather for WebWindows with interfaces defined by the standards of Web servers and clients. This universal environment will support WebTop productivity tools, such as WebWord, WebLotus123, and WebNotes built in modular dynamic fashion, and undermining the business model for large software companies. We define a layered WebWindows software architecture in which applications are built on top of multi-use services. We discuss examples including business enterprise systems (IntraNets), health care, financial services and education. HPCC is implicit throughout this discussion for there is no larger parallel system than the World Wide metacomputer. We suggest building the MPP programming environment in terms of pervasive sustainable WebWindows technologies. In particular, WebFlow will support naturally dataflow integrating data and compute intensive applications on distributed heterogeneous systems

    ISCR Annual Report: Fical Year 2004

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    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    Toward Distributed At-scale Hybrid Network Test with Emulation and Simulation Symbiosis

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    In the past decade or so, significant advances were made in the field of Future Internet Architecture (FIA) design. Undoubtedly, the size of Future Internet will increase tremendously, and so will the complexity of its users’ behaviors. This advancement means most of future Internet applications and services can only achieve and demonstrate full potential on a large-scale basis. The development of network testbeds that can validate key design decisions and expose operational issues at scale is essential to FIA research. In conjunction with the development and advancement of FIA, cyber-infrastructure testbeds have also achieved remarkable progress. For meaningful network studies, it is indispensable to utilize cyber-infrastructure testbeds appropriately in order to obtain accurate experiment results. That said, existing current network experimentation is intrinsically deficient. The existing testbeds do not offer scalability, flexibility, and realism at the same time. This dissertation aims to construct a hybrid system of conducting at-scale network studies and experiments by exploiting the distributed computing ability of current testbeds. First, this work presents a synchronization of parallel discrete event simulation that offers the simulation with transparent scalability and performance on various high-end computing platforms. The parallel simulator that we implement is configured so that it can self-adapt for the performance while running on supercomputers with disparate architectures. The simulator could be used to handle models of different sizes, varying modeling details, and different complexity levels. Second, this works addresses the issue of researching network design and implementation realistically at scale, through the use of distributed cyber-infrastructure testbeds. An existing symbiotic approach is applied to integrate emulation with simulation so that they can overcome the limitations of physical setup. The symbiotic method is used to improve the capabilities of a specific emulator, Mininet. In this case, Mininet can be used to run applications directly on the virtual machines and software switches, with network connectivity represented by detailed simulation at scale. We also propose a method for using the symbiotic approach to coordinate separate Mininet instances, each representing a different set of the overlapping network flows. This approach provides a significant improvement to the scalability of the network experiments

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2018

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    Proceedings of the 12th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 19, 2018 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia. 155 pp

    Design and Evaluation of Low-Latency Communication Middleware on High Performance Computing Systems

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    [Resumen]El interés en Java para computación paralela está motivado por sus interesantes características, tales como su soporte multithread, portabilidad, facilidad de aprendizaje,alta productividad y el aumento significativo en su rendimiento omputacional. No obstante, las aplicaciones paralelas en Java carecen generalmente de mecanismos de comunicación eficientes, los cuales utilizan a menudo protocolos basados en sockets incapaces de obtener el máximo provecho de las redes de baja latencia, obstaculizando la adopción de Java en computación de altas prestaciones (High Per- formance Computing, HPC). Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta el diseño, implementación y evaluación de soluciones de comunicación en Java que superan esta limitación. En consecuencia, se desarrollaron múltiples dispositivos de comunicación a bajo nivel para paso de mensajes en Java (Message-Passing in Java, MPJ) que aprovechan al máximo el hardware de red subyacente mediante operaciones de acceso directo a memoria remota que proporcionan comunicaciones de baja latencia. También se incluye una biblioteca de paso de mensajes en Java totalmente funcional, FastMPJ, en la cual se integraron los dispositivos de comunicación. La evaluación experimental ha mostrado que las primitivas de comunicación de FastMPJ son competitivas en comparación con bibliotecas nativas, aumentando significativamente la escalabilidad de aplicaciones MPJ. Por otro lado, esta Tesis analiza el potencial de la computación en la nube (cloud computing) para HPC, donde el modelo de distribución de infraestructura como servicio (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) emerge como una alternativa viable a los sistemas HPC tradicionales. La evaluación del rendimiento de recursos cloud específicos para HPC del proveedor líder, Amazon EC2, ha puesto de manifiesto el impacto significativo que la virtualización impone en la red, impidiendo mover las aplicaciones intensivas en comunicaciones a la nube. La clave reside en un soporte de virtualización apropiado, como el acceso directo al hardware de red, junto con las directrices para la optimización del rendimiento sugeridas en esta Tesis.[Resumo]O interese en Java para computación paralela está motivado polas súas interesantes características, tales como o seu apoio multithread, portabilidade, facilidade de aprendizaxe, alta produtividade e o aumento signi cativo no seu rendemento computacional. No entanto, as aplicacións paralelas en Java carecen xeralmente de mecanismos de comunicación e cientes, os cales adoitan usar protocolos baseados en sockets que son incapaces de obter o máximo proveito das redes de baixa latencia, obstaculizando a adopción de Java na computación de altas prestacións (High Performance Computing, HPC). Esta Tese de Doutoramento presenta o deseño, implementaci ón e avaliación de solucións de comunicación en Java que superan esta limitación. En consecuencia, desenvolvéronse múltiples dispositivos de comunicación a baixo nivel para paso de mensaxes en Java (Message-Passing in Java, MPJ) que aproveitan ao máaximo o hardware de rede subxacente mediante operacións de acceso directo a memoria remota que proporcionan comunicacións de baixa latencia. Tamén se inclúe unha biblioteca de paso de mensaxes en Java totalmente funcional, FastMPJ, na cal foron integrados os dispositivos de comunicación. A avaliación experimental amosou que as primitivas de comunicación de FastMPJ son competitivas en comparación con bibliotecas nativas, aumentando signi cativamente a escalabilidade de aplicacións MPJ. Por outra banda, esta Tese analiza o potencial da computación na nube (cloud computing) para HPC, onde o modelo de distribución de infraestrutura como servizo (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) xorde como unha alternativa viable aos sistemas HPC tradicionais. A ampla avaliación do rendemento de recursos cloud específi cos para HPC do proveedor líder, Amazon EC2, puxo de manifesto o impacto signi ficativo que a virtualización impón na rede, impedindo mover as aplicacións intensivas en comunicacións á nube. A clave atópase no soporte de virtualización apropiado, como o acceso directo ao hardware de rede, xunto coas directrices para a optimización do rendemento suxeridas nesta Tese.[Abstract]The use of Java for parallel computing is becoming more promising owing to its appealing features, particularly its multithreading support, portability, easy-tolearn properties, high programming productivity and the noticeable improvement in its computational performance. However, parallel Java applications generally su er from inefficient communication middleware, most of which use socket-based protocols that are unable to take full advantage of high-speed networks, hindering the adoption of Java in the High Performance Computing (HPC) area. This PhD Thesis presents the design, development and evaluation of scalable Java communication solutions that overcome these constraints. Hence, we have implemented several lowlevel message-passing devices that fully exploit the underlying network hardware while taking advantage of Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) operations to provide low-latency communications. Moreover, we have developed a productionquality Java message-passing middleware, FastMPJ, in which the devices have been integrated seamlessly, thus allowing the productive development of Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) applications. The performance evaluation has shown that FastMPJ communication primitives are competitive with native message-passing libraries, improving signi cantly the scalability of MPJ applications. Furthermore, this Thesis has analyzed the potential of cloud computing towards spreading the outreach of HPC, where Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) o erings have emerged as a feasible alternative to traditional HPC systems. Several cloud resources from the leading IaaS provider, Amazon EC2, which speci cally target HPC workloads, have been thoroughly assessed. The experimental results have shown the signi cant impact that virtualized environments still have on network performance, which hampers porting communication-intensive codes to the cloud. The key is the availability of the proper virtualization support, such as the direct access to the network hardware, along with the guidelines for performance optimization suggested in this Thesis
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