7 research outputs found

    Building music with lego bricks and Raspberry Pi

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    In this paper, a system to build music in an intuitive and accessible way, with Lego bricks, is presented. The system makes use of the new powerful and cheap possibilities that technology ofers for making old things in a new way. The Raspberry Pi is used to control the system and run the necessary algorithms, customized Lego bricks are used for building melodies, custom electronic designs, software pieces and 3D printed parts complete the items employed. The system designed is modular, it allows creating melodies with chords and percussion or just melodies or perform as a beatbox or a melody box. The main interaction with the system is made using Lego-type building blocks. Tests have demonstrated its versatility and ease of use, as well as its usefulness in music learning for both children and adults.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad Málaga/CBUA This publication is part of the project PDC2021-120997-C33 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and European Union “NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. This publication is part of the project PID2021-123207NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE. This work was done at Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Censo español de investigación de la I+D+i y Ciencia en videojuegos 2020

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    Esta es una obra en colaboración, donde los autores de cada capítulo han utilizado imágenes propias del grupo (fotografías o posters) o imágenes de bancos de imágenes sin copyright. Además los autores han firmado un acuerdo de cesión de derechos de forma gratuita a la Universidad de Málaga para su publicación en abierto.Este volumen contiene información sobre los grupos de investigación y los investigadores que trabajan sobre algún aspecto relacionado con los videojuegos

    PBL Student Projects and Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study

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    Working with the Sustainable Development Goals can be a highly motivating factor in Problem Based Learning, especially if the solutions produced can be used afterwards and have an actual impact on people and communities. This paper describes how three engineering students from Aalborg University, Denmark, collaborated with the South African Organisation Green Shoots on bringing IT-supported Math education out to some of the most disadvantaged learners from townships and rural areas of the Western Cape. The project provided the Danish students with a unique learning experience and have a lasting impact on the communities involved. While the content of the project focused on bringing IT-supported Math education to learners in previously disadvantaged areas around the Western Cape, the project also provided valuable insight into how such students’ projects, where the outcomes benefit people and communities suffering from socio-economic challenges e.g. poverty, can be carried out. In addition to demonstrate that such projects are actually possible, we studied three critical aspects: How to ensure a good fit between learning objectives and project outcome, how to ensure that the project creates value for the partner organisation and communities, and how to ensure that the projects can be conducted without overloading the university supervisors. We believe that student projects focusing on SDGs have a big potential in terms of providing highly motivating student projects yet at the same time contribute to a better world through solutions that are being used even afterwards. However, our study was just a single case with one group of three students. We hope it will serve as inspiration for larger studies, where more quantitative data could be gathered in terms of how to establish a good framework around such projects, and in order to demonstrate the value for students and societies

    International Student Projects and Sustainable Development Goals: A Perfect Match

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    Engineering Education is currently going through a transformation, driven by the need for educating better engineers and more engineers, and largely build on elements such as problem orientation, interdisciplinarity, internationalization, digitalization and sustainability. In 2020, the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership EPIC (Improving Employability Through Internationalization and Collaboration) has combined all these elements, and demonstrated how international and interdisciplinary student projects, focusing on solving real-world problems related to sustainability, can be carried out in a setting where students mainly work together online. A total of 56 students from 7 EU and 2 international universities, with backgrounds ranging from Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering to Textile Technologies and Business Informatics were working on 9 different projects throughout the spring of 2020. The paper presents the experiences from the setup and discusses some general recommendations for setting up this type of projects. The paper goes through the stages of defining and carrying out the projects: Defining the overall framework, identifying problems/project proposals in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, identifying the students and assigning students to projects, preparing students and supervisors, organising the physical kick-off seminar, and supporting the online collaboration. We also discuss evaluation and hand-over of the solutions, to ensure the projects have a lasting impact. We conclude that the sustainable development goals provide a highly motivating framework for interdisciplinary, international student projects based on problem-based learning. We also note that a careful design and execution of the all the preparatory stages are crucial in order for the projects to succeed, and discuss specific recommendations for these.</p

    X Conferência Internacional Investigação, Práticas e Contextos em Educação (2021)

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    X Conferência Internacional Investigação, Práticas e Contextos em Educação (IPCE), promovida pela Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais do Politécnico de Leiria (ESECS-PL), decorreu nos dias 28 e 29 de maio de 2021, na ESECS-PL. Contudo, e atendendo à evolução da situação decorrente da pandemia COVID 19, a conferência foi realizada a distância. Teve como objetivo proporcionar a interação e a partilha de experiências e conhecimentos entre profissionais de diversas áreas ligadas à Educação e com interesses multidisciplinares, contribuindo e estimulando a investigação e a prática em Educação. O programa incluiu 4 sessões plenárias, proferidas por investigadores nacionais e internacionais, 2 painéis paralelos, 25 artigos, 33 relatos e 9 posters, selecionados a partir de um processo anónimo de revisão entre pares, assegurado pelos 58 elementos da Comissão Científica. Neste documento, apresentam-se os textos remetidos pelos autores dos artigos, dos relatos e dos posters. Estes textos integram temas inter e transdisciplinares e incidem sobre problemáticas atuais no âmbito da educação em contextos de infância, adolescência e idade adulta e sobre a formação em contexto de trabalho, entre outros. Organizado em três secções, este livro de atas inclui na primeira secção os artigos, na segunda os relatos e, na terceira, os posters. Estes trabalhos versam temas como a aprendizagem e a avaliação em contextos educativos; o desenvolvimento comunitário ou revelam experiências de ensino e aprendizagem na Educação de Infância, no Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário ou experiências na formação de professores. Outros textos inserem-se especificamente na(s) Didática(s) e na utilização das Novas Tecnologias em contextos educativos. Esperamos que este livro de atas possa contribuir para divulgar os avanços e as novas tendências na investigação em Educação e nas diferentes práticas e contextos de ensino e aprendizagem. Agradecemos a todos os que de alguma forma contribuíram e contribuem para a realização e sucesso desta conferência internacional e esperamos que sintam que o tempo despendido tenha sido profícuo.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio